4 Years IT 402 Class 10 Sample Paper with Answer Key

it 402 class 10 sample paper

IT 402 Class 10 Sample Paper 2021-22: Students may learn the CBSE Exam pattern by downloading all CBSE Board Sample Papers of Class 10 Information Technology 402 with Solutions (Answer Key). Students can get an overview of the CBSE exam structure and practice the questions to improve their scores.

Session 2021-22 Blue Print of IT 402 Class 10


Unit No.

Name of the Unit

Very Short Answer

 (1 Marks)

Short Answer

 (2 Marks)

Long Answer

(4 Marks)

Total No of Questions


Entrepreneurial Skills





Green Skills




Total Questions




No of Questions to be Answered





Unit No.

Name of the Unit

Very Short Answer

 (1 Marks)

Short Answer

 (2 Marks)

Long Answer

(4 Marks)

Total No of Questions


Database Management System






Web Application and Security





Total Questions





No of Questions to be Answered





IT 402 Class 10 Sample Paper

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b. Download Term – 1 IT 402 Sample Questions Paper (Session 2021 – 22)

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d. Download IT 402 Sample Questions Paper (Session 2019 – 20)

e. Download Term – 2 IT 402 Sample Questions Paper (Session 2018 – 19)

IT 402 Class 10 Marking Scheme

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c. Download IT 402 Marking Scheme (Session 2020 – 21)

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e. Download IT 402 Marking Scheme (Session 2018 – 19)

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

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Disclaimer – 100% of the Sample papers are taken from the CBSE Official Website. If you found any error please contact us anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

IT 402 Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

digital documentation class 10 questions and answers

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers. All the important Questions and Answers and taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology ( 402 ).

Very Important Subjective Questions from Textbook

Session 1: Create and Apply styles in the document

1. What are Styles ?. What are the advantages of using styles.

Answer – Styles are pre-defined formatting attributes in digital document processing that can be used to apply consistent formatting to text and other elements. The advantages of using styles include –

  • Consistency throughout the document
  • Efficiency in formatting the document
  • Flexibility in making changes to the document
  • Improved accessibility for users with assistive technologies.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

2. Give any four styles supported by OpenOffice.org

Answer – OpenOffice.org supports various styles, including:

  • Paragraph Styles: Used to format paragraphs, including indentation, line spacing, and font size.
  • Character Styles: Used to format individual characters, including font type, size, color, and style.
  • Page Styles: Used to format the overall appearance of a page, including margins, headers, and footers.
  • List Styles: Used to format bulleted or numbered lists, including the type of bullet or number, indentation, and spacing.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

3. What is the best way to load styles from a template or another document?

Answer –
You can copy styles by loading them from a template or another document, for example:

  1. Open the document into which you wish to paste the styles.
  2. In the Styles and Formatting window, click on Load Styles after long-clicking on the arrow next to the New Style from Selection symbol.
  3. Locate and choose the template you wish to copy styles from in the Load Styles window
  4. Choose the style categories you want to copy. If you want the copied styles to overwrite any styles with the same names in the document you’re putting them into, select Overwrite.
  5. To copy styles from another document, click the From File button to bring up a box where you may choose the required file.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

4. How can you modify the style?

Answer – Styles can be changed in a variety of ways in OpenOffice.org.
• Load or copy styles from another document or template
• Update a style from a selection

5. How can we create our own styles?

Answer – There are two different ways to create a style –

  • Creating a new style from a selection – You can copy a new style from an existing style. This new style will only be applied to this document and will not be saved in the template.
  • Dragging And Dropping To Create A Style – You can drag and drop a text selection into the Styles and Formatting window to create a new style.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 2: Insert and use images

6. Explain any five Graphic filters.

Answer – The following are four graphic filters:
a. Invert – Changing the color in the color image, and giving brightness in grayscale image.
b. Solarization – Increasing the effects of excessive light in a photograph.
c. Posterize – Reduces the number of colours in a picture to make it look like a painting.
d. Charcoal – The image is displayed as a charcoal sketch.
e. Mosaic – Combines groupings of pixels into a single colour area.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

7. Explain Image Cropping

Answer – Image cropping is the process of removing unwanted parts of an image by selecting and keeping a specific portion of the image while discarding the rest. Method for cropping image are right-click the image and choose Picture from the pop-up menu to begin cropping it. Select the Crop page in the Picture dialogue box.

The following parameters can be controlled on the Crop page:

Keep scale / Keep image size –

  1. When Keep scale is chosen (the default), cropping the image has no effect on the image’s scale.
  2. Cropping creates enlargement (for positive cropping values), shrinking (for negative cropping values), or distortion of the image when Keep image size is selected, so the image size remains constant.

Left, Right, Top, and Bottom –

You can crop the image using the dialog box, you can enter left, right, top and bottom margins to crop the image.

  1. Keep scale – using this option you can crop the image without changing the size of the image.
  2. Keep image size – Without changing the height and width of the image you can crop the image using keep image size.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

8. List any three methods of inserting images in a text document.

Answer – The three methods for inserting images in digital documents are –

  • Drag and Drop
  • Inserting image from clipboard
  • Insert image from Scanner

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

9. What do you understand by the terms:
a. Text Wrapping
b. Anchoring

Answer –
a. Text Wrapping – Text wrapping describes the relationship between graphics and the surrounding text, which may wrap around the graphic on one or both sides, be overprinted behind or in front of the graphic, or be overprinted behind or in front of the graphic.
b. Anchoring – The graphics’ reference point is referred to as IT. This point could represent the object’s location on the page or in the frame. An anchor point is always present in an image.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 3: Create and use template

10. What are templates? What are the advantages of using templates?

Answer – A template is a type of document that you can use to make a similar type of document. Templates can contain text, graphics, style, design.

Advantage of template are –
a. Document creation is made easier with templates.
b. It save time to giving style in document
c. The use of templates helps to keep the audience’s interest.

11. What is the difference between styles and templates?

Answer –
a. Style – Styles ensure that your formatting is consistent throughout a document.

b. Template – Templates allow you to reuse text and maintain a consistent look and feel across many projects.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

12. Explain different ways of creating a template.

Answer – There are two ways to create templates in a document.

Creating a template from a document –
1. Create or edit a new or existing document of the type you wish to use as a template.
2. Fill in the blanks with the content and styles you desire.
3. Select File > Templates > Save from the main menu.

Creating a template using a wizard –
Wizards can be used to construct letter, fax, agenda, presentation, and Web page templates. The Fax Wizard, for example, walks you through the following options:
1. Fax machine type (business or personal)
2. Document components such as the date, topic line (for business faxes), salutation, and closing
3. Information about the sender and receiver options (business fax)
4. Inclusion of text in the footer (business fax)

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 4: Create and customize table of contents

13. What do you mean by table of content?

Answer – The table of contents tool in Writer allows you to create an automated table of contents from your document’s headings.

Many of the elements are used in table of content –

a. E# – It indicate chapter number
b. E – It represents the entry text
c. T – It represents tab stop
d. LS – It represents start of a hyperlink
e. LE – It represents End of a hyperlink

Session 5: Implement Mail Merge

14. Explain Mail Merge.

Answer – A mail merge is a method of personalizing a message you’ve written and sending it to a large group of people, giving the impression that you prepared the letter specifically for them.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

15. What are the advantages of Mail Merge?

Answer – Advantages of mail merge are –
a. It’s simple to send the same mail to a big group of recipients using the Mail Merge tool.
b. We don’t have to type each recipient’s name separately in each letter when we use Mail Merge.
c. It’s one of the most efficient ways to mass-produce hundreds of personalized letters in a short amount of time.
d. It is simple to amend the letter because any change made in the main letter will be reflected in all other recipients’ letters.

16. Give examples of databases in which the Data Source can be created.

Answer – Any database that supports Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) can be utilized as a data source. They can also be made in spreadsheets using Excel, or other similar software.
For example –
a. Spreadsheet
b. Text file
c. CSV file
d. OpenOffice base or Access

Extra Questions from Textbook

Q. Explain the concept of styles in digital documents and how they are useful for formatting text and paragraphs.

Answer – Styles in digital documents are a useful feature that enables users to apply a predefined set of formatting options to text and paragraphs in a single click. A style can encompass font size, typeface, color, paragraph spacing, alignment, and other formatting options. Consistent use of styles throughout a document can help ensure a consistent and polished appearance, enhance readability, and save time by avoiding manual formatting changes. Overall, styles are a powerful tool that can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of digital document processing.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Q. How can styles be used to create a table of contents in a digital document?

Answer – To create a table of contents in a digital document, styles can be utilized by assigning particular styles to headings and subheadings throughout the document. By applying the “Heading 1” style to primary section headings and the “Heading 2” style to subheadings, users can generate an automatic table of contents that lists all of the document’s sections and subsections in a structured and organized manner.

This saves time and effort since users don’t have to manually create a table of contents, and it also ensures that the document is consistent and easy to navigate for the reader. In short, using styles to create a table of contents is a powerful feature of digital documents that improves the overall readability and usability of the document.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Q. How can the use of styles help to improve the accessibility of a digital document?

Answer – Styles are an effective means of enhancing the accessibility of digital documents as they provide a consistent structure and formatting that is easy for users with visual impairments to navigate. By utilizing styles to define headings and subheadings, document creators can establish a clear hierarchy of information that can be interpreted effectively by screen readers.

This results in a document that is more user-friendly and inclusive, as it enables individuals with visual impairments to easily access and understand the content. Ultimately, incorporating styles into digital documents can have a positive impact on the overall accessibility and usability of the document, which is a crucial consideration in today’s increasingly diverse and inclusive society.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Q. How can the use of styles improve the efficiency of document creation and editing?

Answer – Styles can enhance the efficiency of document creation and editing by enabling users to quickly and easily apply formatting options to text and paragraphs. By defining a set of styles that reflect the formatting options commonly used in the document, users can swiftly apply those styles to text and paragraphs with a single click, streamlining the process and saving time.

