IT 802 Class 11 NCERT Solutions

IT 802 Class 11 NCERT Solutions – The NCERT solutions for IT 802 Class 11 are an important resource for students who are preparing for exams or who need additional help with the material covered in the textbook. They can also be useful for teachers who are looking for additional teaching resources. By working through the NCERT solutions, students can improve their understanding of the subject matter, as well as their ability to apply their knowledge in a practical context.

IT 802 Class 11 NCERT Solutions

Employability Skills QA

Unit 1 : Communication Skills-III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills-III
Unit 3 : ICT Skills-III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills-III
Unit 5 : Green Skills-III

Subject Specific Skills QA

Unit -1 : Computer Organization
Unit -2 : Networking And Internet
Unit-3 : Office Automation Tools
Unit-4: RDBMS
Unit-5: Fundamentals of Java

Information Technology 802 Class 11 MCQ

Information Technology 802 Class 11 MCQ – Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a common form of assessment in computer science education and are often used in IT 802 Class 11 exams. MCQs typically consist of a question or statement and a set of possible answers, of which the student must choose the correct one. MCQs are an effective way to test a student’s understanding of a particular concept or topic, as well as their ability to apply their knowledge in a practical context. This all MCQs Questions and Answers are taken from NCERT Textbook.

Information Technology 802 Class 11 MCQ

Employability Skills MCQs

Unit 1 : Communication Skills-III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills-III
Unit 3 : ICT Skills-III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills-III
Unit 5 : Green Skills-III

Subject Specific Skills MCQs

Unit -1 : Computer Organization
Unit -2 : Networking And Internet
Unit-3 : Office Automation Tools
Unit-4: RDBMS
Unit-5: Fundamentals of Java

IT 802 Class 11 Notes

The IT 802 Class 11 notes are thoroughly organized to align with the CBSE syllabus and include all important topics for scoring high marks. The notes are written by experienced professionals and cover all chapters in a concise, easy-to-understand manner. Students looking for Class 11 IT 802 notes have come to the right place, where they can access unit-wise notes for all chapters.

IT 802 Class 11 Notes

Employability Skills Notes

Unit 1 : Communication Skills-III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills-III
Unit 3 : ICT Skills-III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills-III
Unit 5 : Green Skills-III

Subject Specific Skills Notes

Unit -1 : Computer Organization
Unit -2 : Networking And Internet
Unit-3 : Office Automation Tools
Unit-4: RDBMS
Unit-5: Fundamentals of Java

Java NetBeans Programs for Class 11

java netbeans programs for class 11

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Java NetBeans Programs for Class 11 QA. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (802) class 11.

Java NetBeans Programs for Class 11

1. What is the purpose of NetBeans IDE?
Answer – Java applications can be simply created utilizing the effective GUI builder in the NetBeans IDE. We can create application by dragging and dropping GUI elements from a palette onto a container. Correct spacing and alignment of the various components in relation to one another are handled automatically by the GUI builder.

3. What is the difference between Parent control and Child control in NetBeans?
Answer – There are two different type of control –
a. Parent or container controls – Controls that serve as a parent or container serve as the backdrop for other controls. Consider Frame. All of a parent control’s child controls are also destroyed when we remove it. All of a parent control’s child controls move with it when the parent control is moved.

b. Child controls – Child controls are controls that are positioned inside a container control. For instance, a text field, a label, a button, etc.

Java NetBeans Programs for Class 11

4. Write any two property of jFrame Form?
Answer – The two property of jFrame Form are –
a. defaultCloseOperation – Sets action to be performed when the user attempts to close the form.
b. Title – Sets the text to be displayed in the Title bar of the form window.

5. What id purpose of property in NetBeans?
Answer – An object’s properties are used to determine how it will display on the form. For instance, you can alter a textfield’s background color, font, and other properties by changing its background attribute.

6. What is Methods?
Answer – To do some action on the object, methods are employed. For instance, you may use a textfield’s setText() method to show something in it or use its getText() method to retrieve its contents. Getters and setters are the two categories into which methods can be separated.

Java NetBeans Programs for Class 11

7. What is Event?
Answer – Events are the actions which are performed on controls. Examples of events are mouseClick, mouseMoved,keyPressed etc. When the user performs any action on a control, an event happens and that event invokes the corresponding part of the code and the application behaves accordingly.

8. Write any two method of jButton?
Answer –
a. getText() – Retrieves the text typed in jButton.
String result=<button-name>.getText( );
b. setText() – Changes the display text at runtime.
<button-name>.setText(String text);

9. What is Object Oriented Programming Language?
Answer – Object-oriented programming is known as OOP. While object-oriented programming involves constructing objects that include both data and functions, procedural programming involves developing procedures or functions that perform actions on the data.

Java NetBeans Programs for Class 11

10. What are the major components of Object Oriented Programming?
Answer – The major components of Object Oriented Programming are –
1. Class
2. Object
3. Data Members & Methods
4. Access Specifier and Visibility Modes

11. What is data member and method?
Answer – Methods and data members are accessible in classes. In actual Java programming, the methods are a series of steps put together to carry out a certain action on the data, whilst the data will need to adhere to a specified data type, such as char, int, float, or double.

12. What is Variables?
Answer – Variables act as a kind of container for the data they hold. Because they can change their value but not their name, these things are called variables.

Java NetBeans Programs for Class 11

13. What are the different characteristics of variable?
Answer – The characteristics of a variable are:
• It has a name.
• It is capable of storing values.
• It provides temporary storage.
• It is capable of changing its value during program execution.

14. What is Data types? What are the different type of Data Type.
Answer – The data type describes the actions that may be performed on the type, the range for the type, and how the type’s values are stored. Some of the example of data types are –

a. Numeric Data Type – These data types are used to store integer values only i.e. whole numbers only.
Example Byte, Short, Int, Long

b. Floating Data Types – These data types are used to store numbers having decimal points i.e. they can store numbers having fractional values. for example float & double.

c. Character Data Types – These data types are used to store characters. Character data types can store any type of values – numbers, characters and special characters.

Java NetBeans Programs for Class 11

15. What is Operator? What are the different type of operators.
Answer – Operators are symbols that manipulate, combine or compare variables. The operators available in java are –
a. Assignment Operator – One of the most common operators is the assignment operator “=” which is used to assign a value to a variable. We assign the value given on the right hand side to the variable specified on
the left hand side.

b. Arithmetic Operator – These operators perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These symbols are similar to mathematical symbols. example +, -, *, /, %

c. Relational Operator – A relational operator is used to test for some kind of relation between two entities. A mathematical expression created using a relational operator forms a relational expression or a condition. example ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

16. What is Bitwise Operator?
Answer – Bitwise operators can be used to change a number’s individual bits. They are compatible with all integral kinds (char, short, int, etc). They are utilised while updating and searching a binary indexed tree.

Java NetBeans Programs for Class 11

17. Design a GUI application to accept the side of a square in a text field and calculate the area and perimeter of the square. Add Refresh button to clear all text fields and a Stop button to end the application.
Hint [ Area of a square = side * side and perimeter = 2(side +side)]
Answer – //Coding for jButton1 (“Calculate the area” button)
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
double a,b;
b=a*a; jTextField2.setText(Double.toString(b));

//Coding for jButton2 (“Calculate the perimeter” button)
private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)

//Coding for jButton4 (“Refresh” button)
private void jButton4ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
jTextField1.setText(” “);jTextField2.setText(” “);jTextField3.setText(” “);

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 11 Notes

Information Technology Class 11 MCQ

Information Technology Class 11 Questions and Answers

Fundamentals of Java Class 11 MCQ

fundamentals of java class 11 mcq

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Fundamentals of Java Class 11 MCQ. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (802) class 11.

