Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Chapter 1: Introduction to Styles

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. Which of the following features in LibreOffice Writer is/are used to create the given document?
    (a) Page borders
    (b) Envelope
    (c) Picture from File
    (d) Indexes and Tables
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Answer: (b) Envelope
Explanation: In the above question figure is not added in the question paper please refer to textbook (Page No 20).

  1. Styles menu (from sidebar) in Writer provides options to work on __.
    (a) Paragraph Styles
    (b) Frame Styles
    (c) Page Styles
    (d) All of the above
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (d) All of the above
Explanation: Style menu provides six different types of style: page style, paragraph style, character style, frame style, list style and table style.

  1. What is the style template in LibreOffice Writer?
    (a) Pre-determined form and mode of document file
    (b) One kind of model style
    (c) One type of document
    (d) Cluster of documents in Writer
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Answer: (b) One kind of model style
Explanation: Style Template is a pre designed model of document which is used to create a new document.

  1. Which of the following gives the status of your document like page numbers, number of pages?
    (a) Status bar
    (b) Standard toolbar
    (c) Formatting
    (d) Title bar
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Show Answer ⟶ Answer: (a) Status bar
Explanation: In LibreOffice status bar is used to give the status of Page number, number of page, total words, total characters and default style information.

  1. Which of the following can be used to access a style menu?
    (a) F11 function key
    (b) Sidebar Menu
    (c) Formatting toolbar
    (d) All of these
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Show Answer ⟶ Answer: (d) All of these
Explanation: You can use F11 function key, Sidebar Menu and Formatting toolbar to open style in LibreOffice Writer.

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. A __ is a collection of different formats
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Answer: style
Explanation: A style is a collection of all formatting information which you want to save and then apply on the document.

  1. Styles are especially handy in __.
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Answer: LibreOffice
Explanation: Style and Formatting windows is given in LibreOffice which is handy to use, Style gives a lot of different methods to handle the format of the document like six different types of style, Fill format, Create new style, update style and load style.

  1. Proper use of styles improves __ in a document.
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Answer: Consistency
Explanation: Style ensures consistency in formatting and reduces time and effort in formatting a document.

  1. The first five buttons at the top of the Styles window select the category of __.
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Answer: Styles
Explanation: Style gives a lot of different methods to handle the format of the document like six different types of style.

  1. Using a predefined __ creates Bookmark in the document.
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Answer: Heading style
Explanation: Predefined Heading Style, allow you to use them as a BookMark for browsing the document.

  1. On opening a new file _ Style is used for formatting the document.
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Answer: Default
Explanation: When you open the new document by default the default style is used.

  1. In page layout documents, you can arrange __ like text boxes and graphics.
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Answer: Objects
Explanation: In page layout you can arrange the text boxes, graphics and objects.

  1. Character styles are often integrated in __ Style.
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Answer: Paragraph Style
Explanation: Character style is a collection of character related format and paragraph style including both character and paragraph.

  1. __ allows to apply style at different places in the document.
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Answer: Fill format
Explanation: Fill Format is used to apply a style in different places quickly without having to go back to the styles and formatting.

  1. Predefined Style __ be updated by Drag and Drop method.
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Answer: Cannot
Explanation: We can create new styles using drag and drop but updating new style is not possible with drag and drop.

C. Short answer questions

1. What do you understand by styles in LibreOffice writer document?

Answer: Styles are predefined sets of formatting options in LibreOffice Writer that can be applied to text, paragraphs, lists, and other elements in a document. They make it possible to format the entire document effectively and consistently.

2. Write advantages of using Style over manual formatting, for designing a document.

Answer: The advantage of using style over manual formatting are –

  • Styles enable us to format documents consistently. 
  • We may easily change the current format by using styles. 
  • Major formatting adjustments are made easy with styles.

3. What are the different categories of style in the LibreOffice writer document?

Answer: There are six different types of style categories you can use in LibreOffice Writer. 

  • Page Style – Basic page layout like page size, its margin, placement of header and footer, footnote, borders and background.
  • Paragraph Style – Paragraph formatting includes tab stops, text alignment, line spacing and borders.
  • Character Style – Character styles allow changing the text color, text size, highlighting text and emphasizing it. 
  • Frame Style – Frame Styles allows to format a frame by specifying its size, position, border and how the text is placed around the picture.
  • List Style – List style can be used to style lists by putting numbering or bullets of a different kind or specify numeric format.
  • Table Style – Table Style category allows to format a table by adding borders, using different text or border color(s), aligning text inside the table, having different patterns or text color.

4. Write down the steps to update a style.

Answer: To update style in LibreOffice Writer the steps are –

  • Step 1: Select formatted paragraph
  • Step 2: Go to Style menu and click on update button
  • Step 3: Using the Style Action button click on Updated Selected Style.

5. What do you understand by custom styles in LibreOffice writer?

Answer: Custom styles are used when the existing styles do not match the requirement, then you can create a Custom Style. There are two different ways to create custom style a) From the selection b) By using drag and drop 

6. In a document Introduction paragraph is to be designed extensively by setting its font (face, size, weight, color), space above it and giving number to heading Given below are the steps used to do so.

  • (i) Select the Introduction (paragraph)
  • (ii) Open Font list from Toolbar
  • (iii) Select the font
  • (iv) Open Font size from Toolbar
  • (v) Select the desired font size
  • (vi) Select Font weight (Bold) from the toolbar
  • (vii) Open Font color from Toolbar
  • (viii) Select desired color
  • (ix) Using Format menu option, select Spacing > Paragraph > Indent and Spacing
  • (x) Edit space above paragraph
  • (xi) Add number by Selecting Numbered list from Toolbar.

Answer: The below steps are given for the detailed process of formatting an introduction paragraph in a document. 

  • (i) Using click and drag to highlight the introduction paragraph
  • (ii) In the toolbar, Click on the dropdown menu to display the current font.
  • (iii) In the toolbar, Click on the dropdown menu to select the font type
  • (iv) In the toolbar, Select the font size from the dropdown menu.
  • (v) In the toolbar, Click on the dropdown menu to select appropriate font size for the introduction paragraph
  • (vi) The “B” icon in the toolbar is used to make the Font weight Bold.
  • (vii) In the toolbar, Click on the font color icon to change the color of the text
  • (viii) In the toolbar, You can use color palette for the desired color
  • (ix) Click on Format menu then navigate to “Indent and Spacing” and find “Spacing” or “Paragraph” 
  • (x) You can adjust the space before the paragraph 
  • (xi) To select a number list you can click on Format > Bullets and Numbering.

7. Give two examples, where instead of Style, using manual formatting will be beneficial.

Answer: The two examples where manual formatting will be beneficial – 

  • Editing a poster or flier
  • Editing documents in some specific areas

8. Give one situation, in which you will prefer to use Fill Format for styling your document.

Answer: Fill Format method is very useful when the same style we want to apply in many places in the document. 

9. Write steps to load style(s) from a template.

Answer: Follow the following steps to load styles from a template –

  • Step 1: In the style menu click on Load Style.
  • Step 2: Select the document which you want to Load on the document
  • Step 3: Click OK to copy the style

Chapter 2: Working with Image

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. The text or image which appears faintly in the background of a page is called _____.
    (a) Watermark
    (b) Trade mark
    (c) Copyright
    (d) Embossing
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Answer: (a) Watermark
Explanation: Watermark is a graphic or word which displays in the background.

  1. JPG or JPEG in image format stands for _____.
    (a) Joint Photographic Experts Group
    (b) Joint Picture Experts Group
    (c) Joint Photographic Experts Graph
    (d) Joint Photographic Experts General
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Answer: (a) Joint Photographic Experts Group
Explanation: Joint Photographic Experts Group is the name of the group who created the JPEG standard.

  1. In the Drawing Object Properties toolbar, Grouping options provided are _____.
    (a) Exit Group
    (b) Ungroup
    (c) Enter Group
    (d) All of these
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Answer: (d) All of these
Explanation: Grouping allows you to combine multiple objects in a single object, grouping is helpful when you want to manage multiple objects at same time.

  1. Which of the following is not the correct file extension for an image file?
    (a) GIF
    (b) JPEG
    (c) Odt
    (d) PNG
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Answer: (c) Odt
Explanation: GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format, JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Expert Group, PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics; all three belong to the image file.

  1. Image toolbar does not provide a tool for _____.
    (a) filtering
    (b) cropping
    (c) copying
    (d) flipping
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Answer: (c) Copying
Explanation: Image toolbar in LibreOffice contains: Image Filter, Image Mode, Crop, Flip Horizontal or Vertical, Rotate, Transparency and color.

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. _ tool cuts off the non-desirable part of the image.
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Answer: Crop
Explanation: Cropping is used to cut unwanted areas of the image.

  1. To change both brightness and contrast of the image ____ tool can be used.
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Answer: Gamma Correction
Explanation: If you want to change both brightness and contrast of the image you have to use Gamma Correction but Gamma Correction is not given in NCERT textbook.

  1. To simulate the effect of time on a picture _ tool is used.
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Answer: Aging
Explanation: Aging simulates the effect of time on pictures.

  1. _ place image at the bottom of all objects.
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Answer: Send Back
Explanation: Arrangement method is used to arrange images at the bottom of objects, there are six different types of arrangement: Bring to Front, Forward One, Back One, Send to Back, To Foreground and To Background.

  1. An image can be deleted by __ it and pressing DELETE key.
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Answer: Selecting
Explanation: Whenever you have to perform any action on the file of image you have to select first.

  1. In drawing tools, basic shapes list provide __ shapes.
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Answer: 25
Explanation: There are 25 different types of shapes available in the drawing tools.

  1. Anchor acts as _ point for a drawing.
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Answer: Reference
Explanation: Anchor acts as a reference point for the image or drawing.

  1. There are ____ options for aligning an image horizontally.
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Answer: Three
Explanation: Alignment is used to align vertical or horizontal placement of the image, there are a total six different types of Alignment – 3 horizontal and 3 vertical.

  1. The _ handles of the image are used for rotating it.
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Answer: Corner
Explanation: For resizing, rotating and maintaining the shape, use corner handles.

  1. Changing properties of an object _ creation, retain them throughout the session
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Answer: Before its

C. Short answer type questions

1. What is a digital image? How can you create one?

Answer: A picture is a digital image, which is represented by a finite number of pixels, or digital values, that can be either 0 or 1. These are kept in several kinds of graphics files like GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, etc.

2. Write steps to insert an image from the gallery using Drag and Drop method.

Answer: You can use the Drag & Drop feature to insert images into the document. Usually, you can simply drag the image from its source and drop it where you want it to be on the page.

3. How is resizing of image different from cropping it?

Answer: Cropping removes unwanted areas from an image, while resizing modifies the images entire dimensions. Resizing effects on the file size and image quality. 

4. What are the tools available in drawing toolbar? Describe any five tools.

Answer: Drawing toolbar is a feature of LibreOffice Writer, this drawing toolbar is basically helpful when we want to draw shapes and graphics in a document. Some of the basic drawing toolbar tools are Cure, polygen, Rectangle, Circle, Flowchart, Textbox, basic shapes etc.

5. How is linking of an image different from embedding? Give a situation in which you would prefer to link an image.

Answer: In LibreOffice Writer embedding is used to embed the image and save the copy of the image in the document. Linking means when you link to the image file instead of saving a copy. The link is better than embedding because linking saves space in case multiple copies of the same image are required.

6. Write steps to change properties for drawing objects.

Answer: Drawing object properties can be modified either at the time of creation or after its creation. The steps to change properties for drawing objects are –

  • Step 1: Select the object 
  • Step 2: Click on Drawing Object Properties Toolbar and click on modified
  • Step 3: Change the value of parameter
  • Step 4: Repeat step 2 and 3 to change all desired properties.

7. What are the benefits and drawbacks of grouping drawing objects?

Answer: When an object is drawn with many shapes, it can be combined to work as a single entity using grouping.

8. Describe any two tools from Drawing Object Properties toolbar.

Answer: The Drawing Object properties toolbar contains different types of tools to manipulate shapes and graphics. The two tools are Ellips and textbox.

9. Write steps to insert an image in a basic drawing shape.

Answer: Steps for inserting image in a basic drawing shape are –

  • Step 1: In document place the cursor where you want to insert image
  • Step 2: Select and click on Insert > Image from menu bar.
  • Step 3: Select the picture from Insert Image dialog box
  • Step 4: Click on Open button to insert an image in document

10. Write factors controlling positioning of an image in a document.

Answer: Different factors control the positioning of an image in a document are Arrangement and Alignment.

Chapter 3: Advanced Features of Writer

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. Which of the following is NOT true about Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box?
    (a) It has four tabs
    (b) On the Type tab, by default, the checkbox for Protected against Manual Changes option will be selected.
    (c) The Styles tab contains options to change the background color.
    (d) None of the above
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Answer: (a) It has four tabs
Explanation: Protection against manual changes option is used to protect the ToC from any accidental changes and the style tab has an option to change background color.

  1. Which of the following tabs is by default active when the Table of Contents, Entries or Bibliography dialog box is opened?
    (a) Entries
    (b) Background
    (c) Styles
    (d) Type
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Answer: (d) Type
Explanation: In Table of Contents there are five different types of tab: Type, Entries, Style, Columns and Background, by default after opening the ToC the first tab, Type tab is active.