This feature allows for consistency in formatting, reduces the possibility of errors, and improves the overall productivity of document creation and editing. In summary, using styles is a powerful tool that significantly enhances the efficiency of digital document processing.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Q. How can styles be used to ensure consistency in a collaborative digital document?

Answer – Using styles in a collaborative digital document can ensure consistency by defining a set of agreed-upon formatting options. This allows all collaborators to use the same styles throughout the document, resulting in a consistent appearance and better readability.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Q. How can styles be used to format text or paragraphs in a way that reflects the document’s purpose or audience?

Answer – Users can use styles to ensure that the digital document effectively communicates its message by applying styles that reflect its purpose or target audience. Furthermore, they can modify existing styles or create new ones to satisfy the document’s unique requirements. This approach results in a more readable and engaging document that is tailored to its intended purpose.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Q. What is a table of contents in a digital document, and how can it benefit the reader?

Answer – A table of contents in a digital document is a list of the document’s sections or chapters with corresponding page numbers or hyperlinks. It provides an overview of the document’s structure and helps the reader navigate the document quickly and easily. By using a table of contents, the reader can locate specific sections of the document without having to manually search for them, saving time and improving the reading experience.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Q. How can a table of contents be created and formatted in a digital document?

Answer – To create and format a table of contents in a digital document, users can follow these steps:

  • Assign unique heading styles to each section or chapter of the document.
  • Insert a table of contents using the appropriate option from the menu or toolbar.
  • Customize the table of contents by choosing the desired style and formatting options to match the document’s design and layout.
  • Update the table of contents whenever changes are made to the document’s structure or content to ensure its accuracy and usefulness to the reader.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Q. What are some best practices for creating a table of contents in a digital document?

Answer – When creating a table of contents in a digital document, it is important to use descriptive and accurate section or chapter headings, update the table of contents as changes are made to the document, use accurate hyperlinks or page numbers, customize the formatting to match the document’s design, and test the table of contents to ensure it is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers

Q. How can the use of a table of contents benefit the author of a digital document?

Answer – Using a table of contents can be advantageous for the writer of a digital document in various ways. By presenting a structured and well-organized summary of the document’s content, the writer can ensure that the document is easily comprehensible and coherent. Consequently, this can save time and minimize the possibility of mistakes that may arise when the reader has to search for particular sections or chapters manually.

Reference Textbook

The above Digital Documentation Class 10 Notes PDF was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

Your valuable Feedback

Hi Students, Thank you for taking the time to reading Digital Documentation Class 10 Important Questions and Answers. Please take a few moments and leave your thoughts in the comment box below.

Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook digital documentation advanced class 10 notes, and our team has tried to collect all the correct Question and Answer from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ IT 402

digital documentation class 10 mcq

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Some Extra Revision MCQs from the Digital Document Class 10 Textbook

Chapter 1: Introduction to Styles

1. A _ is a collection of all formatting information in LibreOffice Writer.
a. Template
b. Style
c. Layout
d. Design

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b. Style

2. Writer provides _ different types of Style in LibreOffice Writer.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

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d. 6

3. What are the different ways where you can access the Style in LibreOffice Writer.
a. Sidebar, Menu Bar, Style Drop Down list
b. Toolbar, Context Menu, Status Bar
c. Menu Bar, Status Bar, Toolbar
d. Sidebar, Toolbar, Status Bar

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a. Sidebar, Menu Bar, Style Drop Down list

4. __ Style includes page layout like page size, page margin, borders and background, footnote and header and footer.
a. Page Style
b. Paragraph Style
c. Character Style
d. Frame Style

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a. Page Style

5. _ Style includes text alignment, tab stops, line spacing and borders.
a. Page Style
b. Paragraph Style
c. Character Style
d. Frame Style

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b. Paragraph Style

6. Which Style includes text color, highlighting text, text size.
a. Page Style
b. Paragraph Style
c. Character Style
d. Frame Style

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c. Character Style

7. _ style specifying containers size, border, position and how the text is placed around the picture.
a. Page Style
b. Paragraph Style
c. Character Style
d. Frame Style

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d. Frame Style

8. Which Style includes numbering or bullets in LibreOffice Writer.
a. Page Style
b. List Style
c. Character Style
d. Table Style

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b. List Style

9. Which Style include table related style for example aligning text inside the table, border color or adding border in LibreOffice Writer.
a. Page Style
b. List Style
c. Character Style
d. Table Style

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d. Table Style

10. The Style and Formatting windows you can open from which of the following methods.
a. From Style Menu from menu bar
b. Sidebar clicking on Style icon
c. Shortcut Key F11 Function
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

11. Which shortcut key is used to open Style and Formatting windows in LibreOffice Writer.
a. F2
b. F12
c. F11
d. F10

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c. F11

12. What is the fill format in LibreOffice Writer?
a. Allow you to apply styles quickly
b. Allow you to copy text from one place to another place
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Allow you to apply styles quickly

13. To apply Style on Writer, which of the following methods is used to apply quickly.
a. Fill Format
b. Copy & Paste
c. Copy Painter
d. None of the above

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a. Fill Format

14. Where Fill Format option is available in LibreOffice Writer.
a. In Insert menu
b. In Styles window
c. In View menu
d. All of the above

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b. In Styles window

15. If existing styles do not match your requirement then it is also possible to create a __.
a. New Style using Fill Format
b. Copy Style
c. Custom Style
d. None of the above

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c. Custom Style

16. Instead of creating a new style in LibreOffice for small changes, you can use __ .
a. Create a duplicate style
b. Update a Style
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Update a Style

17. Can we use Drag and Drop for creating new Style in LibreOffice Writer (True/ False).

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18. __ method is used to copy styles from an existing template or document from another document.
a. New Style
b. Load Style
c. Copy Style
d. None of the above

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b. Load Style

19. Drag and Drop method cannot be used to create a new style (True/ False).

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Chapter 2: Working with Image

20. In a digital document graphic or image is called __.
a. Raster Image
b. Digital Image
c. Vector Image
d. None of the above

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b. Digital Image

21. Which of the following methods is used to insert images in documents.
a. Using Image dialog box
b. Using drag and drop option
c. Using Cut, Copy and Paste and by Linking
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

22. The image toolbar automatically appears when an image is _.
a. Inserted in the document
b. Selected in the document
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

23. If multiple copies of the image you want to insert in LibreOffice writer, which option will be beneficial.
a. Using Image dialog box
b. Using drag and drop option
c. Using Cut, Copy and Paste and by Linking
d. Inserting a Link

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d. Inserting a Link

24. How many image filters are available in LibreOffice Writer.
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13

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b. 11

25. Image can be changed to black and white or gray scale using __.
a. Smooth
b. Invert
c. Sharpen
d. Aging

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b. Invert

26. Which of the following options is used to cut off the non desirable part of the image.
a. Remove
b. Cut
c. Crop
d. None of the above

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c. Crop

27. Which of the following filters is used to soften the contrast of the image.
a. Smooth
b. Invert
c. Sharpen
d. Aging

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a. Smooth

28. Which of the following filters is used to increase the contrast of the image.
a. Smooth
b. Invert
c. Sharpen
d. Aging

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c. Sharpen

29. Which of the following filters removes single pixels from the image.
a. Smooth
b. Invert
c. Sharpen
d. Remove Noise

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d. Remove Noise

30. Which of the following filters is used to convert dark appears light and light appears dark.
a. Smooth
b. Solarisation
c. Sharpen
d. Aging

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b. Solarisation

31. Which filter is used to join the group of pixels into a single area of one color.
a. Mosaic
b. Invert
c. Sharpen
d. Aging

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a. Mosaic

32. To resize the image in LibreOffice, which of the following tools is used to drag the image.
a. Sizing handles
b. Dot handles
c. Curve handles
d. None of the above

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a. Sizing handles

33. To display the Drawing Toolbar in the Writer window you can click on __.
a. Insert > Toolbars > Drawing
b. View > Toolbars > Drawing
c. Format > Toolbars > Drawing
d. All of the above

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b. View > Toolbars > Drawing

34. LibreOffice Writer allows combining multiple images in a single image without affecting their size and position.
a. Grouping Image
b. Position Images
c. Export an Image
d. None of the above

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a. Grouping Image

35. In LibreOffice Writer how many groups are available in group options.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

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d. 4

36. What are the different group options available under Grouping?
a. Group and Ungroup
b. Enter Group
c. Exit Group
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

37. The position of the current drawing in relation to other drawings or text is determined by __.
a. Arrangement
b. Anchoring
c. Alignment
d. Text Wrapping

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a. Arrangement

38. _ allows an image to retain its position to a paragraph, page, character or frame.
a. Arrangement
b. Anchoring
c. Alignment
d. Text Wrapping

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b. Anchoring

39. _ permits the image to be positioned either vertically or horizontally.
a. Arrangement
b. Anchoring
c. Alignment
d. Text Wrapping

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c. Alignment

40. Using the Alignment option the image can be aligned in __ different styles.
a. 1 Horizontal and 1 Vertical
b. 2 Horizontal and 2 Vertical
c. 3 Horizontal and 3 Vertical
d. None of the above

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c. 3 Horizontal and 3 Vertical

41. In Text Wrapping there are _ different choices.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

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d. 6

42. __ permits the positioning of an image in relation to text.
a. Page Wrap
b. Wrap off
c. Optimal Page wrap
d. Wrap left

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b. Wrap off

43. Which tools are used to flow around the image or rearrange the text on the page.
a. Page Wrap
b. Wrap off
c. Optimal Page wrap
d. Wrap left

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a. Page Wrap

44. In __ if the space between image and margin is less then 2 cm then text will not placed.
a. Wrap Off
b. Page Wrap
c. Optimal Page Wrap
d. Wrap Right

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c. Optimal Page Wrap

Chapter 3: Advanced Features of Writer

45. Which of the following features is based on different types of heading styles.
a. Track Change
b. Table of Content
c. Merging Document
d. None of the above

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b. Table of Content

46. Which of the following features can be used to keep a track of different users.
a. Track Change
b. Table of Content
c. Merging Document
d. None of the above

