100+ Best Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ IT 402

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers. All the important MCQs are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology ( 402 ).

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

1. ______________ allows you to combine data from multiple worksheets into a single master worksheet.
a. Data Consolidation
b. Multiple Data
c. Scenarios
d. Goal Seek

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a. Data Consolidation

2. _______________series of worksheets or workbooks summarizes it into a single worksheet.
a. Multiple Data
b. Data Consolidation
c. Scenarios
d. Goal Seek

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b. Data Consolidation

3. Which function cannot be performed through Subtotal in a Spreadsheet?
a. Sum
b. Product
c. Average
d. Percentage

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d. Percentage

4. Scenarios are a tool to test questions.
a. Auto
b. Goal Seek
c. What-if
d. Drop Down

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c. What-if

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

5. When making a watermark or putting an image in the backdrop of a document, __________ comes in useful.
a. Transparency
b. Fill
c. Filters
d. Crop

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a. Transparency

6. It refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find the values or data that you want a formula to calculate.
a. Row
b. Column
c. Autosum
d. Cell Reference

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d. Cell Reference

7. __________, totals/adds data arranged in an array—that is, a group of cells with labels for columns and/or rows Which step one must follow before using the Subtotal option?
a. Consolidate
b. Rename Data
c. Filter Data
d. Subtotal

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d. Subtotal

8. A ______ hyperlink contains the full address of the destination file or web page.
a. Relative
b. Absolute
c. Mixed
d. Address

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b. Absolute

9. Which of the following reflects the importance of Goal Seek?
a. Subtotal
b. Scenario
c. Solver
d. Consolidate

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c. Solver

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

10. _________ means combining data in a spreadsheet from different worksheets into master worksheet
a. Hyperlinks
b. Consolidating
c. Linking
d. Filter

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b. Consolidating

11. An __________ link will stop working only if the target is moved while a__________ link will stop working only if the start and target locations change relative to each other.
a. absolute, fixed
b. Relative, Absolute
c. absolute, relative
d. permanent, absolute

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c. absolute, relative

12. Hema holds the title of chartered accountant. On a daily basis, she used to keep track of the accounts on a spreadsheet. There are a number of steps that she must follow at all times. Can you recommend a spreadsheet feature that will allow her to complete these activities quickly and without having to repeat the processes each time?
a. Record Changes
b. Track Changes
c. Goal Seek
d. Using Macros

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d. Using Macros

13. Raj has produced a worksheet in which he has entered all of his employees’ details. He wants each employee to look over the spreadsheet and, if necessary, change their address and phone number. He’d also like to know what modifications his employees have made. Which aspect of the spreadsheet should he enable so that he can view the changes that his staff have made?
a. Macro
b. Link Workbook
c. Change Worksheet
d. Track Changes

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d. Track Changes

14. Sunita is working on a spreadsheet project. Her friend taught her how to rename a spreadsheet, which will make it easier for her to identify the worksheet data. She was excited and told her brother about it. A worksheet in spreadsheets can be renamed in ________different ways, according to her brother.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 1

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b. 3

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

15. _________is a spreadsheet function that is designed to minimize or maximize a result based on a set of rules that you describe.
a. Goal Seek
b. Scenario
c. Solver
d. Subtotal

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c. Solver

16. The intersection point between a row and column is called _______.
a. Row
b. Column
c. Table
d. Cell

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d. Cell

17. Formulas in a Spreadsheet must begin with a __________ sign.
a. $
b. @
c. #
d. =

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d. =

18. ___________ is a tool to test “what-if” questions.
a. Scenario
b. Solver
c. Macro
d. Average

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a. Scenario

19. Rohit received a 25 out of 30 grade in English and a 22 out of 30 grade in Math. In order to calculate the score in IT, he needs to acquire an overall score of 85 percent. Provide him with the best selection from the list below.
a. Macro
b. Solver
c. Goal Seek
d. Sub Total

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c. Goal Seek

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

20. As a school project, Krish and Kritika conducted a survey of their neighborhood’s literacy rates by age, which they recorded in a spreadsheet. They both want to work on it at the same time to finish it on time. Which option should they use to access the same Spreadsheet in order to save time?
a. Consolidate Worksheet
b. Shared Worksheet
c. Link Worksheet
d. Lock Worksheet

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b. Shared Worksheet

21. You can use ________ to combine data from multiple worksheets into a master worksheet.
a. Data Consolidation
b. Goal Seek
c. Solver
d. Total data