Fundamentals of Java Class 11 MCQ

1. NetBeans is an IDE using which we can develop ___________ in Java.
a. GUI application 
b. CUI application
c. BW application
d. None of the above

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a. GUI application

2. NetBeans provides various components used to create a GUI front-end interface like ___________.
a. jTextArea
b. jLabel
c. jButton
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

3. GUI components’ __________ is controlled by their properties and methods.
a. Appearance
b. Behavior
c. Both a) and b) 
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

4. We should use meaningful names for controls on the _________ in the code. It makes programming convenient.
a. Form
b. Variables
c. Both a) and b) 
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

5. Some useful Data Types supported in Java are ___________.
a. Int & Boolean
b. Double
c. Char
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

6. String is an _________ type supported in Java.
a. Object 
b. Constraint
c. Class
d. None of the above

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a. Object

7. A variable must be declared _____________.
a. After it can be used
b. Between it can be used
c. Before it can be used 
d. None of the above

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c. Before it can be used

8. What are the different operators used in Java _________.
a. Logical Operator
b. Conditional Operator
c. Comparison Operator
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

9. The __________ selects among a set of statements depending on the value of a controlling expression.
a. If Statement 
b. For Statement
c. While Statement
d. None of the above

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a. If Statement

10. If else statement is also known as ________.
a. Control statement 
b. Structure statement
c. Program statements
d. All of the above

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a. Control statement

11. An IF statement in Java is also a _______ statement.
a. Number
b. conditional 
c. String
d. None of the above

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b. conditional

12. In Java, an ELSE statement needs to come after a _________ statement.
a. IF
c. IF or ELSE IF 
d. None of the above

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c. IF or ELSE IF

13. It is required to define an IF statement code between two braces.
a. False 
b. True
c. Some time True and Some time False
d. None of the above

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a. False

14. An ELSE statement’s code may be enclosed in braces.
b. TRUE 
c. Some time True and Some time False
d. None of the above

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15. Without an IF statement, an ELSE or ELSE-IF statement in Java cannot occur.
b. TRUE 
c. Some time True and Some time False
d. None of the above

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16. if the condition is false in if condition, which of the following will be true.
a. IF Statement will be executed
b. ELSE Statement is executed. 
c. IF and ELSE both will not execute.
d. IF and ELSE both will execute.

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b. ELSE Statement is executed.

17. How many lines of code can be written inside an IF, ELSE, or IF-ELSE block in Java?
a. 25
b. 72
c. 105
d. None of the above 

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d. None of the above

18. In which of the following situations is an IF-ELSE statement preferable to a SWITCH statement?
a. Checking multiple condition
b. Checking for Less-than condition
c. Checking for Ranges
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

19. How many ELSE-IF statements can be present between the beginning IF and the closing ELSE statements?
a. 44
b. 55
c. 320
d. None of the above 

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d. None of the above

20. Select the proper Java IF statement syntax from the list below.
a. if(condition) //statement
b. if(condition){ //statement}
c. if(condition){ //statement1 //statement2}
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

21. What does the Java programme with IF-ELSE statements produce?
a. True
b. False
c. Compiler error 
d. None

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c. Compiler error

22. What is the output of the Java program?
int a=10;
System.out.println(” My “);
System.out.println(“My Class”);
a. My School
b. My Class
c. Compiler error 
d. None of the above

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c. Compiler error

23. What is the output of the Java program?
String name1=”My School”, name2=”My Class”;
if(name1 == “My School”)
System.out.print(“My School “);
System.out.println(“My Class”);
if(name2 == “No Class”)
System.out.println(“My Class”);
a. My School My Class 
b. My School My Class My Class
c. Compiler error
d. None of the above

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a. My School My Class

24. What is the output of the Java program?
String name=”Anurag”;
if(name == “Anand”)
System.out.println(“Computer Science”);
a. Anurag Computer Science
b. Anurag
c. Computer Science 
d. Compiler error

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c. Computer Science

25. What is the output of the Java program with ELSE-IF statements?
int marks=90;
if(marks >= 80)
else if(marks >=33)
a. Distinction
b. Pass 
c. Fail
d. Compiler error

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b. Pass

26. What is the output of Java program below?
float temp = 97.3;
if(temp > 97.3)
System.out.println(“High Temperature”);
a. High Temperature 
b. Temperature
c. Compiler error
d. None of the above

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a. High Temperature

27. What is the output of the Java program?
int marks = 91;
if(marks > 32)
if(age <= 100)
a. Pass 
b. Fail
c. Compiler error
d. None of the above

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a. Pass

28. What is the output of the Java program?
int marks=55;
if(marks > 55);
System.out.print(“Pass “);
a. Fail
b. Pass
c. Pass Fail 
d. Compiler error

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c. Pass Fail

29. What is the result of the IF statement in a Java programme?
a. No Output
b. School
c. Compiler error 
d. None of the above

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c. Compiler error

30. Java is a ______ programming language.
a. Procedure Oriented
b. Object-Oriented 
c. Practical
d. All of the above

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b. Object-Oriented

31. The code in the Java programming language is put inside ___________.
a. Blocks
b. Methods
c. Classes, Interfaces
d. All the above 

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d. All of the above

32. What file extension is associated with the Java class source code?
a. .jpp
b. .jsp
c. .java 
d. None of the above

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c. .java

33. What file extension is associated with compiled Java class files?
a. .jpp
b. .java
c. .class 
d. .clear

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c. .class

34. In Java, the keyword used to declare a class is _________.
a. Function
b. Method
c. class 
d. Java

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c. class

35. A Java class can contain___________.
a. Variables
b. Methods, Constructors
c. Inner Classes (A class inside another class)
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

36. In Java, the word ________ is used to create a new object.
a. java
b. new 
c. class
d. function

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b. new

37. In Java, an object is created at _________ time.
a. Assembling time
b. Run time 
c. Compile-time
d. None of the above

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b. Run time

38. Select the appropriate Java class declaration syntax from the list below.





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a. class CLASSNAME { }

39. Pick the appropriate method for producing an object of the class listed below.
class Table
Table(){System.out.println(“Table Created”);}
a. Table t = new Table;
b. Table t = new Table();
c. Table() t = new Table();
d. None of the above

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b. Table t = new Table();

40. A control statement in Java is called a _________ SWITCH case statement.
a. Iteration
b. Loop
c. Selection 
d. Jump

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c. Selection

41. Which is the Java language equivalent of SWITCH?
a. break, continue
b. for, while
c. if, else 
d. goto, exit

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c. if, else

42. What keywords are needed in Java to implement a SWITCH case?
a. switch, case
b. default
c. break
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

43. Select the proper SWITCH statement syntax for Java from the list below.
case constant1: //statements; break;
case constant2: //statements; break;
default: //statements;
case constant1: //statements; break;
case constant2: //statements; break;
default: //statements;
case constant1: //statements; break;
case constant2: //statements; break;
default case: //statements;
case constant1: //statements; break;
case constant2: //statements; break;
default case: //statements;

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b. switch(input) { case constant1: //statements; break; case constant2: //statements; break; default: //statements; }

44. What is the result of the following Java application with SWITCH?
int a=10;
case 10: System.out.println(“Welcome”);
a. No output
b. Welcome 
c. Compiler error as there is no BREAK.
d. None

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b. Welcome

45. What does the Java programme below produce?
String animal = “Horse”;
break: System.out.println(“DOMESTIC”);
a. No output
b. Horse
d. Compiler error 

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d. Compiler error

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 11 Notes

Information Technology Class 11 MCQ

Information Technology Class 11 Questions and Answers

Fundamentals of Java Class 11 Notes

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Fundamentals of Java Class 11 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (802) class 11.

