Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the AI Project Cycle Class 10 MCQ. All the important MCQs are taken from the NCERT Textbook Artificial Intelligence ( 417 ) class X.
AI Project Cycle Class 10 MCQ

1. The AI Project Cycle mainly has __________.
a. 2 Stages
b. 3 Stages
c. 4 Stages
d. 5 Stages
2. What are the various parameters which affect the problem ____________.
a. You need to acquire data which will become the base of your project
b. You go for data acquisition by collecting data from various reliable and authentic sources.
c. After exploring the patterns, you can decide upon the type of model you would build to achieve the goal.
d. All of the above
3. You need to __________ which will become the base of your project as it will help you in understanding what the parameters that are related to problem scoping are.
a. Acquire Data
b. Database
c. Data Mining
d. None of the above
4. ____________ by collecting data from various reliable and authentic sources.
a. Data Acquisition
b. Database
c. Data Mining
d. None of the above
5. Once the __________ is complete, you now need to test your model on some newly fetched data.
a. Data Acquisition
b. Modelling
c. Data Mining
d. None of the above
6. The Sustainable Development Goals aim is to achieve by the end of year_______.
a. 2025
b. 2030
c. 2035
d. 2040
7. The ________ Problem canvas helps in identifying the key elements related to the problem.
a. 4Ws
b. 6Ws
c. 2Ws
d. 3Ws
8. _________ are the people who face this problem and would be benefited with the solution.
a. Key Persons
b. Stakeholders
c. End user
d. None of the above
9. The ________ block helps in analyzing the people getting affected directly or indirectly due to it.
a. Who
b. What
c. Where
d. Why
10. ________ helps to determine the nature of the problem.
a. Who
b. What
c. Where
d. Why
11. “What” block helps to gather evidence from __________ to prove that the problem you have selected actually exists.
a. Media
b. Announcements
c. Newspaper & Articles
d. All of the above
12. “Where” block will help you look into the situation in which the ___________where it is prominent.
a. Problem arises
b. The context of it
c. The locations
d. All of the above
13. In “Why” block canvas, Which of the following canvases is the base of problem solving.
a. Who the people that would be benefitted by the solution
b. What is to be solved
c. Where will the solution be deployed
d. All of the above
14. After filling the 4Ws Problem canvas, you now need to summarize all the cards into one _________.
a. Template
b. Situation
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
15. Templates help us to summarize all the key points into one single Template so that in future, whenever there is a need to look back at the basis of the problem, we can take a look at the __________ and understand the key elements of it.
a. Problem Solving Template
b. Problem Statement Template
c. Problem Arising Template
d. None of the above
16. _________ helps to acquire data for the project.
a. Problem Scoping
b. Data Acquisition
c. Data Exploration
d. Data Evaluation
17. ___________ can be a piece of information or facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
a. Database
b. Data
c. Data Type
d. None of the above
18. Whenever we want an AI project to be able to predict an output, we need to _______ it first using data.
a. Analyze
b. Train
c. Explore
d. All of the above
19. You would feed the data into the machine. This is the data with which the machine can be trained. Now, once it is ready, it will predict his next data efficiently. This previous data is known as ___________.
a. Testing Data
b. Training Data
c. Exploring Data
d. All of the above
20. You would feed the data into the machine. This is the data with which the machine can be trained. Now, once it is ready, it will predict his next data efficiently. This next data is known as ___________.
a. Testing Data
b. Training Data
c. Exploring Data
d. All of the above
21. For better efficiency of an AI project, the _________ needs to be relevant and authentic.
a. Testing Data
b. Training Data
c. Exploring Data
d. All of the above
22. __________ refer to the type of data you want to collect.
a. Data features
b. Exploring Data
c. Data Acquisition
d. All of the above
23. What are the different ways to collect data?
a. Web Scraping & API
b. Surveys & Sensors
c. Cameras & Observations
d. All of the above
24. Sometimes, you use the internet and try to acquire data for your project from some random websites. Such data might not be authentic as its accuracy cannot be proved. Due to this, it becomes necessary
to find a ____________.
a. Reliable source
b. Random source
c. Unauthorize source
d. All of the above
25. One of the most reliable and authentic sources of information where we can download the authentic data for our project are ____________.
a. Private websites
b. Government websites
c. Personal websites
d. None of the above
26. Data is a complex entity – it is full of numbers and if anyone wants to make some sense out of it, they have to work some patterns out of it.