  1. Which of the following tabs contains options to set styles for various entries in the ToC?
    (a) Entries
    (b) Background
    (c) Styles
    (d) Type
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Answer: (c) Styles
Explanation: The style tab is given in ToC, this tab contains 10 different types of heading style and paragraph style.

  1. Which of the following can be added in the background of Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer?
    (a) Color
    (b) Graphic
    (c) Both a and b
    (d) Neither a nor b
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Answer: (c) Both a and b
Explanation: In the background of ToC you can contain colors and graphics both.

  1. Which of the following is NOT true about templates?
    (a) The styles and formatting features can be reused.
    (b) LibreOffice provides online templates
    (c) We cannot create our own templates.
    (d) None of the above.
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Answer: (c) We cannot create our own templates.
Explanation: We can create, modify and import the templates.

  1. Which of the following is the shortcut key to open the Templates dialog box?
    (a) Ctrl+Alt+N
    (b) Shift+Ctrl+N
    (c) Ctrl+Alt+T
    (d) Shift+Alt+T
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Answer: (b) Shift+Ctrl+N
Explanation: Shift+Ctrl+N is used to open templates in LibreOffice and OpenOffice both.

  1. Which of the following buttons, in the Templates dialog box, will be clicked to save a template displayed in the list of templates?
    (a) Export
    (b) Import
    (c) Move
    (d) None of the above
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Answer: (b) Import
Explanation: Import is used to add templates from outside or from other documents.

  1. Which of the following is the shortcut key to select the entire document?
    (a) Ctrl+S
    (b) Ctrl+A
    (c) Ctrl+D
    (d) Ctrl+B
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Answer: (b) Ctrl+A
Explanation: Ctrl+A is used to select the entire document content.

  1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of options to open the Templates dialog box?
    (a) File > Manage Templates > Templates
    (b) File > Templates > Manage Templates
    (c) Insert > Templates >Manage Templates
    (d) Insert > Manage Templates > Templates
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Answer: (b) File > Templates > Manage Templates
Explanation: You can open a template using File > Templates > Manage Templates.

  1. Which of the following is true about the Track Changes feature of Writer?
    (a) You cannot record a change made in the document.
    (b) A comment of a particular author only can be deleted
    (c) Any change made to the document is permanent.
    (d) None of the above
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Answer: (d) None of the above

  1. Which of the following menus contains the Track Changes option?
    (a) File
    (b) Edit
    (c) View
    (d) Insert
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Answer: (b) Edit

  1. Which of the following is the shortcut key to start recording the changes being made in the document?
    (a) Ctrl+Shift+C.
    (b) Alt+Shift+C
    (c) Ctrl+Alt+C
    (d) Shift+C+F2
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Answer: (a) Ctrl+Shift+C.
Explanation: Ctrl+Shift+C is a shortcut key to start recording the changes being made in the document.

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. To navigate to the topic from the ToC, press _ key while clicking the mouse button on that topic.
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Answer: Ctrl
Explanation: To navigate the topic from the ToC you can use the Ctrl key.

  1. To remove the applied paragraph styling in the ToC, select the outline level in the Levels list box, and then click the _ button.
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Answer: Default
Explanation: Style tab in ToC you will find one option Default Paragraph Style, this default paragraph style you can use to remove the paragraph style.

  1. If the checkbox for___________________ option is selected, the ToC is protected from any accidental change.
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Answer: Protected Against Manual Changes
Explanation: Protected against manual changes option is used to protect the ToC from any accidental changes

  1. To update the ToC manually, right click and select _ option from the pop up menu.
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Answer: Update Index
Explanation: Writer does not allow to update ToC automatically only manual updates are allowed.

  1. The _ tab contains options to set the number of columns that we want to have in our ToC.
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Answer: Columns
Explanation: The Columns tab in ToC is used to create multiple columns, by default one column is selected.

  1. A ____________ is a preset layout that helps us to create professional and formal documents easily.
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Answer: Template
Explanation: Templates are used to create professional and formal documents.

  1. The default template in Writer is ________.
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Answer: Blank Document Template
Explanation: When you open a template in LibreOffice you will find the Blank Document Template is selected by default.

  1. To find the template that is being used in the current document, select _ option from the File menu.
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Answer: Properties
Explanation: If you want to know what is the name of the template in the current document then you can open properties dialog box from File > Properties.

  1. The ________ button is clicked in the Templates dialog box to view online templates.
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Answer: Browse Online Templates
Explanation: Browse Online Templates dialog box option is used to view online templates.

  1. The ______ feature of Writer offers us an alternative method to keep a record of all the changes made in the original document.
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Answer: Track Changes
Explanation: the Track Changes feature of Writer offers an alternative method to keep a record of all the changes made in the original document

  1. The shortcut key to start recording the changes is _.
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Answer: Ctrl+Shift+C

  1. After the Track Changes feature is ON, the added characters are shown as __ text.
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Answer: Coloured
Explanation: Any character added to the document will be displayed in a different color and any deletion done will be seen in strike-through style.

C. State whether the given statements are True or False

  1. The topics in Table of Contents are hyperlinked.
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Answer: True
Explanation: You can use hyperlink in Table of Contents using LS (Hyperlink Start) and LE (Hyperlink End) button to create hyperlinks.

  1. The Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer can be updated automatically.
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Answer: False
Explanation: No, The table of contents will not update automatically, you have to perform manually updation.

  1. TABLE of Contents can be inserted even if the section headings are not styled.
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Answer: False
Explanation: No, In LibreOffice there are 10 different types of heading you can use to create a Table of Content.

  1. Once a ToC is created, it cannot be edited.
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Answer: False
Explanation: You can Edit Table of Content after creating the ToC.

  1. We cannot add a graphic as a background of ToC.
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Answer: False
Explanation: You are allowed to add background color of background image in ToC.

  1. A single template can be used for multiple documents.
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Answer: True
Explanation: Yes you are allowed to use a single template for multiple documents.

  1. A template cannot contain graphics.
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Answer: False
Explanation: In template you can insert graphics, image and color as per your requirement.

  1. All documents in Writer are based upon templates.
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Answer: True

  1. The online templates cannot be added to the list of templates in the templates dialog box.
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Answer: False

  1. A template once created can be edited again and again.
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Answer: True
Exmplan: Once you create a template then you can edit multiple times.

  1. The changes recorded have to be accepted by the original author.
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Answer: False
Explanation: The changes record can be accepted by any one the user who is using the document.

  1. We can delete the comments added in a document by the user.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: True

D. Answer the following questions

1. What is the need of table of contents?

Answer: Table of Contents is a feature which enables the automatic insertion of a table of contents (Index) to a document. The headers and subheadings of the document automatically become the source for the entries or contents of this table.

2. What will happen if the ‘Protected Against Manual Changes’ option is not selected in the Type tab of Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box?

Answer: The Protected against Manual Changes checkbox is checked by default. This protects the TOC against accidental modifications. The contents of the ToC can be edited directly on the document page, just like any other text on the document, if this box is left unchecked.

3. Name the five tabs present in the Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box.

Answer: The five tabs present in the Table of Contents are –

  1. Index/Table – In this tab you can add Title, Type, protected against manual changes and evaluate up to level.
  2. Entries – In this tab you can add structure and Formatting for example, E#, E, T, #, LS, LE etc. 
  3. Styles – In this tab you can change the labels of heading, and you can add paragraph style.
  4. Columns – In this tab you can add multiple columns, and you can set column width and spacing.
  5. Background – In this tab you can set background color.

4. What do you mean by customization of ToC?

Answer: After the ToC is inserted, we can modify it depending on our requirements. To perform this, right-click on the ToC anywhere, then choose the Edit Index option from the popup menu.

5. How headings and sub-headings of a document differentiated in ToC?

Answer: LibreOffice Writer supports 10 levels of heading from H1 to H10 in LibreOffice Writer. You can also use sub headings in LibreOffice Writer to show the table of content in hierarchical form where H1 will show the top of the heading and H2 will show the sub heading of Heading 1. 

6. Define a template.

Answer: A template is a pre-designed arrangement that makes it simple to create formal and/or professional documents. Anything that can be found in a conventional document, including text, images, and a collection of styles, can also be found in templates. With LibreOffice, every document is built using templates.

7. Give any one advantage of using a template for your document.

Answer: Using templates makes creating documents easier. Using templates can reduce workloads, reduce stress, and boost productivity at the same time.

8. What is the difference between importing and exporting a template?

Answer: Once the template is constructed, it can be exported using the export template feature for later use or you can also download the template from the internet. You can also import the template into LibreOffice Writer and make it visible in the list of templates in the Templates dialog box.

10. When is exporting of templates useful? Give any one reason.

Answer: When you wish to use the same template in several documents or to share it with others, exporting templates might be useful.

11. What is the difference between Accept Track Change and Accept All Tracked Changes buttons?

Answer: the original author may approve changes made to the document by selecting the Accept All Track Changes button, which will approve all changes made. Accept Track Change will be accepted only once at a time. 

12. How do we prepare a document for review?

Answer: When a document is shared with one or more users for review or editing, the Track Changes capability is used. Therefore, it is important to ensure that any changes are documented before sharing the document.

This will guarantee that the original author of the document will have the choice to approve or disapprove the modifications made after the review is complete. Therefore, the original author should start documenting the modifications being made and prepare the document for review before sending it out for review.

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRANING [Dinesh Prasad Saklani] (Director). (2022). Domestic Data Entry Operator (First Edition) [English]. Anup Kumar Rajput.

Disclaimer : The Notes, MCQs, and Questions and Answers are made by expert teachers from different schools, but if you feel that there are any mistakes in the Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions, please feel free to leave a comment below or please send mail to

The book and the study material are available on the CBSE official website and on the NCERT website also, the teachers have tried to make a summary and try to make it easy to understand which will help the students to improve their CBSE results.

Maintain Healthy Safe and Secure Working Environment Class 10 Notes

Maintain Healthy Safe and Secure Working Environment Class 10 Notes

The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new Maintain Healthy Safe and Secure Working Environment Class 10 Notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

Maintain Healthy Safe and Secure Working Environment Class 10 Notes

Chapter 13 – Health, Safety and Security at Workplace

All incidents like illnesses, accidents, or disputes at work place come at a cost to the company and to the injured persons’ families. Every Organization and company workers are responsible for creating a safe environment, which helps to improve productivity of the company. 


Health of an employee is most important in the workplace and every organization must provide a healthy and safe working environment for their employees. Safe environment provides employees physical, mental and social well being. 

Organization should maintain following healthy rules in workplace –

  • Cleanliness at the workplace
  • A proper air conditioning system
  • A proper filtered water facility must be available for the employees
  • A fresh food cafeteria and good quality food for the employees
  • Clean washroom facility should be given to employee


The work environment of the organization must be safe and it must be free from hazards and risk. 

Organization should maintain following Safety rules in workplace –

  • A proper safety guidelines be prepared by the organization
  • Regular drills should be conducted
  • Smoke alarms must be placed
  • Safety equipment maintenance must be taken care regularly
  • Fire escape plans must be installed


Every employee should feel that they are secured in the company campus. Security helps to ensure the safety of the people in the workplace. 

Organization should maintain following Security checkup in workplace –

  • Employee safety
  • Computer system safety
  • Electrical safety
  • Transport safety
  • Equipment safety

Policies and Procedures for Health, Safety and Security

The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) has provided some policy regarding employees’ healthy and safe work environment in the workplace. 


An employer’s written declaration of the company’s commitment to protecting the public and employees health, safety and security is known as a health, safety and security policy. It represents a management-endorsed pledge to protect the security, safety, and well-being of its staff.

The reasons for Workplace Health, Safety, and Security programs and policies

There are several reasons to specific safety policy in workplace –

  • It indicates that the company is committed to the health and safety of its employees.
  • It indicate that company is not only making the profits but it take care of the employee also
  • It shows the performance of the business
  • Company following national policy on Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)
  • Injuries and illness of the employee is prevented 
Workplace Safety Hazards

The most common definition of hazard is a danger or risk. Workplace Hazards are the things that could potentially hurt or damage someone or something in a workplace.

There are different types of hazards present in the workplace –
  • Physical Hazards – It is the dangers associated with the physical workspace, including the walls, ceilings, floors, and facilities. Physical risks may also arise from using machinery and devices that run on electricity. 
  • Falling Off Heights, Slipping and Tripping – Everything needs to be placed correctly to prevent slips and falls. To prevent accidents, dropped food, drink or other materials like paints need to be cleaned up right away. Ensure that sufficient lighting is provided and that any broken stairs, light fixtures, or equipment is fixed immediately. 
  • Electrical Hazards – In the workplace there are many life threatening, severe and injuries that could result due to Electrical Hazards. Every company has to  provide basic knowledge to the employees, how to use electrical equipment in the workplace. 
 Some of the common causes of electrical accidents are –
  1. Ungrounded or faulty equipment 
  2. Unsafe use of electrical equipment
  3. Worn-out wiring
  4. Overloading of electrical outlets

Every employee must know how to use electrical equipment and how to make the workplace safe. Some of the common instruction which company and employee have to follow in workplace are –

  1. Food and water should not be near electrical equipment.
  2. Electrical technician should carry out routine inspections
  3. Technician have to check overrated or overloaded outlets
  4. Never use damage equipment
  5. Electrical safety devices
Fire Hazards

To maintain fire safety, every organization needs to adhere to the housekeeping regulations. Those who violate these regulations may cause accidents which damage the vital workplace equipment, building, stock and other items. 

