ICT Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

ict skills class 11

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the ICT Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers. The team has gathered all of the important Questions and Answers from Employability Skills Textbook. All of the QA have been organized topic wise.

ICT Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Session 1: Introduction to ICT

1. What are the advantages of using a Word Processor?

Answer Advantages or using word processor are –
a. You can store the document for future reference
b. You can take printout and you can print multiple copies
c. You can check spelling and grammar in word processor
d. You can add alignment, page number, indent etc. in the document
e. You can send a single document to multiple users using mail merge.

2. What are the common word processing applications available on computers?

Answer – Some of the common word processing applications available are –
a. LibreOffice
b. OpenOffice
c. Microsoft Office
d. Google Docs

Session 2: Basic Interface LibreOffice Writer

3. What is the basic Interface of libreOffice?

Answer – Basic Interface of LibreOffice are –
a. Status Bar – Status bar present at the bottom of the LibreOffice windows, status bar content character count, page number, language, zoom in and out etc.
b. Menu Bar – The menu bar present at the top of the windows and have multiple options like, File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Style, Table, Form, Tools, Windows and Help.
c. Toolbar – The toolbar present below the menu bar and toolbar content icons that directly run the command without clicking on the menu.
d. Context Menu – Context Menu is another way to perform a function, Using the right mouse click whatever popup menu opens that is context menu.

ICT Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Session 3: Saving, Closing, Opening and Printing Document

4. What are the steps to save a new word document?

Answer – The steps to save word document are –
Step 1: Click on file and then click on save
Step 2: Locate the folder where you want to save
Step 3: Write a File Name (By default extension is .odt)
Step 4: Save the File

5. What are the steps to take print from the Word Document?

Answer – The steps to print the Word Document page are –
Step 1: Click on File and then click on Print
Step 2: Select Printer from the Print dialog box
Step 3: Enter Number of Copies
Step 4: Click Ok

ICT Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Session 4: Formatting Text in a Word Document

6. How to appear Bold, Italic or Underlined in the document?

Answer – To change the text appearance first select the text and click on icons present in the toolbar to change the text as Bold, Italic or Underline.
You can also change the appearance with the help of the Shortcut Key.
a. Bold : Ctrl + B
b. Italic : Ctrl + I
c. Underline : Ctrl + U

7. What are the different alignments in the Word document?

Answer – There are three different ways to align text in Word Document, you can aligned to the left, right or center

Session 5: Checking Spelling and Grammar

8. What is the purpose of spelling and grammar checkers?

Answer – Word processors provide a tool to check spellings and grammar errors to correct the mistakes. The spelling and grammar have two different wavy lines: first is red line and second is blue line, Red wavy shows that word is not spelt correctly and Blue wavy line shows that there is a grammatical mistake.
To open the Spelling checker dialog box you can click on the “Check Spelling” icon on the toolbar or you can press F7.
Some of the commonly used options are –
a. Ignore Once
b. Ignore All
c. Add to Dictionary
d. Correct
e. Correct All

9. What is the Autocorrect Option in Word Document?

Answer – Automatic spell checker helps to correct the spelling automatically,
You can set the Automatic Spell checker from menu Tools > Automatic Spell Checking or you can press Shift + F7.

Session 7: Inserting Lists, Tables, Pictures, and Shapes

10. What is the difference between Numbered List and Bullet List?

Answer – Bulleted lists start from character, numbered lists start from number or letter. These Bulleted lists or Numbered lists are updated automatically when you enter the key.

Numbered List

a. It is useful when you want to add numbers or letters in the entries.
b. Numbered lists are added automatically one by one by pressing the enter key.
c. By default number starts from “1” or roman letter “i”

Bulleted List

a. By default bullets are marked as a round circle.
b. Bullet shape, size and color can be changed.
c. The counting of the bullet is very difficult.

Session 7: Header, Footer and Page Number

11. What is Header and Footer in Word Document?

Answer – Headers are the top of pages and Footers are the bottom of a page. Header is an area where you can add title, author’s name, company name or logo within the top margin of each page. Footer is an area where you can add page number within the bottom margin of each page. Whatever page number, time and date, author’s name, logo, title are written in header or footer that will be repeated in every page.

Session 8: Tracking changes in LibreOffice Writer

12. What is track change in LibreOffice?

Answer – Tracking change in a Word Document means to keep a record of the changes made in a document. If any document you have enabled track change mode then whatever text has the changes that will be highlighted and you can correct the changes.
These changes are displayed in a different color. If any text is deleted it will appear as a strikethrough.

