People as Resource Class 9 Notes

People as Resource Class 9 Notes – “People as Resource” refers to viewing the population as an asset for the economy rather than a liability. When investment is made in the form of education, training, and medical care, the population becomes human capital, which is the stock of skills and knowledge embodied in individuals. These notes on Class 9 People as Resource provide a comprehensive overview of the concepts covered in the chapter and can be used to prepare for exams.

People as Resource Class 9 Notes


Investing in the education and health of a country’s workforce, known as human capital formation, can lead to increased productivity and economic growth. Human capital, or the skills and abilities of the working population, is considered a valuable resource and investing in it through education and medical care can yield high returns. Japan is an example of a country that has successfully invested in its human resources.

Economic Activities by Men and Women

Economic activities can be divided into three sectors:

  1. Primary (agriculture, forestry, etc.),
  2. Secondary (manufacturing),
  3. Tertiary (trade, transport, etc.).

These activities can be further divided into market activities, which involve payment for goods or services, and non-market activities, which are for self-consumption. Education is important for individuals to access economic opportunities and higher levels of education can lead to higher pay. However, employment in some sectors, such as those traditionally occupied by women, may be characterized by low income and lack of job security and benefits.

Quality of Population

The quality of a population can be determined by factors such as literacy rate, life expectancy, and skill formation. A literate and healthy population is an asset to a country and can contribute to its economic growth.

1) Education

The Sarva Siksha Abhiyan program, introduced in 2010, aims to provide elementary education to all children in India aged 6-14. The program also includes the mid-day meal scheme to encourage attendance and improve nutrition. The 12th plan focuses on increasing the access, quality, and vocationalization of education, as well as incorporating technology into the education system. Education plays a crucial role in the growth of society by enhancing national income, cultural richness, and governance efficiency, and literacy is necessary for citizens to properly fulfill their duties and enjoy their rights.

2) Health

Improving the health of the population has been a priority in India, with the National Policy focusing on increasing access to healthcare, family welfare, and nutritional services for disadvantaged groups. Over the past 50 years, India has developed its workforce in the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.


Unemployment in India occurs in both rural and urban areas, with different forms in each region. In rural areas, unemployment is often seasonal or disguised, while in urban areas it is often educated unemployment. Unemployment can lead to the waste of manpower and have a negative impact on economic growth. In India, the unemployment rate is relatively low. The primary sector is characterized by self-employment, with agriculture being the largest labor-absorbing sector.

However, there has been a decrease in the dependence on agriculture in recent years, with some surplus labor moving to the secondary or tertiary sectors. The secondary sector is dominated by small scale manufacturing, while the tertiary sector is seeing the emergence of new services like biotechnology and information technology.


In conclusion, the concept of “People as Resource” recognizes the value of a country’s population as an asset for the economy. Investing in the education, training, and health of the population through human capital formation can lead to increased productivity and economic growth. The quality of a population is determined by factors such as literacy rate, life expectancy, and skill formation, and education plays a crucial role in accessing economic opportunities and improving socio-economic outcomes. It is important for a country to properly utilize and develop its human resources in order to achieve economic and societal progress.

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