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a. Track Change

47. __ allows inserting an automated index in a document.
a. Track Change
b. Table of Content
c. Merging Document
d. None of the above

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b. Table of Content

48. LibreOffice Writer supports up to _ levels of headings.
a. 5 Heading
b. 8 Heading
c. 10 Heading
d. 14 Heading

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c. 10 Heading

49. Which tools protect the ToC from any accidental change.
a. Protected against Manual Changes
b. Automated Changes
c. Accidental Changes
d. None of the above

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a. Protected against Manual Changes

50. Writer allow to update the ToC automatically.(True/False)

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51. A __ is a preset layout that helps to create professional and formal documents easily.
a. Table of Content
b. Template
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Template

52. Once a template is downloaded and saved in any file or folder, it is possible to import.(True/False)

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53. Which of the following shortcut keys is used to open the template dialog box.
a. Shift + N
b. Ctrl + N
c. Ctrl + Shift + N
d. None of the above

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c. Ctrl + Shift + N

54. LibreOffice Writer temple gives a blank document as a __.
a. Default temple
b. Save template
c. New template
d. None of the above

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a. Default template

55. Which of the following features makes the process of commenting, editing and reviewing of the document easy between multiple users.
a. Table of Content
b. Track Change
c. Default Template
d. None of the above

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b. Track Change

56. __ feature of Writer offers an alternative method to keep a record of all the changes made in the original document.
a. Table of Content
b. Track Change
c. Default Template
d. None of the above

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b. Track Change

57. Once the Track Change feature is ON then the reviewers can begin recording the changes in the document using _.
a. Record Change
b. Edit Change
c. View Change
d. None of the above

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a. Record Change

58. Writer allows to compare the original document with the reviewed document using which of the following tools.
a. Track change
b. Accept Document
c. Comparing Document
d. None of the above

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c. Comparing document

59. Any template can be set as a __.
a. New Template
b. Default Template
c. Save Template
d. None of the above

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b. Default Template

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Reference Textbook

The above Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ with Answers was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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Hi Students, Thank you for taking the time to reading Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ . Please take a few moments and leave your thoughts in the comment box below.

Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Digital Documentation Advanced Class 10 Notes, and our team has tried to collect all the correct MCQs from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ IT 402

electronic spreadsheet class 10 mcq with answers

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers

Chapter 4 – Analyze Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek

1. What is the extension of a spreadsheet file in Calc?
a. .odb
b. .odt
c. .odg
d. .ods

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d. .ods

2. The LibreOffice Calc can perform _.
a. Analysis automate repeated tasks
b. Calc can create link
c. Calc can share and review data
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

3. Which of the following software is best for data analysis.
a. LibreOffice Writer
b. LibreOffice Calc
c. LibreOffice Impress
d. None of the above

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b. LibreOffice Calc

4. __ is a function which combines data from multiple sheets and summarizes the information in one place.
a. SubTotal
b. Consolidating Data
c. Goal Seek
d. Solver

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b. Consolidating Data

5. __ compare a variety of data in a single spreadsheet to identify relationships and trends.
a. SubTotal
b. Consolidating Data
c. Goal Seek
d. Solver

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b. Consolidating Data

6. What we need to check before consolidating data in LiberOffice Calc.
a. Data types must match which you want to consolidate
b. Match the levels from all the sheets
c. First column should be primary column
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

7. Which option you will select to open Data Consolidation.
a. Data > Consolidate
b. Insert > Consolidate
c. View > Consolidate
d. None of the above

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a. Data > Consolidate

8. Which function cannot be performed through Subtotal in a Spreadsheet?
a. Sum
b. Product
c. Average
d. Percentage

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d. Percentage

9. Scenarios are a tool to test questions.
a. Auto
b. Goal Seek
c. What-if
d. Drop Down

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c. What-if

10. _ means combining data in a spreadsheet from different worksheets into master worksheet
a. Hyperlinks
b. Consolidating
c. Linking
d. Filter

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b. Consolidating

11. What is the shortcut key used for opening the consolidated dialog window.
a. Ctrl + D
b. Alt + D
c. Shift + D
d. None of the above

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b. Alt + D

12. If you want to consolidate the sheet by matching the label, which option will be helpful in consolidating data.
a. Copy result to
c. Using source data area
c. Row label and Column label
d. None of the above

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c. Row label and column label

13. What does “Copy result to” mean when it comes to data consolidation?
a. Specify where you want to display the result
b. Adding all address of consolidation data
c. Insert the formula for finding data consolidation
d. None of the above

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a. Specify where you want to display the result

14. Which of the following options is used to update the data of the consolidated sheet automatically.
a. Row labels
b. Column labels
c. Link to source data
d. All of the above

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c. Link to source data

15. If you want to consolidate the data by matching the label which option you will select.
a. Row label and Column labels
b. Link to source data
c. Consolidation ranges
d. None of the above

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a. Row label and Column labels

16. The consolidated sheet will have all the consolidated data along with the original data, if you want to view original data of both the sheets then you can click on _.
a. – Sign
b. + Sign
c. * Sign
d. / Sign

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b. + Sign

17. _________is a spreadsheet function that is designed to minimize or maximize a result based on a set of rules that you describe.
a. Goal Seek
b. Scenario
c. Solver
d. Subtotal

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c. Solver

18. In LibreOffice Calc, if you want to collapse to hide data you can click on the _ sign.
a. – Sign
b. + Sign
c. * Sign
d. / Sign

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a. – Sign

19. In LibreOffice Calc, if you want to expand data you can click on the _ sign.
a. – Sign
b. + Sign
c. * Sign
d. / Sign

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+ Sign

20. In LibreOffice Calc, if you want to group the data you can select.
a. Data > Group and Outline
b. View > Group and Outline
c. Insert > Group and Outline
d. None of the above

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a. Data > Group and Outline

21. In LibreOffice Calc, the Subtotal tool creates the group of data __.
a. Automatically
b. Manually
c. Using Total function
d. None of the above

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a. Automatically

22. Which option you will use to open Subtotal in LibreOffice Calc.
a. Insert > Subtotal
b. Data > Subtotal
c. View > Subtotal
d. Edit > Subtotal

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b. Data > Subtotal

23. In LibreOffice Calc Subtotal is used to __.
a. Allows easily to short data automatically
b. Group Subtotal by category
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

24. Subtotal tool can create subtotal for up to _ arrays arranged in Labeled columns.
a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six

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a. Three

25. Which of the following tools is used to display hierarchical structure of the data.
a. Senario
b. Goal Seek
c. Solver
d. Subtotal

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d. Subtotal

26. In the Subtotal tool data can be sorted in the following order.
a. Ascending Order
b. Descending Order
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

27. If you want to remove the outline feature from the sheet then you can use.
a. Insert > Group and Outline > Remove Outline
b. View > Group and Outline > Remove Outline
c. Data > Group and Outline > Remove Outline
d. None of the above

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c. Data > Group and Outline > Remove Outline

28. __ is a set of values that can be used within the calculations.
a. Goal Seek
b. Scenario
c. Sub Total
d. None of the above

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b. Scenario

29. We can shift from one scenario to another by _
a. Navigator
b. Find and Replace
c. Data Source
d. None of the above

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a. Navigator

30. Default name of first scenario created in Sheet1 of Calc is __
a. Sheet1_Scenario1
b. Sheet1_Scenario_1
c. Sheet_1_Scenario1
d. Sheet_1_Scenario_1

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b. Sheet1_Scenario_1

31. Why what-if analysis tool is used in LibreOffice calc.
a. To check the error
b. Depend on different input values and their impact on result
c. To create a style
d. None of the above

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b. Depend on different input values and their impact on result

32. Which of the following will not be considered as a What-if analysis tool in LibreOffice Calc.
a. Scenario
b. Solver
c. Goal Seek
d. None of the above

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d. None of the above

33. Which tools used to explore and compare various alternatives depending on changing conditions.
a. Scenario
b. Solver
c. Goal Seek
d. None of the above

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a. Scenario

34. __ is a more elaborate form of Goal Seek.
a. Scenario
b. Subtotal
c. Solver
d. All of the above

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c. Solver

35. In LibreOffice Calc several scenarios can be created on the same sheet. (True/ False)

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36. Which of the following tool is used to predict the output while changing the input.
a. Subtotal
b. Consolidation of Data
c. Scenarios
d. None of the above

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c. Scenarios

37. How you will open scenarios dialog box from the menu bar.
a. Data > Scenarios
b. Tools > Scenarios
c. Edit > Scenarios
d. None of the above

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b. Tools > Scenarios

38. __ tools creates a formula array to display the list of results.
a. Subtotal
b. Solver
c. Goal Seek
d. Multiple Operation

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d. Multiple Operation

39. Which of the following tools is also known as a planning tool for what-if questions.
a. Subtotal
b. Solver
c. Goal Seek
d. Multiple Operation

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d. Multiple Operation

40. How you will open Multiple Operations from the menu bar.
a. Tools > Multiple Operations
b. Edit > Multiple Operations
c. Data > Multiple Operations
d. None of the above

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c. Data Multiple Operations

41. The Multiple Operations tool is used to create __ arrays of cells.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

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a. 2

42. How to open the Goal Seek dialog box from the LibreOffice Calc menu bar.
a. Insert > Goal Seek
b. View > Goal Seek
c. Tools > Goal Seek
d. None of the above

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c. Tools > Goal Seek

43. __ helps in finding out the input for the specific output.
a. Scenario
b. Solver
c. Goal Seek
d. None of the above

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c. Goal Seek

Chapter 5 – Using Macros in Spreadsheet

44. A _ is a single instruction that executes a set of instructions.
a. Solver
b. Macro
c. Goal Seek
d. All of the above

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b. Macro

45. _ tools help to create a sequence of commands or keystrokes that can be used for any number of times later.
a. Solver
b. Macro
c. Goal Seek
d. All of the above

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b. Macro

46. Macro recording can be enabled using the _ options in LibreOffice Calc.
a. Tools > Macros
b. View > Macros
c. Edit > Macros
d. Data > Macros

