Communication Skills Class 10 Notes CBSE Quick Guide

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Communication Skills Class 10 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Employability Skills Class X Based on CBSE Board Pattern.

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Communication Skills Class 10 Notes

Session 1 : Method of Communication

What is Communication?

“Communication” comes from the Latin word “commūnicāre,” meaning “to share.” It involves sharing thoughts, information, or knowledge, whether through speaking, writing, or any other mediums.

Parts of Communication

Communication has three important parts –

  1. Transmitting — The sender transmits or send the message through one medium or another.
  2. Listening — The receiver listens or understands the message.
  3. Feedback — The receiver conveys their understanding of the message to the sender in the form of feedback to complete the communication cycle.
part of communication

Elements of Communication

The communication cycle includes-

  1. Sender — The person beginning the communication.
  2. Message — Information the sender wishes to share.
  3. Channel — The method used to send information.
  4. Receiver — The person receiving the message.
  5. Feedback — The receiver’s acknowledgment and response to the message.
Elements of Communication
Method of CommunicationDescription
Face-to-faceClear and immediate exchange of information.
Advantages: Clarity, quick feedback, non-verbal cues understood.
Disadvantages: Limited to physical presence, may not be feasible in all situations.
E-mailSending fast messages online that don’t require immediate responses.
Advantages: Rapid delivery, documentation, communication with multiple recipients.
Disadvantages: Lack of non-verbal cues, potential for misinterpretation.
Notices/PostersWritten announcements for mass communication in specific locations.
Advantages: Reaches a large audience simultaneously.
Disadvantages: Limited interactivity, may be overlooked.
Business MeetingsGroup communication within an organization, often addressing specific topics.
Advantages: Facilitates discussion, decision-making, and collaboration.
Disadvantages: Time-consuming, requires coordination.
Other MethodsVarious channels like social networks, messages, phone calls, newsletters, blogs.
Advantages: Diverse options for different communication needs.
Disadvantages: Effectiveness may vary, depends on the medium and audience.

Session 2: Verbal Communication

What is Verbal Communication?

Verbal communication involves the use of sounds, words, language, and speech. Speaking is recognized as one of the most powerful and frequently methods of conveying information.

Types of Verbal Communication

There are several types of verbal communication

Type of Verbal CommunicationDescription
Interpersonal CommunicationInterpersonal communication take place when two people have a conversation, either formally or informally. It’s a one-on-one interaction.
Example –
1. A manager talking to an employee about performance.
2. Friends discussing homework.
3. People chatting on the phone or via video call.
Written CommunicationWritten communication involves using written words and can include letters, circulars, reports, manuals, SMS, and social media chats. It can happen between two or more people.
Example –
1. A manager sending an appreciation email to an employee.
2. Writing a letter to inquire about a grandmother’s health.
Small Group CommunicationGroup communication occurs when more than two people are involved, It’s a form of interaction where multiple individuals engage in conversation together.
Example –
1. Press conferences
2. Board meetings
3. Team meetings
Public CommunicationPublic communication happens when a single person speaks to a large audience or addresses a big gathering.
Example –
1. Election campaigns
2. Public speeches by dignitaries

Advantages of Verbal Communication –

  1. Ease: Simple and straightforward way of communication.
  2. Adaptability: Allows for adjustments based on the listener’s response.
  3. Immediacy: Enables quick exchange of information.
  4. Clarity: Facilitates clear understanding through spoken words.

Disadvantages of Verbal Communication:

  1. Dependency on Words: Relies on the accuracy of spoken words, leading to potential misunderstandings.
  2. Lack of Permanent Record: Information is not always documented, making it challenging to reference.
  3. Limited Non-Verbal Cues: Absence of visual and body language cues can lead to misinterpretations.
  4. Potential for Confusion: Without precise wording, meanings may be unclear or confusing.

Mastering Verbal Communication:

  1. Clarity: Express thoughts clearly.
  2. Active Listening: Pay attention to others.
  3. Effective Tone: Use a suitable and respectful tone.
  4. Conciseness: Be brief and to the point.

Session 3: Non-verbal Communication

What is non-Verbal Communication?

Non-verbal communication involves conveying information without spoken or written words.

In everyday communication:

  1. 55% is through body movements, facial expressions, and gestures.
  2. 38% is through voice, tone, and pauses.
  3. Only 7% relies on actual spoken words.