Fundamentals of Java Class 11 Notes

Programming in Java is simple to write, compile, and debug. Reusable code and modular programmes can be made with its assistance. As few implementation dependencies as possible are built into Java, an object-oriented, class-based programming language.

NetBeans IDE

For the development of applications on the Windows, Mac, Linux, and Solaris operating systems Net Beans platform is best, NetBeans is GUI based free and open source software. NetBeans helps to developing Java based software easily, It also support many other language like HTM5 etc.

Components of NetBeans IDE

The user can easily interacts with NetBeans COMPONENTS which helps the user to design the  software, NetBeans components include jlabels, jbuttons, jtextfields, etc. There are two types of controls –

Parent or container controls – Controls that serve as a parent or container serve as the backdrop for other controls. For example – Frame.

Child controls – Child controls are controls that are contained within a container control. Text field, label, button, etc. are a few examples.

Note – We use the drag and drop feature of NetBeans to place components on the form to design an
effective interface for our applications.

Creating a New Project

1. Select New Project from the File menu. You can also click the New Project button in the IDE toolbar.
2. In the Categories pane, select the General node. In the Projects pane, choose the Java Application type. Click the Next button.
3. Enter the name of the project in the Project Name field and specify the project location. Do not create a Main class here.
4. Click the Finish button.

Properties in NetBeans IDE Control 

jButton Properties & Method

Properties – 

  1. Background – Sets the background color.
  2. Enabled – Contains enabled state of component – true if enabled else false.
  3. Font – Sets the font.
  4. Foreground – Sets the foreground color.
  5. horizontal alignment – Sets the horizontal alignment of text displayed on the button.
  6. Label – Sets the display text.
  7. Text – Sets the display text

Method – 

  1. getText() – Retrieves the text typed in jButton.
    String result=<button-name>.getText( );
  2. setEnabled – Enables or disables the button.
    <button-name>.setEnabled(boolean b);
  3. setText() – Changes the display text at runtime.
    <button-name>.setText(String text);
  4. setVisible – Makes the component visible or invisible – true to make the component visible; false to make it invisible.
    <button-name>.setVisible(boolean aFlag);

jTextField Properties and Method

Properties – 

  1. Background-  Sets the background color.
  2. Border – Sets the type of border that will surround the text field.
  3. editable – If set true user can edit textfield. Default is true.
  4. enabled – Contains enabled state of component- True if enabled else false.
  5. font – Sets the font.
  6. foreground – Sets the foreground color.
  7. horizontalAlignment – Sets the horizontal alignment of text displayed in the textField.
  8. text – Sets the display text
  9. toolTipText – Sets the text that will appear when cursor moves over the component.

Method –

  1. getText() – Retrieves the text in typed in jTextField.
    String result=<textfield-name>.getText( );
  2. isEditable() – Returns true if the component is editable else returns false.
    boolean b=<textfield-name>.isEditable( );
  3. isEnabled() – Returns true if the component is enabled,else returns false.
    boolean b =<textfield-name>.isEnabled( );
  4. setEditable – Sets whether the user can edit the text in the textField. true if editable else false.
    <textfield-name>.setEditable(boolean b);
  5. setText() – Changes the display text at runtime.
    <textfield-name>.setText(String t);
  6. setVisible() – Makes the component visible or invisible – true to make the component visible; false to make it invisible.
    <textfield-name>.setVisible(boolean b);

jLabel Properties and Method 

Properties –

  1. background – Sets the background color.
  2. enabled – Contains enabled state of component- true if enabled else false.
  3. font – Sets the font.
  4. foreground – Sets the foreground color.
  5. horizontalAlignment – Sets the horizontal alignment of text displayed in the component.
  6. text – Sets the display text

Method – 

  1. getText() – Retrieves the text in typed in jLabel.
    String result=<label-name>.getText();
  2. isEnabled() – Returns true if the component is enabled,else returns false.
    boolean b=<label-name>.isEnabled();
  3. setText() – Changes the display text at runtime.
    <label-name>.setText(String t);
  4. setVisible() – Makes the component visible or invisible – true to make the
    component visible; false to make it invisible.
    <label-name>.setVisible(boolean b);

jTextArea Properties and Method

Properties –

  1. background – Sets the background color.
  2. columns – Sets number of columns preferred for display.
  3. editable – If set true user can edit textfield. Default is true.
  4. enabled – Contains enabled state of component- true if enabled else false.
  5. font – Sets the font.
  6. foreground – Sets the foreground color.
  7. lineWrap – Indicates whether line of text should wrap in case it exceeds allocated width.(Default is false)
  8. rows Sets – number of rows preferred for display.
  9. text – Sets the display text
  10. wrapStyleWord – Sends word to next line in case lineWrap is true and it results in breaking of a word, when lines are wrapped.

Method – 

  1. append() – Adds data at the end.
    <textarea-name>.append(String str);
  2. getText() – Retrieves the text in typed in jTextArea.
    String str = <textarea-name>.getText();
  3. isEditable() – Returns true if the component is editable else returns false.
    boolean b = <textarea-name>.isEditable();
  4. isEnabled()- Returns true if the component is enabled, else returns false.
    boolean b = <textarea-name>.isEnabled();
  5. setText() – Changes the display text at runtime.
    <textarea-name>.setText(String t);

jPassword Properties

  1. background – Sets the background color.
  2. font – Sets the font.
  3. foreground – Sets the foreground color.
  4. text – Sets the display text
  5. echoChar – Sets the character that will be displayed instead of text.

Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming follows bottom up approach in program design and emphasizes on
safety and security of data. It helps in wrapping up of data and methods together in a single unit
which is known as data encapsulation. It arranges the architecture of software around data or objects rather than functions and logic. An object is a data field with particular characteristics and behaviour.

The major components of Object Oriented Programming are as follows:
1. Class
2. Object
3. Data Members & Methods
4. Access Specifier and Visibility Modes

Data Members and Methods

Methods and data members are found in classes. Data members declare inside the class, it is variable which we are declaring inside the class. In general, data members are kept secret so that values can only be altered at the discretion of the class function members. Data members may be private or public. A method is a function declared inside a class.

Data Members and Methods

The JTextField, JLabel, JTextArea, JButton, JCheckBox and JRadioButton are all classes and the jTextField1, jLabel1, jTextArea1, jButton1, jCheckBox1 and jRadioButton1 components are all objects. The setText(), setEnabled(), pow(), substring() are all methods of different classes.

java component data member and methods
Image Source


Variables are containers used to store the values for some input, intermediate result or the final result of an operation. The characteristics of a variable are:
• It has a name.
• It is capable of storing values.
• It provides temporary storage.
• It is capable of changing its value during program execution.

Data Types

Data type states the way the values of that type are stored, the operations that can be done on that type, and the range for that type.

Numeric Data Types –

These data types are used to store integer values only i.e. whole numbers only. The storage size and range is listed below:

numeric data types in java
Floating Data Types – 

These data types are used to store numbers having decimal points i.e. they can store numbers having fractional values.

floating data types in java
Character Data Types –

These data types are used to store characters. Character data types can store any type of values – numbers, characters and special characters. The char data type value is always enclosed inside ” (single quotes), whereas a string data type value is enclosed in “” (double quotes).