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a. Data Consolidation

22. The Consolidated option is available under _________ menu.
a. View
b. Tool
c. Insert
d. Data

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d. Data

23. We can consolidate data by ________
a. Row Label
b. Column Label
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

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c. Both of the above

24. In the consolidate window, which of the following functions are available?
a. Max
b. Min
c. Count
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

25. Which option should we use to define the target range? (Where we want the result to be displayed)
a. Source data range
b. Copy results to
c. Need result at
d. target range

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b. Copy results to

26. Which option is used to name a range of cells?
a. Range name
b. Cell Range
c. Define Range
d. Select Range

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c. Define Range

27. Define range option is available under the ________ menu.
a. Insert
b. View
c. Developer
d. Data

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d. Data

28. SUBTOTALS _________ data arranged in an array (that is, a group of cells )
a. Add
b. Average
c. Find
d. Clear

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a. Add

29. Subtotals are available in __________ menu.
a. Tools
b. Format
c. Insert
d. Data

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d. Data

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

30. In Subtotals we can select up to _______ groups of arrays.
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. Infinite

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a. 3

31. Scenario option is available in ___________________ menu.
a. Data
b. Tools
c. Insert
d. Windows

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b. Tools

32. We can shift from one scenario to another by _____________
a. Navigator
b. Find and Replace
c. Data Source
d. None of the above

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a. Navigator

33. Which option is suitable to calculate the effect of different interest rates on an investment.
a. Scenario
b. Subtotal
c. Consolidate
d. None of the above

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a. Scenario

34. Default name of first scenario created in Sheet1 of Calc is ________
a. Sheet1_Scenario1
b. Sheet1_Scenario_1
c. Sheet_1_Scenario1
d. Sheet_1_Scenario_1

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b. Sheet1_Scenario_1

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

35. To select a random multiple cell hold down ________ key as you click on each cell.
a. Alt
b. Shift
c. Ctrl
d. All of the above

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c. Ctrl

36. Goal Seek Option available in __ menu.
a. Tools
b. Format
c. Data
d. Insert

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a. Tools

37. ____________ is a more elaborate form of Goal Seek.
a. Scenario
b. Subtotal
c. Solver
d. All of the above

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c. Solver

38. Solver option is available under _________ menu
a. Tools
b. Format
c. Edit
d. Insert

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a. Tools

39. Which feature of Calc helps to see the changes made in the shared worksheet?
a. Record Changes
b. Solver
c. Subtotal
d. None of the above

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a. Record Changes

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

40. Record Changes feature of Calc help
a. Authors and other reviewers to know which cells were edited.
b. to record the screen
c. to make changes permanent
d. None of the above

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a. Authors and other reviewers to know which cells were edited.

41. How can you consolidate data in SpreadSheet?
a. By Column Label
b. By Row Label
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both of the above

42. Subtotals refer to the process of _________ data arranged in an array (a group of cells).
a. finding
b. adding
c. clearing
d. averaging

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b. adding

43. Is it true or false that when you print a spreadsheet, only the content of the active scenario is printed?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

44. To select multiple random cells, what key should you hold down as you click on each cell?
a. Alt
b. Ctrl
c. Shift
d. All of the above

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b. Ctrl

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

45. Can we link one worksheet to another worksheet?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

46. Where are the sheet tabs located by default in a spreadsheet?
a. Top
b. Bottom
c. Middle
d. None of the above

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b. Bottom

47. What is the formula to refer to cell A3 in sheet named S1?
a. =S1.A3
b. =”S1″.A3
c. =S1A3
d. None of the above

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a. =S1.A3

48. If you have two spreadsheets in the same folder linked to each other and you move the entire folder to a new location, a relative hyperlink will:
a. may work
b. not work
c. work
d. None of the above

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c. work

49. How many options are shown on the left-hand side of the Hyperlink dialog box in Calc?
a. New Document
b. Internet
c. Document
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

50. How can Suman and her friends work together in a spreadsheet?
a. By linking workbooks
b. By sharing a workbook
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. By sharing a workbook

51. What color border appears around a cell where changes were made in a shared worksheet?
a. Green
b. Red
c. Blue
d. Yellow

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b. Red

52. What kind of colored bar marks a deleted column or row in a shared worksheet?
a. Line
b. Solid
c. Light
d. Heavy

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d. Heavy

53. How can Calc find the changes made to a shared worksheet?
a. Comparing worksheets
b. Duplicating worksheets
c. Checking worksheets
d. None of the above

