Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ. Al the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Social Science.

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

1. ___________ wanted a nation which tolerated all religions and opposed the uncontrolled power of dynastic rulers.
a. Liberals 
b. Redicals
c. Conservatives
d. None of the above

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a. Liberals

2. __________ did not believe in universal adult franchise, that is, the right of every citizen to vote. They felt men of property mainly should have the vote.
a. Liberals 
b. Redicals
c. Conservatives
d. None of the above

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a. Liberals

3. ___________ wanted a nation in which the government was based on the majority of a country’s population. They supported women’s suffragette movements. They opposed the privileges of great landowners and wealthy factory owners.
a. Liberals
b. Redicals 
c. Conservatives
d. None of the above

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b. Redicals

4. _____________ had been generally opposed to the idea of change. By the nineteenth century, they accepted that some change was inevitable but believed that the past had to be respected and change had to be brought about through a slow process.
a. Liberals
b. Redicals
c. Conservatives 
d. None of the above

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c. Conservatives

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

5. Robert Owen (1771-1858), a leading English manufacturer, sought to build a cooperative community called _____________.
a. New Harmony in Indiana 
b. Old Harmony in Indiana
c. New Harmony in Asia
d. Old Harmony in Asia

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a. New Harmony in Indiana

6. In France, __________ wanted the government to encourage cooperatives and replace capitalist enterprises.
a. Robert Owen
b. Louis Blanc 
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Louis Blanc

7. Russian Tsarist rule ended in the year of ____________
a. 1917 
b. 1918
c. 1920
d. 1921

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a. 1917

8. What was Tsarina Alexandra known for?
a. Empress of Russia 
b. Empress of America
c. Empress of German
d. None of the above

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a. Empress of Russia

9. The right of women by law to vote in national or local elections are known as ___________.
a. Woman Suffrage 
b. Woman Rights
c. Woman Law
d. None of the above

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a. Woman Suffrage

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

10. What do you mean by Industrial Society.
a. Mass production
b. New manufacturing processes
c. Large capacity of Labou
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

11. Which revolution brought men, women and children to factories.
a. Industrial Revolution 
b. Social Revolution
c. Agriculture Revolution
d. None of the above

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a. Industrial Revolution

12. Why Industiral Revolution occurred.
a. Work hours were long and wages were poor
b. Unemployment was common
c. Low demand for industrial goods
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

13. Who is the leader of Bolshevik party ____________
a. Karl Marx
b. Louis Blanc
c. Robert Owen
d. Lenin 

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d. Lenin

14. What types of changes resulted from new political movements in Europe?
a. New cities came up
b. Railways expanded
c. Both a) and b) 
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

15. Who wanted the government to encourage cooperatives and replace capitalist enterprise.
a. Louis Blanc 
b. Vladimir Lenin
c. Robert Owen
d. None of the above

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a. Louis Blanc

16. SPD Stand for ___________
a. Socilist Democratic Party
b. Social Democratic Party 
c. Social Dynamit Party
d. None of the above

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b. Social Democratic Party

17. At the start of the 20th century, the majority of Russians were engaged in _____________
a. Agriculture 
b. Policatical Party
c. Production
d. None of the above

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a. Agriculture

18. Who was Tsarina Alexandra?
a. Russian origin
b. American origin
c. German origin 
d. French origin

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c. German origin

19. Germany, Turkey, and _____________ nations that were part of the Central Powers during the First World War.
a. China
b. Austria 
c. Russia
d. None of the above

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b. Austria

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

20. ____________ thought that the Revolution marked a turning point in the development of the contemporary division between the abstract private life and state.
a. Karl Marx 
b. Vladimir Lenin
c. Robert Owen
d. None of the above

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a. Karl Marx

21. ___________ is Muslim reformers within the russian empire who whanted modernized islam to lead their societyes.
a. Jadidist 
b. Karl Marx
c. Robert Owen
d. None of the above

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a. Jadidist

22. Britain’s Labor Party was founded by socialists and ___________.
a. Trade Unionists 
b. Policatical Party
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Trade Unionists

23. Which of these statements are true after the French Revolution?
a. Everyone in Europe, however, wanted a complete transformation of society.
b. Not everyone in Europe, however, wanted a complete transformation of society. 
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Not everyone in Europe, however, wanted a complete transformation of society.

