Self Management Skills Class 11 QA

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Self Management Skills Class 11. The team has gathered all of the important Questions and Answers from Employability Skills Textbook. All of the QA have been organized topic wise.

Self Management Skills Class 11 QA

Session 1: Strength and Weakness Analysis

1. Self – management skills strengths and weaknesses?

Answer – Self – management skills strengths and weaknesses –

Strengths –

  1. Think that you are always good at
  2. Think about what you do well
  3. Think about what others appreciate about you

Weaknesses –

  1. Identify the areas where you struggle and what you find difficult to do
  2. Accept the feedback you receive from others
  3. Be positive with feedback and try to improve yourself.

2. Difference between interests and abilities?

Answer – Interests are the things that we enjoy doing ability acquired or natural capacity that enable an individual to perform a particular task with considerable proficiency.
Interest may include –

  1. Activities you like most to do at school or at home that make you happy.
  2. Even if no one asks you to do the activity but you want to do it.
  3. Activities that you like to learn or do in the future.

Self Management Skills Class 11

Session 2: Grooming

3. What is the importance of Grooming?

Answer – The act of putting on clothes is known as dressing. Grooming is the act of making oneself appear neat, orderly, and smart.
Benefits of Dressing and grooming in daily life

  1. Look smart
  2. Make a good impression of ourselves
  3. Feel confident about ourselves

Session 3: Personal Hygiene

4. What is the importance of personal hygiene?

Answer – Personal hygiene is very important in our daily life because it helps us

  1. Create a good image of ourselves
  2. Stay healthy
  3. Avoid feeling ashamed in public due to our bad breath, body odour, etc.

Session 4: Team Work

5. What are the benefits of Teamwork?

Answer – The benefits of Teamwork

  1. In a team, everyone has a role to play, so the pressure to succeed does not fall only on one person.
  2. It is beneficial to have a support system since all team members help in the correction of any mistake done by one team member.
  3. When the team succeeds, it gives you a nice feeling and boosts your confidence.
  4. The work gets done faster

Self Management Skills Class 11

Session 5: Networking Skills

6. What are the benefits of Networking Skills?

Answer – Networking supports you in making dependable and trustworthy individuals with whom you can share your life.

  1. Share expertise and skills
  2. Seek and provide support in difficult times
  3. Keep up to date on fresh opportunities by informing and being informed.

7. How to build Networking Skills?

Answer – There are six steps to develop networking skills –
a. Converse – Give a smile and look at the person with confidence.
b. Open up – Show interest in getting to know them
c. Network smartly – Talk to them about things that are common between the two.
d. Engage – Share useful information
e. Communicate regularly – Stay in touch with others
f. Tell – Share information on events or activities

Session 6: Self Motivation

8. Types of Motivation?

Answer – there are two types of motivation

a. Internal Motivation – Many things we do which make us happy, feel good and healthy.
b. External Motivation – If you are working for recognition, respect and appreciation.

9. What are the qualities of Self – motivated people?

Answer – The qualities of Self – motivated people are –
a. Know what they want from life
b. Are focused
c. Know what is important
d. Are dedicated to fulfill their dreams

10. How to build Self – Motivation?

Answer – There are four steps to build self – motivation.
a. Find out your strength
b. Set and focus on your goals
c. Develop a plan to achieve your goals
d. Stay loyal to your goals

Self Management Skills Class 11

Session 7: Goal Setting

11. How to Set Goals in Self Management Skills?

Answer – We can use different techniques to set goals.
a. Specific – Always set your clear and specific goals.
b. Measurable – A measurable goal answers the questions “How much?”, “How many?” and “How do I know that I have achieved results?”
c. Achievable – Breaking down big goals into smaller parts will make the goal achievable.
d. Realistic – A realistic goal would be something that we want to achieve and can work towards.
e. Time bound – A goal should have a timeframe by when the goal needs to be achieved.

Session 8: Time Management

12. What is time management and how can you manage your time?

Answer – The ability to organize and control how you spend the hours of your day so that you may achieve what you desire is known as time management.
a. To manage the effective time management are as follows –
b. Any planned action should not be delayed or postponed.
c. Organize your room and school desk
d. Create a ‘NO DISTURBANCE ZONE’ where you may sit and finish important tasks without being disturbed.
e. Use waiting time productively
f. Prepare a ‘to-do’ list
g. Prioritize
h. Replace useless activities with productive activities

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Reference Textbook

The above Self Management Skills Class 11 was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

CBSE study material of employbality class XI. (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2022, from

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Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Self Management Skills Class 11, and our team has tried to collect all the correct QA from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us

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