13. What is the purpose of comparing document functions in LibraOffice?

Answer – In the LibreOffice you can compare the current file with the previous file. This option helps you to identify whatever changes are present in the current and previous document.

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Reference Textbook

The above ICT Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

CBSE study material of employbality class XI. (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_material/Curriculum20/publication/srsec/employability-XI.pdf

Your valuable Feedback

Greetings Readers, Thank you for taking the time to reading ICT Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers. Please take a few moments to write down any recommendations you may have for our website. Please leave your thoughts in the comment box below.

Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook ICT Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers, and our team has tried to collect all the correct QA from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

Self Management Skills Class 11 QA

self management skills class 11

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Self Management Skills Class 11. The team has gathered all of the important Questions and Answers from Employability Skills Textbook. All of the QA have been organized topic wise.

Self Management Skills Class 11 QA

Session 1: Strength and Weakness Analysis

1. Self – management skills strengths and weaknesses?

Answer – Self – management skills strengths and weaknesses –

Strengths –

  1. Think that you are always good at
  2. Think about what you do well
  3. Think about what others appreciate about you

Weaknesses –

  1. Identify the areas where you struggle and what you find difficult to do
  2. Accept the feedback you receive from others
  3. Be positive with feedback and try to improve yourself.

2. Difference between interests and abilities?

Answer – Interests are the things that we enjoy doing ability acquired or natural capacity that enable an individual to perform a particular task with considerable proficiency.
Interest may include –

  1. Activities you like most to do at school or at home that make you happy.
  2. Even if no one asks you to do the activity but you want to do it.
  3. Activities that you like to learn or do in the future.

Self Management Skills Class 11

Session 2: Grooming

3. What is the importance of Grooming?

Answer – The act of putting on clothes is known as dressing. Grooming is the act of making oneself appear neat, orderly, and smart.
Benefits of Dressing and grooming in daily life

  1. Look smart
  2. Make a good impression of ourselves
  3. Feel confident about ourselves

Session 3: Personal Hygiene

4. What is the importance of personal hygiene?

Answer – Personal hygiene is very important in our daily life because it helps us

  1. Create a good image of ourselves
  2. Stay healthy
  3. Avoid feeling ashamed in public due to our bad breath, body odour, etc.

Session 4: Team Work

5. What are the benefits of Teamwork?

Answer – The benefits of Teamwork

  1. In a team, everyone has a role to play, so the pressure to succeed does not fall only on one person.
  2. It is beneficial to have a support system since all team members help in the correction of any mistake done by one team member.
  3. When the team succeeds, it gives you a nice feeling and boosts your confidence.
  4. The work gets done faster

Self Management Skills Class 11

Session 5: Networking Skills

6. What are the benefits of Networking Skills?

Answer – Networking supports you in making dependable and trustworthy individuals with whom you can share your life.

  1. Share expertise and skills
  2. Seek and provide support in difficult times
  3. Keep up to date on fresh opportunities by informing and being informed.

7. How to build Networking Skills?

Answer – There are six steps to develop networking skills –
a. Converse – Give a smile and look at the person with confidence.
b. Open up – Show interest in getting to know them
c. Network smartly – Talk to them about things that are common between the two.
d. Engage – Share useful information
e. Communicate regularly – Stay in touch with others
f. Tell – Share information on events or activities

Session 6: Self Motivation

8. Types of Motivation?

Answer – there are two types of motivation

a. Internal Motivation – Many things we do which make us happy, feel good and healthy.
b. External Motivation – If you are working for recognition, respect and appreciation.

9. What are the qualities of Self – motivated people?

Answer – The qualities of Self – motivated people are –
a. Know what they want from life
b. Are focused
c. Know what is important
d. Are dedicated to fulfill their dreams

10. How to build Self – Motivation?

Answer – There are four steps to build self – motivation.
a. Find out your strength
b. Set and focus on your goals
c. Develop a plan to achieve your goals
d. Stay loyal to your goals

Self Management Skills Class 11

Session 7: Goal Setting

11. How to Set Goals in Self Management Skills?

Answer – We can use different techniques to set goals.
a. Specific – Always set your clear and specific goals.
b. Measurable – A measurable goal answers the questions “How much?”, “How many?” and “How do I know that I have achieved results?”
c. Achievable – Breaking down big goals into smaller parts will make the goal achievable.
d. Realistic – A realistic goal would be something that we want to achieve and can work towards.
e. Time bound – A goal should have a timeframe by when the goal needs to be achieved.

