CBSE Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers. All the important Questions and Answers and taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology 402.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 1: Working with accessibility options

1. What do you mean by Accessibility?

Answer – Computer Accessibility helps the disabled user to work on a computer. There are different types of accessibility options available in the operating system, for example – Sticky Keys, Filter Keys, Toggle Keys, Sound Tab, SoundSentry, ShowSound, Display Tab, Hight Contract etc. Computer Accessibility is also known as Assistive Technology.

2. What are Sticky Keys?

Answer – Sticky Keys is an accessibility feature which is designed to help the user having physical disabilities. It also helps other users who have repetitive strain.

3. What are Filter Keys?

Answer – It helps the people having hand tremors, helping to type easily, ignore brief or repeated keystrokes.

4. What are Toggle Keys?

Answer – Toggle Keys helps the people having vision problems or cognitive disabilities. When ToogleKeys is turned on, computer generate the sound when the Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock keys are pressed.

5. What is the use of Sound Sentry?

Answer – SoundSentry helps the users who have auditory impairments. SoundSantry generates visual warning to the auditory impairments people like blinking title bar, and flashing border instead of sound.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

6. What is the purpose of ShowSounds?

Answer – ShowSound instructs the user or conveys the user with the help of sound. It also provides information visually, through text or using informative icons.

7. What is the purpose of High Contrast?

Answer – High Contrast helps the user who has a vision impairment. For example, in the computer you can change the Size of the font, Color of the text and the background.

8. What are Cursor Options?

Answer – Cursor is also an accessibility feature that helps the user who has a vision impairment by changing the blink rate of the cursor and width of the cursor.

9. What is the purpose of MouseKeys?

Answer – The users who have a problem handling a mouse. MouseKeys accessibility features help the user to use the keyboard as a pointing device instead of a mouse.

10. What is the purpose of Serial Keys?

Answer – Instead of using Keyboard or Mouse if you want to add some other input device in the computer then the serial keys will help you. For example you can add Sip, Puff and Breath Switches devices.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 2: Networking Fundamentals

11. What is a computer network?

Answer – A computer network is a group of computers and other hardware components that are linked together by communication channels (cables or satellites) to share resources and information.

12. What are the different Network architectures?

Answer – There are two different ways to design the network architecture –
a. Peer – to – Peer Network Architecture – Peer to peer networks are those in which all computers have the same status. In most cases, each endpoint in such a network has an equally competent CPU.
b. Client – Server – Architecture – Client server networks are networks in which certain computers perform specific tasks and provide services to other computers in the network.

13. What are the major types of Network?

Answer – There are two major types of network in computer system –
a. Local Area Network (LAN) – A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and devices in a specific geographic region, such as a home, school, computer lab, office building, or inside the buildings.
b. Wide Area Network (WAN) – Wide area network covers a broad area like across metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries. The Internet is a collection of Wide area networks.

14. What is the Internet?

Answer – The Internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks that service billions of people across the world using the standard Internet protocol. It’s a network made up of millions of public, private, business, academic, and government networks. The internet is one of the most useful technologies of our daily life, assisting us in our personal and professional life.

15. What is the World Wide Web?

Answer – The World Wide Web is also known as WWW or W3, is a network of interconnected hypertext documents accessible via the Internet. A web browser allows you to see websites that contain text, photos, videos, and other multimedia, as well as navigate between them using hyperlinks.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

16. What are the advantages of a computer network?

Answer – Advantages of computer network are –
a. File Transfer – Users can transfer text files, spreadsheets, presentations, audio files, video files, etc from one computer to another computer.
b. Hardware Sharing – Computer networks can share hardware resources such as scanner, printer etc.
c. Internet Sharing – Instead of paying for several Internet connections for each computer, you can get a single Internet connection and share it with other computers in a network.
d. Usage of network based application – Another advantage is the availability of web browsers, email clients, chat applications, audio and video calling, and so on.

17. What do you mean by ISP?

Answer – If you want Internet connection in your computer you require Internet Service Provider (ISP), IPS helps to connect user computers to the internet. Internet Service Providers include Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Airtel, MTS, Vodafone, and others.

18. What is Modem?

Answer – Previously we were taking internet connection from landline phones, but in landline phones whatever information is coming that is in the form of analog and computer understanding digital signal. So, Modem helps to convert analog signals to digital signals and digital signals to analog signals.