Some of the fire safety precautions in workplace are –
  1. Emergency mitigation system in workplace
  2. Employees should be aware above emergency exits
  3. Fire escape routes should be pasted
  4. Fire extinguishers and alarms should be placed in the workplace. 
Health Hazards

Health refers to the physical well-being of the workers, Hazards are present in most workplaces that could impact any body parts of employees. For example, machine noise can damage the sense of hearing of the worker, bright lights and toxic fumes and vapor could damage the eyes and nose.  

Potential sources of risks within a company –

Bright light sources behind the display screen can cause contrast issues, which can make it challenging to see your work effectively. Use the following potential fixes to stay away from this.

  1. Use drapes on windows to reduce bright light.
  2. Use indirect of shielded light 
  3. Turn the workstation so that the computer screen and the bright lighting coming from the open windows are at a right angle.
  4. Reduce the sharp contrast between the computer screen’s dark and light areas.
Hazards using Computers 

The computer is an important tool in many organizations, long periods of using a computer in the workplace can develop an injury. Poor sitting posture or sitting in one position for a long duration can result in pain and strain. If the computer screens you are using for a long time can harm your eyes. Regular stretches, short breaks every 30 minutes, every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds, or basic yoga positions can help to reduce these types of risks.

Handling Office Equipment

Improper handling of office equipment can result in injuries. Employee should be trained to handle equipment properly. Every organization should provide a manual to every employee,  how to handle equipment. 

Handling Objects

  • Moving or lifting large objects without following the right protocols could be dangerous.
  • Always lift or move objects with the right posture and according to proper technique.
Stress at Work 

There are a number of stress-inducing situations that can arise in organizations. Extensive work hours and unpleasant disputes or disagreements with coworkers may be stressful. Always search for solutions to resolve disputes among coworkers. Take up some relaxing activities to reduce tension after difficult workdays.

Hazard Control

Appropriate precautions must be implemented for hazards that have been identified and considered priorities. 

  1. Take all feasible measures to eliminate the hazard
  2. If removing the risk is not possible or cannot be completed, isolate it as much as possible.
  3. If a hazard cannot be eliminated or isolated, then at least its potential to cause harm should be reduced. 
Safety Guidelines Checklist
  1. Store all cleaning chemicals in separate cupboards.
  2. Throw garbage daily
  3. Do not wear any loose cloth or jewelry when working with machine
  4. Do’t disturbed the people who are working near a fire or near machine.
  5. Wear protective items such as safety glasses, gloves, masks and hair nets.
  6. Shut down all machines before leaving the workplace
  7. Do not play with electrical switches
  8. Do not operate machines, if you are not trained
  9. Before using electrical equipment, repair the broken wires or plugs.
  10. Do not use equipment if you feel unsafe.
  11. Do not smoke in a “No Smoking” zone.

Chapter 14: Workplace Quality Measures

A pollution free air and water is an most important requirement of any organization. Most of the IT companies use centralized air conditioning systems to keep the temperature pleasant in the workplace. Water pollution is also one of the problems faced by many organizations. The polluted water may cause the disease. So organizations have to take care of air pollution and water pollution.

Air and Water Quality Monitoring process

Air and water pollution can be analyzed by using three forms of methods – Physical, chemical and biological.

Guidelines for Clean Air and Clean Water

A proper guidelines must be followed by organizations to keep the air and water clean. Some of the guidelines are –

  • Organizations have to avoid dust production, generation of solid particles and gasses in the air.
  • Organizations must use a limited number of vehicles to avoid air pollution.
  • Organizations have to take care of air pollution, the generation of ozone gas must be kept at a low level by the organization.
  • Organizations have to take care of sewage or the wastewater and make sure that this water is not mixed with the surrounding water.
  • Extensive use of fertilizers and pesticide must be avoided as it can make the ground water polluted.
Importance of Cleanliness at Workplace

Clean workplace avoid hazardous. Clean workplace makes your job easier and more pleasant. Every person have to follow following cleanliness guideline at workplace –

  • Employees are responsible for the cleanliness of their work area.
  • Spills and breakage are to be cleaned up immediately.
  • Spaces around the machine should be kept clean and clear.
  • Floor should be kept clean to prevent slipping and collision.
  • Lighting fixtures are to be checked regularly for a clean vision.

Office Ergonomics

Ergonomics is the science concerned with designing and arranging things, ergonomics helps to reduce accidents, injury and helps to improve the performance and productivity of an organization.

The following office ergonomics emphasize the identification of early warning signs.

Computer Health and Safety Tips

In every organization the use of computers is increasing, there are several health and safety issues related to vision, musculoskeletal issues, body aches and pains may occur due to improper use of computers. These problems can be resolved by adopting some simple corrective action.

Musculoskeletal Problems

This problem includes different areas of your body such as neck, back, chests, arms, shoulders and feet because of wrong posture, uncomfortable chair or not following basic rules while working on the computer.

To avoid this problem follow the following guideline –
  • Position of the monitor should be at your eye level.
  • Keep your monitor at least arm length distance or 20 to 30 inches away from you.
  • Keep your back against the backrest of the chair.
  • Adjust height of armrests so that your elbows are at a 100-110 degrees open angle.
  • Place the keyboard at a slight negative tilt if you are sitting upright.  
  • While typing keep your hands slightly lower than elbows.
  • Minimize any twisting of your wrists from side to side or up and down.
  • Use a keyboard palm rest as needed only when you are not typing.
  • Always take small breaks while working on the computer.
Occupational Overuse Syndrome

Occupational overuse syndrome is a type of injury in fingers, shoulder, neck, wrists, hands or elbows it is also known as repetitive strain injury or RSI. In this syndrome the pain, swelling and weakness in the affected joints. 

The most common reason of affecting Occupational Overuse Syndrome –
  1. Stress in the working place
  2. Wrong posture when sitting
  3. Forceful body movement
  4. Psycho social factors
Strain in Legs and Feet

If you are working on a computer for a long period then it may cause strain in your leg. Always feet should be supported on the floor or by footrest and try to stretch your legs after 30 minutes.

Eye Strain

Computer bright light, poor light or flickering images can cause eye strain. It is important to look after your eye health and try to wear anti glare glasses when you are working on the computer.

To reduce the possibility of vision problem –
  • Adjust the brightness of computer screen
  • Keep a proper vision distance from computer screen
  • Blink your eyes in an every interval
  • Wear anti glare glasses whenever you are working in computer
  • Give your eyes periodic breaks from the screen
  • Keep your monitor between 18 to 24 inches away from your face.

Headache may occur due to muscle tension in neck, muscle pain in neck, Strain on the eyes or vision problem. Try to maintain a straight neck while working on the computer..


Spending a long time on the computer may lead to a lack of physical activity and exercise.  Before returning to work, you need to take a break.

Stress Disorders

Technology can impact our behaviors and emotions, excess use of computers may create poor health and increase pressure in your workplace. Try to do yoga, medications or natural remedies to reduce the stress. 

Injuries from Laptop Use

The laptop is designed for short term use, nowadays people are using laptops over desktops more frequently but the laptop designs are very compact. In a laptop the screen and keyboard close together which makes ergonomic use difficult which makes discomfort for work, using an ergonomic desktop is advisable. 

Sleeping Problems

Artificial lights of computer screens can trick your brain and due to this your sleeping patterns, to avoid this don’t use a computer before going to bed. 

Health and Safety Requirements for Computer Workplace

The minimum health and safety requirements for computer are as follow –

  • Display Screen (Monitor) – Use LED monitor of legible size with adequate character and proper line  spacing.
  • Keyboard – There should be proper space in front of the keyboard to support your hands and arms. The symbols, characters and numbers should be clear and easy to read.
  • Work Surface – The work desk should be large, non reflective and allow flexible placement of the screen and keyboard.
  • Work Chair – The work chair must be stable and allow the user to move easily and find a comfortable position.
  • Space Requirements – The user should have enough desk space for the equipment they use.
  • Lighting – There should be proper light and appropriate contrast between the computer screen and background.
  • Reflections and Glare –  Workplace should avoid direct glare and distracting reflections from light.
  • Noise and Heat – Avoid noise related equipment or the equipment producing heat which could cause discomfort to users.
Cautions while Working on the Computer

To work safely on a computer –

  1. Unplug all power cables before changing or maintaining the computer, it will prevent hardware damage.
  2. User a battery backup to protect against power failure.
  3. Remove rings, watches and necklaces to avoid static damage.
  4. The static electricity is generated when you are working on a computer, so use a surge protector when you plug your system in.
Watch Out for Cords and Wires
  1. Loose cords and wire can cause hazards and even electrical hazards.  
  2. Mark cords or wires crossing pathways using hazard tape.
  3. Avoid water when working with electricity.
  4. Never touch or repair electrical equipment with wet hands.

Chapter 15: Prevent Accidents and Emergencies

Any minor mistake or unexpected event within an organization has the potential to turn into an emergency if it is not handled properly. 

Accidents and Emergencies

An unplanned, uncontrollable, or unexpected event that causes property damage or human injury is called an accident. 

For example –

  1. Person falling down and getting injured

An emergency is a dangerous or urgent situation that requires quick response. 

For example –

  1. Customer having a heart attack
  2. Sudden outbreak of fire in organization

Every organization follows policies and procedures for managing, reporting, and handling emergencies as well as accidents. 

Notice and Correctly Identify Accidents and Emergencies

The most valuable source of guidance in this area will be the organization’s policies and guidelines. These kinds of incidents should be easy to recognize in your company, and you should know how to handle every kind of emergency and disaster.

Get help Promptly and in the Most Suitable Way

Make sure that you will provide the kind of help and support that are given in the organization policies. Even if you have the best of plans, you should still follow the rules and regulations given from the organization. If the situation requires then professionals may be authorized to make decisions.

  • Do not follow your feelings or emotions if someone is hurt. Follow the steps described in the injury management policy of your company. 
  • Provide help and support within the authorized limit. Only offer the injured person medical assistance if you are qualified to do so.  
  • Take advice from senior employees who are qualified to deal with certain circumstances.

Types of Accidents

The following are a few incidents that frequently happen in organizations –

  1. Trip and Fall at workplace – Consumers or staff members may trip on items left in aisles, unsecured cables, or higher thresholds, causing them to fall.
  2. Slip and FalI – Slips are mainly due to wet floors, spilling of liquids or throwing of other slip-causing material on floors.
  3. Injuries caused due to Escalators or Elevators – Injuries can be caused by falling on escalators and getting hurt.
  4. Accidents Caused by Falling Goods – People may get injuries when goods fall from shelves or wall hangings onto them.  
  5. Accidents due to Moving Objects – Moving objects, such as trolleys, can also injure people in the organization.
Handling Accidents

Identify all possible dangers in your company and take steps to eliminate them in order to try to prevent accidents. In the event that an accident results in a colleague’s injury, take the following action.

  1. Attend to the Injured Person Immediately 
  2. Inform your Supervisor
  3. Assist your Supervisor

Types of Emergencies

You should know how to handle emergencies and what are basic procedures. Here are some general emergency procedures – 

  1. First Aid – Must have every essential first aid item necessary to handle common issues.
  2. Electrical Safety – Electrical safety, such as keeping food and drink items away from electrical equipment, routine inspections, fire extinguisher, fire alarm system etc.
  3. Evacuation – Employees must be aware of who has the coordination or decision-making authority in an emergency. The coordinator needs to be responsible for all of the evacuation procedures.

General Evacuation Procedures 

Every organization has its own evacuation procedures and policies every one has to be aware of these policies. Here are some general evacuation policies – 

  1. Immediately move towards the nearest emergency exit.
  2. Guide others to the emergency exits.
  3. Help the disabled person make their way to the emergency exit.
  4. You may carry your hand held belongings as you move towards the emergency exit.
  5. Avoid escalators or elevators and avoid overcrowding.
  6. Immediately go to the emergency assembly area. 

Fire Hazards in the Workplace

Unsafe storage of combustible dust or flammable materials is another prevalent cause of workplace fires. Since both are hazardous, they need to be handled and stored carefully. 

  1. Each worker needs to be aware of the locations of the fire extinguishers.
  2. Fire extinguishers and First Aid stations should be marked with signs.
  3. Do not use flammable material near electrical panels, switches or near any electrical equipment.
  4. All equipment is properly grounded where needed.
  5. Fire extinguishers must be inspected regularly.
  6. No flammable material is to be placed near the exit door.

Identification of Material and Ignition Sources

Materials are arranged in accordance with these fire classes, which are based on risk –

  • Class A Material: materials such as wood, cloth, and paper, which won’t ignite on their own but will continue to burn once exposed to a heat source.
  • Class B Material: all liquid, grease, and gas materials that burn when exposed to ignition sources. 
  • Class C Material: electrical materials and equipment. These materials provide a significant risk of arc flash and start fires very quickly. 
  • Class D Material: any materials that are volatile and able to quickly ignite, such as magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

Fire Extinguisher

A fire extinguisher is a tool for protection that shuts off flames. It is a pressure vessel that is cylindrical in shape and holds an agent that can be released to put out a fire. 

First Aid for Electrical Emergencies

Electrical accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. One of the main concerns is the quick response and care of victims. A victim of an electrical accident is frequently unable to move or release the electrical conductor as a result of muscle cramps. 

