French Revolution Class 9 Question Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the French Revolution Class 9 Question Answers. Al the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Social Science.

French Revolution Class 9 Question Answers

1. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.
Answer – The following factors contributed to the start of revolutionary protest in France:

Social inequality – In the eighteenth century, France’s society was divided into three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the third estate, which was made up of peasants, government employees, and small businesses. Only third estates were required to pay taxes. Taxes were not applied to the clergy or the nobility.

Crisis of Subsistence – France’s population grew from 23 million in 1715 to 28 million in 1789. Grain for food was in high demand just now. Bread’s cost skyrocketed. Increased prices were not matched by rising wages. The result was a crisis of survival.

Strong Middle Class – During the eighteenth century, the middle class became well-educated and rich. They held that no social group should be granted privileges simply by virtue of their birth. The concepts of freedom and equality were advanced by philosophers. These philosophers’ ideas were vigorously debated and disseminated among individuals in salons and coffee shops.

Immediate Causes – On May 5, 1789, Louis XVI convened an Estates General assembly to approve plans for additional taxes. Third estates objected to the proposition, but the monarch disregarded them because each estate only had one vote. They left the gathering by leaving.

2. Which groups of French society benefited from the revolution? Which groups were forced to relinquish power? Which sections of society would have been disappointed with the outcome of the revolution?
Answer – There were three estates in French society. The third estate was most benefited. There were peasants, artisans, small peasants, landless laborers, servants, major businesspeople, merchants, court officials, lawyers, and other people living on the estate.

First and second estate refer to the groups that were compelled to cede authority. These individuals were born with certain privileges. These members of the first and second estate lost their privileges with the revolution because inequality was one of the main causes of the revolution and the revolution sought to impose equality on society.

3. Describe the legacy of the French Revolution for the peoples of the world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Answer – The main legacies of the French Revolution were the concepts of liberty and democratic rights. Throughout the eighteenth century, these expanded from France to the rest of Europe. where fewdal systems have been eliminated. In order to establish a sovereign nation-state, colonized people repurposed the concept of liberation from servitude in their movements.

4. Draw up a list of democratic rights we enjoy today whose origins could be traced to the French Revolution.
Answer – The list of democratic rights are –
a. Freedom of Speech
b. Freedom of Press
c. Freedom of Expression
d. Right to Vote
e. Right to Liberty
f. Abolition of Slavery
g. Abolition of Censorship
h. RIght to Security
i. Right to Education
j. Right to Property

5. Would you agree with the view that the message of universal rights was beset with contradictions? Explain.
Answer – Despite the fact that it refers to universal rights, they unfortunately excluded women from fundamental rights. They were not afforded the same rights as males. They did not enjoy the same freedoms, property rights, or security, and there was no representation for women in the drafting of laws. According to their abilities, women were not eligible to all honors and public jobs.

6. How would you explain the rise of Napoleon?
Answer – Napoleon Bonaparte established himself as the French Emperor. He began conducting wars against his neighboring nations in order to conquer them. He regarded himself as modernizing Europe. He established a number of regulations, including the protection of private property and the decimal system’s ability to offer a standard system of weights and measures.

Many of his policies helped spread the revolutionary concepts of liberty and contemporary legislation throughout the rest of Europe. Long after he was deposed as emperor and ultimately defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, this had a beneficial effect on people.

7. Give the names of the three “Estates” that made up the French society before the Revolution.
Answer –
First Estate — Clergy
Second Estate — Nobility
Third Estate — Commoners

8. What part did thinkers and philosophers play in the French Revolution?
Answer – No group in a community should have advantages due to birth, according to the philosophers and intellectuals. They were in favor of a free society with fair laws. John Locke attempted to disprove the idea that the monarchy had a divine and unassailable right in his Two Treatises of Government.

The concept was developed further by Rousseau, who proposed a type of governance based on a social contract between the people and their representatives. Montesquieu proposed a separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government in The Spirit of the Laws.