a. Data acquiring
b. Data mining
c. Data analysis
d. None of the above
27. The __________ makes the data understandable for humans as we can discover trends and patterns out of it.
a. Random Data
b. Graphical Representation
c. Unstructured Data
d. None of the above
28. AI models can be classified as _________.
a. Learning Based
b. Rule Based
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
29. Learning Based models can be classified as __________.
a. Machine Learning
b. Deep Learning
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
30. AI modelling where the rules are defined by the developer is known as __________.
a. Rule Based Approach
b. Learning based Approach
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
31. _______ which tells us about the conditions on the basis of which we can decide
a. Dataset
b. Rule Based
c. Learning based
d. None of the above
32. Learning based approaches are divided into _______ parts.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
33. Which one of the following is correct for Learning based approach?
a. Supervised Learning
b. Unsupervised Learning
c. Reinforcement Learning
d. All of the above
34. In a _________ model, the dataset which is fed to the machine is labeled.
a. Supervised Learning
b. Unsupervised Learning
c. Reinforcement Learning
d. All of the above
35. What are the different types of supervised learning?
a. Classification
b. Regression
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
36. Where the data is classified according to the labels is known as ________.
a. Classification
b. Regression
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
37. _________ models work on continuous data.
a. Classification
b. Regression
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
38. An ___________ model works on an unlabeled dataset.
a. Unsupervised learning
b. Supervised learning
c. Reinforcement Learning
d. All of the above
39. The ______________ models are used to identify relationships, patterns and trends out of the data which is fed into it. It helps the user in understanding what the data is about and what are the major features identified by the machine in it.
a. Unsupervised learning
b. Supervised learning
c. Reinforcement Learning
d. All of the above
40. Unsupervised learning models are divided into _________ categories.
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
41. Which categories belong to Unsupervised learning.
a. Clustering
b. Dimensionality Reduction
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
42. Unsupervised learning algorithm which can cluster the unknown data according to the patterns or trends identified out of it is known as ___________.
a. Clustering
b. Dimensionality Reduction
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
43. We humans are able to visualize up to 3-Dimensions only but according to a lot of theories and algorithms, there are various entities which exist beyond 3-Dimensions.
a. Clustering
b. Dimensionality Reduction
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
44. In Unsupervised learning models, if we need to reduce their dimension, which algorithm do we have to use?
a. Supervised algorithm
b. Dimensionality reduction algorithm
c. Clustering algorithm
d. None of the above
45. _________ helps to test data so that one can calculate the efficiency and performance of the model.
a. Accuracy
b. Evaluation
c. Precision
d. None of the above
46. Efficiency of the model is calculated on the basis of which parameters.
a. F1 Score >> Recall >> Precision >> Accuracy
b. Accuracy >> Precision >> Recall >> F1 Score
c. Precision >> Accuracy >> F1 Score >> Recall
d. Recall >> Precision >> Accuracy >> F1 Score
47. ___________ are loosely modelled after how neurons in the human brain behave.
a. Neural networks
b. Neural science
c. Neural Analysis
d. None of the above
48. The key advantage of ___________ are that they are able to extract data features automatically without
needing the input of the programmer.
a. Data Science
b. Deep Learning
c. Neural Network
d. All of the above
49. A __________ is essentially a system of organizing machine learning algorithms to perform certain tasks
a. Data Science
b. Deep Learning
c. Neural Network
d. All of the above
50. A Neural Network is divided into multiple layers and each layer is further divided into several blocks called __________.
a. Nodes
b. Connector
c. Terminal
d. All of the above
51. The first layer of a Neural Network is known as the __________.
a. Output Layer
b. Input Layer
c. Hidden Layer
d. All of the above
52. The job of an ________ is to acquire data and feed it to the Neural Network.
a. Output Layer
b. Input Layer
c. Neural Layer
d. All of the above
53. In Neural Network, The ________ are the layers in which the whole processing occurs.
a. Output Layer
b. Input Layer
c. Hidden Layer
d. All of the above
54. Hidden Layers in Neural Network means.
a. Layers are hidden
b. Not visual to the user
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
55. In a Neural Network, Each node of these hidden layers has its own _______ which it executes on the data received from the input layer.
