People as Resource Class 9 Question Answer

People as Resource Class 9 Question Answer – People as Resource comprises answers to the exercises in the Economics textbook. It includes all the necessary study material that can aid students in achieving good marks in the CBSE examinations. The solutions provide a systematic approach to writing answers, which can help Class 9 students develop their writing skills. A thorough comprehension of this chapter can also benefit students in higher classes as it serves as a foundation for related concepts. With the help of these solutions, students can gain a deeper understanding of the topic, which can improve their performance in the exams. Overall, practicing these solutions regularly can help students prepare well for the exam and achieve better results.

People as Resource Class 9 Question Answer

What do you understand by ‘people as a resource’?

Answer – ‘People as a resource’ refers to the idea of considering a country’s population as an asset rather than a liability. This concept emphasizes investing in individuals’ education and training to enhance their skills and abilities, thereby promoting economic growth and development.

How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical Capital?

Answer – The difference between human resources and other resources like land and physical capital is that humans have the capacity to use other resources to produce useful output, whereas land and physical capital depend on human resources for their utilisation and are unable to produce anything on their own.

What is the role of education in human capital formation?

Answer – Education is a crucial factor in human capital formation due to the following reasons:

  1. Education transforms individuals into assets for the economy, rather than liabilities.
  2. It enables individuals to make the most of economic opportunities, contributing to increased efficiency and cultural richness.
  3. Education enhances productivity in terms of quality and quantity, ultimately boosting national income.
  4. It promotes societal awareness and consciousness among educated individuals, leading to positive social outcomes.
  5. Education fosters knowledge of health and hygiene, resulting in improved health outcomes for the population.
What is the role of health in human capital formation?

Answer – Health is a critical component of human capital formation, and it plays a crucial role in the following ways:

  1. Good health enhances an individual’s immunity, making them more resilient to illnesses.
  2. A healthy individual is more likely to achieve better outcomes in various aspects of life.
  3. Improved health is directly linked to enhanced productivity and efficiency in work.
  4. Therefore, if a country prioritizes better healthcare measures, it can lead to a healthier population, which in turn, can increase human capital and productivity.
What part does health play in the individual’s working life?

Answer – Health plays a critical role in an individual’s working life. Good health leads to increased productivity, engagement, and job satisfaction, while poor health can negatively impact work performance, lead to absenteeism, and increase healthcare costs.

What are the various activities undertaken in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors?

Answer – Natural resource-related activities including farming, fishing, forestry, and mining are included in the primary sector.

Manufacturing and construction-related businesses like food processing, textile manufacture, car manufacturing, and building construction are included in the secondary sector.

Services-related industries like transportation, communication, healthcare, education, finance, and retail are included in the tertiary sector.

What is the difference between economic activities and non-economic activities?

Answer – Economic activities are those activities that involve the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services for monetary gain or profit. These activities include businesses, trade, agriculture, mining, and other industries that contribute to the economy.

Non-economic activities, on the other hand, are activities that are not undertaken for monetary gain or profit. These activities include personal and social activities such as household chores, volunteering, leisure activities, and cultural or religious practices. They do not contribute to the economy in terms of financial gain but are still valuable for personal well-being and social development.

Why are women employed in low paid work?

Answer – Women often make less money than males, which is a serious issue with the gender wage gap. Lower levels of education, vocational segregation, and duties for household chores and caregiving are a few reasons why this occurs frequently. Women may also be perceived as less talented than males, even while performing the same physical task, and they frequently work in industries that don’t provide generous maternity leave or other benefits. Women frequently work in lower-paying jobs due to a combination of these variables.

How will you explain the term unemployment?

Answer – Unemployment is a term used to describe a situation where a person who is willing and able to work is unable to find a job. It is a measure of the percentage of the labor force that is actively seeking employment but is currently without work. In other words, unemployment refers to the state of being involuntarily unemployed, despite being actively in search of work.

There are several types of unemployment, including cyclical, structural, frictional, and seasonal.

What is the difference between disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment?

Answer –

Seasonal unemployment are issues in rural communities. A person experiences seasonal unemployment when they are unable to find work for a few months out of the year. This primarily affects farmers who are idle for a period of the year during which no crops are cultivated.

When people appear to be employed, they are actually unemployed. It is regarded as a case of disguised unemployment when the number of persons working on agricultural land is more than the number of people who are actually required to labour. If five individuals are working on a plot of land when only three persons are needed, the two extra workers are engaging in disguised unemployment.

Why is educated unemployed a peculiar problem of India?

Answer – In India, educated unemployment is become a typical occurrence. In India, young people with matriculation, graduation, and post-graduate degrees cannot find employment. This is so because the Indian educational system considers everyone who is older than 18 to be able to work. The kids suffer as a result, becoming unskilled and ultimately jobless. It is crucial that a person not only possess a degree but also have the necessary skills to find employment.

In which field do you think India can build the maximum employment opportunity?

Answer – The primary sector, secondary sector, and tertiary sector are the three categories into which the employment sector is classified. The majority of people in India depend on agriculture for their livelihood, however there is a significant amount of covert unemployment in this industry. Due to the expansion in the number of industries, the manufacturing sector, a secondary activity, is the one where the majority of the population can find employment.

Can you suggest some measures in the education system to mitigate the problem of the educated unemployed?

Answer – The following are a few steps that can be implemented in the educational system to address the issue of educated unemployment:

Make secondary education more focused on careers. Not only will this approach assist people in obtaining an education, but it will also help them improve their abilities and find better career possibilities.
A person need to have the freedom to select the subjects based on their aptitudes.
At the school level, new courses and topics of study that could be pursued as careers in the future ought to be introduced. Students will now have the chance to plan their future possibilities at the school level.

Which capital would you consider the best — land, labour, physical capital or human capital? Why?

Answer – Out of all the several types of capital—land, labour, physical, and human—human capital might be regarded as the greatest. This is due to the fact that other resources cannot be used independently; only people are able to use other resources and derive useful results from them.

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