Evaluation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Evaluation Class 10 Questions and Answers. All the important QA are taken from the NCERT Textbook Artificial Intelligence ( 417 ) class X.

Evaluation Class 10 Questions and Answers

1. What is evaluation?
Answer – By feeding test datasets into AI models and comparing the outputs to real-world results, evaluation is the process of determining the dependability of any AI model is known as evaluation. Various evaluation methods may be used, depending on the kind and function of the model. Keep in mind that it is not advised to utilize the model’s construction data for its evaluation.

Evaluation Class 10 Questions and Answers

2. What is overfitting?
Answer – Overfitting happens when a statistical model matches its training data exactly. When this occurs, the algorithm’s goal is lost because it is unable to accurately execute against unseen data.

3. What is Confusion Matrix?
Answer – The result of comparison between the prediction and reality can be recorded in what we call the confusion matrix. The confusion matrix allows us to understand the prediction results. Note that it is not an evaluation metric but a record which can help in evaluation.

Evaluation Class 10 Questions and Answers

4. What is the purpose of Accuracy in AI and give the example of equation?
Answer – The percentage of accurate predictions among all the observations is what is meant by the term accuracy. A prediction is deemed accurate if it agrees with reality. There are two circumstances in this case where the Prediction and Reality match: True Positive and True Negative. The equation for accuracy is –

accuracy formula in ai
Precision formula in ai

5. What is Precision and give the example of equation?
Answer – Precision is defined as the percentage of true positive cases versus all the cases where the prediction is true. That is, it takes into account the True Positives and False Positives.
Evaluation Class 10 Questions and Answers

6. What is Recall in AI and give the example of equation?
Answer – The percentage of pertinent documents that are successfully retrieved is known as recall. Recall, for instance, is the ratio of the number of accurate results to the number of results that should have been returned for a text search on a set of documents.

recall formula in ai

7. What is F1 Score and give the example of equation?
Answer – F1 score can be defined as the measure of balance between precision and recall. By calculating the harmonic mean of a classifier’s precision and recall, the F1-score integrates both into a single metric. It mainly used to compare the effectiveness of two classifiers.

f1 score formula in ai

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