a. Machine Learning Methods
b. Machine Learning Approach
c. Machine Learning Algorithm
d. All of the above
56. The last hidden layer passes the final processed data to the _________ which then gives it to the user as the final output.
a. Output Layer
b. Input Layer
c. Hidden Layer
d. All of the above
57. A secret AI hiring tool was being developed by Amazon. The machine learning experts discovered a significant issue: their new recruiting engine disliked women. The system has already learned that male candidates were preferred. The resumes with “women” on them were punished. As a result, the tool failed. This is an example of___________.
a. Data Privacy
b. AI Access
c. AI Bias
d. Data Exploration
58. Which of the following datasets can have a particular structure or pattern?
a. Semi Structure
b. Structured
c. Unstructured
d. Fully Structured
59. Which of the following models the connections or data patterns that the developer defined?
a. Rule Base Approach
b. Learning Based Approach
c. Knowledge Based Approach
d. Decision Based Approach
60. It gives us a suitable framework that can help us get closer to the objective of our AI project.
a. 4Ws Canvas
b. AI Project Cycle
c. Project Model
d. AI Models
61. The computer is trained using an enormous quantity of data in _________, which helps it train itself based on the data.
a. Supervised learning
b. Deep learning
c. Classification
d. Unsupervised learning
62. Choose one of the following statements regarding the unsupervised learning-based model that is false.
a. We can provide a very large data set.
b. The algorithm itself analyzes the data set and determines relationships within that data.
c. The labeled data is fed with some rules by the developers.
d. lets us make predictions and improve the algorithms on its own.
63. _______ is a method of dividing a node into two or more sub-nodes.
a. Data Features
b. Splitting
c. 4Ws Canvas
d. Web Scraping
64. Select the Decision Tree nodes from the list below.
a. Decision nodes
b. End nodes
c. Chance nodes
d. All of the above
65. Which one of the following is not a modelling approach?
a. Root
b. Terminal
c. Interior
d. Parent
66. Which one of the following approaches is not taken into account while modelling:
a. Rule-based approach
b. Learning-based approach
c. Knowledge-based approach
d. All of these
67. ________ is an example of a business problem when we categorize an observation as “Safe,” “AtRisk,” or “Unsafe.”
a. Classification
b. Clustering
c. Regression
d. Dimensionality Reduction
68. Data exploration is possible with the use of ___________.
a. Problem Scoping
b. Data Visualization
c. Data Features
d. Web Scraping
69. Techniques for data visualization are used to ______________.
a. Data discovery
b. Large data evaluation in real time
c. Gaining fresh perspectives on data
d. All of the above
70. The ___________ is the first stage of the AI project cycle.
a. Problem Scoping
b. Data Acquisition
c. Data Exploration
d. Data Modelling
71. The ___________ is the second stage of the AI project cycle.
a. Problem Scoping
b. Data Acquisition
c. Data Exploration
d. Data Modelling
72. The ___________ is the third stage of the AI project cycle.
a. Problem Scoping
b. Data Acquisition
c. Data Exploration
d. Data Modelling
73. The ___________ is the fourth stage of the AI project cycle.
a. Problem Scoping
b. Data Acquisition
c. Data Exploration
d. Data Modelling
74. The ___________ is the fifth stage of the AI project cycle.
a. Problem Scoping
b. Data Evaluation
c. Data Exploration
d. Data Modelling
75. The data that is provided as input during data collecting is referred to as ___________.
a. Testing Data
b. Training Data
c. Input data
d. None of the above
76. The kind of data that is being gathered during data collection is referred to as __________.
a. System Mapping
b. Web Scraping
c. 4Ws Canvas
d. Data Features
77. Initial problem definition is the first step in the AI process, which is afterwards
a. Designing >> Brainstorming >> Building
b. Designing >> Deploying >> Brainstorming
c. Brainstorming >> Designing >> Building
d. Designing >> Brainstorming >> Building
78. Sumit is studying the phases of an AI project. She was aware of the problem statement template, but she is now attempting to recall it. For the problem statement template, which of the following statements is true?
a. Help people in creating a single overview that includes all the important details
b. Help in looking back and analyzing the issue in the future
c. Contains fundamental information regarding the issue’s general dimensions.
d. All of the above
79. Data was entered into the system by Vikash, who is presently receiving the results, which she will examine. The name of this result set is _______.
