Artificial Intelligence – The Future

Artificial intelligence can be broadly categorized into three main types: artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), artificial general intelligence (AGI) and artificial superintelligence (ASI).

Artificial intelligence is everywhere these days. It’s in our smartphones, our personal assistants, and in the cars we drive. But what does it all mean? How does it work and what does it mean for the future? Here’s what you need to know.

What is Artificial Intelligence ?

Artificial Intelligence is just like Human Intelligence in machines that have been trained to think and act like humans. A machine with artificial intelligence that can learn and solve problems. It is the opposite of natural intelligence.

The Artificial Intelligence term comes from Dartmout Conference in 1956. Most people think Artificial Intelligence means robots, but it is actually based on the principle of human intelligence in machines, which allows machines to effortlessly replicate human intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence examples –

a. Google Maps and Ride-Hailing Applications in Artificial Intelligence

Google Maps assists in determining the optimal route and direction to go. The Google Maps algorithm employs machine learning to navigate the route. This Artificial Intelligence – based method informs users of the distance between two locations and the estimated travel time.

b. Face detection and recognition in Artificial Intelligence

Face detection aids in the recognition of human faces. Face detection and recognition are utilized in the airport for monitoring and security purposes.

c. Text Editors or Autocorrect in Artificial Intelligence

Based on the difficulty level, AI assists users in locating spelling errors, grammatical errors, or suggestions. An artificial intelligence algorithm can assist detect and improve problematic language usage.

d. Chatbots in Artificial Intelligence

Chatbots are computer programmes that assist customers and provide answers to their concerns. Natural Language Processing is being used to train chatbots. Chatbots are capable of answering difficult inquiries and providing the necessary responses.

e. Online Payment in Artificial Intelligence

Banks utilize artificial intelligence to assist customers with online payment processing. Artificial Intelligence has the potential to detect fraudness and protect customers during online transactions.

f. Social Media in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence assists in the detection of cyberbullying, cybercrime, and abusive language on social media. Hateful speech or content uploaded on social media platforms is also detected by Artificial Intelligence.

Why Artificial Intelligence –

Artificial intelligence has the ability to take actions that have the best possibility of reaching a certain goal. Nowadays many of the companies are using Artificial Intelligence in their projects, for example Google, Amazon, Facebook, twitter, Netflix finance companies, health care etc.

This Artificial Intelligence software helps to know the customer needs, improve business processes, and make decisions. Day by day, Artificial Intelligence systems get smarter and more knowledgeable than humans.

Artificial intelligence future –

a. Artificial intelligence in – Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence aids in the faster and more accurate diagnosis of diseases. In the hospital, Artificial Intelligence assists patients in scheduling doctor appointments and making hospital payments.

b. Artificial intelligence in – Cyber security

Cyber security is essential for all organizations, and Artificial Intelligence can assist in identifying security issues, determining the source of cyber attacks, and preserving data.

c. Artificial intelligence in – Transportation

Researchers are working on a completely autonomous mobility vehicle, based on Artificial Intelligence.

d. Artificial intelligence in – E-Commerce

In the e-commerce business, artificial intelligence will be essential. Amazon uses artificial intelligence technologies to manage inventory, user experience, consumer demand, and product distribution.

Artificial Intelligence Characteristics –

1. Machine Learning – Machine Learning aids decision-making based on prior experience. Machine learning is an artificial intelligence area that allows computers to learn and improve without having to be explicitly programmed.

Machine learning is the process of developing computer programmes that can access data and learn on their own.

Machine Learning can be used to solve problems such as detecting credit card fraud, Spam filters, identify patterns and make decisions without human interference.

2. Deep Learning – Deep learning gets its name from the number of additional layers used to learn from data. Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that involves three or more layers of neural networks. Deep Learning teaches computers to perform things that humans do naturally.

Deep Learning can be used to solve problems such as Works with unstructured data, has self-learning capabilities, and can perform advanced analytics.

3. Neural Network – Neural networks are designed to function similarly to the human brain. Human brains work on the basis of neural cells. A neural network is a collection of algorithms just like human neural cells which interact with one another and function similarly to a human brain.

Neural networks can be used in Self-driving cars to tell the difference between a dog, a truck, and a car. Handwritten digits or character recognition.

4. Natural Language Process – NLP is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that allows computers to understand text and spoken language in the same manner that humans do.