Operators are symbols that manipulate, combine or compare variables. The operators available in java are summarized below –

Assignment Operator

One of the most common operators is the assignment operator “=” which is used to assign a value to a variable. The value on the right hand side can be a number or an arithmetic expression.
For example:
int sum = 0;
int prime = 4*5;

Arithmetic Operators

These operators execute multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. These symbols resemble those used in mathematics. Only “percent,” which divides one operand by another and returns the remainder as its result, differs from the others.

+ additive operator
– subtraction operator
* multiplication operator
/ division operator
% remainder operator

Relational Operator

A relational operator is used to test for some kind of relation between two entities.

java relational operator

Logical Operator

A logical operator denotes a logical operation. Logical operators and relational operators are used together to form a complex condition. Logical operators are –

java logical operator

Bitwise Operator

Bitwise operators can be used to change a number’s individual bits. They are compatible with all integral kinds (char, short, int, etc). They are utilised while updating and searching a binary indexed tree.

Creating New Project in NetBeans –

1. Select New Project from the File menu. You can also click the New Project button in the IDE toolbar.
2. In the Categories pane, select the General node. In the Projects pane, choose the Java Application type. Click the Next button.
3. Enter the name of the project in the Project Name field and specify the project location. Do not create a Main class here.
4. Click the Finish button.

Adding a Button Component to a Form

We want to add a button so follow the given steps to add a JButton to the form –
Step 1 : In the Palette window, Select the JButton component from the Swing Controls category.
Step 2 : Move the cursor over the Form. When the guidelines appear, indicating that the JButton is positioned in desired location, click to place the button.

netbeans window

Attaching Code to a Form Component

The next step after placing the button is to write the code that will cause the application to close when the button is pressed. To accomplish the same thing, double-click the button to associate a code with the action, i.e. the button click. The source window is opened by double clicking on the component, and the pointer is moved to the area where code has to be added. Keep in mind that certain code is pre-generated and cannot be altered.

Executing a File

Now that the code for the first application is ready let us test our first application. To execute the application simply select Run>Run File or press Shift+F6

Changing Properties of Components

Each component of our application including the form has certain attributes associated with it. The Properties Window displays the names and values of the attributes (properties) of the currently selected component. We can edit the values of most properties in the Properties window.

We want to change the text displayed on the button. There are four ways of doing the same in the design view:
● Select the button component by clicking on it. In the Properties window highlight the text property and type STOP in the textbox adjacent.
● Alternatively select the object. Left click on the button to highlight the display text. Type STOP and press Enter.
● Select the object > Press F2 – to make the display text editable. Type in the new text and press Enter.

Displaying a Message in a Dialog Box

Now that we are familiar with the creation process, let’s attempt some more experiments and see if we can get a message to appear when the button is clicked. To construct a new form with a straightforward button as shown in Figure 5.25, follow the same procedure. Change the button’s attributes as needed and Make “Wish Me” the text property.

Control Structures

If Statement

The if statement enables choosing (decision-making) based on how a condition turns out. The statement that comes after the if statement will be executed if the condition evaluates to true, and the statements that come after the else clause will be executed if the condition evaluates to false. The decision or conditional statements are other names for the selection statements.

The syntax of if statement is as shown below:

if (conditional expression)
Statement Block;
Statement Block;

Points to remember about if statement –

• The conditional expression is always enclosed in parenthesis.
• The conditional expression may be a simple expression or a compound expression.
• Each statement block may have a single or multiple statements to be executed. In case there is a single statement to be executed then it is not mandatory to enclose it in curly braces ({}) but if there are multiple statements then they must be enclosed in curly braces ({}).
• The else clause is optional and needs to be included only when some action is to be taken if the test condition evaluates to false.

Nested if . . . else

As opposed to the straightforward if statement, which may be used to test a single condition, these control structures are used to test for several conditions. The following is the syntax for nested if else:

if (conditional expression1)
else if (conditional expression2)
else if (conditional expression3)

Switch Statement

With the use of a range of character or numeric values, this selection statement enables us to evaluate the value of an expression. When a matching value is found, the control jumps to the statement related to that value, which is then run until the break statement or end of switch is reached. The syntax of the switch statement is as follows:

switch (Variable/Expression)
case Value1: statements1 ;
break ;
case Value2: statements2 ;
break ;
default:statements3 ;

Comparing Switch and If..else Statements

The if-else statement verifies both the logical expression and equality. Switch, on the other hand, just verifies equality. The if statement evaluates types such as boolean, character, pointer, floating-point, and integer. The switch statement, on the other hand, exclusively evaluates character or numeric datatypes.

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 11 Notes

Information Technology Class 11 MCQ

Information Technology Class 11 Questions and Answers

RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

rdbms class 11 questions and answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (802) class 11.

RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

1. Write a short note on MySQL.
Answer – Based on structured query language, MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) created by Oracle (SQL). A systematic collection of data is called a database. Anything from a straightforward shopping list to a photo gallery or a location to store the enormous volumes of information in a business network may be it.

2. Mention features of a DBMS.
Answer – Features of a DBMS –

  • Minimum Redundancy and Duplication. …
  • Usage Of Query Languages. …
  • Multi User Access. …
  • Reduced amount of space and money spent on storage. …
  • Data Organization. …
  • Customization of the Database. …
  • Data Retrieval. …
  • Data Integrity is Maintained.

RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

3. What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
Answer – Database Management System is referred to as DBMS, and Relational Database Management System is referred to as RDBMS. Unlike RDBMS, which stores data in the form of tables, DBMS stores data as a file.

4. List some features of MySQL.
Answer – Features of MySQL ae –
a. MySQL based on Client/Server Architecture
b. Free to use
c. Highly Flexibal
d. Compatible on many operating sytem
e. High performance
f. High productivity
g. Platform independent

5. How is Primary Key different from Candidate Key?
Answer – A record in a table is uniquely identified by its primary key, which must be both unique and non-null. There can only be one primary key per table. A candidate key can be used in conjunction with a primary key to uniquely identify records in a table.

RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

6. Define the key(s) used in MySQL.
Answer – There are four different types of Keys –
a. Primary Key – The group of one or more columns used to uniquely identify each row of a relation is called its Primary Key.

b. Cndidate Key – A column or a group of columns which can be used as the primary key of a relation is called a Candidate key because it is one of the candidates available to be the primary key of the relation.

c. Alternate Key – A candidate key of a table which is not selected as the primary key is called its Alternate Key.

d. Foreign Key – A primary key of a base table when used in some other table is called as Foriegn Key.

7. State the similarity and difference between the Primary Key, Candidate Key, Alternate Key and Foreign Key
Answer –
a. Primary Key – The group of one or more columns used to uniquely identify each row of a relation is called its Primary Key.

b. Cndidate Key – A column or a group of columns which can be used as the primary key of a relation is called a Candidate key because it is one of the candidates available to be the primary key of the relation.

c. Alternate Key – A candidate key of a table which is not selected as the primary key is called its Alternate Key.

d. Foreign Key – A primary key of a base table when used in some other table is called as Foriegn Key.

RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

8. Which statement is used to select a database and make it current?
Answer – To choose data from a database, use the SELECT statement. The information received is kept in a result table known as the result-set.

9. How is a database related to table(s)?
Answer – In databases, a table is a collection of data elements (values) organised using a model of vertical columns (named) and horizontal rows, with a cell serving as the intersection of a row and a column. A table can have any number of rows but only a certain number of columns.