Electrical Rescue Techniques 

Approaching the accident 

  • Never rush into an accident situation.
  • Call 108 as soon as possible.
  • Approach the accident place cautiously

Examining the scene

  • Examine the victim visually and check whether they have come into contact with any electrical wire.
  • Do not touch the victim or conductive surface.
  • Switch off the electrical circuits if possible.
Hazards and solutions 
  • Be alert from heated surfaces and fire
  • Take precaution if you are not able to switch off the power supply.
  • Make sure the hands and feet are dry.
  • Wear gloves and shoes and stand of dry surface
  • User non conductive material to remove a victim from the conductor. 
High voltage rescue 
  • Special training is required for how to rescue from high voltage.
  • Protective equipment like gloves and shoes must be worn
First Aid
  • Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) can be necessary for the victim. 
  • Provide first aid for injuries and treat shock if the victim is conscious and breathing.
  • Make sure the victim receives medical attention as quickly as you can.
  • The attending physician needs complete data in order to diagnose and treat the victim correctly. 

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRANING [Dinesh Prasad Saklani] (Director). (2022). Domestic Data Entry Operator (First Edition) [English]. Anup Kumar Rajput.

Disclaimer : The Notes are made by expert teachers from different schools, but if you feel that there are any mistakes in the Maintain Healthy Safe and Secure Working Environment Class 10 Notes, please feel free to leave a comment below or please send mail to

Information Technology Class 10 Question Answer

Information Technology Class 10 Question Answer – This website give the solutions for CBSE Class 10 IT code 402. The website contains solutions for both Part A: Employability Skills and Part B: Subject Specific Skills. Part A has 5 chapters with a total of 10 marks for the board exam and solutions for all chapters of Employability Skills are provided.

Part B has 4 chapters with a total of 40 marks, making it the most important section for students to score well in their Class 10 Information Technology Code 402 exams. It is suggested to thoroughly read the notes and then move on to the questions and answers section to understand the chapter in an easy manner.

IT is part of the of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Students aiming for a career in engineering should perform well in this subject as IT is a widely pursued branch of engineering. Practicing question and answer with Class 10 IT sample papers can help students prepare effectively for their board exams and increase their chances of scoring well.

Information Technology Class 10 Question Answer

Information Technology Class 10 Question Answer

Employability skills QASubject Specific skills QA
Unit 1- Communication SkillsUnit 1- Digital Documentation
Unit 2- Self-Management SkillsUnit 2- Electronic Spreadsheet
Unit 3- Basic ICT SkillsUnit 3- RDBMS
Unit 4- Entrepreneurial SkillsUnit 4- Web Applications And Security
Unit 5- Green Skills

Information technology code 402 class 10 solutions unit 1 : communication skills

Communication Skills regarding the term of knowledge is very important in the occupation or business. This is important that students can read, write and speak english language in order to communicate properly.

information technology code 402 class 10 with solutions

Class 10 IT Code 402 solution in accordance with revised syllabus. You may discover class 10 it code 402 answers in this article. CBSE changed a some information in IT CODE 402 this year, thus it’s imperative that you obtain the appropriate study materials for your coursework.

Information technology code 402 class 10 solutions pdf

You can find all the pdf solutions from our website, All the questions given chapter wise and all the important questions are based on CBSE Exam.

Information technology class 10 question bank pdf

You can use all the questions for the purpose of questions banks pdf.

Information technology code 402 class 10 solutions | unit 2

Unit 2 is also very important for the examination, you can find notes all important MCQs and questions and answers from our website.

Information technology code 402 class 10 solutions unit 4

Unit 4 is also crucial for the test; on our website, you can access notes for all the significant multiple-choice questions (MCQs) as well as questions and answers.

Information technology code 402 class 10 pdf

You can download Information Technology class 10 402 from website.

Information technology code 402 class 10 book solutions unit 3

All the book solutions are given in our website please click on above link.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the passing marks of Information Technology Class 10?

A candidate must receive a grade higher than E (i.e., at least 33% marks) in each of the five external examination subjects in the main or compartmental exams in order to be considered passed. Each topic examined externally will require a pass mark of 33%.

Is Information Technology hard in class 10?

Is the information technology syllabus for CBSE Class 10 difficult? Indeed. The CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Syllabus is deemed reasonable by professionals and educators.

What is the practical marks for Information Technology class 10?

As we can see, 50 marks are allocated for this subject’s theoretical portion. The remaining fifty marks are for projects and practical work.

What is Information Technology class 10th?

Information technology is the field of study that deals with the sending and receiving of data using computers as a means of communication. The use of computers for data storage, retrieval, transmission, and manipulation is known as information technology.

Will computer marks be added in 10th board 2024?

Yes, grades are a consideration. Only the top five subjects are taken into account for determining the percentage, out of the six. For instance, the marks from the second language course where you performed the lowest will not be taken into account when determining your percentage.

What is CBSE code 402?

Vocational Information Technology Course Code 402, Class 10.

Is CBSE board strict?

For the CBSE 10th grades, it is regarded as rigorous. On the other hand, evaluators’ checks are allegedly more lax than those they conducted in their schools’ Class 9 and 11.

Is CBSE board checking strict?

Mathematics is a mandatory subject in CBSE class 10. For CBSE class 10, the mathematics subject code is 041.

Will CBSE give marks in 2024?

Class 12 CBSE Grading System 2024: A nine-point scale ranging from A1 to E is used in the CBSE Class 12 Grading System 2024. In contrast to prior years, CBSE will not reveal the final score or overall percentage. Students will instead be given subject-based grades.

Does CBSE give grace marks?

In order to receive grace marks in board exams, you need to pay attention to a few points. Grace points are awarded in two scenarios, and you have to fall into one of them. Make sure you answer every question on the test: Students who study hard and score well on the exam are awarded grace marks by the CBSE.

Does CBSE give attempting marks?

Marks are awarded by CBSE for answering questions. But it all depends on the question’s format, the examiner’s enticing approach, and your response to it. For instance, you can still receive credit for trying a question on the CBSE board test even if the answer is wrong.

What is fail marks in CBSE?

If a student receives less than 33 percentile in any subject, they will be said to be failing. In order to pass a subject in both the Class 10th and Class 12th exams, students must receive at least 33% of the possible points, according to the CBSE passing criterion.

Do CBSE repeat questions?

It’s likely that the questions you get will resemble those in the sample paper in terms of format, style, and degree of difficulty. The truth is that you rarely see questions from practice papers directly repeated in the CBSE Class 12 Board Exam.

What is a grace mark?

Additional marks given to pupils in specific situations to give them a chance to raise their total results are known as grace marks. These grades serve as a safety net, particularly for students who might be in danger of failing or who had unanticipated difficulties throughout the test.

What is the pass marks out of 80?

Out of 80, 26 scores are the bare minimum needed to pass. Therefore, you must receive 26 passing marks out of 80. Students must receive at least passing grades in the theory, internal evaluation, and practicals for CBSE Classes 12 and 10.

Does board give marks for attempting questions?

Yes, you will undoubtedly receive a half-mark for each question you attempt. Just remember that you write on the subject in one way or another. In general, checkers also award you with grace marks if you require two or three more points to pass the exam.

Do grace marks mean pass or fail?

Additional marks, known as grace marks, are awarded to students who just miss completing a test or receiving a better division. The examining body or educational institution gives these marks as a kind of mercy to help the student pass the test or raise their total grade.

Do examiners give grace marks?

The majority of the checkers allow students to pass with grace. Ultimately, though, it is best to err on the side of caution because, you never know, some examiners are true rule-followers and won’t grant pupils grace marks even if they are only one mark below.

How many maximum grace marks are given in CBSE?

Yes, students who fail the exam by no more than three marks are granted grace marks by the CBSE.

What is the best of 5 rule in CBSE exam?

The “top 5 rule” is commonly employed to determine the proportion of marks a student receives on their board examinations. The percentage is determined using the student’s top five subjects, which include one language subject (either Hindi or English) and any additional four courses, in accordance with CBSE regulations.

Will computer marks be added in 10th board percentage?

Yes, in the CBSE Class 10 finals, your computer scores will be added to your overall score. There are 100 marks total for the computer exam, with 50 for theory and 50 for practical. Your combined marks from each will determine your final computer score.

Is it compulsory to pass in additional subject in CBSE Class 10?

Yes, this is the benefit of having an extra subject for the CBSE board. To pass the Class 10 CBSE board exams, a student needs to pass each of the five subjects with at least 33% of the possible points.

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ – MCQs have become important in Class 10 Information Technology exams, so it is essential for students to practice answering of these types of questions. We have compiled the best collection of chapter wise MCQs questions for Class 10 Information Technology based on the latest NCERT textbooks. Students can click on the links to practice these questions.

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills MCQsSubject Specific skills MCQs
Unit 1- Communication SkillsUnit 1- Digital Documentation
Unit 2- Self-Management SkillsUnit 2- Electronic Spreadsheet
Unit 3- Basic ICT SkillsUnit 3- RDBMS
Unit 4- Entrepreneurial SkillsUnit 4- Web Applications And Security
Unit 5- Green Skills

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 Notes – Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

These it 402 class 10 notes is concise and comprehensive designed to save you valuable time. They cover all the important aspects of the Class 10 IT NCERT textbook. The Information Technology curriculum has been updated and is now divided into two parts: Part A focuses on Employability skills, and Part B covers Subject Specific skills.

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Subject Specific skills Notes ( 40 Marks )

Employability skills Notes ( 10 Marks )

This year CBSE has changed the syllabus of Information Technology class 10 code 402. This year Information Technology Class 10 will have a new pattern. Previously the textbook was based on OpenOffice but now it is changed to LibreOffice. So, students are requested to go through the notes, MCQs and Question Answers from the website, which will guide you on the basics of the new pattern. Our team is trying to update the notes, MCQs and question and answers based on the new syllabus. 

This new syllabus has many of the changes which you have to know to score good marks in CBSE Board examination. Students can download the notes, MCQs, NCERT solution, and Questions and answers from the website. We have provided you with a PDF of all the chapters of class 10 information technology notes 402.

There is a slight change in all the topics for example, digital documentation, electronic spreadsheet, database management system and in Unit 4 many of the outdated information are removed for the textbook and introduced new topic “Maintain Healthy safe and secure working environment class 10 notes. The cbse class 10 information technology notes pdf exam will be conducted based on theory 50 marks and internal assessments 50 marks, the total will be 100 marks exam. 

New education policy 2020 have revised all aspects of education structure including vocational courses also.  New education policy is trying to update all the vocation subjects and they are trying to focus on overall development of the students with the aspirational goals of 21st century students. The NEP policy aims to integrate vocational education into mainstream education in all schools and in the educational institution.  NEP is also focused on quality vocational education in school and in higher education. 

The National Education Policy 2020 has given importance to vocational education and trying to develop teachers to boost the employability skills and vocational skills (Subject Specific Skills) based knowledge to the students. NEP is also trying to improve the quality of vocational education in schools by identifying, designing and development of vocational courses. 

In class 10 information technology notes is divided into two parts –

  • Part A: Employability Skills (10 Marks)
  • Part B: Subject Specific Skills (40 Marks)

Part A: Employability Skills 

In Employability Skills there are five units, this units are based on basic information of communication, self management, computers, interpersonal and green skills, many of this you already know form the previous class but many of the things are new, student have to go thorough notes, MCQs and Questions and answers this will help you to improve your result in Board Examination.  The five different topics are –

  1. Unit 1: Communication Skills
  2. Unit 2: Self Management Skills
  3. Unit 3: Basic ICT Skills
  4. Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills
  5. Unit 5: Green Skills

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Unit 4 Web Application and Security Class 10 Notes IT 402

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Web Application and Security Class 10 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

Web Application and Security Class 10 Notes

Session 1 : Working with Accessibility  Options

Computer Accessibility means making computer systems user-friendly for everyone, including individuals with disabilities, with the help of Assistive Technology. It allows people with disabilities or impairments to use computers effectively. There are various types of disabilities that can affect computer usage, such as –

  • Visual Impairment
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Motor Impairment
  • Cognitive Impairments and Learning disabilities.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism
How to Launch Accessibility Option
To launch accessibility options in Windows XP Click on Start > Control Panel > Accessibility Option

Various tabs in Accessibility Option

Keyboard Tab

Sticky Keys : Sticky Keys makes it easier for people with disabilities to use keyboard shortcuts and commands Sticky Keys allowing them to push one key at a time rather than many keys at once. For those who have trouble pushing many keys at once or have motor disabilities.

Filter Keys : People with motor disabilities or who have difficulty typing quickly. When Filter Keys is enabled, the computer will ignore brief or repeated keystrokes, which can reduce accidental keystrokes and improve typing accuracy. This feature also allows the user to adjust the keyboard’s repeat rate and delay.

Toggle Keys : Toggle Keys makes an audible sound whenever the Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock keys are depressed. This feature is useful for people with visual impairments or who have difficulty recognizing when these keys are pressed.

Sound Tab

SoundSentry : If the user have hearing loss, hearing difficulties, or who prefer visual signals can benefit from SoundSentry. SoundSentry helps the computer shows a visual warning indication to the user such as a flashing title bar or taskbar button, to draw the user’s attention.

ShowSounds : This feature is designed to help users who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have difficulty hearing system sounds. This feature provides visual warning and sounds warning both, such as startup sounds with startup logo, error beeps with warning message, flashing windows with sound, bouncing icon with sound, and other system alerts.

Display Tab

Hight Contrast : High Contrast is an accessibility feature in computer which helps to change the font size and color of the text, increases the contrast between foreground and background colors, bolder colors for text, increasing the thickness of lines and borders, This will making text and images more visible and easier to read for people with visual impairments.