9. What year was the French Revolution?
Answer – French Revolution occur on 14th July, 1789.

10. What do you mean by taille?
Answer – Direct tax in known as taille, this taxes to be paid to state.

11. How did philosophers affect French society’s way of thinking?
Answer – After the revolution, the Russian economy and agriculture underwent significant transformations. In its place, state ownership of land replaced private property. On property that was under governmental authority, peasants were free to cultivate. Five-year plans helped establish a robust system of centralized planning.

It contributed to technological advancements, economic expansion, and the eradication of social injustices. The revolution recognized the right to work and the value of labor. Democracy gained a new meaning when the socialist economy recognized it as a socioeconomic system.

12. Who formed the National Assembly in France?
Answer – National Assembly is formed by Third Estate.

13. What was feudal system?
Answer – Land was given to landlords as payment for labor or military services under this system.

14. Describe the consequences of the French Revolution.
Answer – Women can now receive training for employment, pursue creative careers, and own small enterprises.
A Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen served as the foundation for the Constitution of 1791. It declared that each person is born with the natural rights of equality before the law, freedom of speech, and expression.

These couldn’t be removed. Newspapers, pamphlets, and printed images began to proliferate in French towns. They then made their way towards the countryside. These publications provided descriptions and analyses of the national events and changes.

15. Describe the functioning of France’s new constitutional monarchy system.
Answer – The National Assembly, which was indirectly elected, was given the power to pass legislation by the Constitution of 1791. The new Constitution divided up the nation’s governing duties among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. Both the legislature and the judicial branch were chosen by popular vote.

The status of active citizens, or the right to vote, was only granted to men over 25 who paid taxes equivalent to at least three days of a worker’s income. In this arrangement, the monarch’s authority was constrained. Legislative bodies had the majority of the authority. The legislature was also responsible for the ministries. The king delighted in having the veto.

16. Describe the circumstances that resulted in the National Assembly’s formation.
Answer – The three estates sent representatives to the Estates General, a governmental body in France. Each estate got one vote, which was the guiding concept used to conduct the voting. When Louis XVI convened a meeting of the Estates General this time as well, he made the decision to stick with the previous procedure.

However, the Third Estate members insisted that voting henceforth be done according to the democratic tenet of “one person, one vote.” The Third Estate left the assembly in protest after the king turned down this proposition. They gathered on June 20, 1789, at Versailles’ indoor tennis court’s hall. These Third Estate delegates saw themselves as spokesman for all of France.

17. What is the condition of nobles in France before the revolution?
Answer – The clergy and nobility lived in luxury and had many privileges. The workers and peasants, on the other hand, led miserable lives. They moaned under the weight of high taxes and slave labor. The clergy and nobles also humiliated the middle class, which included people like teachers, doctors, and lawyers. The main reason of the French Revolution was this situation of societal disparity.

18. What steps did Robespierre take to promote equality in French society?
Answer – The rules passed by the Robespierre regime set a maximum ceiling on prices and wages. Transporting their crops to the metropolis and selling it there at government-set prices was required of peasants. All people were compelled to consume the superior bread, a loaf composed of whole wheat, and the use of more expensive white flour was outlawed.

Additionally, it was hoped that equality would be practiced through modes of address and discourse. Churches were closed down, and the structures were used as barracks or offices. Additionally, it was hoped that equality would be practiced through modes of address and discourse.

19. What role did “The Tennis Court Oath” have during the French Revolution?
Answer – A crucial moment in the French Revolution was the Tennis Court Oath. On June 20, the Oath was taken in a courtroom inside the Versailles grounds.

The group proclaimed itself the National Assembly and vowed to remain together until they had written a constitution for France that would restrict the monarch’s authority. The new Constitution that served as the cornerstone for the Republic of France was drafted by the National Assembly.

20. What did the Convention involve? Why is it important to France?
Answer – It declared France a republic and ended the monarchy. Louis XVI, an heir apparent, and his wife were given the death penalty. The National Convention selected Robespierre to serve as its president. He adhered to the strict supervision and discipline policy. A 19th-century French Revolution.

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