Session 8: Time Management

12. What is time management and how can you manage your time?

Answer – The ability to organize and control how you spend the hours of your day so that you may achieve what you desire is known as time management.
a. To manage the effective time management are as follows –
b. Any planned action should not be delayed or postponed.
c. Organize your room and school desk
d. Create a ‘NO DISTURBANCE ZONE’ where you may sit and finish important tasks without being disturbed.
e. Use waiting time productively
f. Prepare a ‘to-do’ list
g. Prioritize
h. Replace useless activities with productive activities

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Reference Textbook

The above Self Management Skills Class 11 was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

CBSE study material of employbality class XI. (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_material/Curriculum20/publication/srsec/employability-XI.pdf

Your valuable Feedback

Greetings Readers, Thank you for taking the time to reading Self Management Skills Class 11. Please take a few moments to write down any recommendations you may have for our website. Please leave your thoughts in the comment box below.

Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Self Management Skills Class 11, and our team has tried to collect all the correct QA from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

communication skills class 11

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Communication Skills Class 11. The team has gathered all of the important Questions and Answers from Employability Skills Textbook. All of the QA have been organized topic wise.

Communication Skills Class 11

Session 1: Introduction to Communication

1. What is communication?

Answer – The word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin word commūnicāre, meaning ‘to share’. Communication is the ‘sharing’ of information between two or more individuals or within the group to reach a common understanding.

2. What is the importance of communication?

Answer – Communication helps to improve physical, social and good relationships between family and friends.
There are three importance of communication in day to day life –
a. Inform – We give facts or information to someone in daisy life.

b. Influence – Sometimes we are required to influence or change someone in an indirect but usually important way.

c. Express feelings – if you are expressing your views or feelings to others is a healthy way to express them.

3. What are the elements of communication?

Answer – Communication means giving and receiving, which is a two-way exchange of information.
Giving information is an example of speaking and writing, whereas receiving information is an example of reading and listening.

4. What are perspectives in communication?

Answer – Perspectives are ideas, views, or fixed ways of thinking. These sometimes affect our communication. For example, if you have a fixed idea that your teacher or father is strict, even when they are being friendly, you may think they are scolding you. In the same way, others may also have fixed ideas about you, which affects whatever you say to them.

5. Factors Affecting Perspectives in communication?

Answer – Sometimes, we are not able to communicate clearly because of barriers that stop us from sharing and understanding messages.
Factors Affecting Perspectives in Communication

  • Language
  • Past experience
  • Visual Perception
  • Feelings
  • Prejudice
  • Personal factors
  • Environment

6. What is effective communication?

Answer – There are 7 C’s effective communication which are applicable for both written as well as oral communication. These are as follows –
a. Clear – Always say clearly, what you want to say.

b. Concise – Always use simple language and say only what is required.

c. Concrete – Always use proper words and phrases in the sentences.

d. Correct – Always use correct spelling and grammar in the sentences.

e. Coherent – Your word should be related to the main topic and your word should make sense.

f. Complete – Your message should be complete and have all the needed information.

g. Courteous – Be honest, respectful and friendly with others.

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Session 2: Verbal Communication

7. How many types of Communication methods?

Answer – There are main three types of communication methods –
a. Verbal communication
b. Non-verbal communication
c. Visual communication

8. What is verbal communication? Advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication.

Answer – Communication is a two-way method for exchanging information, thoughts, ideas, and feelings. In verbal communication we can share ideas or thoughts in the form of sound and word, it is also known as face – to – face communication.

Advantages of Verbal communication

a. Time Saving – We can express our thoughts easily and quickly and it is an easier form of communication.
b. Quick Feedback – We can get a quick response from the listener.

Disadvantages of verbal communication

a. Cultural Difference – The cultural difference is the main disadvantage of verbal communication
b. Language barriers – Difficult to share thoughts or ideas in different languages.