Cursor Options : Cursor Options refer to the settings that control the behavior and appearance of the mouse or other pointing device in a computer system, for example change in the cursor speed, pointer size, and mouse button configuration. This option is particularly those who having mobility impairments or difficulties using a standard mouse or touchpad.

Mouse Tab

MouseKeys : MouseKeys is an accessibility feature in computers that allows users to control the mouse cursor using the numeric keypad instead of a standard mouse or touchpad. This feature is particularly useful for people with mobility impairments or difficulties using a standard mouse.

Serial Keys : Serial keys is an accessibility feature that allows users to control a computer using special input devices that can be connected to the computer’s serial port. These input devices, such as sip-and-puff switches or breath controllers, enable users with limited mobility or dexterity to provide input to the computer without using a keyboard or mouse.

Sip-and-Puff input devices typically consist of a mouthpiece or tube that users can sip or puff into, and a sensor that detects the airflow and translates it into input signals that the computer can recognize.

Session 2 : Networking Fundamentals

A network is a group of computers or other devices that are connected together to enable resource sharing, information sharing and communication with the help of communcation channels between the devices in a network. With the help of communication channels user can share file, printers, and other resources, as well as communicate with other using chat, email or video conferencing.

Network are designed based on following architectures –
  1. Peer-to-Peer Architecture: This type of architecture enables devices to communicate and share resources directly with each other, without the need for a central server. This type of network has an equal status and competent CPU.
  2. Client-Server Architecture: This type of architecture uses servers to manage resources and provide services to clients. Clients send requests to the server, and the server responds with the requested information.

Types of Network

  1. Local Area Network (LAN): A network that covers a small area, such as a home or office, and connects devices together to enable communication and resource sharing.
  2. Wide Area Network (WAN): A network that spans a large geographic area, such as a country or the world, and connects different LANs and other networks together.
  3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): A network that covers a geographic area larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN, such as a city or region.

Advantages of using Network

  • Resource Sharing: Networks allow to share resources, such as printers, scanners, and storage devices, among multiple users.
  • Communication: Networks allow users to communicate and collaborate with each other through email, chat, video conferencing, and other tools.
  • Data Transfer: Networks enable high-speed data transfer and sharing to multiple users.
  • Centralized Management: Networks allow for centralized management of devices making it easier to monitor and control access to sensitive data and applications.


The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks which connect billions of people world wide using a internet porotocol. It is made up of many different networks, including public, private, commercial, academic and government networks. The basic work of Internet is access and sharing information, resources and services.

What are the different uses of Internet
  • Communication: Online messaging, video calls and social media.
  • Information: Access to vast information through search engines like Google.
  • Entertainment: Streaming music, movies, TV shows, online gaming, and social media.
  • Education: Online learning and educational resources.
  • Commerce: Online shopping and e-commerce.
  • Research: Collaboration and information sharing for breakthroughs in medicine, engineering, and technology.

a) World Wide Web: The World Wide Web, also referred to as the Web or W3, is a collection of connected hypertext pages that may be accessed online. Web pages that contain text, photos, videos, and other multimedia can be viewed using a web browser, and one can use hyperlinks to move between them.

b) Web Browser: A web browser is a software application that allows users to access and view web pages on the World Wide Web. Some of the popular web browsers include Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

c) Web Server: A web server is a computer system that stores websites and their associated files for access over the internet.

d) Internet Service Provider: An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides internet access to customers. ISPs connect users to the internet via various technologies such as dial-up, DSL, cable, fiber-optic, or wireless connections. ISPs offer various internet plans with different speeds, data limits, and prices.

Example – Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Airtel, MTS, Vodafone, Tata Docomo, etc. 

e) Modem: A modem is a device that enables computers to transmit data over telephone lines or cable lines. It converts digital signals generated by computers into analog signals that can be transmitted over a telephone or cable line, and vice versa. Its is also known MOdulator/DEModulator.

f) Types of Common Internet Connectivity: The many types of Internet connectivity that are currently accessible can be broadly divided into wired and wireless access. The table below provides a summary of several Internet access options, divided into wired and wireless:

TechnologyType of Connectivity
Cable Internet AccessWired
Some of the commonly used Internet connectivity are –

a) Dial-up: Uses a modem to establish a connection over a phone line. Slow and outdated technology.

b) DSL: Digital Subscriber Line uses existing phone lines to provide high-speed internet access. Offers faster speeds than dial-up.

c) Cable Internet Access: Uses a cable television line to provide high-speed internet access. Offers faster speeds than DSL.

d) 3G: Third-generation cellular network that offers mobile internet access.

e) WiMAX: WiMAX (World Wide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a wireless broadband technology that offers high-speed data transmission over a wide area.

f) Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is a wireless networking technology that allows devices to connect to the internet using radio waves.

Session 3 : Introduction to Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging: Instant messaging (IM) is a real-time or online communication method that enables users to send and receive text messages and other digital files through a network or the internet.

Features of an instant messaging are as follows:
  • Quick and easy communication between individuals or groups.
  • It is a cost-effective communication method as it does not require expensive phone calls or postage.
  • Instant messaging allows for real-time collaboration and decision-making.
  • It enables users to share files, images, and other multimedia quickly and easily.
  • Users can stay connected with friends and family around the world in real-time.
  • It provides a record of conversation history.

Type of Instant Messaging : There are two Types of Instance Messaging (IM) Application Based and Web Based.

a) Application Based: Application based instant messaging software can download and installed in Computer and mobile phone. Some of the popular Instance Messaging Software are –

  • Google Talk
  • Yahoo! Messanger
  • Skype
  • Windows Live Messenger
  • Rediff Bol, etc

b) Web Based: Web based instant messaging software can open in web browsers for example Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge etc. Some of the popular web based Instant messaging software are –

  • Yahoo! Messenger (Support Application and Web both)
  • Meebo
  • MSN Web Messanger
  • IMO, etc.

Session 4 : Chatting With A Contact – Google Talk

Google Talk: A free instant messaging service offered by Google was called Google Talk. Users could make audio calls, send files, and chat with other Google Talk users on a computer or mobile device.

Google Talk was officially discontinued by Google in 2017, and its features have been merged into Google Hangouts.
There are some general rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting.
  • Use appropriate language and tone
  • Avoid using all caps as it can be interpreted as shouting
  • Use proper grammar and spelling to ensure clear communication
  • Respect other people’s privacy and personal information
  • Do not share sensitive or confidential information
  • Stay on topic and avoid excessive or irrelevant messages
  • Be mindful of other people’s time and avoid sending too many messages in a short period
  • Avoid using offensive language or making derogatory comments about others
  • Do not send spam or unsolicited messages
  • Be polite and courteous in all communications.

Session 5 : Creating and Publishing Web Pages – Blog

Blog: A blog is a type of website or online platform where an individual or group of individuals can share their thoughts, opinions, experiences, or knowledge on various topics in the form of written articles or posts. Blogs can be personal or professional in nature, and can cover a wide range of topics such as food, travel, politics, technology, and more.

Some of the popular Website provide blog services are –

Session 6 : Using Offline Blog Editors

Offline blog editors are software tools that allow users to create and edit blog posts offline, without the need for an internet connection. These editors typically offer more features and customization options than online editors, and they allow bloggers to work on their posts at their own pace and on their own schedule.

Free offline blog editors are –
  • Qumana
  • Windows Live Writer
  • Blogdesk

Session 7 : Online Transactions

Online transactions have made transactions very convenient and simplified the workflow in many forms in a business. Online transactions deals with transfer of money over the internet. Revolution in the electronic media has made transaction handling easy .

Online shopping could be useful in situations when:
  • A customer does not have sufficient time to visit stores.
  • When you are unable to leave your home due to illness, disability, or other constraints.
  • When you want to take advantage of online-exclusive deals and discounts.
  • Visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online.
  • A product or service that is not available in the local market is available online.
Some of the popular online transaction websites are:
  • IRCTC, an online portal for booking flight and train tickets.
  • Flipkart, an online shopping portal for buying consumer products.
  • EBay, an online portal for buying and selling goods.
  • Redbus, an online portal for booking bus tickets.

Session 8 : Internet Security

Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet, often involving browser security but also network security.

Best Practices for Security

Use strong passwords. You can make a password that is difficult for other users to guess or crack by combining alphanumeric and special characters. Avoid using single or combination passwords that include your favourite colour, names of friends or family members, bike number, or mobile number.

Following is a general guideline for managing strong passwords.
  1. Length: Make sure the password is at least 12-14 characters long if possible.
  2. Avoid repetition: Do not use the same character or set of characters repeatedly in the password.
  3. Avoid dictionary words: Do not use words that can be found in a dictionary.
  4. Avoid sequences: Do not use letter or number sequences such as “abcdefg” or “123456”.
  5. Avoid personal information: Do not use usernames, pet names, relatives’ names, or something that the public or workmates know you strongly like or dislike.
  6. Include numbers and symbols: If allowed, include numbers and symbols in the password.
  7. Use both upper and lower case letters: Use a mix of upper and lower case letters in the password.
  8. Avoid reusing passwords: Do not use the same password for multiple sites or purposes.
  9. Consider using a random password generator: If possible, use a random password generator to create a strong and unique password.
  10. Example: A strong password example is “u1vX:,4Hd{]$”.

Encryption Software

Encryption Software convert the data or information into a secret code or cipher, which can only be accessed with a specific decryption key. This type of software is commonly used to protect sensitive data from unauthorized user or theft.

How to prevent our personal information 
  1. Don’t share your personal information related to your credit card or online banking, such as your credit card number, account information, etc., 
  2. Use antivirus and antispyware software 
  3. Antivirus and Antispyware programs also offer real-time protection monitoring your computer for any changes by malware software.
  4. Do not immediately respond to mails from unknown users
  5. Clear browser cookies frequently
  6. Keep the operating system and software applications up to date
  7. Never install software from unknown sources
  8. Remove unwanted or unknown software applications

Install firewalls

A firewall, which could be hardware or software, can help keep a network and computer secure. Firewalls examine network traffic to decide whether or not it should be permitted.

Clearing Data Stored In Browsers

Passwords entered into online forms can be stored using the built-in password management features of web browsers. When users try to enter into websites, browsers frequently ask if they want to save their usernames and passwords.

To clear personal data from a web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, launch the browser. 
  • Click Tools Menu, click Options.
  • Click Security Tab. The following window will be displayed:

Session 9 : Maintain Workplace Safety

Maintain Workplace Safety

A uniform set of safety guidelines and practises must be followed by every organisation. These guidelines must be expressed and prominently displayed in key locations. To follow safety regulations, all staff must get training and demonstrations.

Workplace safety basics to follow: fire safety, slip-and-fall prevention, electrical safety, and first aid.

Basic Fire safety rules in an organization are
  • Fire escape plans must be installed at proper levels
  • Conduct regular drills
  • Smoke alarms must be placed at proper intervals
  • Keep workplace a no-smoking zone
  • Maintenance of safety equipment must be taken care of regularly
Falls and Slips Safety rules
  • Keep the moving area clean and clutter free.
  • Workplace must be proper ventilated receive light.
  • Wear non slippery footwear.
  • Floors must be clean and dry
  • Oil spills, dust must be immediately cleaned.
Electrical Safety Rules
  • Electrical equipment used should be approved by a recognised organization.
  • Workers should be trained to handle the electric equipment safely
  • Damaged and hazardous electrical equipment should be immediately replaced. All old and workout and frayed switches and wires should be changed.
  • Heat emanating equipment should be kept away from the electrical equipment.
  • Take care that the outlets/ circuits should not be overloaded .
  • Switch off and unplug the electrical appliances before cleaning or relocating them.
Some rules of First Aid are
  • Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic
  • Keep them warm if they are under shock
  • Do not move the victim in case of back/neck injury

Session 10 : Prevent Accidents and Emergencies 

Types of Accidents:

Accidents may be of following types :
  • Accidents at workplace : Slips and fall accidents, fire
  • Industrial disease/illness
  • Road traffic accidents
  • Clinical Accidents
  • Sports related accidents
Handling Accidents
  • Every organization must follow SOP for accident handling
  • Safety measures must be placed to prevent workplace accidents
  • Immediately call the medical team for any injury
  • Stay alert
  • Pay attention to and follow emergency drills

To stop more losses and to reduce the loss, an emergency needs to be treated right away. To spot any form of disaster, one must be vigilant. There are numerous crises that could happen at home. in job or in school.

Types of Emergency

There are many different kinds of emergencies, thus it is important to have an emergency management plan in place. The following are some examples of emergencies:

  • Chemical spills
  • Extreme heat waves
  • Droughts
  • Pandemics
  • Terrorist attack
  • Fire
  • Floods
  • Thunderstorms
  • Leakage of some hazardous gas/ chemical
Some of the types of emergencies that require evacuation are:

● Fire
● Explosion
● Floods
● Earthquake
● Hurricane
● Tornado
● Toxic material release
● Civil disturbance
● Workplace violence

Session 11 : Protect Health and Safety at Work

A company may face health risks that risk the lives of its employees. A hazard is something that could potentially cause harm, damage, or any type of loss of life or health.