24. In order to organise the socialists’ activities across Europe, an international organisation known as the __________.
a. First International
b. Second International 
c. Thirt International
d. None of the above

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b. Second International

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

25. Which group favoured the communist transformation of Russia.
a. Bolsheviks 
b. Germans
c. French
d. None of the above

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a. Bolsheviks

26. Which of the following groups was opposed to all political and social change?
a. Liberals
b. Conservatives 
c. Radicals
d. None of the above

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b. Conservatives

27. The farming community was referred to as____________.
a. Farmer
b. Soviet
c. Mir 
d. None of the above

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c. Mir

28. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
a. To feed the army, large grain supplies were delivered.
b. In Russia, railway lines began to break down in 1916.
c. Shortage of labour resulted in the closure of small workshops
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

29. On ___________ socialists took over the government in Russia?
a. October Revolution in 1917 
b. October Revolution in 1918
c. October Revolution in 1919
d. None of the above

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a. October Revolution in 1917

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

30. What is the name of the hat used as the unifrom of the Soviet troops __________.
a. Budeonovka 
b. Ushanka
c. Shapka
d. None of the above

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a. Budeonovka

31. How is it possible to state that “liberals” were not “democrats”?
a. Liberals were against this policy which is also known as universal adult franchise.
b. Liberals are not considered as the democrats or democratic policies.
c. Only men of property should have a right to vote
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

32. Who organised a strategy to start a revolution in Italy?
a. Giuseppe Mazzini 
b. Louis Blanc
c. Robert Owen
d. None of the above

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a. Giuseppe Mazzini

33. Which of the following belong to property owners and employers.
a. Liberals
b. Radicals
c. Conservatives
d. Both a) and b) 

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d. Both a) and b)

34. An Italian Revolutionary, Giuseppe Mazzine was an ___________.
a. Italian Politician
b. Journalist
c. Activist
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

35. During the Russian Revolution, who functioned as the group’s leader in Russia?
a. Vladimir Lenin 
b. Louis Blanc
c. Robert Owen
d. None of the above

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a. Vladimir Lenin

36. When did the government suspended the Duma.
a. 22 February 1917 
b. 22 March 1917
c. 22 April 1917
d. None of the above

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a. 22 February 1917

37. What made autocracy unpopular in Russia?
a. Tsar Nicholas II was unable to rule effectively.
b. A large number of workers were unemployed
c. The poor dicisions like Rasputin made the autocracy unpopular.
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

38. During a strike on February 27, 1917, soldiers and labourers came together to form a council they named __________.
a. Council Soviet
b. Petrograd Soviet 
c. Russian Soviet
d. None of the above

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b. Petrograd Soviet

39. In 1914 Russia participated in World War I, Russia fought against ____________.
a. Germany and Austria 
b. Germany and France
c. Germany and Austria
d. None of the above

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a. Germany and Austria

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution MCQ

40. What were the demands made by the St. Petersburg workers who went on strike?
a. Reduction of working time to eight hours
b. Increase in wages
c. Improvement in working conditions
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

41. Russian peasants were different from other peasants in Europe because ____________.
a. They pooled their land together
b. They had no respect for the nobility
c. Both a) and b) 
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

42. Liberals want ____________.
a. A nation which tolerated all religions.
b. Opposed the uncontrolled power of dynastic rulers
c. Safeguard the rights of individuals against governments
d. All of the above 

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d. All of the above

43. During the Russian Revolution, who worked as the group’s leader in Russia?
a. Robert Owen
b. Vladimir Lenin 
c. Giuseppe Mazzini
d. None of the above

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b. Vladimir Lenin
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