Non-Verbal Communication Example

Non-Verbal CommunicationExamples
Gestures1. Raising a hand to greet or say goodbye.
2. Pointing a finger at someone.
Expressions1. Smiling when happy.
2. Making a sad face when sad.
Body Language1. Postures conveying attitudes and feelings.

Advantages of Non-verbal Communication

  1. Expressiveness: Conveys emotions and attitudes effectively.
  2. Universal Understanding: Often transcends language barriers.
  3. Complements Verbal Communication: Enhances and reinforces spoken words.
  4. Quick and Efficient: Rapid transmission of messages.
  5. Adds Depth to Communication: Provides additional layers of meaning beyond words.

Disadvantages of Non-verbal Communication

  1. Cultural Variations: Meanings may differ across cultures.
  2. Misinterpretation: Non-verbal signals may be misunderstood.
  3. Absence of Record: Unlike written or verbal communication, non-verbal cues are not easily documented.

Visual Communication

What is Visual Communication?

Visual communication is effective way of communication because it relies on conveying messages through images or pictures.

visual communication

Examples of Visual Communication

  1. Infographics: Using visuals to represent complex information.
  2. Charts and Graphs: Illustrating data trends and comparisons.
  3. Maps: Conveying geographical information visually.
  4. Photographs: Capturing and communicating moments or scenes.
  5. Symbols and Icons: Representing concepts or actions.
  6. Videos: Sharing information through moving images.
  7. Slideshows: Presenting content using a sequence of visuals.
  8. Posters and Flyers: Using images to promote events or ideas.

Session 4: Communication Cycle and Importance of Feedback

What is Feedback?

Feedback is important in the communication process. After a sender shares information, the receiver responds with feedback, which can be positive or negative.

Effective feedback is always-

  1. Specific: Clearly addresses the details of the message.
  2. Helpful: Provides constructive insights or assistance.
  3. Kind: Communicated in a considerate and positive manner.

Types of Feedback

Type of Feedback Examples

Types of FeedbackExamples
Positive Feedback1. Great job finishing the work!
2. Thank you for taking that call. Can you also share the details?
Negative Feedback1, Remember to smile at hotel guests when talking to them.
2. You take a long time to reply to emails. Are you always busy?
No FeedbackSilence or lack of response itself serves as feedback, indicating disagreement of ideas.

Importance of Feedback

  1. It validates effective listening – Shows that you understood what was said.
  2. Motivation – Acts as encouragement and inspiration.
  3. Learning Boost – Helps you learn and understand better.
  4. Performance Improvement – Aids in getting better at what you do.

Session 5: Barriers to Effective Communication

7Cs of Effective Communication

Essential Principles for Effective Communication:

  • Clear – Express your thoughts in a clear and straightforward manner.
  • Concise – Use simple and necessary words for effective communication.
  • Concrete – Use accurate words and present facts clearly.
  • Correct – Ensure proper spelling and grammar for correctness.
  • Coherent – Ensure your words logically connect and relate to the main topic.
  • Complete – Include all necessary information for a complete message.
  • Courteous – Be polite, friendly, and truthful in your communication.
7Cs of Effective Communication

Barriers to Effective Communication

  1. Physical Barriers – When the surroundings or nature creates challenges for communication, it’s a physical barrier. In instances where gestures and body language are not visible, like in text messages, communication might not work as well as when talking face-to-face.
  2. Linguistic Barriers – Language barrier occurs when people can’t communicate because they don’t share a common language. It is the most common communication barriers.
  3. Interpersonal Barriers – Sometimes, when someone says something, the listener might understand it in a different way. This can be a problem in interpersonal communication. Also, feeling nervous or not wanting to talk can make it more difficult.
  4. Organisational Barriers – In organizations, the way they’re set up with bosses and employees in a structured way can make communication less smooth. For instance, when there’s a clear hierarchy, like bosses and workers, it can create barriers to open communication.
  5. Cultural Barriers – When people from different cultures find it hard to understand each other’s customs, it creates problems and makes communication difficult.

Ways to overcome Barriers to Effective Communication

  • Speak Clearly – Use straightforward and easy-to-understand language.
  • Avoid Assumptions – Don’t guess based on culture, religion, or location.
  • Face-to-Face Interaction – Communicate in person whenever you can.
  • Use Visuals – Include pictures or diagrams to aid understanding.
  • Translator Assistance – If language differences exist, seek help from a translator.
  • Respect Diverse Views – Be polite and considerate of others’ opinions.