Hazards can be of different types depending on the industry and the environment in which the employees work. The different types of hazards include:

  • Physical
  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Mechanical

Sources of Hazards

Checklist for Workstations : The workstation should:
  • provide sufficient space for the user to alter position comfortably
  • provide adequate lighting
  • have windows fitted with adjustable coverings to alter the sunlight level
  • be spacious enough when a workstation is shared by more than one person
The display screen should:
  • display well-defined characters of adequate size and spacing
  • have a stable image
  • have easily adjustable brightness and contrast
  • tilt and swivel easily to suit the user
  • be free from glare and reflection.
  • Use a separate base for the screen or an adjustable table
The keyboard should:
  • be able to tilt easily and should be able to separate from the screen to allow the user to adopt a comfortable working position
  • have space in front to provide support for the hands or arms of the user
  • have a matt surface
  • have clearly legible symbols on the keys
The work surface should:
  • provide adequate space for the user
  • have a low reflective surface
  • be of an adequate size to allow the screen, keyboard and other peripherals to be flexibly arranged
  • have a stable and adjustable document holder, which should be at the same level as the screen and at the same viewing distance

Workplace Evacuation

There should be a plan in place for evacuation in an emergency. In the event of an emergency or disaster, evacuation is the process of vacating a location.

Every business must take the following precautions to ensure a safe evacuation in an emergency:
  • Every organization must have an evacuation policy
  • Organization must have a designated assembly point for emergencies.
  • A ‘buddy system’ for individuals with special needs or disabilities must be designated.
  • Floor plans with evacuation routes in work areas.
  • Assembly areas, where you are required to assemble after evacuation, must be properly taken care of.
  • Periodic evacuation drills should be conducted. Ensure that you pay attention during these drills

Healthy Living

A healthy lifestyle helps to keep and improve people’s health and well being.

A healthy lifestyle includes :
  • healthy eating habits
  • physical activities
  • stress management
  • healthy mind
  • sound sleep
  • goal setting

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Comprehensive Database Management System Class 10 Notes IT 402

The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new Database Management System Class 10 Notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

Database Management System Class 10 Notes

Data is most important for any organization or in a company, the organization’s primary objective is to store data, manage data and retrieve data from computers and this is only possible with database management systems.

Chapter 8: Introduction of Database Management System

A database is an organized collection of data that is maintained electronically. Any kind of data like text, numbers, pictures, videos and files can be stored in a database. This data can be stored, retrieved and edited using software known as a database management system.

database management system class 10 libreoffice base

Data and Information

  • Data – Data is a collection of facts which do not have any meaning. This data is unstructured information such as numbers, text, symbols and images. 
  • Information – Information depends on data, this information has some meaning. This Information refers to organized and structured data.

Databases and DBMS

  • Database – A database is a collection of logically related data items stored in an organized manner, It is also considered as a data bank. 
  • DBMS (Database Management System) – This software that is used to create, update and retrieve data is known as database management system. Some of the common examples of DBMS are LibreOffice Base, MS Access, Open Office Base, Oracle, MySQL.

Advantages of DBMS

  • Organized Storage – In database data are stored in an organized manner, so that retrieval of the data is fast and accurate.
  • Data Analysis – In database you can retrive the data based on certain criteria for example average, maximum or minimum value etc.
  • Data Sharing – Databases can share the data with other applications.
  • Minimal Data Redundancy – In database duplicate data is not allowed, it means that same data will not be repeated in the table.
  • Data Consistency – In database if any record is changed in any one of the tables then the same data will update in other tables also.
  • Increase Efficiency – In the database the data is organized which helps to retrieve and search data efficiently. 
  • Increases Accuracy – In the database the data is retrieved accurately from the database.
  • Increases Validity – In the database the valid data is being entered and checked by the database.
  • Security – Unauthorized access is not allowed in the database.

Data Models

A database can be designed in different ways dependent on data storage. This structure of the database is known as a data model. The data models describe the relationships between the data. 

There are different data models such as – 

  • Hierarchical data model
  • Network data model
  • Relational data model
Hierarchical Data Model

In Hierarchical Data Model the data is organized like tree structure and data is stored in the form of a table.

database management system class 10 hierarchical data model
Network Data Model

In this model, multiple records are linked to the same master file. This network model is considered as a tree where the master table present in the bottom and other tables linked to the master table.

database management system class 10 network data model
Relational Data Model

In relational data models are based on relationships between two or more tables of the same database. This is the most popular data model.

database management system class 10 relation data model

Relational Database Model

E. F. Codd given the concept of Relational Database Model in 1970. The most popular type of database model is the relational model. In relational database models the data elements are stored in different tables, this table is related through the common fields.  

Relational Database Terminology

Some of the common terms used in RDBMS.

  • Entity – Entity is a piece of data that is stored in the database, for example student rollno, name and age is the entity of the student record. 
  • Table – Table is a collection of logically related records, It is organized as a set of columns. 
  • Field or Columns or attributes – The smallest entity in the database is known as field, a collection of fields is known as record, a collection of records make a table and a collection of tables make a database.
  • Data Values – Data values are raw data represented in character, numeric or alphanumeric. 
  • Record or Row – The collection of data values of all the fields are known as record.
  • Primary Key – The field which uniquely identifies a row in a table. The primary key used to be a unique identifier for the table.
  • Relational Database – A relational database is a collection of related tables. 
  • Foreign Key – The field or a combination of fields of one table can be used to uniquely identify records of another table, then that particular field is known as the foreign key.
  • Candidate Key – All the field values that are eligible to be the primary key are the candidate key for that table.
  • Alternate Key – One or two fields in the table are made as primary key but others are the alternate key.

Objects of an RDBMS

The database is a collection of object or a feature that is used to store, represent or retrieve data, different types of objects in a database are given below –

  • Table – Table is a collection of row and column which is used to store data. The data in the database is first stored in a table. 
  • Form – A form is used to enter data in a table, form is the interface between database and users, it is an easiest method to enter data in database using user friendly manners. A form consists of a text box, radio button, labels, check box etc.
  • Queries – Queries are used to retrieve the desired result from the database.
  • Reports – The output of any query in the database may be displayed in the form of reports.

Chapter 9: Starting with LibreOffice Base

Data Types

A data type refers to the type of data that will be stored in that particular field. The memory size of a field varies according to its data type. There are six different types of data type in LibreOffice Base –

  • Text Data Types
  • Numeric Data Type
  • Currency Data Type
  • Date Data Type
  • Boolean Data Type
  • Binary Data Type
Text Data Types

The text data consists of a mix of special characters, numbers, and letters. With text data, no mathematical operations may be carried out. PAN card numbers, names, marks, and other data types are examples of text data. 

The lists of various data types that can store textual data –

NameData TypeDescription
MemoLONGVARCHARMemo data type allows to store text data up to
64000 characters.
Text(fix)CHARCharacter data type is used to enter fixed number of characters
TextVARCHARStores upto the specified length, the number of bytes allocated
depends on the number of characters entered by the user.
Numeric Data Type

Numeric Data type contains numbers. The number can be integer, real, float or double.

NameData typeSignedRange
Tiny IntegerTYNYINTNo0-255
Small IntegerSMALLINTYes-32768 to 32768
IntegerINTEGERYes-2.14×109 to 2.14×109
BigIntBIGINTYes-2.3×1018 to 2.3×1018
RealREALYes5×10(-324) to 1.79×10(308)

List of different numeric data types are –

Currency Data Type

Currency Data type contains monetary values and can store currencies of different countries.

Date Data Type

This data type is basically used for date and time. There are various formats used to store date and time. 

List of various forms of date data types are –

DateStores the year, month and day as it is stored in the system.
TimeStores the time of the day as hour, minute and second.
TimestampStores date and time information at once.

In boolean data type there are only two values – True or False,  This also can be given  in multiple formats like Yes/No, True/False, On/Off.


The binary datatype is used to store digital images and sounds.

Starting with LibreOffice Base

LibreOffice base is a database management software belonging to LibreOffice suite, It is free and open source software for creating and managing data. It also allows you to create a query for retrieving desired results from the database. 

Steps for starting LibreOffice Base –

  • Step 1: Click on Start > LibreOffice base
  • Step 2: In Database Wizard, Click on Create a new database
  • Step 3: After Creating a new database, Click on Yes, register the database for me
  • Step 4: Click on Finish, Now your database will be created

Creating a Table

After creating a database now you will start working with objects of the database, The first object we are going to create is Create Table. There are two different method to create table – 

  1. Create Table using design View
  2. Create Table using a Wizard
Creating Table in Design View
  • Step 1: Click on Table
  • Step 2: Click on Create Table in Design View
  • Step 3: Enter Field Name, Field Type and Description
  • Step 4: Click on Save
Steps for Creating Table using a Wizard
  • Step 1: Click on Table
  • Step 2: Click on Use Wizard to Create Table
  • Step 3: Select the field which you want
  • Step 4: Click on Finish

Chapter 10: Working with Multiple Tables

After creating tables in a database, you can also create relationships between two or more tables to control data redundancy and inconsistency. When you create a relationship between two or more tables then adding or updating a record in one table reflects the changes in all the related tables.

Master table vs Transaction table

If the School wants to manage student fees collection in a database, then they will create two tables, one for Student Details and second for Free details, here the Student Details will be master table and Fee details will be transaction table. 

Relationships between Tables

A relationship is a connection between two or more tables that contain data, the relationships between tables are based on a common field. This relationship helps to improve table structures and reduce redundancy of the data. 

Types of Relationships

The relationships between two or more tables in a database is based on the number of records, Primarily there are three different types of relationships that can be set up between two or more tables.

  1. One-to-One
  2. One-to-many
  3. Many-to-Many
One-to-One relationship

In a One-to-One relationship, the master table and transaction table both have one record. 

One-to-Many relationship

In a One-to-Many relationship, the master table having one record and transaction table having multiple records. This is a very common type of relationship between the tables in the database. 

Many-to-Many relationship

In a One-to-Many relationship, the master table has multiple records and the transaction table has multiple records.

Advantages of Relating Tables in a Database
  1. A relationship helps to prevent data redundancy.
  2. Relationships between tables help to restrict from entering invalid data in the referenced field.
  3. It helps to prevent missing data by keeping deleted data from getting out of sync. 
  4. Any update in the master table is automatically reflected in the transaction tables.
Primary Key, Composite Primary  Key and Foreign Key in a Database

In the RDBMS data can be integrated using keys. These are Primary Key, Composite Primary Key, and Foreign Key, Key are used to make the relationship between the tables. 

  1. Primary Key – This unique field is called the Primary Key (PK). primary key is a field or a set of fields that uniquely identify each record in a table. A primary key must be unique and cannot contain null values.
  2. Composite Primary Key – A composite primary key is a primary key that consists of two or more fields that together uniquely identify each record in a table.
  3. Foreign Key – A composite primary key is a primary key that consists of two or more fields that together uniquely identify each record in a table.
Referential Integrity

As per the principle rule of the database, no unmatched foreign key values should exist in the database. Referential integrity processes concentrate on ensuring data consistency and the link between tables.

LibreOffice Base gives us following four options to maintain referential integrity –

  1. No action – This is default option, This option states that no update or delete are allowed in the master table if any related record exists in the transaction table. 
  2. Update cascade – This option allows to delete or update the referenced field but the related records that are also available in any transaction tables will also be deleted or updated.
  3. Set NULL – This option assigns NULL value to all the records in the master record that are deleted or updated. 
  4. Set default – This option assigns a fixed default value to all the related fields if the master record deleted or updated. 

Chapter 11: Queries in Base

In the database data is stored in an organized manner which helps to retrieve data quickly and accurately. To search and retrieve the desired data from the database, we have to give its specifications to DBMS. Such specifications are given to the database in the form of queries.


A query is the most important feature of DBMS. Query is a request for data, query helps to retrieve and display data from one or more tables in a database. This is done by giving criteria to the DBMS. 

A query can be created in three ways –

  1. Using a Wizard
  2. In Design View
  3. In SQL view

Database Languages

Database Languages having two type:

  1. DDL (Data Definition Language)
  2. DML (Data Manipulation Language)
DDL Statements:
  • Create: Using this statement, a database or set of tables can be created.
  • Alternate: This statement is used to change the table’s structure.
  • Drop: This statement is used to remove database objects from the system.
DML statements:
  • SELECT: The statement “SELECT” is used to get data from the database.
  • INSERT: The statement “INSERT” is used to add a new record to the database.
  • DELETE: The database can be cleaned out by using the statement DELETE.
  • UPDATE: This statement is used to modify the database’s information.

Select Statement 

Select statement is most important for retrieving and for displaying data from a database.

Syntax of Select Statement is – 


The SELECT statement has many optional clauses:

  • WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve.
  • ORDER BY specifies an order in which to return the rows.
Question 1 – Write a Query to display all record from the table;

Table Name – product 

52Soap Box120100
Question 2 – Write a Query to display product name from the table;
Question 3 – Write a Query to display Product_Name and Price from the table;
Question 4 – Write a Query to find the total no of quantity available in table;
Question 5- Display the total amount of each item. The amount must be calculated as the price multiplied by quantity for each item. 
Question 6- Write a Query to display the product whose price is less than 90
Question 7- Write a Query to find the total amount of the Shampoo product;
Question 8- Write a Query to display the data whose quantity is equal to 80.
Question 9- Write a Query to display a list of Products whose Price between 40 to 120.
Question 10- Write a Query to display the list of Product_Name in alphabetical order.
Question 11- Write a Query to display the list of Price in descending order.

UPDATE statement 

Update statement is used to update existing records present in database. The updated statement will apply using WHERE clause.

Syntax of Update Statement –

UPDATE <table name> SET = value [, column_name = value ...] [WHERE ];

Table Name – product 

52Soap Box120100
Question – Write a Query to update the price of Shampoo in the product table.
Question – Write a Query to update the Quantity of Powder in the product table.