10. Write SQL statement to view names of all the tables contained in the current database.
Answer – To display all the table in database –

11. In a database there is a table Cabinet. The data entry operator is not able to put NULL in a column of Cabinet? What may be the possible reason(s)?
Answer – The data entry operator cannot enter duplicate values in a column of a cabinet; this is likely because the column contains a primary key.

RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

12. Do Primary Key column(s) of a table accept NULL values?
Answer – Primary Key column does not support NULL Values.

13. There is a table T1 with combination of columns C1, C2, and C3 as its primary key? Is it possible to enter:
a. NULL values in any of these columns?
b. Duplicate values in any of these columns?
Answer –
a. No
b. Not possible

18. What are the differences between DELETE and DROP commands of SQL?

Answer – The DELETE command in Data Manipulation Language (DML) is used to remove tuples or records from a relation or table. In contrast, the DDL command DROP is used to delete named schema elements such as relations, tables, constraints, or the whole schema.

RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

19. How many types of language are there in the database?

DDL (Data definition language) – Data definition language is used to design and modify the structure of a database.
Common DDL commands are
a. Create – This command is used to create database
b. Alter – This command is used to modify the database.
c. Drop – This command is used to delete database tables.

DML (Data manipulation language) – Data manipulation language provides commands for manipulating data in databases.
Common DML commands are
a. Select – This command is used to display information from the database.
b. Insert – This command is used to insert new records in the database.
c. Delete – This command is used to delete records from the database.
d. Update – This command is used to modify records in the database.

20. Consider the following table “Teachers”











































RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

Write SQL commands:
a. To display all the information from the table whose address is ‘Mumbai’.

Answer – Select * from students where address = “Mumbai”;

b. To list the details of all the students whose percentage is between 90 to 100.

Answer – Select * from students where percentage >= 90 and percentage <= 100;

c. To display the name of all the students whose gender is Female.

Answer – Select Subject from students where Gender = ‘F’;

d. To display the list of names of all the students in alphabetical order.

Answer – Select * from students order by Student_name;

21. Write the SQL commands to answer the queries based on Fabric table





















RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

a. Write a query for insert the following record
(“F005”, “Kurta”, “Woollen”,5)

Answer – insert into Fabric values (‘F005’, ‘Kurta’, ‘Woolen’,5);

b. Write a query to display only those fabric whose disc is more than 10

Answer – select * from Fabric where Disc>10;

c. To display those record whose type is ‘Woolen’

Answer – select * from Fabric where type = ‘Woolen’;

d. To modify the fabric shirt by increasing discount by 10

Answer – update fabric set Disc = Disc + 10 where Fname = ‘Shirt’;

e. To delete the record of fabric F003 from table

Answer – delete from Fabric where FabricID =‘F003’;

22. Consider the following Vendor table and write the queries






Mother Dairy












Kwality Walls



RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

a. Write a Query to display all records

Answer – Select * from Vendor;

b. Write a Query to add a new row with the following details
(„V005‟, „Vadilal‟, „2010-03-20‟, „Pune‟)

Answer – Insert into Vendor values (“V005‟, “Vadilal‟, “2010-03-20‟, “Pune‟);

c. Write a query to modify the location of V003 from Kolkata to Gujrat

Answer – Update Vendor Set location= “Gujrat‟ Where location= “Kolkata‟;

23. Consider the following table “ITEM”:














Face cream








Soap box



RDBMS Class 11 Questions and Answers

a. Display the total amount of each item. The amount must be calculated as the price multiplied by quantity for each item.

Answer – Select price * quantity from item;

b. Display the details of items whose price is less than 50.

Answer – Select * from item where price < 50;

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 11 Notes

Information Technology Class 11 MCQ

Information Technology Class 11 Questions and Answers

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

office automation tools class 11 questions and answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (802) class 11.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

1. What is the need of a word processing software?
Answer – Using a standard word processor, a user can generate documents, modify them using the keyboard and mouse, store them for later access, and print them to a printer. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Notepad, and Corel WordPerfect are all common word processing programs.

2. What is the task of a word processing software?
Answer – A word processor is a tool or computer application that allows for the entry, editing, formatting, and output of text.

3. Name an open source word processing software.
Answer – Apache OpenOffice Writer & Google doc

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

4. List the steps to start an OpenOffice Writer.
Answer – Click Start >> All Programs >> OpenOffice >> OpenOffice Writer from the desktop if applicable. OpenOffice Writer users should select File > New > Text Document. A text document appears on your screen in either scenario. (The text document’s name can be seen at the top of the screen.

5. List the components of the main screen of OpenOffice Writer.
Answer – OpenOffice Writer’s home screen is divided into several sections, including the Work Area, Ruler bar, Status bar, and Scroll bar.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

6. Define the following:
a. Tabs
b. Ruler Bar
c. Status Bar
d. Scroll Bar
e. Work Area
Answer –
a. Tabs – Tabs like “File,” “Edit,” “View,” and “Insert” feature drop-down menus with actions that are specific to the tab.
b. Ruler Bar – There are two rulers—a horizontal and vertical ruler—on the ruler bar. We can change the margins and indentation using the Ruler Bar.

c. Status Bar – The status bar shows details about the open document that is currently open. The zoom slider, total number of pages in the document, and the current page number are all displayed.

d. Scroll Bar – Both a horizontal and vertical scroll bar are present. They aid in scrolling the document’s body or content.

e. Work area – This is the area where the document’s text is typed.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

7. List the tabs in the OpenOffice Writer. What are the key tasks performed by the tabs.
Answer – The Tab key in word processing and text editing inserts the ASCII tab character, advances the insertion point to the following tab stop in a table, or inserts numerous space characters (depending on the programme used).

8. What is the extension of the file created in OpenOffice Writer?
Answer – ODT is the extension for files produced by OOo Writer (OpenDocument text). ODT files and Writer Files are the terms used in this site to refer to files made in Writer.

9. What is the purpose of the following tabs?
a. File
b. Edit
c. View
d. Insert
Answer –
a. File – You can specify a file in the File tab where the log shall be saved. An indicator that shows if file logging is active and a button to enable or disable it are located at the top. (Take note that unless a file is chosen below, you cannot enable it.) You can stop and start the file entering process using the button.

b. Edit – Editing principles and objectives Editing is done to carry on or emphasise the significance of a scene or tale. It is often referred to as “creating diverse moods and atmospheres,” and this can be done by editing techniques including fading, three-way colour correction, and shot pacing.

c. View – By limiting access to a predetermined set of a table’s rows and columns, views offer an extra layer of security. A view has the ability to conceal the complexity of a multiple table join.

d. Insert – The user can add something (such a photograph) into a document or file by using the Insert file menu and Ribbon area in software. For instance, in Microsoft Word, the user can include a photo of themself into their paper using the Insert tab in the Ribbon.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

10. What is the difference between Save command and Save As command?
Answer – When we save a document, the most recent version can be modified to reflect the most recent working version and the newly created document. We can save our work for the first time using Save As, and it will also ask where and under what name it should be saved.

11. What is the difference between Move text and Copy text?
Answer – Moving and copying are different in that the first creates a duplicate of a file or directory at a new location without changing its original content, whereas the latter moves the original file or directory to a new location.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

12. How is Find and Replace option useful?
Answer – By using Find and Replace, you may easily find and replace any word or formatting style within a page. This is very useful for lengthy papers. Perform the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H or go to Editing in the Home tab of the ribbon, then select Replace to use Find and Replace.