a. Result Set
b. Database
c. Training Data
d. Testing Data
80. Manish work in a Nirma Constructions. He has a list of questions and inquiries that his clients can respond to with a yes or no. This approach is called ____________.
a. Surveys
b. Web scraping
c. Sensors
d. None of the above
81. The team leader Rakesh wants to use the observational method to gather data. Which tool from the list below may be utilize for the same?
a. Website Article
b. Google Forms
c. Checklist
d. All of these
82. What do you mean by Web Scraping?
a. Utilizing automated bots to browse the internet and collect data
b. Gathering information from the dark web
c. Using an app or website to collect data
d. None of the above
83. Data can be directly downloaded from any website. What kinds of data are available for free download and use?
a. Someone’s property
b. Data generated by a specific group
c. Open Source Data
d. Closed Source Data
84. Amit has gathered information. But he discovered that the material he gathered is exceedingly challenging to comprehend. given that data is always
a. Complex entity
b. Filtered and bifurcated
c. Sophisticated structured
d. None of the above
85. When Rajesh explores data, she wants to compare the data and demonstrate certain cyclical variations. Which graph from the following can be used?
a. Bar Graph
b. Line Graph
c. Pie Graph
d. Histogram Graph
86. Select the five phases of the AI project cycle in the proper order.
a. Data Acquisition -> Problem Scoping -> Data Exploration -> Modelling -> Evaluation
b. Evaluation -> Problem Scoping -> Data Exploration -> Data Acquisition -> Modelling
c. Problem Scoping -> Data Acquisition -> Data Exploration -> Modelling -> Evaluation
d. Problem Scoping -> Data Exploration -> Data Acquisition -> Evaluation -> Modelling
87. In order to have a clearer view, we examine several parameters that have an impact on the problem we’re trying to address under the _______ stage of the AI Project Cycle.
a. Data Exploration
b. Evaluation
c. Modelling
d. Problem Scoping
88. Reviewing the project or business requirements for the AI model
a. Data Exploration
b. Evaluation
c. Modelling
d. Problem Scoping
89. What do you mean by Problem Scoping?
a. Creating an algorithm to solve a problem
b. Proper solution of a problem
c. Recognizing a problem and having a plan to address it.
d. analyzing the trends in the collected data sets
90. How many SDGs have been officially announced by the UN?
a. 18
b. 17
c. 16
d. 15
91. People that experience the mentioned issue and would gain from the solution are referred to as ___________.
a. Key Persons
b. Stakeholders
c. End user
d. None of the above
92. The person starting a project should be absolutely clear with ___________.
a. Problem Reasons
b. Problem Statement
c. Problem Solutions
d. None of the above
93. Which of the information sharing about problem scoping?
a. It will increase misunderstanding among stakeholders
b. It is a tool that ensures the issue won’t arise again
c. While adding actual value to the organization
d. The data flow is understood clearly
94. What is the Problem Statement Template, exactly?
a. Data set that was compiled to identify the essential components of a problem
b. The template summarizes each card in the 4Ws Problem Canvas
c. The template offers the data set’s prediction.
d. None of the above
95. Which of the following 4Ws canvas problems aids in the direct or indirect analysis of those who are affected?
a. What
b. Who
c. Why
d. Where
96. The nature of the problem is determined by which of the 4Ws of problem scoping is used.
a. What
b. Who
c. Why
d. Where
97. The ________ helps in collecting all the important information into a single template for problem scoping.
a. Problem Taking Template
b. 4ws of problem scoping
c. Information Template
d. Problem Statement Template
98. Which block of the 4ws problem canvas focuses on the problem’s context, circumstance, or location?
a. What
b. Who
c. Why
d. Where
99. Which of the following is not a part of the problem scoping’s 4 W?
a. What
b. Who
c. Why
d. When
100. The 4Ws canvas is related to ___________.
a. Data exploration
b. Data Acquisition
c. Modelling
d. Problem Scoping
101. Method of data acquisition is ___________.
a. Google Cloud
b. Programing
c. Survey
d. All of the above
102. Which of the following is not a reliable source for acquiring data?
a. System Hacking
b. Surveys
c. Website
d. None of the above
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Artificial Intelligence Class 10 Notes
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- Unit 2 – AI Project Cycle Class 10 Notes
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Artificial Intelligence Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 1 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 2 – AI Project Cycle Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 3 – Natural Language Processing Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 4 – Evaluation Class 10 MCQ