Chapter 12: Forms and Reports

LibreOffice Base provides the Form feature for data entry purposes and report feature for displaying the data.


A form is a database object with a user-friendly interface that allows data entry and viewing in a visually attractive and accessible method. It serves as the front end for entering and editing data into any database.

There are two ways to create a form: 

  1. Using a wizard 
  2. Using the Design View
Creating a Form Using a Wizard

Creating a Form Using a Wizard is the simplest way to create a form in LibreOffice base. To create a form using wizard, follow the following steps.

  • Step 1: Open Database
  • Step 2: Click on Use Wizard to Create Form
  • Step 3: Select the fields of your form
  • Step 4: Decide if you want to set up a subform
  • Step 5: Arrange the controls on your form
  • Step 6: Select the data entry mode
  • Step 7: Apply Style
  • Step 8: Set the name of the form
  • Step 9: Click on Finish

Forms Control Toolbar – This toolbar contains various controls that can be added to the form.

Records Toolbar – The Records toolbar contains the navigation control buttons in the extreme left. 

Creating Reports using wizard

You can create report from the Report using a wizard. To create a report, follow the following steps –

  • Step 1: Open Database
  • Step 2: Click on Use Wizard to Create Report
  • Step 3: Select, Which fields do you want to have in your report 
  • Step 4: Enter, How do you want to label the field
  • Step 5: Add grouping levels in the Report Wizard
  • Step 6: Select sort option according to the data
  • Step 7: How do you want your report to look
  • Step 8: Describe how you want to processed 
  • Step 9: Click on Finish

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRANING [Dinesh Prasad Saklani] (Director). (2022). Domestic Data Entry Operator (First Edition) [English]. Anup Kumar Rajput.

Disclaimer : The Notes are made by expert teachers from different schools, but if you feel that there are any mistakes in the Database Management System Class 10 Notes, please feel free to leave a comment below or please send mail to

The book and the study material are available on the CBSE official website and on the NCERT website also, the teachers have tried to make a summary and try to make it easy to understand which will help the students to improve their CBSE results.

Comprehensive Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 Notes IT 402

electronic spreadsheet class 10 notes

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 Notes – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 Notes

Any company or organization the data Analyses is very important and the spreadsheet is one of the best software for data analysis. In this chapter we will learn how to analyze the data using LibreOffice Calc.

Chapter 4: Analyse Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek

1. Consolidation Data

Sometimes we want to combine data from multiple sheets for analyzing purposes, this you can do with consolidation of data, consolidation of the data helps to run multiple raw data to summarize data easily using functions like sum, count, average, max, min, product etc. 

Definition: Consolidate is a function which is used to combine data from the multiple sheets into one place to summarize the information. 

Image Source – LibreOffice | Image by – LibreOffice Book

Steps to consolidate the data are as follows –

  • Step 1: Open Spreadsheet
  • Step 2: Choose Data > Consolidate dialog box and select the function
  • Step 3: Click on Source data area
  • Step 4: Select the source range or type the cell address
  • Step 5: Click on Add button
  • Step 6: Select additional range and click Add
  • Step 7: Specify where you want to save the result using Copy results to box
  • Step 8: Press Ok

2. Groups and Subtotals

Groups in LibreOffice – Group and Outline data is used when we want to group rows or columns together so that one can collapse (-) to hide it or expand (+) it using a single click on it. To select the data to be grouped Data > Group and Outline

The subtotal tool in Calc creates a group of data automatically and applies common functions like sum, average on the grouped data. The subtotal will display the data in the form of sorting in ascending or descending order.

Steps how to use subtotal –

  • Step 1: Click on Data > Subtotals from menu bar
  • Step 2: Select Column in which you want to use subtotal
  • Step 3: Select functions like sum, average, count, max, min etc. 
  • Step 4: Click Ok.

3. What-if Scenarios

When we ask about the possible results of an activity then we use What-if, What-if helps to explore and compare various alternatives depending on changing conditions. It is used to optimize the output and helps to predict the output while changing the inputs.

Definition: The What-if scenario is a powerful technique, scenario is a set of cell values which is used within the calculation.

Use following steps to create scenarios in LibreOffice Calc-

  • Step 1: Select the cells where you want to apply scenarios
  • Step 2: Click Tools > Scenarios
  • Step 3: Enter name of Scenarios
  • Step 4: Click Ok Button. 

4. What-if Analysis Tool

What-if tool is a planning tool for possible outcomes, you can open Multiple Operations from Data > Multiple Operations. Scenarios use a drop-down list to display the result based on the input rather than displaying the output in the same cells as the input but Multiple Operations tools creates a formula array to display the list of results.

Use following steps to create What-if analysis tool –

  • Step 1: Enter the data in the cells
  • Step 2: Create an array of input values on the basis of output what you generage
  • Step 3: Select the cell range of input array and output array
  • Step 4: Click on Data > Multiple Operations
  • Step 5: Enter the cell address in formula box and Column input cell
  • Step 6: Click on Ok

5. Goal Seek

Goal Seek comes under What-if Analysis tools. Goal seek helps to find specific output from the given input. Goal seek can find the correct input when only the output is known.  

Example – Suppose, you require a loan. You are aware of the amount you wish to borrow, you also know the interest rate of the Bank, and how much you can afford to pay each month. To find out what time you’ll need to get in order to reach your loan target, use Goal Seek.

User following steps to create goal seek –

  • Step 1: Enter Principal amount, time, rate of interest in the worksheet
  • Step 2: Write a formula for Simple interest
  • Step 3: Click on Tools > Goal Seek
  • Step 4: Place the cursor on the Variable cell box and click on the cell

Chapter 5: Using Macros in Spreadsheet

1. Macro in LibreOffice Calc

Some times we perform the same task multiple times such as using formulas in different places, sometimes we type the same information multiple times like school Name, address, contact number etc, Micro is a tool which helps the user to do the task easily. 

Definition: A Macros is a set of commands for keystrokes that we can store for later use.   

a. Recording a Macro

Macro is a sequence of actions such as keystrokes and clicks that can be recorded and then run as per the requirement. Macro recording can be enabled using the tools option on the main menu bar by selection Tools > Option > LibreOffice > Advanced

Note: There are two different options which are not check marked, before starting Macro you have to enable these two options. 

In Macro you can record many thing but there are some action which will not record –

  • Opening of windows 
  • Transferring action from one window to another window.
  • Window switching 
  • In Spreadsheet if actions are not related to content
  • Selections are recorded only if they are done by using the keyboard, but not  when the mouse is used.
  • This macro you can use only in Calc, Writer and Excel

Follow the steps given below to record a macro –

  • Step 1: Click on Tools > Macros > Record Macro
  • Step 2: Start doing actions which you want to record
  • Step 3: After completing your actions Click on Save Macro
  • Step 4: Change the name of Macro
  • Stet 5: Click on Save button

Rules for naming a Macro –

  • Begin with a letter
  • Not contain spaces
  • Not contain special characters except for underscore (_)

b. Running a Macro

To run the macro in LibreOffice Calc, you can click on Tools > Macros > Run Macro.

Advantages of using Macro in LibreOffice Calc

  • The macro can use multiple time
  • The macro reduce time and improve the work speed
  • The macro can interact more quickly as compare to function
  • The macro saves the effort of remembering and typing the formulas.

Chapter 6: Linking Spreadsheet Data

In this chapter we are going to learn how to create multiple sheets and we are also going to understand how to link the data in multiple sheets and how to organize the data properly. 

1. Setting up Multiple Sheets (Insert New Sheets)

When you open LibreOffice Calc, you will find the default sheet “Sheet1”. There are multiple ways to insert a new sheet.

  • Select Insert > Sheet from menu bar
  • Right click on tab and select Insert Sheet
  • Click on the Add Sheet by clicking on the (+) sign located on the left side.

2. Cell Reference

A worksheet cell or range of cells that may be used in a formula for calculating values is referred to as a cell reference. We can link the data in multiple sheets using cell reference. This can be done using two different way –

  • Creating reference to other sheets/documents by using keyboard and mouse
  • Linking external data.
Creating Reference to Other Sheets by Using Keyboard and Mouse

When we want to add a cell reference from one sheet to another sheet then you have to click the cell where the formula is to be entered, then input the formula with the = (equal sign) and select the cell from the difference sheet. For example, to refer a cell C4 of sheet named Term1 we will type: $‛Term 1’.C4

Note: Single quotes (‘ ’) are used as there is a space between Term and 1 in the sheet name.

Creating Reference to Other Documents by Using Keyboard and Mouse

It is possible to create the referencing across different spreadsheet files using LibreOffice Calc. This type of referencing is used to find the summary of the report using hyperlinks. 

To refer to a cell in a different spreadsheet we write in single quotes the path of the file followed by #$ then the name of the sheet followed by a . (dot) and then the cell address. For example: ‘file:///C:/Users/ADMIN/Documents/X-A.ods’#$Result.C4

Note : The path of a file has three forward slash ///. If filenames have space inside the name then single quotes (‘ ‘) are used. 

3. Hyperlinks to the Sheet

Hyperlinks are used to jump to a document stored at a different location from within a document. . Hyperlinks help to jump from a sheet in the same spreadsheet, different spreadsheet or a website by creating a hyperlink.

a. Relative and Absolute Hyperlinks

There are two different types of hyperlinks –

b. Relative Hyperlink – The only way a relative link will break is if the start and target locations move in relation to one another. For example: Admin\Downloads\ try.ods is a relative hyperlink as it is dependent on the current location and thus the folder admin is searched where the active spreadsheet is being stored.

4. Linking to External Data

Internet web pages are a rich source of information, this information is stored in a Table in tabular format. LibreOffice Calc helps to import tables from HTML pages into Calc using the External Data Dialog box.

Steps to Inserting data from External Data Dialog box –

  • Step 1: Open Spreadsheet where you want to insert external data
  • Step 2: Select Sheet > External links
  • Step 3: Browse or Drop Down the External Data Source
  • Step 4: Press Ok.
a. Linking to Registered Data Sources

We may connect spreadsheet documents to databases and other data sources using LibreOffice Calc. It is necessary to register the data source with LibreOffice.

Data source which you can use to import data in LibreOffice are –

  • LibreOffice Base
  • ODF Spreadsheet
  • HTML Documents
  • Notepad File
  • XML 

Chapter 7: Share and Review Spreadsheet

LibreOffice Calc allow to share spreadsheet to more than one user at a time. The shared spreadsheet can be edited and accessed by multiple people and allow them to make changes simultaneously on it. 

1. Sharing Spreadsheet

You can share the spreadsheet to multiple users to work in collaboration with the people. To share the spreadsheet you can click on Tools > Share Spreadsheet from the menu bar. This will open the share document dialog box and you can enable or disable sharing option.

a. Saving a Shared Spreadsheet

When you save a shared spreadsheet, from the following any one situations may occur –

  • If two or more users are working simultaneously and their changes do not clash. A notification indicating that the spreadsheet has been updated with modifications.
  • The resolve conflict dialog window will pop up if there are any conflicts with the changes.
  • If any issue is there, the shared spreadsheet cannot be saved by another user without resolving issues. 
  • If another user is trying to resolve disputes, then you will receive notification that the file is locked. 

2. Recording Changes (Track Change)

Calculus has the ability to trace which data was modified, when it was modified, by whom, and in which cell it is modified using record change. Record change helps to find the usual changes made by the other user, such as text additions, text alterations, deletions and usual formatting.

Steps for starting recording changes option

  • Step 1: To enable the Record changes, first disable the shared mode
  • Step 2: Click on Edit > Track Changes > Record
  • Step 3: Start editing the worksheet
a. Reviewing Changes – View, Accept or Reject Changes

Once the spreadsheet is edited and saved by the users, now you will find accept or reject options in the Edit > Track Changes > Manage in menu bar to prepare the final spreadsheet. 

3. Merging Worksheet

Users apply the copy and paste method to combine the sheet data, however merging the sheets is a smarter way to take their data together into a single sheet in LibreOffice Calc.

Follow the following steps to merge document –

  • Step 1: Open Spreadsheet
  • Step 2: Click on Edit > Track Changes > Merge Document
  • Step 3: Select spreadsheet file which you want to merge
  • Step 4: Click on Accept All

Note: The worksheet’s modifications from various authors are indicated by different colors.

4. Comparing Documents

To compare two workbooks and track the differences between them line by line, use Spreadsheet Compare. LibreOffice Calc provides a facility to compare two documents.

Steps to comparing document in LibreOffice Calc

  • Step 1: Click Edit > Track Changes > Compare Document
  • Step 2: Open the Compare to dialog window, and select the .ods file
  • Step 3: Manage the Changes based on accept/reject the changes
  • Step 4: Click on Close button

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRANING [Dinesh Prasad Saklani] (Director). (2022). Domestic Data Entry Operator (First Edition) [English]. Anup Kumar Rajput.

Disclaimer : The Notes, MCQs, and Questions and Answers are made by expert teachers from different schools, but if you feel that there are any mistakes in the Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 Notes, please feel free to leave a comment below or please send mail to

The book and the study material are available on the CBSE official website and on the NCERT website also, the teachers have tried to make a summary and try to make it easy to understand which will help the students to improve their CBSE results.

Comprehensive Digital Documentation Class 10 Notes IT 402

digital documentation class 10 notes

The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Notes

Chapter 1: Introduction to Style

A style is a collection of formats which is used to change the appearance of specific text, pages, frames and other elements in document.