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a. Tools Macros

47. Which of the following actions is not recorded by the Macro.
a. Opening of windows
b. Window switching
c. Actions carried out using mouse
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

48. What is the default name of Macro in LibreOffice Calc.
a. Main
b. New
c. Macro
d. None of the above

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a. Main

49. The name of macro by default is saved in the _.
a. Standard Library in Module 1
b. Use new extension
c. In LibreOffice writer
d. None of the above

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a. Standard Library in Module 1

50. In LibreOffice Calc, A library is a collection of _.
a. Modules
b. Words
c. Row & Column
d. None of the above

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a. Modules

51. While naming a Macro, Module or a Library the name should be __.
a. Begin with a letter
b. Not contain space
c. Not contain special characters except underscore
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

52. Which of the following is an invalid Macro Name?
a. 1formatword
b. format word
c. format*word
d. Format_word

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d. Format_word

53. To run a macro we need to click on __.
a. Tools > Macros > Run Macro
b. View > Macros > Run Macro
c. Edit > Macros > Run Macro
d. Data > Macros > Run Macro

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a. Tools > Macros > Run Macro

54. If some formula you want to apply in spreadsheet and there is no predefined formula for it, what you will do.
a. Create a Macro
b. Use a manual calculation
c. Create formula
d. None of the above

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a. Create a Macro

55. Macro works like a __.
a. Function
b. Operator
c. Parameters
d. None of the above

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a. Function

56. The macro’s recorded activity is stored as instructions in the __ programming language.
b. C
c. Java

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57. The code of a macro begins with Sub followed by the name of the macro and ends with _.
a. Close Sub
b. End Sub
c. Exit Sub
d. None of the above

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b. End Sub

Chapter 6 – Linking Spreadsheet Data

58. How you will add comments in the macro programming code.
a. Using single quote
b. Using double slash
c. Using double quote
d. Using Hash

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a. Using single quote

59. To add a new sheet in the spreadsheet, click on the __.
a. (+) sign located in the left button
b. (-) sign located in the left button
c. (+) sign located in the right button
d. (-) sign located in the right button

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a. (+) sign located in the left button

60. You can insert a new sheet in LibreOffice calc using which of the following menu options.
a. Sheet > Insert Sheet
b. Edit > Insert Sheet
c. View > Insert Sheet
d. All of the above

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a. Sheet > Insert Sheet

61. To refer to a cell in another sheet precede the cell reference with __ sign.
a. % Sign
b. $ Sign
c. @ Sign
d. None of the above

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b. $ Sign

62. When the cell refers to the other sheet __ are used as there is a space between the sheet name.
a. ‘ ‘
b. .
c. =
d. *

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a. ‘ ‘

63. In LibreOffice Calc hyperlink can be either _ or .
a. External Hyperlink or Anchor Hyperlink
b. Alternet Link or Mailto
c. Relative Hyperlink or Absolute Hyperlink
d. None of the above

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c. Relative Hyperlink or Absolute Hyperlink

64. In LibreOffice calc it is possible to jump from one sheet to another spreadsheet or a website by creating __.
a. Linking
b. Using Jump
c. Hyperlinks
d. All of the above

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c. Hyperlinks

65. _ hyperlink stores the complete location of the file.
a. Relative Hyperlinks
b. Absolute Hyperlinks
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Absolute Hyperlinks

66. In absolute hyperlink if the file is removed from location to another then absolute hyperlink will _.
a. Work properly
b. Not work
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Not work

67. A __ hyperlink stores the location with respect to current location.
a. Relative Hyperlinks
b. Absolute Hyperlinks
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Relative Hyperlinks

68. You can create hyperlinks using which of the following menu bars.
a. Insert > Hyperlink
b. View > Hyperlink
c. Insert > Hyperlink
d. None of the above

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a. Insert > Hyperlink

69. How can hyperlinks in Calc be used?
a. to jump from one sheet to a website
b. to jump from one section to another section of the same sheet
c. to jump from one sheet to another sheet
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

70. To insert the HTML tables data in the LibreOffice Calc, you can use which of the following options.
a. External Data
b. Internal Data
c. Modified Data
d. None of the above

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a. External Data

71. Which type of the following Registered Data Sources can be used in LibreOffice Calc.
a. LibreOffice Base
b. MySQL
c. Microsoft Access
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

72. The file path of a file has _ forward slash in LibreOffice Calc.
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. One

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b. Three

Chapter 7 – Share and Review a Spreadsheet

73. In LibreOffice Calc, one spreadsheet can be used by more than one user with the help of __.
a. Moving
b. Sharing
c. Transfering
d. None of the above

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b. Sharing

74. Which of the following checkboxes you have to mark checked while sharing the spreadsheet in LibreOffice Calc.
a. Share this spreadsheet with other users
b. Transfer this spreadsheet with other users
c. Moving this spreadsheet with other users
d. None of the above

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a. Share this spreadsheet with other users

75. Which feature in LibreOffice Calc provides different ways to record the changes made by one or other users in the spreadsheet.
a. Data protection
b. Merging document
c. Record changes
d. None of the above

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c. Record changes

76. Which type of style you can apply to format the comment box.
a. Background color
b. Border Style
c. Transparency
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

77. In LibreOffice Calc, how you will combine two different versions of the same spreadsheet file.
a. Using Combine
b. Using Merging
c. Using Comparing
d. None of the above

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b. Using Merging

78. In LibreOffice Calc, you can compare the two spreadsheets by using which of the following options.
a. Comparing
b. Merging
c. Combining
d. None of the above

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a. Comparing

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Reference Textbook

Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022

The above Electronic Spreadsheet Advanced Class 10 MCQ was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ with Answers, and our team has tried to collect all the correct MCQs from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

CBSE Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

web application and security class 10 questions and answers

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers. All the important Questions and Answers and taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology 402.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 1: Working with accessibility options

1. What do you mean by Accessibility?

Answer – Computer Accessibility helps the disabled user to work on a computer. There are different types of accessibility options available in the operating system, for example – Sticky Keys, Filter Keys, Toggle Keys, Sound Tab, SoundSentry, ShowSound, Display Tab, Hight Contract etc. Computer Accessibility is also known as Assistive Technology.

2. What are Sticky Keys?

Answer – Sticky Keys is an accessibility feature which is designed to help the user having physical disabilities. It also helps other users who have repetitive strain.

3. What are Filter Keys?

Answer – It helps the people having hand tremors, helping to type easily, ignore brief or repeated keystrokes.

4. What are Toggle Keys?

Answer – Toggle Keys helps the people having vision problems or cognitive disabilities. When ToogleKeys is turned on, computer generate the sound when the Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock keys are pressed.

5. What is the use of Sound Sentry?

Answer – SoundSentry helps the users who have auditory impairments. SoundSantry generates visual warning to the auditory impairments people like blinking title bar, and flashing border instead of sound.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

6. What is the purpose of ShowSounds?

Answer – ShowSound instructs the user or conveys the user with the help of sound. It also provides information visually, through text or using informative icons.

7. What is the purpose of High Contrast?

Answer – High Contrast helps the user who has a vision impairment. For example, in the computer you can change the Size of the font, Color of the text and the background.

8. What are Cursor Options?

Answer – Cursor is also an accessibility feature that helps the user who has a vision impairment by changing the blink rate of the cursor and width of the cursor.

9. What is the purpose of MouseKeys?

Answer – The users who have a problem handling a mouse. MouseKeys accessibility features help the user to use the keyboard as a pointing device instead of a mouse.

10. What is the purpose of Serial Keys?

Answer – Instead of using Keyboard or Mouse if you want to add some other input device in the computer then the serial keys will help you. For example you can add Sip, Puff and Breath Switches devices.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 2: Networking Fundamentals

11. What is a computer network?

Answer – A computer network is a group of computers and other hardware components that are linked together by communication channels (cables or satellites) to share resources and information.

12. What are the different Network architectures?

Answer – There are two different ways to design the network architecture –
a. Peer – to – Peer Network Architecture – Peer to peer networks are those in which all computers have the same status. In most cases, each endpoint in such a network has an equally competent CPU.
b. Client – Server – Architecture – Client server networks are networks in which certain computers perform specific tasks and provide services to other computers in the network.

13. What are the major types of Network?

Answer – There are two major types of network in computer system –
a. Local Area Network (LAN) – A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and devices in a specific geographic region, such as a home, school, computer lab, office building, or inside the buildings.
b. Wide Area Network (WAN) – Wide area network covers a broad area like across metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries. The Internet is a collection of Wide area networks.

14. What is the Internet?

Answer – The Internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks that service billions of people across the world using the standard Internet protocol. It’s a network made up of millions of public, private, business, academic, and government networks. The internet is one of the most useful technologies of our daily life, assisting us in our personal and professional life.

15. What is the World Wide Web?

Answer – The World Wide Web is also known as WWW or W3, is a network of interconnected hypertext documents accessible via the Internet. A web browser allows you to see websites that contain text, photos, videos, and other multimedia, as well as navigate between them using hyperlinks.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

16. What are the advantages of a computer network?

Answer – Advantages of computer network are –
a. File Transfer – Users can transfer text files, spreadsheets, presentations, audio files, video files, etc from one computer to another computer.
b. Hardware Sharing – Computer networks can share hardware resources such as scanner, printer etc.
c. Internet Sharing – Instead of paying for several Internet connections for each computer, you can get a single Internet connection and share it with other computers in a network.
d. Usage of network based application – Another advantage is the availability of web browsers, email clients, chat applications, audio and video calling, and so on.

17. What do you mean by ISP?

Answer – If you want Internet connection in your computer you require Internet Service Provider (ISP), IPS helps to connect user computers to the internet. Internet Service Providers include Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Airtel, MTS, Vodafone, and others.

18. What is Modem?

Answer – Previously we were taking internet connection from landline phones, but in landline phones whatever information is coming that is in the form of analog and computer understanding digital signal. So, Modem helps to convert analog signals to digital signals and digital signals to analog signals.