Natural Language Process can be used in Customer service chatbots, voice-activated GPS systems, digital assistants, speech-to-text dictation software

5. Computer Vision – Computer Vision has the ability to detect digital photos, movies, and other visual inputs. The purpose of computer vision, which is a subset of artificial intelligence, is to enable computing equipment to correctly detect visual objects.

Computer Vision can be used to solve problems such as Self driving cars, Image recognizing systems etc.

6. Cognitive Computing – Human thinking is the most powerful, and IBM Watson is attempting to offer Artificial Intelligence machines thinking capabilities. In difficult conditions, cognitive computing may imitate human brain thought processes.

Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Alexa are the best examples of cognitive computing.

Artificial Intelligence applications –

a. Artificial Intelligence Application in E-Commerce – AI assists with product recommendation, allowing you to better engage with your customers.

b. Artificial Intelligence Application in Education – Hyper-personalization approaches can be employed with AI technology to thoroughly monitor students’ data, behaviors, teaching materials, alerts, reference materials, quick notes, frequency or repetition, and so on.

c. Artificial Intelligence Application in LifeStyle – Autonomous vehicles, spam filters in email, face recognition, and other applications of artificial intelligence have a significant impact on our daily lives.

d. Artificial Intelligence Application in Navigation – To improve safety, GPS technology can give users with accurate, timely, and complete information.

e. Artificial Intelligence Application in Robotics – AI-powered robots employ real-time updates to detect obstructions in their path and instantaneously arrange their route.

f. Artificial Intelligence Application in Healthcare – In healthcare, AI applications are utilized to create powerful machines that can diagnose diseases and cancer cells.

g. Artificial Intelligence Application in Human Resource – Recruiters can use AI algorithms to scan job candidates’ profiles and resumes to gain a better picture of their abilities.

h. Artificial Intelligence Application in Agriculture – AI helps to performs weather forecasting, solid and crop monitoring.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning –

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that allows machines to mimic human behavior. Machine learning is an Artificial Intelligence subset that allows a machine to learn from prior data without having to programme it directly. The goal of AI is to develop a smart computer system capable of solving complex problems in the same manner that humans can.

History of Artificial Intelligence –

Artificial Intelligence In the year 1955, Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon wrote the first Artificial Intelligence programme. “Logic Theorist” was the name of the programme.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 1956, At the Dartmouth Conference, American computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term “Artificial Intelligence.”

Artificial Intelligence In the year 1966, Joseph Weizenbaum built the first chatbot, ELIZA.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 1972, Japan developed the first humanoid robot, known as WABOT-1.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 1980, The new concept was developed in the year 1980 name was Expert system. This system can make decisions like humans.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 1997, Deep Blue was the first world chess champion winner, developed by IBM.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 2002, Roomba was the first AI-based vacuum cleaner, and it was the first time AI was used in home appliances.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 2006, First time Facebook, Netflix and Twitter were using AI technology in their application.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 2011, Watson was the first Quiz winner program developed by IBM. Watson is designed to handle complicated questions and puzzles. Watson had the capability to understand spoken language and solve difficult problems.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 2012, Google introduced AI in their app “Google Now,” which may present users with information in the form of a suggestion.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 2014, The chatbot “Eugene Goostman” won the infamous “Turing test” competition.

Artificial Intelligence In the year 2018, The first programme that could debate with others name was “Project Debater.”

Google introduces a virtual assistant that can converse with humans over the phone.

Types of artificial intelligence –

Artificial Intelligence is classified into several types, although it is mainly separated into two types based on capability and functionality Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1

a. Narrow AI – Narrow AI, sometimes known as Weak AI, is capable of performing a certain task intelligently. The narrow AI is taught for a single task and does not perform outside of it. Narrow AI includes IBM’s Watson supercomputer.

b. General AI – General AI could complete any intellectual task as quickly as a human. This AI system is smarter and more human-like. There is currently no system exit that falls within general AI, but study is ongoing.

c. Super AI – With cognitive qualities, super AI can perform any task better than humans. This type of system is capable of solving puzzles, planning, making decisions, learning, and communicating on its own. The researcher is trying to develop this type of challenging system, but study is ongoing.

Type 2

a. Reactive Machines – This type of machine focuses on the current situation and reacts accordingly. A Reactive machine is one like IBM’s Deep Blue and Google’s AlphaGo. This form of AI computer does not keep track of memories or past activities for future situations.

b. Limited Memory – Self-driving cars are one of the greatest instances of limited memory machines since they can store data for a short length of time. These cars can store distances between other automobiles, nearby cars, or speed for a limited period of time.

c. Theory of Mind – Theory of Mind based on human emotions and capable of social interaction. This type of machine has yet to be created.

d. Self Awareness – Self-awareness, this computer is smarter than the human intellect. Artificial Intelligence is the future, and this machine has its own mind, emotions, and self-awareness.

