Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ – MCQs have become important in Class 10 Information Technology exams, so it is essential for students to practice answering of these types of questions. We have compiled the best collection of chapter wise MCQs questions for Class 10 Information Technology based on the latest NCERT textbooks. Students can click on the links to practice these questions.

Multiple choice questions are a common feature of Class 10 Information Technology exams, where a question is presented with four options and the student must choose the correct answer. To ensure the student can accurately answer these questions during the exam, it is important for them to practice these MCQs regularly as time is limited during the actual exam.

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills MCQsSubject Specific skills MCQs
Unit 1- Communication SkillsUnit 1- Digital Documentation
Unit 2- Self-Management SkillsUnit 2- Electronic Spreadsheet
Unit 3- Basic ICT SkillsUnit 3- RDBMS
Unit 4- Entrepreneurial SkillsUnit 4- Web Applications And Security
Unit 5- Green Skills

MCQ questions for class 10 information technology with answers pdf download

This website contains multiple MCQs from the communication skills, self-management skills, Information and Communication Technology Skills, Entrepreneurial Skills, Green Skills, Digital Documentation (Advance), Electronic Spreadsheet (Advance), Database Management System, Maintain Health, Safety and Secure working environment.

Information technology class 10 MCQ online test

Website also contains the online test information of class 10 Information Technology (402).

MCQ questions for class 10 information technology code 402

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) on the following topics are covered on this website: database management system; maintain health, safety, and a secure working environment; entrepreneurship; information and communication technology; green skills; digital documentation (advance); electronic spreadsheet (advance); green skills; and communication skills.

Information technology class 10 MCQ pdf

You can download Information Technology class 10 mcq pdf from our website, please search the link above to download the pdf file.

Information technology class 10 MCQ with answers pdf

We can also provide Information Technology Class 10 mcq with answers chapter wise, we have taken all the mcq from the textboot, all mcq are important and based on the CBSE examination.

Information technology class 10 MCQ with answers

We have taken all of the relevant and exam-based multiple-choice questions from the textbooth for Information Technology Class 10, and we can also offer chapter-by-chapter answers to all of the questions.

MCQ questions for class 10 information technology with answers chapter 1

Chapter 1 was based on Digital Document (Advance), as per the CBSE syllabus many of the topic are added in the chapter for example Style in document, Insert images in digital docuemnt, Table of content etc.

MCQ questions for class 10 information technology with answers digital documentation

Digital Document (Advance) was the focus of Chapter 1, and numerous topics from the CBSE syllabus were included, such as Table of Content, Style in Document, and Inserting Images in Digital Document.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is information technology MCQ?

Information technology is the process of creating, processing, storing, retrieving, and exchanging any kind of electronic data or information using computers.

What is information technology class 10th answer?

Information technology (IT) is the creation, processing, storing, securing, and exchanging of all types of electronic data through the use of computers, networking, storage, and other physical devices, infrastructure, and procedures.

Can stress motivate you to finish the assignment on time?

The pressure of having to turn in a paper by a certain date can spur you on to complete the task on schedule. Excessive stress, however, has the opposite effect. It can impair our capacity to operate in our relationships, at home, at school, and in our mental and physical well-being.

What is information and communication technology class 10?

The word ICT represents Information and Communication Technology. It comprises an array of technology resources and instruments for information creation, communication, dissemination, storing, and management. Computers, the Internet, telephony, and broadcasting technologies (radio and television) are all included in ICT.

What are styles class 10?

A style refers to a collection of formats that you can use to easily alter the appearance of specific pages, text, frames, and other elements in your project. Applying a style also applies a collection of formats simultaneously. Styles are rational characteristics.

What is green skills class 10?

The abilities required to modify procedures, offerings, and goods in response to climate change and its associated environmental standards and laws are known as “green skills.” They consist of the skills, information, attitudes, and values required to create and sustain a society that is resource-efficient and sustainable.

What is scenario class 10?

A scenario is an explanation of potential future deeds or occurrences. For instance, “There are multiple potential outcomes.

What do you mean by information and communication technology?

The term Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) includes a wider range of communication technologies, including but not limited to wireless networks, computers, smartphones, software, middleware, video conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services.

What is information and communication technology in short?

The term “information and communications technology” (ICT) refers to a broad range of communication devices and applications, such as satellite systems, radios, televisions, cell phones, computers, network hardware, and software.

Is information technology hard in class 10?

Experts and educators agree that the CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Syllabus is at a moderate level.

Why is information and communication technology?

The term “information and communications technology” (ICT) refers to a broad range of communication devices and applications, such as satellite systems, radios, televisions, cell phones, computers, network hardware, and software.

What is the full form of ICT in computer?

Information and communications technology is ICT in its whole. The term information and communication technology (ICT) refers to the technical tools and services needed to run broadcast media, telecommunications, smart building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based monitoring and control devices.

What are the 5 importance of information?

These five domains are: 1) decision-making; 2) problem-solving; 3) comprehension; 4) process improvement; and 5) customer understanding, in no particular order of significance.

What is the full form of ICT in school?

When teachers are digitally literate and know how to incorporate ICT into the curriculum, it can have an impact on students’ learning.

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