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a. Comparing worksheets

54. Where should one go to edit a macro in Calc?
a. View > Macros > Edit Macros
b. Format > Macros > Edit Macros
c. Tools > Macros > Edit Macros
d. None of the above

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c. Tools > Macros > Edit Macros

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

55. Which of the following modifications is not recorded in a shared worksheet?
a. Changes to any text
b. Cell formatting
c. Changes to any number
d. None of the above

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b. Cell formatting

56. In which menu is the “Share Document” option available?
a. Edit
b. File
c. Tools
d. View

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c. Tools

57. How can we register a data source in OpenOffice.org?
a. Choose View > Options > OpenOffice.org Base > Databases
b. Choose Format > Databases > Options > OpenOffice.org Base
c. Choose Tools > Options > OpenOffice.org Base > Databases
d. None of the above

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c. Choose Tools > Options > OpenOffice.org Base -> Databases

58. Hyperlink option is available in which menu in Calc?
a. Insert
b. Edit
c. File
d. Format

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a. Insert

59. When a new spreadsheet is opened, what is the default name of the first sheet?
a. Sheet1
b. Sheet 1
c. Sheet_1
d. None of the above

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a. Sheet1

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

60. Is the Comment in the Create Scenario dialog box optional?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

61. Do each scenario in SpreadSheet have a name?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

62. What option is used to give a name to a range of cells in SpreadSheet?
a. Define Range
b. Target name
c. Select Range
d. Cell Range

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a. Define Range

63. Where can you find the Consolidate option in SpreadSheet?
a. Insert
b. View
c. Data
d. Tool

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c. Data

64. What is the correct sequence to apply Subtotals?
a. Choose the data first, then launch the Subtotals window.
b. Open the Subtotals window first, and then choose the data to which subtotals should be applied.
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above.

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a. Choose the data first, then launch the Subtotals window.

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

65. Which option is appropriate to determine how different interest rates will affect an investment?
a. Scenario
b. Consolidate
c. Subtotal
d. None of the above

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a. Scenario

66. In which menu is the Solver option available?
a. Edit
b. Format
c. Insert
d. Tools

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d. Tools

67. What elements are present in the “Insert Sheet” dialog box?
a. After Current Sheet
b. No. of Sheets
c. Before Current Sheet
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

68. How can hyperlinks in Calc be used?
a. to jump from one sheet to a website
b. to jump from one section to another section of the same sheet
c. to jump from one sheet to another sheet
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

69. Where is the Hyperlink icon present in Calc?
a. Standard Toolbar
b. Format Toolbar
c. Menu Bar
d. None of the above

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a. Standard Toolbar

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

70. Can spreadsheet software allow users to share a workbook?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

71. After sharing a worksheet, what word is displayed on the title bar after the worksheet’s title?
a. Shared
b. Sharing Sheet
c. Sharing
d. None of the above

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a. Shared

72. How can users activate the Record Changes feature in a shared worksheet?
a. Edit > Changes > Record from the menu bar.
b. View > Changes > Record from the menu bar.
c. File > Changes > Record from the menu bar.
d. Insert > Changes > Record from the menu bar.

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a. Edit > Changes > Record from the menu bar.

73. From which menu can worksheets be merged in Calc?
a. View
b. Tools
c. Edit
d. File

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c. Edit

74. Which option should be used to start the macro recorder in Calc?
a. Tools > Record > Record Macro
b. Tools > Macros > Record Macro
c. Data > Macros > Record
d. None of the above

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b. Tools > Macros > Record Macro

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

75. What is the name of the library automatically included in a Calc document when it is created and saved?
a. Macro Library
b. Standard
c. Module Library
d. None of the above

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b. Standard

76. Which of the following features are disabled in a shared spreadsheet?
a. Insert > Names
b. Insert > Comment
c. Edit > Changes, except for Merge Document
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

77. In Calc, which menu can open the “Share Document” dialog box?
a. Edit
b. View
c. File
d. Tools

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d. Tools

78. A relative hyperlink will stop working only if the target is moved.
a. True
b. False

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b. False

79. How can an existing sheet be renamed in Calc?
a. Right click on existing sheet and then choose rename
b. Double click on one of the existing sheet
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

80. In which menu is the Goal Seek option available?
a. Insert
b. Tools
c. Data
d. Format

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b. Tools

81. How many groups of arrays can you select in Subtotals?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

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a. 3

82. Which option allows you to specify where you want the result to be displayed when consolidating data in SpreadSheet?
a. Source data range
b. Target result at
c. Copy results to
d. Delete range