19. What are the different types of Internet connectivity?

Answer – There are two types of Internet connectivity available (Wired connectivity & Wireless connectivity)-
Wired connectivity
a. Dial-Up – Previously we were connecting to the internet with the help of dial – up system. Means first we have to dial a particular number and then the internet will be established.
b. DSL – Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) provides Internet connection by transferring digital data over the wires of a local telephone network.
c. Cable Internet Access – Cable Internet Access is delivered using existing cable TV networks, similar to DSL, which is delivered via existing telephone lines.

Wireless connectivity
a. 3G or 4G – 3G stands for third Generation and 4G stands for fourth Generation, it is mobile telecommunication services and network.
b. WiMax – WiMax (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a wireless technology providing mobile broadband connectivity across the cities and countries, for example Jio WiMax.
c. Wi-Fi – Wi-Fi is wireless connectivity which provides high – speed internet connections to multiple users.

20. What is packet switching?

Answer – Packet switching is a way of sending data across a network in the form of packets.

For example, if 10KB file you want to transfer to another computer, the packet switching will divide this 10KB file in different packets, and one by one this packet is sent to destination computer, If in between some packets are missing or damaged then destination computer can ask for resend packet once again, when the computer receives the packet then the computer will send acknowledgement to sender computer this method is knowns as packet switching.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 3: Introduction to Instant Messaging

21. What is Instant messaging software?

Answer – Instant messaging (IM) is a type of text-based communication in which two people participate in a single conversation using their computers or mobile devices in an Internet-based chatroom.

22. Key Features of an Instant Messaging?

Answer –
a. Text Message can be sent to multiple people
b. Video & Audio calling & conferencing
c. File transfer
d. Save message for future reference

Session 4: Chatting with a contact – Google talk

23. What are general rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting.

Answer – The general rules and etiquettes are –
a. Message should be short and to the point
b. Before start chatting, first ask person have a time to chart or not
c. Know about your topic
d. Don’t type your message in uppercase
e. Give time to respond other people

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 5: Creating and publishing web pages – Blog

24. What is a blog?

Answer – Blog is just like a journal where an individual or group of people share their information, thoughts, activities or knowledge. Blogs are similar to online personal diaries in that they are simple sharing of knowledge. With the help of a blog you can share events, announcements, news and reviews etc.

25. Give examples of free blogs?

Answer – There are many free blogs provider websites are available for example –
a. www.wordpress.com
b. www.blogger.com
c. www.blog.com
d. www.weebly.com
e. www.blogsome.com

Session 6: Using Offline blog editors

26. What is an Offline Blog editor? Give examples of offline free blog editors

Answer – Suppose you don’t have an active internet connection in your home and you are a blog writer, Offline blog editor helps bloggers to write posts offline and when the internet connectivity is available then it will upload automatically. Offline free blog editors are –
a. Qumana
b. Windows Live Writer
c. Blogdesk

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 7: Online Transactions

27. What is an Online transaction?

Answer – Online transactions help the user to transfer funds via the internet. When we are doing online translation many protocols and security measures are used for a safe and secure process. Example – Https, SSL, IOTP etc.

28. What are the different situations while doing online shopping?

Answer –
a. A customer does not have enough time to go shopping.
b. Visiting a store costs more than purchasing a product online.
c. Online, you can get a product or service that is not available in your local market.

29. What are the popular Online transaction websites?

Answer – Some of the popular online transaction are –
b. Flipkart
c. EBay
d. Redbus

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 8: Internet Security

30. How to create a secure password?

Answer – The general guideline for managing strong password are –
a. Length of the password should be 12 – 14 character
b. Don’t use dictionary word, your name, or any common word
c. Include number, symbol, uppercase letter and lowercase letter in the password.
d. Use a random password if possible.

31. What are cookies?

Answer – A cookie is just a little bit of text that a website sends to your browser. It assists the site in remembering information about your visit, which can make it easier to return to the site and make it more helpful to you.

32. What are firewalls?

Answer – Firewalls, which can be software or hardware, can help to keep a computer and a network secure. Firewalls examine network traffic to determine whether it should be allowed or denied.

33. What is built – in password management?

Answer – When password is used in the browser then built – in password manager store the password. When users attempt to log in to websites, browsers frequently prompt them to auto-fill their usernames and passwords.

Session 9: Maintain workplace safety

34. What are the basic safety rules of an organization?

Answer – The safety rules to follow at workplace are –
a. Fire Safety
b. Falls and slips
c. Electrical Safety
d. Use of first aid

35. What are the basic fire safety rules followed in an organization?

Answer – The most basic fire safety rules are –
a. Fire escape plans must be installed
b. Organization have to conduct regular drills
c. Smoke alarms must be installed
d. Keep workplace a no – smoking zone
e. Regular maintenance of safety equipment.

36. What are the falls and slips safety rules?

Answer – The rules for falls and slips safety rules are –
a. Keep the moving are clean and dry
b. Workplace must be proper ventilated
c. Wear non slippery footwear
d. Oil spills, dust must be cleaned immediately.

37. What are the basic electricity safety rules?

Answer – Electricity safety rules are –
a. A recognized organization should authorize the electrical equipment.
b. Workers should be trained in the safe use of electrical equipment.
c. Electrical equipment that has been damaged or is dangerous should be replaced immediately.
d. Heat-emitting equipment should be maintained separate from electrical equipment.
e. Make sure that the outlets/circuits are not overloaded.

38. What are the safety rules of first aid?

Answer – The safety rules of first aid are –
a. Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic
b. If they are in shock, keep them warm.
c. In the instance of a back/neck injury, do not move the victim.

39. Examples of occupational hazards?

Answer – Examples of occupational hazards are –
a. Physical hazards
b. Chemical hazards
c. Biological hazards
d. Behavioral hazards
e. Radiological hazards
f. Ergonomic hazards

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 10: Prevent accidents and emergencies

40. What are the different types of accidents?

Answer – The different type of accidents are –
a. Accidents at workplace – Slips and fall accidents
b. Industrial disease / illness
c. Road traffic accidents
d. Clinical Accidents
e. Sports related accidents

41. What care should an organization take to handle accidents?

Answer – The safety rules an organization take to handle accidents are –
a. Safety measures should be installed in workplace
b. Immediately call the medical team for any injury
c. Stay alert
d. Pay attention to and follow emergency drills

Session 11: Protect health and safety at work

42. What are the Hazards?

Answer – A hazard is defined as anything that has the potential to cause injury, damage, or loss of health or life.
There are different types of hazards –
a. Physical
b. Chemical
c. Biological
d. Mechanical

43. Give a checklist for workstations to minimize the hazards.
Answer – Checklist of workstations are –
a. allow enough space for the user to change positions comfortably
b. give sufficient lighting
c. have windows with changeable coverings to control the amount of sunlight
d. be sufficiently spacious when a workstation is shared by more than one person

44. Give a checklist for computers to minimize the hazards.

Answer – Checklist for computers are –
a. show well-defined characters of appropriate size and spacing
b. Have a stable image
c. Have easily adjustable brightness and contrast
d. Keyboard should have keys with clearly visible symbols
e. Keyboard should have a gap in front to give support for the user’s hands or arms

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

45. Give a checklist for the work surface to minimize the hazards.
Answer – The work surface should –
a. give sufficient space for the user
b. have a low reflective surface
c. be of sufficient size to allow the screen, keyboard, and other peripherals to be placed flexibly
d. have a stable and adjustable document holder that is at the same height as the screen and at the same viewing distance as the screen

46. Explain the term ‘ Evacuation’

Answer – Evacuation is the process of removing people from a location in the case of emergency or disaster.
a. In the case of emergency, every organization must ensure the following points for evacuation:
b. Every organization have an evacuation policy
c. In the case of an emergency, the organization must have a specified gathering place.
d. In the case of an emergency, an organization must have a buddy system for special needs or disabilities people.
e. Floor plans should be placed in every floor
f. Frequently drills should be conducted.

47. Explain the term ‘ Evacuation Policy’

Answer – Every company must have an evacuation plan. All Team Leaders are accountable for notifying their staff about the policy. When the Team Leader informs you of these things, pay close attention. Negligence at this time may result in the loss of life.

48. Explain Buddy System to implement evacuation efficiently in case of emergency

Answer – A ‘buddy system’ for those with special needs or disabilities problem. This approach ensures that people with disabilities are properly assisted and guided out of the premises or impacted area. If you’re a buddy to someone, make sure they’re secure at the assembly point with you.

Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers

49. Explain the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Answer – ‘A healthy way of life leads to a healthy being.’ A healthy lifestyle has a long-term impact on an individual, resulting in a healthy environment at home and at work. A happy and healthy employee will always give the best.

50. Give any four points of a healthy lifestyle.

Answer – The four points of a healthy lifestyle are –
a. Physical activities
b. Healthy eating habits
c. Sound sleep
d. Stress management

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Reference Textbook

The above Web Application and Security Class 10 Questions and Answers was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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150+ Best Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

web application and security class 10 mcq questions

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions. All the important MCQs are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology 402.

