Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Artificial Intelligence (417).

Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes

creative and critical thinking class 11 notes
Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes

Design Thinking Framework

Design concepts (ideas for new goods, structures, machines, etc.) are generated through cognitive, strategic, and practical processes, according to the definition of design thinking. In corporate and social situations, design thinking is also linked to recommendations for the invention of goods and services.

The goal of design thinking, which is a framework centred on solutions, is to generate as many ideas and potential solutions as you can. Both a fundamental design thinking theory and a step in the process, ideation is.

There is a five stages of Design Thinkin –
a. Empathize
b. Define
c. Ideate
d. Prototype
e. Test


Empathic design thinking is the first step. To better grasp the issue, one must let go of any preconceived views and immerse themselves in the situation. Simply said, empathy is the ability to put oneself in the shoes of another person and understand how they might be feeling about their issue, circumstance, or situation.


The data gathered during the Empathize stage is put to use in the Define stage to generate insights and to identify the issue that needs to be fixed. It’s a chance for the design thinker to frame the problem or challenge in terms of unmet user demands, with a human-centered approach to problem-solving.


The issue has now become clear, so it is time to come up with solutions. As part of the problem-solving process, many ideas are being generated. Idea generation is the main focus of ideation. One shouldn’t worry about whether the ideas developed during brainstorming are realistic, doable, or even viable.

The thinkers’ sole responsibility is to generate as many ideas as they can for them. Thinking broadly in terms of concepts and results is necessary. There are numerous brainstorming tools available for use at this point.


The creation of a model intended to address customer issues at the prototype stage is tested throughout the subsequent step of the process. A prototype’s creation is not a meticulous procedure. A simple sketch, poster, group role-playing, homemade “gadget,” or a 3D printed object are some examples.

The prototypes must be quick to develop, simple, and affordable. Prototypes are therefore thought of as crude representations of what the finished product is supposed to look like.


Testing prototypes with end users is one of the most crucial steps in the design thinking process. Often, this process is seen running concurrently with prototyping. The designers get feedback on the prototype(s) and another chance to engage with and sympathise with the people for whom they are developing solutions during testing. The goal of testing is to discover as much as possible about the user, the issue, and any viable solutions.

Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes

Right Questioning

A greater comprehension of the problem results in the development of excellent solutions when outstanding questions are asked. Designers are expected to connect with consumers and users frequently as part of the process of designing solutions using the design thinking framework in order to collect specific information about the issues and users’ expectations. The best method to handle the situation is to thoroughly analyse these facts.

5 W’s and One H question

The What, When, Where, Who, and Why of an occurrence are simply referred to as the 5Ws, and the How of the incident is the 1H. If the answers to these questions are discovered, the circumstance will be sufficiently known to end a case.

Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes

Identifying the problem to solve

The process of solving an issue involves defining it, identifying its root cause, generating potential solutions through brainstorming, and narrowing down the options to find the best one.

Many people spend their entire working day dealing with problems. You may encounter difficulties that are big or tiny, straightforward or complex, whether you’re working to solve a problem for an internal or external client.

Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes


Ideation is the process of coming up with ideas and solutions through exercises like brainstorming, prototyping, and sketching. Design thinkers produce ideas during the ideation stage through imaginative and inquisitive actions, which take the shape of questions and solutions.


Ideation Will Help You –

a. Ask the right questions and innovate with a strong focus on your users, their needs, and your insights about them.
b. Bring together perspectives and strengths of your team members.
c. Get obvious solutions out of your heads, and drive your team beyond them.

Ideation Techniques –

Brainstorm – Participants should feel free to express their opinions without fear of judgment. So that there are numerous solutions accessible for resolving the problem

Brain dump – Similar to brainstorming, a brain dump involves individuals writing down their thoughts on paper or post-it notes and then sharing them with the larger group.

Brain writing – Brain writing, commonly referred to as “individual brainstorming,” is quite similar to a brainstorming session. The participants brainstorm ideas on paper, then hand off their own piece of paper to another participant after a short while so that they can build on one another’s ideas.

Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes

A Focus on Empathy

The first step in design thinking is empathy because it enables designers to understand, communicate with, and even share the sentiments of consumers. We may connect with how other people could be feeling about their issue, circumstance, or situation by empathising with them.

What’s an Empathy Map?

The empathy map is a very helpful tool for identifying user needs and getting a better knowledge of the current issue. Additionally, it aids in strengthening that comprehension by providing understanding of user behaviour.

Empathy Mapping

You can utilise the empathy map activity to generate a truthful broad depiction of the user or users in order to create a “persona” or profile for the user. A user’s education, lifestyle, hobbies, values, objectives, wants, thoughts, desires, attitudes, and activities can all be included in a persona.

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