Texas Educational Diagnostician Association

Texas Educational Diagnostician Association – The Texas Educational Diagnostician Association (TEDA) is a professional organization for educational diagnosticians in Texas. Educational diagnosticians are professionals who specialize in evaluating and assessing students with learning disabilities or other special education needs.

TEDA is an affiliate of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), and it works to promote the professional development of its members and to advocate for best practices in the field of educational diagnosis. The organization provides resources and support for educational diagnosticians in Texas, and it hosts conferences, workshops, and other professional development opportunities for its members.

If you are an educational diagnostician in Texas and are interested in joining TEDA, you can visit the organization’s website to learn more about the membership process and to access resources and information about upcoming events and professional development opportunities.

Texas Educational Diagnostician Association

TEDA Certificate Requirements

To become a licensed educational diagnostician in the state of Texas, you must meet certain requirements set by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). These requirements may include:

  • Having a bachelor’s degree: You must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution to be eligible to take the TExES Educational Diagnostician (085) certification exam.
  • Completing a teacher certification program: You must have completed a teacher certification program that is approved by the TEA. This program should include coursework in special education and assessment.
  • Passing the TExES Educational Diagnostician (085) certification exam: This exam is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is designed to test your knowledge and skills in the field of educational diagnosis. You must pass this exam to become a licensed educational diagnostician in Texas.
  • Meeting experience requirements: Some individuals may be required to have a certain amount of teaching or assessment experience before they can become licensed educational diagnosticians.
  • Completing continuing education requirements: Licensed educational diagnosticians in Texas may be required to complete continuing education units (CEUs) to maintain their certification.
  • Meeting ethical standards: Educational diagnosticians are expected to adhere to professional ethical standards and codes of conduct. This may include upholding confidentiality and respecting the rights of students and their families.
  • Meeting licensure requirements: In addition to the TExES Educational Diagnostician (085) certification exam, you may be required to meet other licensure requirements set by the TEA, such as passing a criminal background check.

You can find more information about the certification requirements for educational diagnosticians in Texas on the TEA website. The Texas Educational Diagnostician Association (TEDA) may also be able to provide additional resources and support for individuals who are seeking certification as educational diagnosticians in Texas.

TEDA Resource

The Texas Educational Diagnostician Association (TEDA) is a professional organization for educational diagnosticians in Texas. TEDA provides resources and support for its members, including:

  • Professional development opportunities: TEDA hosts conferences, workshops, and other professional development opportunities for its members, which may include training on assessment techniques, updates on best practices in the field of educational diagnosis, and opportunities to network with other educational diagnosticians.
  • Resources and support for the certification process: TEDA may provide resources and support for individuals who are preparing to take the TExES Educational Diagnostician (085) certification exam, such as study guides and practice exams.
  • Advocacy and support for the profession: TEDA advocates for the professional development of its members and works to promote best practices in the field of educational diagnosis. The organization may provide support for legislative issues and initiatives that affect educational diagnosticians in Texas.
  • Networking opportunities: TEDA provides opportunities for its members to network with other educational diagnosticians and to connect with professionals in related fields.
  • Job listings: TEDA may provide job listings or job search resources for its members, including openings for educational diagnosticians in Texas.
  • Professional publications: TEDA may provide access to professional publications, such as journals or newsletters, which may contain articles on topics relevant to the field of educational diagnosis.
  • Mentorship opportunities: TEDA may provide mentorship opportunities for its members, allowing them to connect with more experienced educational diagnosticians and get guidance and support in their careers.
  • Member discounts: TEDA may offer discounts on conference registration fees, professional development workshops, or other events and resources to its members.
  • Online resources: TEDA may provide access to online resources, such as webinars, podcasts, or forums, which may be useful for professional development or networking.

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