9. What is public speaking?

Answer – Speaking face – to – face to a live audience or in front of a large group is known as public speaking, you can use the 3Ps method to get over your fears, and become a confident speaker.
The 3Ps method is –
a. Prepare
b. Practice
c. Perform

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Session 3: Non – Verbal Communication

10. What is non-verbal communication?

Answer – Without using word if you are sending some information to others is known as non- verbal communication, Some of the non – verbal communication is –

  • Eye contact
  • Gestures
  • Expressions
  • Posture
  • Space
  • Para Language
  • Touch

11. Importance of non-verbal communication?

Answer – In our daily life it is observed that most of the communication is done using body movements and voice control.
Importance of non-verbal communication

a. In the non-verbal communication you can make your message stronger as compared to written communication.

b. Helps overcome cultural barriers.

c. With the right gestures while speaking makes our message more effective

d. Using the right gestures and postures helps us to be professional at work.

e. The message is delivered and communicated more effectively than verbal communication.

f. In the time of public speech you can understand the audience’s reaction easily and adjust our behavior or communication accordingly.

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

12. Type of non-verbal communication?

Answer – We communicate non-verbally in many ways –

a. Facial expressions – The movement and changes of the face are the facial expressions. Many times facial expressions show the feelings of a person. For example, expressing your thoughts using a smile, when we are happy, or when we are sad.

b. Posture – Postures means body of the positions, postures shows how confident you are and your emotional feelings. For example, straight body posture means confidence.

c. Gestures or Body language – Gestures means with the help of hands or head if you are sharing any idea or meaning. for example pointing, waving and using our hands when speaking.

d. Touch – Some time we communicate using touch we also share messages to others, for example hand shaking and patting on the back.

e. Space – When the two people are communicating and you will find some space between these two people depending on closeness or intimacy between them.

f. Eye contact – Maintaining eye contact is very important when you are talking about interest, whereas, looking at any other side can make the other person feel ignored.

. Paralanguage – Tone of our voice, speed and volume that makes a difference in the meaning is a paralanguage.

13. What is visual communication?

Answer – In daily life we are using visual communication. Sometimes we are getting messages from images or pictures. The main advantage of visual communication is that you do not need to know any particular language.
Example of visual communication
a. Sign for ladies and gents toilet
b. Traffic symbol
c. Sign for flammable substance

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Session 4: Pronunciation Basic

14. Definition of pronunciation?

Answer – Many words in English are not pronounced the way they are spelt, so if you don’t say them right, others won’t understand what we’re saying. Pronunciation is defined as the act or style of pronouncing a word.

15. Types of sounds?

Answer – Particular auditory impression is known as sound. All English words are made of three basic types of sounds.

a. Vowel Sound – There are five vowels in the English language but there are 12 vowel sounds. Most vowels are pronounced in different ways. For example, we pronounce the letter ‘i’ in the word ‘bit’ by using vowel sounds.

b. Diphthongs Sound (combination sound of two vowels) – If we combine two vowels then it makes a diphthongs sound. It starts from one vowel sound and goes to another sound. for example In the word “house” the diphthongs sound is ‘ou’ .

c. Consonants Sound – Consonants sound is neither a vowel nor a diphthong sound. For example, we use consonant sounds to say the letters ‘p’ and ‘t’ in the word Pot.

Session 5: Communication styles – Assertiveness

16. What is assertive communication?

Answer – Being aggressive is a better way to communicate. It involves

  1. expressing your thoughts without hurting others or yourself,
  2. respecting others,
  3. expressing yourself and your goals in a clear and concise manner,
  4. being receptive to other people’s opinions, and
  5. finding a balance between your needs and the needs of others

17. Advantages of assertive communication?

Answer – Being assertive

  • builds self-confidence,
  • builds self-respect,
  • prevents you from saying words or doing actions that you may regret later,
  • makes you and others feel positive,
  • makes sure that everyone expresses their ideas and meets the needs of all, and
  • helps you to become a more confident worker and a better communicator.

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Session 6: Saying No – Refusal Skills

18. What is the conjunction?

Answer – A conjunction is a word that connects two words, phrases, or clauses.
Example – AND, BUT, OR, SO, AS and BECAUSE.

Session 7: Writing Skills – Parts of Speech

19. What are the basic parts of speech in the English Language?

Answer – There are eight basic parts of speech in the English language. These are none, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

a. Noun – Nouns is the name of a person, place, animal or thing. This is also called ‘naming words.

b. Pronoun – A pronoun is used in place of a noun.

c. Adjectives – Adjectives are words that describe other words.

d. Verbs – Verbs are words that show action.

e. Adverbs – Adverbs are words that add meaning to verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

f. Preposition – A preposition is a word palace before a noun or pronoun.

g. Conjunction – A conjunction is a word that connects two words, phrases, or clauses.

h. Interjection – A word used to communicate emotion is called an interjection.

