Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers. Al the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Social Science.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers

1. Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.
Answer – After the defeat of Imperial Germany, the Weimar Republic came into existence. A democratic constitution and a federal government were features of the Republic. People did not like the Republic very well. Numerous issues afflicted the Weimar Republic on all fronts, including social, political, and economic ones.

  • The Republic was forced to pay war damages, which caused a severe financial crisis.
  • Germany had to make gold-based war reparations because it had mostly fought the war on borrowed money. The value of the German market decreased as a result of the reduction of gold reserves. Essential commodities have seen a significant increase in price.
  • Political issues also existed in the Weimar Republic. The Constitution was filled with mistakes. The President is authorised by the Constitution to declare states of emergency, suspend civil rights, and impose direct rule.
  • In a short period of time, there were 20 different cabinets in the Weimar Republic. The democratic parliamentary system soon suffered a loss of public support.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers

2. Discuss why Nazism became popular in Germany by 1930.
Answer –
Nazism became popular in Germany by 1930 due to a lot of reasons –

  • The Great Depression is the most significant. Hitler was represented as a saviour to the humiliated German people who were suffering from economic and political crises since the Weimar Republic achieved little to reverse the nation’s economic decline.
  • People’s hopes were raised by Hitler’s powerful speeches, in which he promised to create a great nation, reverse the injustice of the Versailles Treaty, restore the dignity of the German people, and create jobs for all.
  • Hitler’s propaganda was different. People were attracted to the red flags displaying the Nazi salute, the Swastika, and rounds of applause, which helped make Nazism very well known.
  • The political atmosphere was not much better, as the various political parties—including the communists and socialists—fought among themselves, preventing the implementation of any reforms that might improve the situation of the German people.
  • Because of the economic crisis that had closed down banks, companies, and factories in Germany, the middle class in Germany given a strong support due to threatened with destitution due to economic collapse.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers

3. What are the peculiar features of Nazi thinking?
Answer – The odd characteristics of Nazi philosophy were –

  • The crimes committed by the Nazis were associated with a set of behaviours and a set of beliefs.
  • Hitler’s vision and the Nazi ideology were totally contradictory.
  • Nordic German Aryans were at the top, while the Jews formed the lowest rung of the racial ladder.
  • According to Nazi philosophy, there was only a racial hierarchy and no equality between people.
  • Jews were at the lowest rung, Nordic German Aryans, blue-eyed, blond people were at the top.
  • Nazis believed that the strongest race should survive and the weakest should perish.
  • They believed that only the strongest race would survive and rule. This was borrowed from Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
  • It was necessary to acquire new territories in order to increase the mother country’s territory.
  • Eventually Jews were killed in gas chambers in Poland by concentrating them in certain areas, from 1939 to 1945.
  • To increase Germany’s natural resources and power, new territories must be acquired.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers

4. Explain why Nazi propaganda was effective in creating a hatred for Jews.
Answer – Nazi propaganda was successful in generating hatred toward Jews –

  • They produced propaganda movies, with The Eternal Jew being the most famous, to spread hate towards Jews. Jews who were Orthodox were humiliated and marked. They were depicted as having long beards, wearing kaftans, and being rats and vermin who preyed on honourable Germans.
  • They encouraged and took advantage of people with the idea of traditional Christian animosity for Jews since they were thought to have killed Christ in order to make the Germans prejudicial toward Jews in order to establish their hatred of them.
  • Through schools where they were encouraged to be aggressive and conservative about the purity of their race, the Nazis cultivated hatred against the Jews even in the minds of the children. Jewish teachers were fired, and Jewish students were expelled from schools. Such techniques and fresh ideological instruction given to the next generation of kids went a long way in making Nazi propaganda very effective at instilling anti-Semitism.
  • The Nazis’ propaganda successfully influenced the public’s thoughts by appealing to their emotions and utilising long-standing anti-Semitic prejudice. This directed their rage and resentment toward people who were held responsible for all of Germany’s problems, both current and historical. And the solution to these “ills” would be the Nazis.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers

5. Explain what role women had in Nazi society. Return to Chapter 1 on the French Revolution. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the role of women in the two periods.
Answer – In Nazi society, women were assigned to the role of housewives, who had the responsibility of protecting the honour of the German race by avoiding contact with “undesirables” and having as many children who were of pure blood as possible. Those who adopted this role received preferential care in hospitals, discounts in stores, free theatre tickets, and reduced train prices.

Hitler claimed that women were the most important citizens, but not all women agreed with him. particularly those who broke with Nazi ideology. Those who did ran the risk of being publicly humiliated, losing their civic honour, their families, going to jail, and even dying.

This was in total contrast to how women were involved in the French Revolution, where they led movements and battled for equality in pay and access to education. They could not be forced against their will to get married. They could also pursue careers in art, entrepreneurship, or job training. They were permitted to own property and had to attend school.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers

6. In what ways did the Nazi state seek to establish total control over its people ?
Answer – When Hitler become the Chancellor of Germany, Hitler captured all the powers. The Nazi state aimed to achieve complete control over its population in the following ways.

  • They used a variety of propaganda, including as banners and movies, to praise their behaviour.
  • Nazism managed to tear into people’s psyches, delved into their emotions, and directed their hatred and anger toward those who were marked out as “unfortunate.”
  • To control and manipulate society in the manner that the Nazis needed, special security and reconnaissance capabilities were created.
  • Political parties other than the German Workers’ Party were banned under Nazi rule.
  • The police powers possessed the means to rule without fear of negative consequences. In addition to creating an atmosphere of fear and repression, destruction helped them establish complete dominance over their relatives.
  • The Nazi style of life exalted war and chose the path of conflict as a way out of the economic crisis. The Nazi ideology centred on Jews as the source of all suffering and attempted genocides against Jews.
  • Hitler announced a massive militarization plan to increase Germany’s military prowess and restore its former glory and greatness.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers

7. Explan how the Great Economic Depression affected the German economy.
Answer – The German economy was seriously affected by the Great Depression (1929–1932). Industrial production had fallen to 40% of 1929 levels by 1932. Employees either lost their jobs or received pay reductions. The unemployment population reached an all-time high of 6 million.

Young people without jobs played cards, loitered on street corners, or waited impatiently in line at the local employment exchange. The youth turned to crime due to a lack of employment opportunities.

People were extremely anxious and afraid. When the currency lost value, the middle classes, particularly salaried workers and pensioners, saw their savings decrease. Retailers, business owners, and small business owners suffered as a result of the collapse of their industries. These social groups lived in constant terror of falling into the working class or, even worse, the ranks of the unemployed.

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Questions and Answers

8. Which of the following was a feature of Hitler’s foreign policy?
Answer – Hitler’s foreign policy was an unexpected success.

  • In 1933, he left the League of Nations.
  • In 1936, Hitler retook control of the Rhineland.
  • Under the motto “One people, One empire, and One leader,” he unified Germany and Austria in 1938.
  • He then took control of the entire nation and annexed the German-speaking Sudentenland from Czechoslovakia.

9. What does the term ‘Genocidal War’ refer to?
Answer – The murder in mass numbers of a specific population of helpless civilians in Europe by Germany during the Second World War is referred to as a “genocidal war.”

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