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ

Session 1: Working with accessibility options

1. Computer ___________ refers to the user friendliness of a computer system for all, regardless of their disability.
a. Shortcut Keys
b. Accessibility
c. Ctrl & Alt Key
d. None of the above

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b. Accessibility

2. What are the different type of impairments that impact computer usage?
a. Dyslexia
b. Visual Impairment
c. Hearing Impairment
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

3. Accessibility options are available in __________.
a. Setting
b. Control Panel
c. Desktop
d. None of the above

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b. Control Panel

4. ___________ is an accessibility feature to help computer users with physical disabilities, but it is also used by others as a means to reduce repetitive strain.
a. Filter keys
b. Toggle Keys
c. Sticky Keys
d. None of the above

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c. Sticky Keys

5. _________ enables the user to hold and release a modifier key, like as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or the Windows key, and have it remain active until another key is pressed.
a. Filter keys
b. Toggle Keys
c. Sticky Keys
d. None of the above

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c. Sticky Keys

6. The __________accessibility function instructs the keyboard to ignore short or repeated inputs, making typing simpler for those people who have hand tremors.
a. Filter keys
b. Toggle Keys
c. Sticky Keys
d. None of the above

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a. Filter keys

7. __________ is an accessibility feature for persons with vision impairment or cognitive problems.
a. Filter keys
b. Toggle Keys
c. Sticky Keys
d. None of the above

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b. Toggle Keys

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

8. _________ is turned on, the computer emits sound cues when the locking keys such as Caps lock, Num lock and Scroll lock are pressed.
a. Filter keys
b. Toggle Keys
c. Sticky Keys
d. None of the above

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b. Toggle Keys

9. ___________ is designed to help users with auditory impairments.
a. Filter keys
b. Toggle Keys
c. Sound Sentry
d. None of the above

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c. Sound Sentry

10. When the computer makes a sound, ________ produces visual effects such as a blinking title bar or a flashing border.
a. Filter keys
b. Toggle Keys
c. Sound Sentry
d. None of the above

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c. Sound Sentry

11. ___________ directs applications that provide information through sound to also give information visually, through written captions or informative icons.
a. Filter keys
b. Show Sound
c. Sound Sentry
d. None of the above

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b. Show Sound

12. ___________ is an accessibility feature to assist people with vision impairment. You can change the text size and color, as well as the background color, to make it easier to read.
a. High Contrast
b. Show Sound
c. Sound Sentry
d. None of the above

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a. High Contrast

13. _____________ is also an accessibility feature that assists people with vision impairment by changing the blink rate and width of the cursor.
a. High Contrast
b. Cursor Options
c. Sound Sentry
d. None of the above

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b. Cursor Options

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

14. The ____________option uses the keyboard (especially numeric keypad) as a pointing device instead of a mouse.
a. High Contrast
b. Mouse key
c. Sound Sentry
d. None of the above

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b. Mouse key

15. ____________ is an accessibility feature that assists people that have difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse (or both). They can use special devices such as Sip, Puff and Breath Switches to provide input to the computer through Serial Ports.
a. High Contrast
b. Mouse key
c. Serial Keys
d. None of the above

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c. Serial Keys

16. The option in Microsoft Windows XP used for helping users with physical disabilities and to reduce repetitive strain is ____________________.
a. Toggle Key
b. Sticky Key
c. Tab Key
d. None of the above

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b. Sticky Key

17. Sound Sentry is intended to assist users who have ____________ disabilities.
a. Auditory Impairments
b. Cognitive Impairments
c. Visual Impairments
d. Dexterity Impairments

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a. Auditory Impairments

18. The High Contrast feature in Microsoft Windows XP is designed to help persons who have _______________ impairments.
a. Auditory Impairments
b. Cognitive Impairments
c. Visual Impairments
d. Dexterity Impairments

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c. Visual Impairments

19. ___________________ is designed to assist people that have difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse.
a. KeyboardKeys
b. MouseKeys
c. TabKeys
d. GeneralKeys

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b. MouseKeys

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

Session 2: Networking Fundamentals

20. A ______________ is a collection of computers and other hardware components interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information.
a. Computer Network
b. Computer Sharing
c. Computer Receiving
d. None of the above

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a. Computer Network

21. What are the examples of communication channels _________.
a. Cable Wire
b. Satellites
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

22. Example of computer networks architecture __________.
a. Peer – to – Peer architecture
b. Client – Server architecture
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

23. Networks in which all computers have an equal status are called __________.
a. Peer – to – Peer Network
b. Client – Server Network
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Peer – to – Peer Network

24. Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks, providing services to other computers are called__________.
a. Peer – to – Peer Network
b. Client – Server Network
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Client – Server Network

25. The computer provides services called ___________.
a. Client
b. Server
c. Node
d. None of the above

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b. Server

26. The computer uses the services which are provided from the server is called __________.
a. Client
b. Server
c. Node
d. None of the above

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. Client

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

27. What are the major different types of network?
a. Local Area Network
b. Wide Area Network
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

28. A ____________ is a network that connects computers and gadgets in a specific geographic area, such as a house, school, computer laboratory, office building, or group of buildings.
a. Local Area Network
b. Wide Area Network
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Local Area Network

29. A ______________ network is one which covers a broad area across metropolitan city, regional, or national boundaries.
a. Local Area Network
b. Wide Area Network
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Wide Area Network

30. The ___________ is a global network of interconnected computer networks that serve billions of people worldwide by utilizing the standard Internet protocol suite.
a. Internet
b. Network
c. Arpanet
d. None of the above

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a. Internet

31. WWW stands for ___________.
a. Web World Wide
b. World Wide Web
c. World Web Wide
d. None of the above

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b. World Wide Web

32. WWW is also known as __________.
a. W2
b. W4
c. W3
d. W1

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c. W3

33. __________ is a network of interconnected hypertext documents that may be accessed via the Internet.
a. World Wide Web
b. W3
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

34. A ________ is a software program that is used to browse Web sites and serves as a bridge between the user and the World Wide Web.
a. World Wide Web
b. Web Server
c. Web Browser
d. None of the above

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c. Web Browser

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

35. What are the advantages associated with networking?
a. Data & File Sharing
b. Hardware Sharing
c. Internet Sharing
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

36. _________ helps to share hardware components such as printers, scanners etc.
a. Computer Network
b. Hardware Network
c. Information Network
d. None of the above

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a. Computer Network

37. ISP stands for ___________.
a. Internet Sharing Provider
b. Internet Services Provider
c. Internet Social Provider
d. All of the above

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b. Internet Services Provider

38. Example of Internet Service Provider in India ___________.
a. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
b. Airtel
c. MTS
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

39. WiMAX stands for ____________.
a. WorldWide Interoperability for Microwave Access
b. WorldWide Interoperability for Micro Access
c. WorldWide Internet for Microwave Access
d. None of the above

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a. WorldWide Interoperability for Microwave Access

40. DSL stands for ____________.
a. Dynamic Subscriber Line
b. Digital Subscriber Line
c. Digital Sub Line
d. None of the above

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b. Digital Subscriber Line

41. ISDN stands for ___________.
a. Integrated Services Digital Network
b. Internet Services Dynamic Network
c. Integrated Sub Digital Network
d. Internet Sub Dynamic Network

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a. Integrated Services Digital Network

42. Á __________ is a device that converts digital computer signals into analog signals that can travel over phone lines.
a. Router
b. Modem
c. Bridge
d. None of the above

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b. Modem

43. Modem is also known as ___________.
a. MOdulator/ DEModulator
b. Modular/DeModular
c. Modulate/DeModulate
d. None of the above

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a. MOdulator/ DEModulator

44. Give the example of a Wired internet connectivity channel?
a. DSL
b. WiMax
c. Wi-Fi
c. All of the above

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a. DSL

45. Give the example of a Wireless internet connectivity channel?
a. DSL
b. Dial – Up
c. WiMax
d. None of the above

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c. WiMax

46. __________ Internet access is a form of Internet access that uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to establish a connection to an Internet service provider
a. Dial – up
b. 3G
c. WiMax
d. Wi-Fi

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a. Dial – up

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

47. __________provide Internet access by transmitting digital data over wires of a local telephone network.
a. Dial – Up
b. Digital Subscriber Link (DSL)
c. 3G
d. WiMax

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b. Digital Subscriber Link (DSL)

48. _________provides wireless communication and mobile broadband connection across cities and countries.
a. WiMax
b. Wi-Fi
c. DSL
d. None of the above

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a. WiMax

49. ___________ is a widely used technology that allows electronic devices as as computers or mobile phones to transmit data wirelessly over a network, including high-speed Internet connections.
a. WiMax
b. Wi-Fi
c. DSL
d. None of the above

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b. Wi-Fi

50. How can we transfer data on the internet?
a. Using Box Switching
b. Using Packet Switching
c. Using Public Switching
d. Using Web Switching

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b. Using Packet Switching

51. The acronym for LAN is _________________.
a. Large Area Network
b. Last Area Network
c. Local Area Network
d. None of the above

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c. Local Area Network

52. Three types of Wired Internet Connectivity are ___________ , _________ & ___________.
a. 3G, DSL, Dial-Up
b. Cable Internet Access, DSL, Dial-Up
c. WiMax, 3G, Wi-Fi
d. WiMax, DSL, Dial-up

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b. Cable Internet Access, DSL, Dial-Up

53. Three types of Wireless Internet Connectivity are _________ , ___________ & _________.
a. 3G, DSL, Dial-Up
b. Cable Internet Access, DSL, Dial-Up
c. WiMax, 3G, Wi-Fi
d. WiMax, DSL, Dial-up

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c. WiMax, 3G, Wi-Fi

Session 3: Introduction to Instant Messaging

54. __________is a form of communication over the Internet that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender to receiver.
a. Instant Messaging
b. Computer Software
c. Hardware
d. None of the above

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a. Instant Messaging

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

55. Most instant messaging software include the option for performing________.
a. File transfer
b. Audio chat
c. Video calling
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

56. What are the key features of instant messaging ___________.
a. Text Message can be sent to one or more person
b. Audio calling and conferencing
c. Video calling and conferencing
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

57. Give some examples of application based instant messaging software?
a. Skype
b. Yahoo! Messenger
c. Rediff Bol
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

58. Give some examples of web based instant messaging software?
a. Meebo
b. Yahoo! Messenger
c. IMO
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

59. ______________ is a type of Internet communication software that allows the user for instant transfer of text-based communications from sender to receiver.
a. Instant Messaging (IM)
b. Service Messaging (SM)
c. Fast Messaging (FM)
d. None of the above

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a. Instant Messaging (IM)

60. ___________ , ____________ & _______________& Web Camera are required for audio and video conferencing.
a. Joystick, Computer, Video
b. Text, Audio, Video
c. Microphone, Headphone, Speaker
d. Touch Screen, Speaker, Microphone

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c. Microphone, Headphone, Speaker