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

20. What are the Capitalization rules in the English Language?

Answer – Capitalization rules of English Language are –

a. Capitalize the first letter in the names of all months.

b. Capitalize the letter ‘I’ when used as a word.

c. Capitalize the first letter in the names of people, places, rivers, seas and oceans, mountains, islands and days.

d. Capitalize the first letter in the titles used before people’s names.

e. Capitalize the first letter in every sentence.

21. Definition of pronunciation?

Answer – Many words in English are not pronounced the way they are spelt, so if you don’t say them right, others won’t understand what we’re saying. Pronunciation is defined as the act or style of pronouncing a word.

22. What do you mean by supporting parts of Speech?

Answer – We are using many words, phrases, clauses or sentences to connect words, these words are known as supporting parts of speech.
Supporting parts of speech examples are –
a. Articles
b. Conjunctions
c. Prepositions
d. Interjections

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Session 8: Writing Skills – Sentence

23. How many types of objects are there in the English language?

Answer – Object normally comes after the verb phrase. The presence or absence of an object is determined by the verb’s meaning. There are two types of objects in English language.

a. Direct – Direct objects are the results of action, A direct object answers the questions ‘what’ or ‘whom’. Ramesh collected honey all day. hear honey becomes the direct object.

b. Indirect – An indirect object answers the questions ‘to whom’, ‘for whom’, ‘to what’ and ‘for what’. for example, in the sentence “Imran gave a gift to his mother.” The verb is “gave” and in the sentence there are two objects “gift” and “mother”.

24. What is the difference between Active and Passive voice?

Answer –
a. Active Voice – Sentences, where the subject does an action, are known to be in active voice.

b. Passive Voice – Sentences, in which the subject receives an action, are known to be in passive voice.

25. In English grammar, what are the several type of sentences?

Answer – A sentence is a collection of words that expresses an idea. all the sentences have a none or pronoun called the subject. Sentences always start from capital letters and end with a period, question mark or exclamation. The word “sentence” is from the Latin word which means “to feel”.

Type of Sentence

a. Declarative Sentence – Declarative sentences end with a full stop, It is the most common type of sentence. example – I completed my work.

b. Interrogative Sentence – Interrogative sentences end with question marks. This type of sentence asks a question. example – Did you complete your homework?

c. Exclamatory Sentence – Exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation mark. This sentence expresses a strong emotion. example – I come first in class!

d. Imperative Sentence – Imperative sentence can end with an exclamation mark or full stop. This sentence shows an order command, request, or advice. example – Complete your homework.

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

26. What are the Paragraphs?

Answer – A group of sentences forms a paragraph and paragraphs helps the reader to read the sections, because they break the text into different sections. .
If you’re writing about your school, the first paragraph could consist of sentences describing the name, location, size, and other information. You can use sentences to express what you like about your school in the next paragraph.

Communication Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Session 9: Greetings and Introduction

27. What is greeting? Explain type of greeting.

Answer – There are many ways to greet a person. Greeting is simply a way of saying hello to someone else. There are two ways of greeting someone else.

a. Formal greetings – If you do not know the person, and if you are greeting that is known as formal greetings. It is used to greet senior, elderly people or people with whom we have formal relations like teachers or customers.

b. Informal greetings – If you are knowing someone and you are greeting him/her is known as informal greeting. for example friends, family or a known person.

Session 10: Talking about Self & Session 11: Asking Questions

28. What are the different types of questions?

Answer – A question is a type of sentence, group of words, or phrase that either requests information or tests someone’s knowledge.

There are two types of questions

a. Close – ended questions – if the questions answered with “yes” or a “no” are called close ended questions.

b. Open – ended questions – Questions that can be answered with more details are called Open – ended questions.

Session 12: Taking about Family, Session 13: Describing Habits and Routines & Session 14: Asking for Directions

No, Exam related subjective questions found, Please read the MCQs questions for the above topic.

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Reference Textbook

The above Communication Skills Class 11 was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

CBSE | DepaCBSE study material of employbality class XI. (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2022, from https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_material/Curriculum20/publication/srsec/employability-XI.pdf

Your valuable Feedback

Greetings Readers, Thank you for taking the time to reading Communication Skills Class 11. Please take a few moments to write down any recommendations you may have for our website. Please leave your thoughts in the comment box below.

Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Communication Skills Class 11, and our team has tried to collect all the correct QA from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

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