How can you tell if Artificial Intelligence is human-like –

Do the following to see if Artificial Intelligence works like a human or not –
a. Turing Test
b. The Cognitive Modeling Approach
c. The Law of Thought Approach
d. The Rational Agent Approach

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence –

1. Reduction in Human Error – Artificial Intelligence’s greatest success is the reduction of human error. A human can make mistakes, but a computer cannot. Artificial intelligence makes use of previously recorded data to reduce mistakes and improve accuracy. Artificial Intelligence assists in the solution of complex issues requiring difficult calculations that can be accomplished without error.

2. Reduce the Risk of Human life – Artificial Intelligence can now handle numerous dangerous situations, such as defusing a bomb, researching the deepest part of the ocean, natural or man-made disasters, and oil and coal mining etc.

3. AI Based Applications – We are now all dependent on mobile phones and the internet. There are numerous applications available that answer problems in our daily lives, such as Google Maps, Google Search Engines, Alexa, and Microsoft Cortana.

4. Helping others – AI is assisting organizations and humans in improving the quality and technologies, such as doctors predicting various harmful diseases, online customer demands and reviews, online chatbots, entertainment or in the field of research industries etc.

5. Take faster decisions as compared to humans – A machine can make decisions faster than a human. Humans consider numerous factors when making decisions, whereas machines depend on the instructions given by programmers. Imagine an online chess game. As you play the game, you will see that AI makes faster decisions and completes the task quickly.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence –

1. Production cost is High in Artificial Intelligence – AI-based application development is expensive and time-consuming, and AI-based hardware updates are equally expensive. It will also require maintenance from time to time.

2. Replacing Jobs and increasing Unemployment due to Artificial Intelligence – Many jobs are now performed by AI-based applications, resulting in increased unemployment. Previously, customer support was done by humans, but nowadays, it is handled by AI-based chatbots.

3. Lack of creativity in Artificial Intelligence – Artificial Intelligence’s biggest weakness is its lack of creativity. Artificial Intelligence improves quality by learning from previous experiences, but it does not have creativity like humans.

The companies that offer Artificial Intelligence jobs –

  1. Artificial Intelligence in Apple
  2. Artificial Intelligence in Google
  3. Artificial Intelligence in Amazon
  4. Artificial Intelligence in Facebook
  5. Artificial Intelligence in Accenture
  6. Artificial Intelligence in IBM
  7. Artificial Intelligence in Microsoft
  8. Artificial Intelligence in Baker Hughes
  9. Artificial Intelligence in PepsiCo
  10. Artificial Intelligence in Casetext

Artificial Intelligence course –

BTech Artificial Intelligence

  1. BTech in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) Sharda University
  2. BTech Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) Netaji Subhas University of
  3. Technology (NSUT) New Delhi
  4. BTech CSE (Artificial Intelligence) Dr. MGR Educational & Research Institute
  5. BTech CSE in Artificial Intelligence Parul University
  6. BTech CSE in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Jain University
  7. BTech CSE in Artificial Intelligence Medi-Caps University

BSc Artificial Intelligence

  1. BSc Computer Science with specialization in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Karnavati University
  2. BSc Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh
  3. Bachelor of Applied Artificial Intelligence (BSc) IU International University of Applied Science
  4. BSc Artificial Intelligence University of Groningen
  5. BSc Data Science, AI & Digital Business GISMA University of AppliedScience
  6. BSc in AI & Machine Learning European Leadership University

Master Artificial Intelligence

  1. MSc Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) Imperial College London
  2. Master’s programme in Artificial Intelligence University of Amsterdam
  3. Master in Computer Science – Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence MIA Digital Universite
  4. Master Computer Science (MSc) IU International University of Applied Science
  5. Master in Automated Science Carnegie Mellon University – School of Computer Science
  6. MSc in Artificial Intelligence University of Groningen
  7. MSc Data Science, AI & Digital Business GISMA University of Applied Science

Know More about Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence – The Future

Artificial General Intelligence

Strong Artificial Intelligence is

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

AI Machine Learning

Difference Between Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

AI Companies

AI in HealthCare

Artificial Intelligence Salary per month in India

Artificial Intelligence Engineering Courses

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