13. List the steps for inserting a hyperlink to a web page in a document.
Answer –
Step 1 : Select the text you want to use as link
Step 2 : Insert >> Links >> Link
Step 3 : Type or paste the destination URL
Step 4 : Click on OK to create a hyperlink

14. What is the difference between toggle case and sentence case when using Change Case?
Answer – Sentence case will capitalise the first word; lowercase will change all of the letters in the selection to lowercase; UPPERCASE will change all of the letters to uppercase; and tOGGLE cASE will change all of the letters in the selection to the opposite case.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

15. What is a spreadsheet? List its uses.
Answer – In a spreadsheet application, data is arranged into rows and columns and shown as a grid or table. Utilizing the numerical data, it is utilised to assess and produce projections. Typically, a spreadsheet programme is used for the following tasks –

  • Enter data
  • Edit data
  • Format data
  • Perform calculation on the data
  • Present data in graphical form

16. Explain a workbook and worksheet.
Answer –
Workbook – You can use a file called a “Calculus Workbook” that contains numerous worksheets to arrange various types of related material. The three worksheets “sheet 1,” “sheet 2,” and “sheet 3” are included by default in a workbook.

Worksheet – A single spreadsheet with cells, rows, and columns can be found in a calc worksheet. A worksheet always starts in row 1 and column A. A formula, text, or number can be entered into each cell.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

17. What is the purpose of using a spreadsheet?
Answer – The purpose of using spreadsheet are –
1. Managing financial data such as bank account information, budgets, transactions, billing, and receipts.
2. Handling inventory, reviews, employee information, surveys, etc., using data entry forms.
3. Tracking student performance by calculating grades and other relevant information such as attendance, highest score, and lowest score.
4. Creating lists of items which may not be numeric such as student list, grocery list.
5. Managing company information such as profit and sales by creating graphs from the data.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

18. What do you mean by Active Cell?
Answer – You’ll notice a thick black border surrounding the cell you’ve chosen when you choose it. The selected cell is the active cell, as indicated by the thick black border.

19. What are the various types of data available in a spreadsheet?
Answer – There are various types of data that can be entered in a cell –
a. Labels – These are alphabetic or alphanumeric entries without numeric value. They can be a combination of letters, numbers, space, special characters etc. Labels are left justified by default.

b. Numbers or Values – These are numeric data which may be integers or can contain decimals or fractions. Values are right-justified by default.

c. Formulas – Used to perform calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, average. Formulas must begin with an = sign.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

20. What is the purpose of AutoFill in Spreadsheet?
Answer – You can enter data automatically in Spreadsheet. Use the AutoFill command to automatically expand a predictable sequence (such as 1, 2, 3, days of the week, or hours of the day) that you are typing.

21. What is the need of a presentation software?
Answer – Users who want to deliver information to an audience can do so with the aid of presentation software. It includes templates and tools for adding text, photos, music, video, and graphs as well as other types of content. Using presentation software, teachers can make their lessons more engaging.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

22. What is the task of a presentation software?
Answer – It is possible to construct presentations of ideas by combining text, graphics, and audio or video using presentation software, a subcategory of application software. A tale is told, a speech is supported, or information is presented in a presentation.

23. Name an open source presentation software
Answer –
a. Apache OpenOffice’s Impress.
b. LibreOffice’s Impress.
c. FreeOffice 2018’s Presentation.
d. Google Slides.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

24. List the steps to start an OpenOffice Impress.
Answer –
Step 1 : Click on Start Button
Step 2 : Click on
Step 3 : Click on Impress

25. List the components of the main screen of OpenOffice Impress.
Answer – The Slides pane, Workspace, and Tasks panes make up the main Impress window. Several toolbars can also be shown or hidden while a presentation is being created.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

26. List the different view options in OpenOffice Impress.
Answer – Different ways in which presentation slides can be viewed are –
a. Normal View
b. Outline View
c. Slide Sorter
d. Slide Show
e. Notes Page
f. Handout Page

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

27. List the tabs in the OpenOffice Impress. What are the key tasks performed by the tabs?
Answer – Insert tab are described as follows –
a. Insert page number, Date and Time – A Header and Footer Window opens. Make settings here for date, time and page number.

b. Insert Fields – A pop-up menu appears. Select the element to be inserted. The selected element will insert at the location of the cursor.

c. Insert Hyperlink – A dialog box opens. On the left side of the dialog box, select where you want to link – current presentation slides, new presentation or Internet link. Then fill the details path, Form (text, button), etc. The Text is the name that appears in your document as a hyperlink.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

28. What is the extension of the file created in OpenOffice Impress.
Answer – ODP is the file extension for files produced by OOo Impress (OpenDocument Presentation). ODP files and Impress Files are the terms used in this site to refer to files made in OOo Impress.

29. What is the purpose of the following views –
a. Normal
b. Outline
c. Slide Sorter
d. Slide Show
e. Notes Page
f. Handout Page
Answer –
a. Normal – This is the main editing view for writing and creating slides

b. Outline – This displays an outline of the text in the slides.

c. Slide Sorter – This presents all slides of the presentation in a miniature form. It helps in viewing all slides together and allows easy moving of slides.

d. Slide Show – It shows slides as they will be actually presented. No editing can take place in this view.

e. Notes Page – Allows users to make notes for the selected slide. The notes can be seen only by the presenter while making a presentation. The note page is not visible to the audience of the slide show presentation.

f. Handout Page – It displays slides on a page as seen when printed.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

30. What is the need to use the Slide Master?
Answer – Each slide in your presentation has a general appearance that is controlled by a slide master, including formatting and design. Every slide layout will be updated as you make changes to the slide master within your presentation. At least one slide master can be found in every template.

31. What is the difference between slide transition and slide animation?
Answer – The following are the differences between slide transition and custom animation –
1. Slide Transition – The looks that move you from one slide to the next are known as slide transitions.
2. Slide Animation – Slide animations are the motions you add to text, images, and other items on a single presentation.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 Questions and Answers

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 11 Notes

Information Technology Class 11 MCQ

Information Technology Class 11 Questions and Answers

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

rdbms class 11 mcq

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the RDBMS Class 11 MCQ. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (802) class 11.

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

1. A _________ is an organized collection of data.
a. Database
b. Digital Document
c. Spreadsheet
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
a. Database

2. A ________ is a software package that can be used for creating and managing databases.
a. Database Management System
b. Basedata Management System
c. Database Manage System
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
a. Database Management System

3. In an RDBMS data is stored in _________.
a. Table
b. Form
c. Query
d. Report

Show Answer ⟶
a. Table

4. A_________________ database management system is referred to as a relational model.
c. DB
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

5. Example of the database ________.
a. Microsoft Access
b. OpenOffice Base
c. MySQL
d. All of the above

Show Answer ⟶
d. All of the above

6. DBMS Stands for __________.
a. Database Management System
b. Database Manage System
c. Data Manage System
d. None of the above

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a. Database Management System

7. A table refers to a _________ representation of data arranged in columns and rows.
a. Two dimensional
b. Three dimensional
c. Four dimensional
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
a. Two dimensional

8. __________ is used to manage databases in an RDBMS.
a. Structred Program
b. Structured Query Language (SQL)
c. Forms
d. Report

Show Answer ⟶
b. Structured Query Language (SQL)

9. MySQL commands are divided into different categories_________.
a. DDL, DMC and DDP
b. DDL, DML and DPP
c. DDL, DML and DCL
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
c. DDL, DML and DCL

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

10. _________ command is used to create databases and tables.
a. Create
b. Select
c. Insert
d. Modify

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a. Create

11. __________ statement is used to create a new database.
a. Select Database
b. Insert Database
c. Create Database
d. Modify Database