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

Session 4: Chatting with a contact – Google Talk

61. What are the general rules and etiquettes for chatting?
a. Messages should be short and to the point
b. Always ask first if the other person has time to converse.
c. Typing your message in uppercase is extremely rude
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Session 5: Creating and publishing web pages – Blog

62. A _________ is a discussion-style website that non-technical (or technical) people use to create personal web sites.
a. Blog
b. Website
c. Social Media Site
d. None of the above

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a. Blog

63. ___________ are similar to an online personal diary and simple to use.
a. Blog
b. Website
c. Social Media Site
d. None of the above

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a. Blog

64. What are the popular blogs websites on the internet _________.
a. WordPress
b. Blogger
c. Blog
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

Session 6: Using Offline blog editors

65. Give an example of offline blog editors _____________.
a. Qumana
b. Windows Live Writer
c. Blogdesk
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Session 7: Online Transactions

66. ___________ deals with transfer of money over the internet.
a. Online transactions
b. Offline transactions
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Online transactions

67. Which protocols are used to do the translation process securely?
a. Online Transfer process
b. Online Transaction Process
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Online Transaction Process

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

68. In what situation online shopping is useful.
a. A customer does not have enough time to go shopping.
b. Visiting a store expenses more than purchasing a product online.
c. A product or service that is not available in the local market only available online
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

69. Give some of the popular online transaction websites.
b. Flipkart
c. EBay
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Session 8: Internet Security

70. What are the different online threats _________.
a. Phishing
b. Email Spoofing
c. Chat Spoofing
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

71. How can you reduce the risks over the internet?
a. Using Antivirus Software
b. Fire walls
c. Strong Password
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

72. Which combination is required to create a strong password.
a. Combination of Alphanumeric
b. Combination of Numbers
c. Combination of special characters
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

73. Do not keep password names such as _______.
a. Favorite color
b. Name of your friends & Relatives
c. Don’t use mobile number as password
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

74. Give the name of the website which can generate strong passwords automatically?
a. www.strongpasswordgenerator.com
b. www.wikipedia.com
c. www.cbseacademic.nic.in
d. None of the above

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a. www.strongpasswordgenerator.com

75. __________ software helps to protect your data from unauthorized users.
a. W33 Software
b. Encryption Software
c. Unlock password Software
d. None of the above

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b. Encryption Software

76. How we can keep our username and password private.
a. Don’t tell username & password to others
b. Don’t share username & password in internet café
c. Always clear browser history & cookies after using
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

77. How can I make secure transactions on the internet?
a. Use Antivirus and Antispyware programs
b. Your Firewall should be always ON
c. Open only that website which have a https://
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

78. _________ are programs that are created on your local computer when you visit websites.
a. Firewall
b. Cookies
c. History
d. All of the above

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b. Cookies

79. __________ can be software or hardware that helps in the security of a computer and a network.
a. Firewall
b. Cookies
c. History
d. All of the above

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a. Firewall

80. Web browsers have ___________ designed to store passwords used in forms on websites.
a. Cookies
b. Built – in password management
c. History
d. None of the above

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b. Built – in password management

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

Session 9: Maintain workplace safety

81. What basic safety rules to follow at the workplace.
a. Fire Safety & Use of First aid
b. Falls and slips
c. Electrical Safety
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

82. Basic fire safety rules in an organization are __________.
a. Fire escape plans must be installed at proper levels
b. Conduct regular drills & Smoke alarms must be placed
c. Maintenance of safety equipment and No – smoking zone
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

83. Basic falls and slips safety rules in an organization are ___________.
a. Maintain a clean and clutter-free working area.
b. Workplace should be ventilated and receive light
c. Floors must be clean and dry
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

84. What are the different electrical safety rules?
a. Electrical equipment should be approved by a recognized organization
b. Worker should be trained to handle the electric equipment safely
c. Damaged and hazardous electrical equipment should be immediately replaced
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

85. Basic rules of using first aid are ___________.
a. Injured person should calm not to panic
b. Keep them warm if they are under shock
c. In the case of a back/neck injury, do not move the victim.
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Session 10: Prevent accidents and emergencies

86. What are the different types of accidents?
a. Accidents at workplace
b. Industrial disease/illness
c. Clinical Accident
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

87. What protection should organizations take to handle accidents in the workplace?
a. Safety measures must be placed to prevent workplace accidents
b. Immediately call the medical team for any injury
c. Pay attention to and follow emergency drills
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

Session 11: Protect Health and Safety at work

88. What are the different types of hazards include _________.
a. Physical
b. Chemical
c. Biological
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

89. __________ is the process of emptying a place in case of an emergency, disaster.
a. Attention
b. Evacuation
c. Taking care
d. None of the above

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b. Evacuation

90. What evacuation emergency should be followed by every company.
a. Company should have a evacuation policy
b. Organization must have a designated assembly point for emergencies
c. Floor plans with evacuation routes should be pasted in every floor
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

91. Give some examples of a healthy lifestyle.
a. Healthy eating habits
b. Physical activities
c. Stress Management
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

92. An organization can face some __________ that could put the lives of the employees in danger.
a. Issue
b. Health Hazards
c. Shortage
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
b. Health Hazards

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

93. Hazards can be of different types depending on the ________ and the ______________ in which the employees work.
a. Industry, Environment
b. Occupation, problem
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Industry, Environment

94. Organizations must have a designated ______________ for emergencies.
a. Evacuation policy
b. Assembly point for emergencies
c. Buddy system for special needs people
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

95. What does PSTN stand for?
a. Public Switched Telephone Network
b. Private Switched Telephone Network
c. Public Switched Telecom Network
d. None of the above

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a. Public Switched Telephone Network

96. What does DSL stand for?
a. Digital Subscriber LAN
b. Digital Subscriber telephone Line
c. None of the above
d. Digital Subscriber Line

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d. Digital Subscriber Line

97. What type of information is used for managing accounts in some instant messaging software, such as Yahoo! Messenger and Windows Live Messenger?
a. Email addresses
b. None of the above
c. Mobile Numbers
d. Standard Names

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a. Email addresses

98. Blog is similar to _____________?
a. A book
b. A diary
c. None of the above
d. A notebook

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b. A diary

99. What equipment do users need to have for audio and video chat?
a. Speakers
b. Web Camera
c. Microphone
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

100. What is the term for messages received in instant messaging software when the recipient is not logged in?
a. None of the above
b. Online Messages
c. Real Time Messages
d. Offline Messages

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d. Offline Messages

101. Which technology is commonly used for long-distance communication?
a. WiMAX
b. DSL
c. Dial-up
d. Cable Internet Access

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a. WiMAX

102. Which technology is typically preferred in hilly terrain?
a. Dial-up
b. Cable Internet Access
c. None of the Above
d. WiMAX

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d. WiMAX

103. What does WAP stand for?
a. Wireless Access Pointer
b. Wireless Access Point
c. None of the above
d. Wireless Across Point

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d. Wireless Access Point

104. Which technology is commonly used to provide free internet access to customers in places like hotels and malls?
a. Cable Internet Access
b. WiMAX
c. WiFi
d. Dial-up

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c. WiFi

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

105. Which of the following is a form of communication over the internet?
a. Email
b. Video Call
c. Instant Messaging
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

106. Which type of communication offers instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender to receiver?
a. Email
b. Traditional Post
c. Instant Messaging
d. None of the above

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c. Instant Messaging

107. Which technology among the options listed is considered a wireless technology?
a. 3G
b. DSL
c. Cable Internet Access
d. Dial-up

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a. 3G

108. Is dial-up connection the fastest type of internet connection?
a. True
b. False

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b. False

109. What can we use blogs to convey messages about?
a. Events
b. News
c. Reviews
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

110. Which websites offer free blog services?
a. www.blogger.com
b. www.blogsome.com
c. www.WordPress.com
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

111. Which technology uses the cable TV infrastructure?
a. Dial-up
b. Cable Internet Access
c. WiMAX
d. 3G

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b. Cable Internet Access

112. Which of the following features are commonly found in most instant messaging software?
a. Video Calling
b. File transfer
c. Audio Chat
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

113. Which type of signal is able to travel over phone lines?
a. Analog
b. None of the above
c. Digital
d. Both analog and digital

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a. Analog

114. What type of communication does Google Talk provide?
a. Text
d. Voice
b. Both a) and b)
c. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
c. Both a) and b)

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

115. When someone in your Google Talk contact list is online, what color dot appears next to their name?
a. Red
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Blue

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c. Green

116. What are some general etiquette guidelines to follow when chatting online?
a. Give people time to respond.
b. Messages should be short and to the point.
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
c. Both a) and b)

117. What can we create in WordPress?
a. A website
b. A blog
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

118. Where does the title come in a blog?
a. At the top
b. In between
c. At the bottom
d. None of the above

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a. At the top

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

120. When can others view a blog post?
a. After creating the post
c. After inserting pictures
d. After publishing the post
d. After inserting videos

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c. After publishing the post.