Definition: A style is a set of formats which you want to apply to the document in the term of formatting. Style helps to improve consistency in the document

Advantages of Style in Digital Document

  • Provides consistency throughout the document
  • Saves time and increases efficiency
  • Allows for easy modifications
  • Increase accessibility for readers.

Open Office Writer provides six different types of Style

  1. Page Style – The page style contains the following elements: background, borders, header and footer placement, page size, and margin.
  2. Paragraph Style – The paragraph style contains: line spacing, tab stops, borders and text alignment.
  3. Character Style – This style used to work on blocks of letters instead of complete paragraphs. Character Style include text color, text size, highlighting text, or bold and italic formats.
  4. Frame Style – Frames are like containers which help to hold text, graphics and lists in a document. Frame Style includes formatting of the frame like size of the picture, position of the text around the picture, border of the text, page background, text background, watermark etc.  
  5. List Style – List style uses numbered and bullets.
  6. Table Style – Table styles allow formatting options for tables, such as borders, text inside the table, border color, and table format. 

How to apply Styles and Formatting window

Writer provides many different options to open style and formatting windows in LibreOffice-

  1. Step 1: Press F11 function key to open the style and formatting windows or Click on Format > Styles and Formatting
  2. Step 2: The style window will be open
  3. Step 3: Select text area where you want to apply style
  4. Step 4: Double click on the style which you want to apply.

Apply Style using Fill Format mode

Fill Format useful tools to apply style quickly in the document which helps format window easy without going back to Style and Formatting windows every time.

Definition: Fill Format is a feature of LibreOffice Writer which helps to copy the formatting from one text to the another text. 

  • Step 1: Open the Style and Formatting window
  • Step 2: Select the text from where you want to copy the format.
  • Step 3: Click on Fill Format window
  • Step 4: Click on the location where you want to apply the Style and Formatting, the style will applied automatically.

 Creating New Style in Documents (Custom Style)

LibreOffice provide two different method to creating new custom style –

Creating New Style from a selection 
  • Step 1: Open Style and Formatting window
  • Step 2: Click on Style which you want to create
  • Step 3: Click on the text where you want to save the style
  • Step 4: Click on New Style from the selection icon in the Style and Formatting window.
  • Step 5: Give the name of the style and click on save.
Create New Style using drag and drop 
  • A new style can be created by simply dragging and dropping a text selection into the style and formatting window. First open the formatting and style window. Select some text and drag and drop to the style and formatting window, after that give the name of new style.

Updating a Custom Style 

It will be better for you to use an updating style option to update the style rather than creating a New style. To modify the existing style then follow the blow steps – 

  • Step 1: Select page/ paragraph to be modified
  • Step 2: Format the selected portion
  • Step 3: Click on Style menu and click on update

Load Styles (from a template or document)

You can copy style from the existing template or document. Once copied the style from the other document will be listed in the Style and Formatting window.  Follow the steps to Load the Style –

  • Step 1: In the style menu click on Load Style.
  • Step 2: Select the document which you want to Load on the document
  • Step 3: Click OK to copy the style

Chapter 2: Working with Images

LibreOffice Writer allows you to work with images, shapes, charts and diagrams by using various tools. The image file can be inserted in a document using the following different ways. 

  • Using Image dialog box
  • Using Drag and Drop Option
  • Using Cut, Copy and Paste option
  • Inserting an image by linking

Using Image dialog box – Image dialog box is a general procedure to insert an image in a writer.

  • Step 1: Click on Insert > Image from menu bar
  • Step 2: Select image from dialog box

Using Drag and Drop Option – Using drag and drop you can insert images in the document.

  • Step 1: Open a file browser window (Win+E) and select the image
  • Step 2: Drag and Drop the image into the document

Using Cut, Copy and Paste option – Another way to insert an image in the document is by using copy and paste.

  • Step 1: Select the target file
  • Step 2: Copy the image using right click or using shortcut key Ctrl+C
  • Step 3: Place the cursor on the location and use Ctrl+V to paste the image in the document.

Inserting an image by linking – If multiple copies of the same image you want to insert in the document then you can use image by linking. Image by linking is beneficial to save the link of the image instead of inserting the image in the document.

  • Step 1: Click on Insert Image dialog box
  • Step 2: Click on Link option

Modifying an Image

The Image toolbar is used to modify the Image in the Writer, Image toolbar is used to resize, crop, delete and rotate the image.

Using the Image toolbar

The Image toolbar automatically appears when an Image is inserted in the document or click on View > Toolbars > Image from the menu bar.

a. Image Filter in LibreOffice Writer – There are 11 different types of image filters available which you can use to Filter the Image (Improve the quality of Image).

  • Invert – This Filter is used when the image is in gray scale and you want to improve brightness like inverted. 
  • Smooth – Decrease the contrast of the image.
  • Sharpen – Increases the contrast of Image.
  • Remove Noise – Removes single pixels from the image.
  • Solarisation – Solarisation is used to reverse the tone. Dark appears light and light appears dark.
  • Aging – Simulates the effect of time on a picture.
  • Posterise – Makes a picture appear like painting by reducing colors in the image.
  • Charcoal Sketch – Changes image as charcoal sketch. 
  • Relief – Adjusts light source to create shadow.
  • Mosaic – Joins a group of pixels into a single area of one color.

b. Image Mode in Image toolbar – There are three Image modes which we can apply in Writer. a) Black and White b) Gray Scale c) Watermark

c. Flip Horizontal and Vertical in Image toolbar – You can flip the image Horizontally or Vertically.

d. Image Rotation in Image toolbar – Image rotation is used to rotate the image in a document.

e. Transparency in Image toolbar – Transparency is used to make the image transparent. 

f. Color in Image toolbar – You can adjust the color combination of the image including adjustment of brightness, contrast and gamma. 

Cropping Image in LibreOffice

Cropping tools are used when you want to cut unwanted areas of the image. To crop the image first select the image and right click on it and from the pop up menu select Picture and then click on Crop option. 

You can control the image parameters using following tools –

Keep Scale/ Keep Image Size 

The Keep Scale does not change the scale of the image it maintains the aspect ratio of the original image after cropping but in keep image size the cropping results either enlarge, reduce or distortion and the image size staying constant. 

Difference between Scaling and Resizing

Images can be resized to change their dimensions (size of the image) without affecting the contents. The contents will be stretched to the new dimensions when the image is scaled.

Drawing Objects

If you want to create flowchart or any shapes in your document, then LibreOffice Writer provides a Drawing Object feature in the document. To display the Drawing Toolbar in the Writer, click on View > Toolbars > Drawing.

Steps to Insert Drawing Object –

  • Step 1: In the document where you want to insert object
  • Step 2: In the Drawing toolbar select the tool
  • Step 3: Click and drag to create a drawing object.

Resizing and Grouping objects

  • Resizing – is a method in Writer which helps to reduce or enlarge the size of the image. The most popular way to resize the image is using sizing handles, these handles can be used to increase or decrease the size of the image.
  • Grouping – LibreOffice Writer allows grouping methods to group multiple objects in a single object without affecting their size and position.

Positioning Image in the Text

Positioning Image can be used for text and other images or drawing objects in the document. In LibreOffice the positioning of an image is controlled by four settings. 

  • Arrangement
  • Anchoring
  • Alignment
  • Text Wrapping

Note : The above settings can be accessed by using three different ways – a) Format menu b) Context menu c) Using right click on the object.

Arrangement – Arrangement is used to arrange the position of an image, drawing object or text, if any image is overlapped or not arranged properly in writing in that condition you can take the help of arrangement. There are six different types of arrangement –  

  • Bring to Front 
  • Forward One 
  • Back One 
  • Send to Back 
  • To Foreground 
  • To Background

Note – First four settings can be applied on an image or drawing, but the last two are available for drawings only.

Anchoring – Anchoring allows an image to retain its position to a page, paragraph, character or frame.

Alignment – Allows the vertical or horizontal placement of the image with respect to its anchor.

Text Wrapping – Wrapping allows the placement of image in relation to text. 

Chapter 3: Advanced Features of Writer

Table of Contents (ToC)

The Index page (List of the page) of every book is known as table of contents, LibreOffice Writer has a facility to create a table of contents automatically. The table of contents takes entries or content from the headings of the document.

Hierarchy of Headings

Heading 1 through Heading 10 are the ten different heading types that LibreOffice Writer supports. This heading is helpful when creating a table of contents because its placement ensures that the correct heading styles Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 and so on are positioned correctly, which also ensures that your table of contents is created correctly. 

The elements for entries at that level are shown on the Structure line. On the Structure line, every button denotes a single element. –

  • The E# button represents the chapter number.
  • The E button represents the entry text.
  • The T button represents a tab stop.
  • The # button represents the page number.
  • The LS button represents the start of a hyperlink. 
  • The LE button represents the end of a hyperlink. 

Template in LibreOffice Writer

A template is just like a model which is used to create another document. templates reduce the workload and improve the work quality. 

Definition: A template is a preset layout that helps to create professional and/or formal documents easily

Creating a Template

You can create your own template for future use. Follow the steps given below to create and save a template in Writer.

  • Step 1: Open the document
  • Step 2: Select File > Templates > Save
  • Step 3: Type the name of the new template
  • Step 4: Click on Save button
Using In-built/Saved Templates

LibreOffice allows the user to use in-built templates, online templates as well as the template created and saved by us.

  • Step 1: Open the new document in LibreOffice Writer
  • Step 2: Select File > Templates > Manage Templates or use shortcut key Ctr+Shift+N
  • Step 3: Select the desired template and click Open button
  • Step 4: Make the desired changes and save the file
Using Online Templates

LibreOffice provides a wide range of online templates which can be downloaded from the Internet. Once these templates are downloaded and installed on the computer then they will appear in the Template window. To view the template in Write then follow File > Templates > Manage Templates.

Track Changes Feature

Track Change is a powerful tool of LibreOffice, which allows the user to monitor the changes made to a document from the other users, as well as user comments. Track Change make reviewing a document easier and modification is tracked and displayed. 

Definition: Track Changes helps you to keep track of other users’ edits and comments on a document. 

The various buttons present on the Track Changes toolbar – 

  • View Track Changes – This button displays all the changes made in the document by different users.
  • Record Track Changes – Any character added to the document will be displayed in a different color and any deletion done will be seen in strike-through style.
  • Previous Track Changes/Next Track Changes– Click on these buttons to navigate between the changes made.
  • Accept/Accept All Track Changes – Accept all the changes made to the document.
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Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRANING [Dinesh Prasad Saklani] (Director). (2022). Domestic Data Entry Operator (First Edition) [English]. Anup Kumar Rajput.

Digital documentation helps to understand how the computer is used in Offices, you can make digital documentation class 10 notes pdf from the above topic, we also provide digital documentation class 10 questions and answer, we do not provide digital documentation class 10 notes handwritten,

Digital Documentation Class 10 mcq are available on the website, We also provide digital documentation class 10 project file, you can also find the link of digital documentation class 10 mcq, you can make digital documentation class 10 practical pdf. What is digital documentation class 10, digital documentation is a just like digital paper where we can type the information.

Disclaimer : The Notes, MCQs, and Questions and Answers are made by expert teachers from different schools, but if you feel that there are any mistakes in the Digital Documentation Class 10 Notes, please feel free to leave a comment below or please send mail to

The book and the study material are available on the CBSE official website and on the NCERT website also, the teachers have tried to make a summary and try to make it easy to understand which will help the students to improve their CBSE results.

4 Years IT 402 Class 10 Sample Paper with Answer Key

it 402 class 10 sample paper

IT 402 Class 10 Sample Paper 2021-22: Students may learn the CBSE Exam pattern by downloading all CBSE Board Sample Papers of Class 10 Information Technology 402 with Solutions (Answer Key). Students can get an overview of the CBSE exam structure and practice the questions to improve their scores.

Session 2021-22 Blue Print of IT 402 Class 10


Unit No.

Name of the Unit

Very Short Answer

 (1 Marks)

Short Answer

 (2 Marks)

Long Answer

(4 Marks)

Total No of Questions


Entrepreneurial Skills





Green Skills




Total Questions




No of Questions to be Answered





Unit No.

Name of the Unit

Very Short Answer

 (1 Marks)

Short Answer

 (2 Marks)

Long Answer

(4 Marks)

Total No of Questions


Database Management System






Web Application and Security





Total Questions





No of Questions to be Answered





IT 402 Class 10 Sample Paper

a. Download Term – 2 IT 402 Sample Questions Paper (Session 2021 – 22)

b. Download Term – 1 IT 402 Sample Questions Paper (Session 2021 – 22)

c. Download IT 402 Sample Questions Paper (Session 2020 – 21)

d. Download IT 402 Sample Questions Paper (Session 2019 – 20)

e. Download Term – 2 IT 402 Sample Questions Paper (Session 2018 – 19)

IT 402 Class 10 Marking Scheme

a. Download Term – 2 IT 402 Marking Scheme (Session 2021 – 22)

b. Download Term – 1 IT 402 Marking Scheme (Session 2021 – 22)

c. Download IT 402 Marking Scheme (Session 2020 – 21)

d. Download IT 402 Marking Scheme (Session 2019 – 20)

e. Download IT 402 Marking Scheme (Session 2018 – 19)

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

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Disclaimer – 100% of the Sample papers are taken from the CBSE Official Website. If you found any error please contact us

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