Show Answer ⟶
c. Create Database

12. ___________ statement is used to create a new table.
a. Select Table
b. Insert Table
c. Create Table
d. Modify Table

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c. Create Table

13. The _________ statement is used to see the structure of a table.
a. Modify
b. Display
c. Describe
d. Select

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c. Describe

14. ALTER TABLE statement is used to change the structure of a table.
a. Modify Table
b. Display Table
c. Alter Table
d. Select Table

Show Answer ⟶
c. Alter Table

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

15. _______ command is used to delete tables.
a. Delete Table
b. Cut Table
c. Drop Table
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
c. Drop Table

16. _________ statement is used to insert a new row in a table.
a. Insert into
b. Select into
c. Display into
d. Add into

Show Answer ⟶
a. Insert into

17. Data stored in a single table is known as __________.
a. Flat File
b. Relational
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Flat File

18. Data is stored in multiple tables, which are connected together via a common field.
a. Flat File
b. Relational
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
b. Relational

19. The _______ statement is used to fetch data from one or more database tables.
a. Insert statement
b. Select statement
c. Display statement
d. Add statement

Show Answer ⟶
b. Select statement

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

20. _________ means display all columns.
a. Insert *
b. Select *
c. Select %
d. Select @

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b. Select *

21. The __________ clause is used to select specific rows.
a. What clause
b. When clause
c. Where clause
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
c. Where clause

22. We can change the structure of a table ie. add, remove or change its column(s) using the _________ statement.
a. Insert Table
b. Alter Table
c. Display Table
d. Add Table

Show Answer ⟶
b. Alter Table

23. The keyword _________ is used to eliminate redundant data from display.
a. Modify
b. Distinct
c. Describe
d. None of the above

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b. Distinct

24 Logical operators ________ are used to connect relational expressions in the WHERE clause.
a. OR
b. AND
c. NOT
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

25. Logical operator _______ is used to negate a condition.
a. OR
b. AND
c. NOT
d. All of the above

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c. NOT

26. The _________ operator defines the range of values that the column values must fall into to make the condition true.
a. Multiplication
b. Modular
c. Equalto
d. Between

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d. Between

27. The __________ operator selects values that match any value in the given list of values.
a. Multiplication
b. Modular
c. IN
d. Between

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c. IN

28. Give the example of wild card character _______.
a. %
b. _
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

29. The _________ symbol is used to represent any sequence of zero or more characters.
a. %
b. _
c. &
d. #

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a. %

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

30. The _________ symbol is used to represent a single character.
a. %
b. _
c. &
d. #

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b. _

31. _________ represents a value that is unavailable, unassigned, unknown or inapplicable.
a. None
c. Empty
d. None of the above

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32. The results of the SELECT statement can be displayed in the ascending or descending order of a single column or columns using _________ clause.
a. Non Order by
b. Modular
c. Order by
d. Where cause

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c. Order by

33. ________ statement is used to modify existing data in a table.
a. Insert Table
b. Update Table
c. Display Table
d. Add Table

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b. Update Table

34. _________ statement is used to delete rows from a table.
a. Insert Statement
b. Alter Statement
c. Display Statement
d. Delete Statement

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d. Delete Statement

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

35. When the same piece of data is stored in two or more locations, it is called ______________.
a. Data Redundancy
b. Data Integrity
c. Data Consistency
d. None of the above

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a. Data Redundancy

36. The unique field present in the table is called __________.
a. Primary Key
b. Candidate Key
c. Foreign Key
d. None of the above

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a. Primary Key

37. When the primary key is applied on multiple columns is known as __________.
a. Primary Key
b. Composite Primary Key
c. Foreign Key
d. None of the above

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b. Composite Primary Key

38. SQL stands for _____________.
a. Single Query Language
b. Structured Query Language
c. Semantic Query Language
d. None of the above

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b. Structured Query Language

39. A row also called a Record or _________ represents a single, data item in a table.
a. Column
b. Tuples
c. Fields
d. None of the above

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b. Tuples

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

40. Which datatype is used for storing date and time both in the database.
a. Date
b. Time
c. Timestamp
d. None of the above

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c. Timestamp

41. _____________ are used to identify which type of data we are going to store in the database.
a. Datatype
b. DataItem
c. DataValue
d. DataCat

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a. Datatype

42. By default the length of the numerical data type is _______.
a. 05
b. 10
c. 20
d. 30

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b. 10

43. ________ means to arrange the data in either ascending order or descending order.
a. Filter
b. Sorting
c. Arrangement
d. None of the above

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b. Sorting

44. In database, data can be linked between two or more tables with the help of ____________.
a. Primary Key
b. Foreign Key
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

RDBMS Class 11 MCQ

45. Referential Integrity helps to avoid ____________.
a. If you want to add a record in the related table and if there is no associated record available in the primary key table.
b. Changing values in a primary if there are any dependent records in the related table.
c. Deleting records from a primary key table if there are any matching related records available in the associated table.
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

46. The connection or association between two or more table is known as ____________
a. Connection
b. Relationship
c. Connector
d. None of the above

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b. Relationship

47. Relationships between tables help to __________.
a. Save time
b. Reduce data-entry errors
c. Summarize data from related tables
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

48. To retrieve all the columns in a table the syntax is ___________.
a. Select $ from <tablename>;
b. Select * <tablename>;
c. Select * from <tablename>;
d. Select % <tablename>;

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c. Select * from <tablename>;

49. A ____________ is a subset of DML that just deals with information retrieval.
a. Query Language
b. Structure Language
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Query Language

50. A ______________ is a language that enables users to access and manipulate data in a database.
a. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
b. Data Definition Language (DDL)
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 11 Notes

Information Technology Class 11 MCQ

Information Technology Class 11 Questions and Answers

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (802) class 11.

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

1. A word processing software has tools that allow creation of _________ documents.
a. Text-based 
b. Graphics-base
c. Tools-base
d. None of the above

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a. Text-based

2. OpenOffice Writer is an ________ software for word processing.
a. Paid Source
b. Open Source 
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Open Source

3. OpenOffice Writer consists of different components like _________.
a. Tabs & Ruler bar
b. Status bar & Scrollbar
c. Work area
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

4. ___________ Modify and Window are the tabs in OpenOffice Writer.
a. File & Edit
b. View & Insert
c. Format & Tools
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

5. File tab consists of commands like, ___________.
a. Create & Save
b. Print & Open
c. Close
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

6. Save As option is used to save a file for the ________, or save an already saved file with a different name.
a. First time 
b. Second time
c. Third time
d. None of the above

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a. First time

7. Edit tab consists of commands for editing a document, like, ___________.
a. Cut, Copy & Paste
b. Find & Replace
c. Undo & Redo
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

8. _________moves the text from the current location to the target location.
a. Target Text
b. Replace Text
c. Move Text 
d. None of the above

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c. Move Text

9. __________copies the text from the current location to the target location.
a. Duplicate Text
b. Copy Text 
c. Move Text
d. All of the above

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b. Copy Text

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

10. View tab consists of commands like, view _________ that help during viewing a document on the screen.
a. Status bar
b. Sidebar
c. Ruler
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

11. Insert tab allows insertion of _________ in a document.
a. Page number & Date
b. Header & Footer
c. Tables & Hyperlinks
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

12. Format tab consist of commands to __________ formatting in a document.
a. Format a page & paragraph
b. Insert bullets and numbering
c. Style formatting
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

13. Table tab commands operate on a table ___________ in a table, in a document.
a. Insert rows and columns
b. Delete rows and columns
c. Insert table
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

14. Tools tab consists of commands to check __________.
a. Check spelling and grammar
b. Count words and characters
c. Both a) and b) 
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