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c. Copy results to

83. What feature allows you to collect data from different worksheets and combine it into a single master worksheet?
a. Solver
b. Goal Seek
c. Data Consolidation
d. Total data

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c. Data Consolidation

84. If you select this option, any values modified in the source range are automatically updated in the target range in SpreadSheet.
a. Link to original data
b. Link to source data
c. Link to source range
d. Link to sheet data

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b. Link to source data

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

85. In which menu can you find the Scenarios option in SpreadSheet?
a. Windows
b. Data
c. Insert
d. Tools

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d. Tools

86. What is the default name of the first scenario created in Sheet1 of Calc?
a. Sheet_1_Scenario_1
b. Sheet1_Scenario1
c. Sheet_1_Scenario1
d. Sheet1_Scenario_1

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d. Sheet1_Scenario_1

87. Which menu is used to insert a new sheet in Calc?
a. Insert
b. Tool
c. Format
d. Edit

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a. Insert

88. How many types of hyperlinks are shown on the left-hand side of the Hyperlink dialog box in Calc?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

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d. 4

89. What feature in Calc allows users to view changes made in a shared worksheet?
a. Solver
b. Subtotal
c. Record Changes
d. None of the above

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c. Record Changes

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

90. How can users add a comment regarding any changes made in a shared worksheet?
a. File > Changes > Comments
b. View > Changes > Comments
c. Edit > Changes > Comments
d. None of the above

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c. Edit > Changes > Comments

91. What is the main purpose of using macros in Calc?
a. To simplify a task
b. To complicate a task
c. To do a task
d. To repeat a task

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d. To repeat a task

92. Are function names in Calc case sensitive?
a. True
b. False

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b. False

93. To compare an edited worksheet with the original worksheet, which option should be selected?
a. File –> Compare Document
b. View –> Compare Document
c. Tools –> Compare Document
d. Edit –> Compare Document

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d. Edit –> Compare Document

94. In Calc, where is the link to external data option present in the menu?
a. Insert
b. View
c. File
d. Edit

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a. Insert

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

95. Can hyperlinks in Calc be either relative or absolute?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

96. Which option is a more elaborate form of Goal Seek?
a. Subtotal
b. Solver
c. Scenario
d. All of the above

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b. Solver

97. How can you shift from one scenario to another in SpreadSheet?
a. Navigator
b. Data Source
c. Find and Replace
d. None of the above

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a. Navigator

98. Is it true or false that you can only consolidate data from two sheets?
a. True
b. False

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b. False

99. In which menu can you find the Subtotals option?
a. Data
b. Tools
c. Insert
d. Format

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a. Data

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

100. Can we give different colors to different scenarios?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

101. Can a new sheet be renamed in Calc?
a. While inserting a new sheet
b. After inserting a new sheet
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

102. Which functions can you use in the Consolidate window in SpreadSheet?
a. Count
b. Max
c. Min
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

103. In which menu can you find the Define Range option in SpreadSheet?
a. Developer
b. View
c. Insert
d. Data

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d. Data

104. Scenarios are a tool to test __________ questions.
a. if
b. what else
c. if else
d. what if

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d. what if

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

105. Is it true or false that you can create only three scenarios for a given range of cells in SpreadSheet?
a. True
b. False

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b. False

106. Can we add/insert more sheets in a spreadsheet?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

107. How many sheets are present in a spreadsheet by default?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

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b. 3

108. An absolute hyperlink will stop working only if the target is moved.
a. True
b. False

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a. True

109. Can we link a text in a spreadsheet to any web URL in Calc?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

110. Can multiple users access a shared workbook simultaneously?
a. True
b. False

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a. True

111. Once a spreadsheet is shared, can it be unshared?
a. True
b. False

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b. False

112. What is the purpose of the Record Changes feature in Calc?
a. To record the screen.
b. To make changes permanent.
c. To allow authors and reviewers to know which cells were edited.
d. None of the above.

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c. To allow authors and reviewers to know which cells were edited.

113. What is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes in Calc called?
a. Solver
b. Macro
c. Autosum
d. Consolidate

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b. Macro

114. What option should be clicked to stop the macro recorder in Calc?
a. End Recording
b. Close Recording
c. Stop Recording
d. None of the above

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c. Stop Recording

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Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

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Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Reference Textbook

The above Electronic Spreadsheet Advanced Class 10 MCQ was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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