Session 6: Writing Skills — Parts of Speech

Writing skills are a part of verbal communication and involve writing messages through emails, letters, notes, articles, SMS/chat, blogs, etc. In all these written forms, we use sentences to convey our thoughts and ideas.

Capitalization rules:

  • Begin sentences with capital letters.
  • Capitalize proper nouns (names of people, places, etc.).
  • Use capitals for the pronoun “I.”
Capitalisation Rules

Punctuation rules:

  • Use a period (.) to end declarative sentences.
  • Employ a question mark (?) for questions.
  • Use an exclamation mark (!) for exclamatory sentences.
  • Commas (,) separate items in a list and clauses in a sentence.
Punctuation Marks

Basic Parts of Speech

  • Noun – Names a person, place, thing, or idea. (e.g., dog, city)
  • Pronoun – Replaces a noun to avoid repetition. (e.g., he, she, it)
  • Verb – Expresses action or state of being. (e.g., run, exist)
  • Adjective – Describes or modifies a noun. (e.g., happy, tall)
  • Adverb – Modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. (e.g., quickly, very)
basic parts of speech

Supporting Parts of Speech Types

  • Article – A type of adjective that defines a noun as specific or unspecific. (e.g., a, an, the)
  • Conjunction – Connects words, phrases, or clauses. (e.g., and, or, but)
  • Preposition – Indicates the relationship between a noun and another word. (e.g., in, on, under)
  • Interjection – Expresses strong emotions but is not grammatically related to the rest of the sentence. (e.g., wow, oh)
supporting parts of speech

Session 7: Writing Skills—Sentences

What is sentence?

A sentence is a group of words that conveys a complete thought. It consists of a subject (the main actor or topic) and a predicate (the action or what the subject does). A sentence can be simple, compound, or complex, and it is the basic unit of communication in written and spoken language.

Parts of a Sentence

  • Subject – The person or thing performing the action.
  • Verb – Describes the action carried out by the subject.
  • Object – The person or thing that receives the action.

Types of Objects

In a sentence, there can be two types of objects — Direct and Indirect.

Direct Object:
  1. Receives the action directly from the verb.
  2. Answers the question “what” or “whom.”
  3. Example: She ate an apple.
Indirect Object:
  1. Indirectly affected by the action, often preceded by a preposition.
  2. Answers the question “to whom” or “for whom.”
  3. Example: He gave a gift to her.

Types of Sentences –

  1. Statement or Declarative Sentence
  2. Question or Interrrogative Sentence
  3. Emotion/Reaction or Exclamatory Sentence
  4. Order or Imperative Sentence
types of sentence

Active and Passive Sentences

Active Sentence:
  1. The subject performs the action.
  2. Example: The cat (subject) chased the mouse (object).
Passive Sentence:
  1. The subject receives the action.
  2. The object becomes the focus.
  3. Example: The mouse (object) was chased by the cat.


A paragraph is a collection of sentences centered around a single idea. It starts with a topic sentence, followed by supporting details, and often ends with a concluding sentence. This structure enhances organization and readability in written communication.

Communication Skills Class 10 Notes FAQ

Q. What is communication skills Class 10 short note?

Communication skills refer to the means by which we interact with one another. Our information’s presentation style is important. Talking, writing, and expressing our opinions are all part of communication skills. You will learn how to interact politely with people.

Q. What are communication skills in grade 10?

Students in grade 10 should be able to comprehend social cues, participate in meaningful conversations, express their ideas and opinions, and modify their communication style according to the situation. Understanding the social communication growth phases of Grade 10 children is crucial.

Q. What is verbal communication class 10 notes?

Verbal communication is the process of using words, either spoken aloud or through sign language.Since verbal communication is effective, it is necessary. It may be beneficial to encourage verbal Nonverbal language exchange Any spoken or written word, nonverbal exchange, or discussion is referred to as.

Q. What are communication skills in short notes?

It takes communication skills to listen well, present your ideas appropriately, write succinctly and clearly, work well in a group, and speak appropriately to a wide range of people while maintaining good eye contact. You also need to show that you have a varied vocabulary and can adapt your language to your audience.

Q. What is communication skills in PDF?

Proficiency in speaking and writing is a prerequisite for having communication skills. Effective speakers can articulate their speech to meet the needs of the audience, use a variety of vocabulary, and speak appropriately all while maintaining eye contact with them.

Q. Communication skills class 10 PDF

You can download a PDF on communication skills for Class 10 from our website, which will assist you in preparing for your examination more effectively.

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Employability Skills Class 10 Notes

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