15. Window tab allow the user to ___________.
a. Open a new window
b. Close an existing window
c. Both a) and b) 
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

16. The user can use Help tab to understand the __________ of the OpenOffice Writer.
a. Working of any command 
b. Opening a windows file
c. Saving a windows file
d. All of the above

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a. Working of any command

17. A spreadsheet stores data in the form of a table comprising of rows and columns.
a. Table 
b. document
c. Graph
d. None of the above

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a. Table

18. Spreadsheets are used to __________, and perform calculations on numeric data.
a. Store
b. Arrange
c. Sort
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

19. OpenOffice Calc is a __________ spreadsheet application available that can be used to create and manipulate a spreadsheet.
a. Free software
b. Open-Source Software
c. Both a) and b) 
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

20. Calc Main Window contains various toolbars such as ____________.
a. Title bar & Menu bar
b. Standard bar & Formatting bar
c. Status bar & Find bar
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

21. A Spreadsheet consists of a number of individual sheets, each containing cells arranged ________.
a. Cells arranged in Row
b. Cells arranged in column
c. Both a) and b) 
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

22. A particular cell is identified by its ___________.
a. Column letter
b. Row number
c. Both a) and b) 
d. All of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

23. The selected cell is called as an _______________.
a. Active cell 
b. Inactive cell
c. Passive cell
d. None of the above

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a. Active cell

24. Various types of data can be entered in a cell such as ___________.
a. Labels
b. Numbers
c. Formulas
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

25. __________feature in Calc is used to automatically generate data based on a defined series.
a. AutoFill 
b. Manual Fill
c. None Fill
d. None of the above

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a. AutoFill

26. To enhance the appearance of spreadsheets various formatting options are available in the Formatting Bar and Format Menu such as __________.
a. Alignment
b. Font
c. Size
d. Color
e. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

27. Data can be __________by using the Find toolbar.
a. Searched
b. Replaced
c. Both a) and b) 
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

28. Formulas in Calc can be used for basic operations such as ____________.
a. Addition
b. Subtraction
c. Multiplication
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

29. The advantage of using formulas in the cell is that even if the data in the cell is changed, Calc will automatically _______ the answer without the need to rewrite
the formula again.
a. Recalculate 
b. Replace
c. Delete
d. None of the above

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a. Recalculate

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

30. A _________ identifies the location of a cell or group of cells in the worksheet.
a. Cell reference 
b. Active cell
c. Cell location
d. All of the above

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a. Cell reference

31. The cell reference is also called _________.
a. Path of a cell
b. Address of a cell 
c. Active cell
d. None of the above

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b. Address of a cell

32. Calc has a set of predefined formulas called _______.
a. Equal to
b. Function 
c. Address
d. None of the above

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b. Function

33. Functions differ from formulas in the sense that in a formula we provide both the operands and the operator, however in spreadsheet functions, we only provide _________.
a. Operator
b. Operands 
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Operands

34. Some of the commonly used functions in Calc are __________.
b. SQRT()
c. POWER()
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

35. All cell references are by default _________ i.e., they adjust and change when copied or when using AutoFill.
a. Mixed reference
b. Absolute reference
c. Relative reference 
d. All of the above

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c. Relative reference

36. Absolute addressing is used when the requirement is to retain the cell address even if it is copied to some other cell or when using AutoFill. _________ are used to hold a column and/or row address constant.
a. #
b. %
c. $
d. *

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c. $

37. Mixed addressing is a combination of __________ cell addressing.
a. Absolute and Relative 
b. Mixed and Absolute
c. Relative and Mixed
d. None of the above

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a. Absolute and Relative

38. Data can be easily sorted in Calc by using the ________ command available on the Standard toolbar and also in the Data menu.
a. Filter
b. Sort 
c. Arrange
d. None of the above

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b. Sort

39. Data can be ________ in Calc for displaying it based on some conditions.
a. Filter 
b. Sort
c. Arrange
d. None of the above

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a. Filter

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

40. What are the different types of filter __________.
a. Auto Filter & Standard Filter
b. Auto Filter & Advance Filter
c. Auto Filter, Standard Filter & Advanced Filter 
d. None of the above

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c. Auto Filter, Standard Filter & Advanced Filter

41. In Calc, you can create ___________ to represent the data graphically which help in analyzing spreadsheets containing a huge amount of data.
a. Graphs
b. Charts
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

42. Various types of charts can be created in Calc. Calc offers __________.
a. Column Chart
b. Bar Chart
c. Pie Chart
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

43. A ________ is a recording of each and every command and action you perform to complete a task.
a. Macro 
b. Function
c. Filter
d. None of the above

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a. Macro

44. Calc offers various options for printing spreadsheets such as a ___________.
a. Number of copies
b. Selected sheets
c. Selected cells
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

45. Presentation software allows creation of presentations having __________.
a. Text & Picture
b. Audio
c. Video
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

46. OpenOffice Impress is an _________ software for presentation.
a. Open Source 
b. Close Source
c. No Source
d. None of the above

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a. Open Source

47. _____________ are the different components of OpenOffice Impress.
a. Tabs & Ruler bar
b. Status bar & Scrollbar
c. Slide Pane
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

48. OpenOffice Impress has ______ tabs.
a. 10 Tabs
b. 9 Tabs
c. 8 Tabs 
d. 7 Tabs

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c. 8 Tabs

49. The slides can be viewed in different views – Normal, Outline, Notes, Handout, and Slide Sorter.
a. Normal & Outline
b. Notes & Handout
c. Slide Sorter
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

50. _________ is the main editing view for creating slides.
a. Normal View 
b. Slide Sorter
c. Handout View
d. Notes View

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a. Normal View

51. ________ allows the user to make notes for the selected slides.
a. Information
b. Slide
c. Handout
d. Notes 

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d. Notes

52. __________ view presents slides in a miniature form.
a. Normal View
b. Slide Sorter 
c. Handout View
d. Notes View

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b. Slide Sorter

53. Slide Master allows making changes in appearance of the slides, applying changes to all slides in the presentation.
a. Normal View
b. Slide Master 
c. Handout View
d. Notes View

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b. Slide Master

54. File tab allows operations on a presentation, like, create, save, print, open and close.
a. Normal View 
b. Slide Sorter
c. Handout View
d. Notes View

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a. Normal View

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

55. Edit tab is required to perform editing on the presentation, like, cut, copy, paste, find & replace, undo and redo changes.
a. Cut, Copy & Paste
b. Find & Replace
c. Undo & Redo
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

56. Insert tab is required for inserting ____________ in a presentation.
a. Slide
b. Page number, date and time
c. Picture , Sound and hyperlinks
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

57. Format tab allows formatting the slides __________.
a. Character & Paragraph
b. Slide design
c. Slide layout
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

58. Tools tab contains commands to check _________ of content in the presentation.
a. Spelling 
b. Slide design
c. Slide layout
d. None of the above

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a. Spelling

59. ________ tab consists of commands used on the presentation for better results.
a. Slide Show 
b. Slide design
c. Slide layout
d. None of the above

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a. Slide Show

Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ

60. ___________ is the pattern that applies when a slide goes from one to next.
a. Slide Animation
b. Slide Transition 
c. Slide layout
d. None of the above

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b. Slide Transition

61. ___________ is the pattern that applies to elements of a single slide.
a. Slide Animation 
b. Slide Transition
c. Slide layout
d. None of the above

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a. Slide Animation

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 11 Notes

Information Technology Class 11 MCQ

Information Technology Class 11 Questions and Answers

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