19. What are the different types of Internet connectivity?

Answer – There are two types of Internet connectivity available (Wired connectivity & Wireless connectivity)-
Wired connectivity
a. Dial-Up – Previously we were connecting to the internet with the help of dial – up system. Means first we have to dial a particular number and then the internet will be established.
b. DSL – Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) provides Internet connection by transferring digital data over the wires of a local telephone network.
c. Cable Internet Access – Cable Internet Access is delivered using existing cable TV networks, similar to DSL, which is delivered via existing telephone lines.

Wireless connectivity
a. 3G or 4G – 3G stands for third Generation and 4G stands for fourth Generation, it is mobile telecommunication services and network.
b. WiMax – WiMax (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a wireless technology providing mobile broadband connectivity across the cities and countries, for example Jio WiMax.
c. Wi-Fi – Wi-Fi is wireless connectivity which provides high – speed internet connections to multiple users.

20. What is packet switching?

Answer – Packet switching is a way of sending data across a network in the form of packets.

For example, if 10KB file you want to transfer to another computer, the packet switching will divide this 10KB file in different packets, and one by one this packet is sent to destination computer, If in between some packets are missing or damaged then destination computer can ask for resend packet once again, when the computer receives the packet then the computer will send acknowledgement to sender computer this method is knowns as packet switching.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 3: Introduction to Instant Messaging

21. What is Instant messaging software?

Answer – Instant messaging (IM) is a type of text-based communication in which two people participate in a single conversation using their computers or mobile devices in an Internet-based chatroom.

22. Key Features of an Instant Messaging?

Answer –
a. Text Message can be sent to multiple people
b. Video & Audio calling & conferencing
c. File transfer
d. Save message for future reference

Session 4: Chatting with a contact – Google talk

23. What are general rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting.

Answer – The general rules and etiquettes are –
a. Message should be short and to the point
b. Before start chatting, first ask person have a time to chart or not
c. Know about your topic
d. Don’t type your message in uppercase
e. Give time to respond other people

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 5: Creating and publishing web pages – Blog

24. What is a blog?

Answer – Blog is just like a journal where an individual or group of people share their information, thoughts, activities or knowledge. Blogs are similar to online personal diaries in that they are simple sharing of knowledge. With the help of a blog you can share events, announcements, news and reviews etc.

25. Give examples of free blogs?

Answer – There are many free blogs provider websites are available for example –

Session 6: Using Offline blog editors

26. What is an Offline Blog editor? Give examples of offline free blog editors

Answer – Suppose you don’t have an active internet connection in your home and you are a blog writer, Offline blog editor helps bloggers to write posts offline and when the internet connectivity is available then it will upload automatically. Offline free blog editors are –
a. Qumana
b. Windows Live Writer
c. Blogdesk

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 7: Online Transactions

27. What is an Online transaction?

Answer – Online transactions help the user to transfer funds via the internet. When we are doing online translation many protocols and security measures are used for a safe and secure process. Example – Https, SSL, IOTP etc.

28. What are the different situations while doing online shopping?

Answer –
a. A customer does not have enough time to go shopping.
b. Visiting a store costs more than purchasing a product online.
c. Online, you can get a product or service that is not available in your local market.

29. What are the popular Online transaction websites?

Answer – Some of the popular online transaction are –
b. Flipkart
c. EBay
d. Redbus

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 8: Internet Security

30. How to create a secure password?

Answer – The general guideline for managing strong password are –
a. Length of the password should be 12 – 14 character
b. Don’t use dictionary word, your name, or any common word
c. Include number, symbol, uppercase letter and lowercase letter in the password.
d. Use a random password if possible.

31. What are cookies?

Answer – A cookie is just a little bit of text that a website sends to your browser. It assists the site in remembering information about your visit, which can make it easier to return to the site and make it more helpful to you.

32. What are firewalls?

Answer – Firewalls, which can be software or hardware, can help to keep a computer and a network secure. Firewalls examine network traffic to determine whether it should be allowed or denied.

33. What is built – in password management?

Answer – When password is used in the browser then built – in password manager store the password. When users attempt to log in to websites, browsers frequently prompt them to auto-fill their usernames and passwords.

Session 9: Maintain workplace safety

34. What are the basic safety rules of an organization?

Answer – The safety rules to follow at workplace are –
a. Fire Safety
b. Falls and slips
c. Electrical Safety
d. Use of first aid

35. What are the basic fire safety rules followed in an organization?

Answer – The most basic fire safety rules are –
a. Fire escape plans must be installed
b. Organization have to conduct regular drills
c. Smoke alarms must be installed
d. Keep workplace a no – smoking zone
e. Regular maintenance of safety equipment.

36. What are the falls and slips safety rules?

Answer – The rules for falls and slips safety rules are –
a. Keep the moving are clean and dry
b. Workplace must be proper ventilated
c. Wear non slippery footwear
d. Oil spills, dust must be cleaned immediately.

37. What are the basic electricity safety rules?

Answer – Electricity safety rules are –
a. A recognized organization should authorize the electrical equipment.
b. Workers should be trained in the safe use of electrical equipment.
c. Electrical equipment that has been damaged or is dangerous should be replaced immediately.
d. Heat-emitting equipment should be maintained separate from electrical equipment.
e. Make sure that the outlets/circuits are not overloaded.

38. What are the safety rules of first aid?

Answer – The safety rules of first aid are –
a. Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic
b. If they are in shock, keep them warm.
c. In the instance of a back/neck injury, do not move the victim.

39. Examples of occupational hazards?

Answer – Examples of occupational hazards are –
a. Physical hazards
b. Chemical hazards
c. Biological hazards
d. Behavioral hazards
e. Radiological hazards
f. Ergonomic hazards

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 10: Prevent accidents and emergencies

40. What are the different types of accidents?

Answer – The different type of accidents are –
a. Accidents at workplace – Slips and fall accidents
b. Industrial disease / illness
c. Road traffic accidents
d. Clinical Accidents
e. Sports related accidents

41. What care should an organization take to handle accidents?

Answer – The safety rules an organization take to handle accidents are –
a. Safety measures should be installed in workplace
b. Immediately call the medical team for any injury
c. Stay alert
d. Pay attention to and follow emergency drills

Session 11: Protect health and safety at work

42. What are the Hazards?

Answer – A hazard is defined as anything that has the potential to cause injury, damage, or loss of health or life.
There are different types of hazards –
a. Physical
b. Chemical
c. Biological
d. Mechanical

43. Give a checklist for workstations to minimize the hazards.
Answer – Checklist of workstations are –
a. allow enough space for the user to change positions comfortably
b. give sufficient lighting
c. have windows with changeable coverings to control the amount of sunlight
d. be sufficiently spacious when a workstation is shared by more than one person

44. Give a checklist for computers to minimize the hazards.

Answer – Checklist for computers are –
a. show well-defined characters of appropriate size and spacing
b. Have a stable image
c. Have easily adjustable brightness and contrast
d. Keyboard should have keys with clearly visible symbols
e. Keyboard should have a gap in front to give support for the user’s hands or arms

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

45. Give a checklist for the work surface to minimize the hazards.
Answer – The work surface should –
a. give sufficient space for the user
b. have a low reflective surface
c. be of sufficient size to allow the screen, keyboard, and other peripherals to be placed flexibly
d. have a stable and adjustable document holder that is at the same height as the screen and at the same viewing distance as the screen

46. Explain the term ‘ Evacuation’

Answer – Evacuation is the process of removing people from a location in the case of emergency or disaster.
a. In the case of emergency, every organization must ensure the following points for evacuation:
b. Every organization have an evacuation policy
c. In the case of an emergency, the organization must have a specified gathering place.
d. In the case of an emergency, an organization must have a buddy system for special needs or disabilities people.
e. Floor plans should be placed in every floor
f. Frequently drills should be conducted.

47. Explain the term ‘ Evacuation Policy’

Answer – Every company must have an evacuation plan. All Team Leaders are accountable for notifying their staff about the policy. When the Team Leader informs you of these things, pay close attention. Negligence at this time may result in the loss of life.

48. Explain Buddy System to implement evacuation efficiently in case of emergency

Answer – A ‘buddy system’ for those with special needs or disabilities problem. This approach ensures that people with disabilities are properly assisted and guided out of the premises or impacted area. If you’re a buddy to someone, make sure they’re secure at the assembly point with you.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

49. Explain the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Answer – ‘A healthy way of life leads to a healthy being.’ A healthy lifestyle has a long-term impact on an individual, resulting in a healthy environment at home and at work. A happy and healthy employee will always give the best.

50. Give any four points of a healthy lifestyle.

Answer – The four points of a healthy lifestyle are –
a. Physical activities
b. Healthy eating habits
c. Sound sleep
d. Stress management

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Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

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Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Reference Textbook

The above Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers, and our team has tried to collect all the correct Question and Answer from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us

7 thoughts on “CBSE Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers”

  1. Hello,

    In question number 17th some error please check..

    Overall thank you it’s really helpful for me.
    Tomorrow is my Board Exam
    Give Good Wishes for me 😉

    ~Thank you

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