121. Which of the following features are typically found in instant messaging software?
a. Sending text messages to one or more people
b. Audio calling and conferencing
c. Video calling and conferencing
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

122. OLTP stands for_____________.
a. Offline Transaction Process
b. Online Transaction Procedure
c. Online Transaction Process
d. None of the above

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b. Online Transaction Process

123. Customers can pay for online purchases using:
a. Debit Card
b. Credit Card
c. Internet Banking
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

124. Which of the following is an example of application-based instant messaging software?
a. Google Talk
b. Skype
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

125. Which of the following are considered online threats?
a. Chat spoofing
b. Email spoofing
c. Phishing
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

126. What can be done to reduce the risk of online threats?
a. Install Antivirus software
b. Use a strong password
c. Use a Firewall
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

127. Which of the following password formats is considered to be difficult to crack?
a. Using a friend’s name as a password
b. Using a favorite color as a password
c. Using a mobile number as a password
d. Using a combination of alphanumeric and special characters as a password

Show Answer ⟶
d. Using a combination of alphanumeric and special characters as a password

128. What type of password can help reduce the risk of a security breach?
a. Weak
b. Week
c. Strong
d. None of the above

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c. Strong

129. What is the term used to describe software that can transmit every key pressed on a keyboard to unauthorized users?
a. Keyloggers
b. Keylog
c. Keypress
d. None of the above

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a. Keyloggers

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

130. Which instant messaging software needs to be installed before it can be used?
a. IMO
b. Google Talk
c. All of the above
d. Meebo

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b. Google Talk

131. What type of account do you need to use Google Talk?
a. Yahoo
b. Skype
c. None of the above
d. Gmail

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d. Gmail

132. How can we create a blog offline?
a. By using Qumana
b. Either by using any Offline Blog Editor or Qumana
c. By using any Offline Blog Editor
d. None of the above

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c. By using any Offline Blog Editor

133. Which of the following is an example of an offline blog editor?
a. Windows Live Writer
b. Blogdesk
c. Qumana
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

134. Qumana is a blog editor that is___________.
a. a paid service
b. available for free
c. shareware
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
b. available for free

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

135. Qumana is known for being:
a. easy to use
b. free
c. simple
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

136. To use Yahoo! Messenger, what type of account do you need to have?
a. A Gmail account
b. Neither a Yahoo Mail nor Gmail account
c. Both a Yahoo Mail and Gmail account
d. A Yahoo Mail account

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d. A Yahoo Mail account

137. Which of the following instant messaging services provide chat services?
a. MSN
b. Sify
c. Rediff
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

138. Examples of online funds transfer.
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
c. Both a) and b)

139. The benefits of online transactions.
a. convenience
b. speed
c. low risk of theft
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

140. Online shopping is a type of___________.
a. E-Booking
b. E-commerce
c. E-reservation
d. None of the above

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a. E-commerce

141. The process of transferring money over the internet is referred to as______________.
a. Online transaction
b. Offline transaction
d. Both a) and b)
c. None of the above

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a. Online transaction

142. What we will do for protection for hackers?
a. Keep the operating system and software applications up to date
b. Clear browser cookies frequently
c. Install firewalls
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

143. What are cookies?
a. Folders that store website data
b. Large files that store website data
c. Small files that store website data
d. None of the above

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c. Small files that store website data

144. What could a firewall be?
a. Hardware
b. Software
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

145. What are some examples of web browsers?
a. Edge
b. Opera
c. Mozilla Firefox
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

146. What are some basic safety rules to follow at the workplace?
a. Fire safety
b. Electrical safety
c. Falls and slips
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

147. What are the basic fire safety rules in an organization?
a. Conduct regular drills
b. Smoke alarms must be placed at proper intervals
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
c. Both a) and b)

148. What is the general rule to follow for secure online transactions?
a. Use any antivirus and antispyware software
b. Share personal information with the website
c. Use any website for such transactions
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

149. Which symbol represents a digital certificate indicating a secure transaction in the web browser’s address bar?
a. Lock
b. Key
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

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a. Lock

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

150. Which of the following can help reduce the risk of online threats?
a. Antivirus software
b. Strong passwords
c. Firewall protection
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

151. What is the name of the portal that is commonly used for booking train tickets?
a. Flipkart
b. Redbus
d. EBay

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152. What are examples of accidents that can occur in the workplace?
a. Slips and fall accidents.
c. Fire accidents.
b. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above.

Show Answer ⟶
c. Both a) and b)

153. Which payment method allows customers to pay for their purchase after they have received the product?
a. COD
b. Credit Card
c. Debit Card
d. None of the above

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a. COD

154. What does the acronym IRCTC stand for?
a. Indian Railway Catering and Tourist Corporation
b. Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation
c. Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Coordinator
d. None of the above

Show Answer ⟶
b. Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

155. What is the basic rule for keeping the workplace safe from fire?
a. Keep the workplace a no-smoking zone
b. Use proper footwear to avoid falls and slips
c. Ensure proper lighting and visibility
d. None of the above

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a. Keep the workplace a no-smoking zone

156. A customer is considered to be doing online shopping when___________.
a. a product is available offline at lower rates
b. they have sufficient time to visit a store
c. It costs more to visit a store than to buy anything online.
d. None of the above

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c. visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online

157. What is the term for any unexpected situation that needs immediate attention and action?
a. Emergency.
b. Accident.
c. Occupational hazard.
d. None of the above.

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a. Emergency.

158. What is the term for a source of any potential harm?
a. Accident.
b. Emergency.
c. Hazard.
d. All of the above.

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c. Hazard.

159. In the context of online shopping, what does the abbreviation COD stand for?
a. Catch on Delivery
b. Cash on Delivery
c. Cash Over Delivery
d. None of the above

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c. Cash on Delivery

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

160. Which of the following is the social and civic responsibility of every human being?
a. Computer skills.
b. First Aid.
c. Handling electrical equipment.
d. None of the above.

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b. First Aid.

161. What is our responsibility when checking medical-related items in a first aid kit?
a. Cost.
b. Color.
c. Expiry.
d. None of the above.

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c. Expiry.

162. What are some of the measures to prevent electrical hazards and accidents?
a. Use only electrical equipment approved by a recognized organization.
b. Avoid overloading circuits.
c. Train workers to handle electric equipment safely.
d. All of the above.

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d. All of the above.

163. What are the rules of First Aid?
a. Do not move the victim in case of back/neck injury.
b. Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic.
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above.

Show Answer ⟶
c. Both a) and b)

164. What is the term for hazards that occur due to occupation?
a. Chemical hazards.
b. Occupational hazards.
c. Electrical hazards.
d. All of the above.

Show Answer ⟶
b. Occupational hazards.

Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions

165. What are the types of occupational hazards?
a. Biological hazards.
b. Physical hazards.
c. Ergonomic hazards.
d. All of the above.

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d. All of the above.

166. What is the term for an unfortunate incident that occurs unintentionally causing hazardous results, injury, or unwanted results?
a. Emergency.
b. Accident.
c. Hazard.
d. None of the above.

Show Answer ⟶
b. Accident.

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Reference Textbook

The above Web Application and Security Class 10 MCQ Questions was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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CBSE Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

database management system class 10 questions and answers-min

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers. All the important Questions and Answers and taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology 402.

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 1: Appreciate Concept of Database Management System

1. What is a database?

Answer – A database is an organized collection of data. Databases can store, retrieve and manage large amounts of data. The database stores the information in the form of a table.

2. What is the purpose of a Database Management System?

Answer – A database management system (DBMS) is a software package which manages and maintains data in a database. A DBMS enables several user application programs to access the same database at the same time. It enables organizations to easily create databases for a variety of purposes. A database is a comprehensive collection of data records, files, and other items.

3. How is data organized in a database?

Answer – There are two way to organized data in database –
a. Flat File – It stores the data in a single table and it is suitable for small amounts of data.
b. Relational – It stores the data in a multiple table and all the tables are connected to each other using a common field with the help of relationships.

4. What do you mean by Database Servers?

Answer – Database servers are powerful computers that store and manage data on a server. This type of server is dedicated to a single purpose and helps to hold the database and run only DBMS and related software.

5. Give the Advantages of database?

Answer – Advantages of database are –

a. Reduce Data Redundancy – When the same data set is stored in two or more locations, this is referred to as data redundancy. As a result, this helps in the protection of duplicate data in a database.

b. Sharing of Data – Databases can share the data with multiple users at a time. There are multiple levels of authorization to access the data, and as a result, the data can only be shared with those who are permitted.

c. Data Integrity – The term “data integrity” refers to the accuracy and consistency of the data in the database. Data integrity also refers to data safety.

d. Data Security – You know that data is very important, databases give privileges to authorized users and allow them to access the database using username and password.

e. Privacy – A database’s privacy rule says that only authorized users are permitted to access the database in accordance with its privacy constraints. For example – if you log in your Gmail account then you will see your email only, you will not see any other account email.

f. Backup and Recovery – Backup and recovery are handled automatically by the Database Management System.

g. Data Consistency – Data consistency ensures the modification in the data will be the same for all the users who are accessing the database. For example if you have registered a train ticket from IRCTC website then whatever changes are there it will be the same for all the users who are trying to reserve the ticket.

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

6. What are the key features of a database?

Answer – Some of the key features of database are –
a. Multiple table can be store in a single database
b. Database can share the data to multiple users
c. Database can create backups automatically
d. Database save storage space
e. Large amount of data can be managed by database
f. Each table in a database contains separate information
g. Provides high level security

7. What is RDBMS?

Answer – RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System is an upgraded version of DBMS, RDBMS stores the data in the form of a table. In RDBMS multiple tables can be linked together, and support multiple users to access the database.

8. What different types of keys are available in RDBMS?

Answer – The different keys available in RDBMS are –

a. Primary Key (PK) – A primary key is a unique value that identifies a row in a table. If the primary key is defined to any table column it means the duplication will be not allowed.

b. Composite Primary Key – When a primary key is applied to one or more columns in the same table is known as Composite Primary Key.

c. Foreign Key (FK) – By default columns are foreign key, foreign key points to the primary key of another table.

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 2: Create and Edit tables using wizard & SQL commands

9. What are the different database objects?

Answer –
a. Table – A table is a collection of data components structured in the form of vertical columns and horizontal rows.

b. Columns / Fields / Attributes – Columns or Fields or Attributes all are the same, A column is a collection of data values of a single data type, one for each row in a table. It is also known as the heading of the column.

c. Rows / Records / Tuples – A row, also known as a Record or Tuple, is a single data item in a table. A database table can be represented as a series of rows and columns or fields. Each row in a table represents a set of related data, and each row has the same structure.

10. What are data types?

Answer – Datatypes are used to define the type of data that will be stored in the database. Data types in the OpenOffice base are classified into five types.
a. Numeric Types – Numeric data types are used to describe numerical values for fields in a database table. Numeric data types used for numbers and decimals.
Some of the important numeric data types are –
     a. Boolean
     b. Integer
     c. Numeric
     d. Decimal
     e. Float
     f. double

b. Alphanumeric Types – Alphanumeric data types are used to describe character values for fields in a database.
Some of the important alphanumeric data types are –
     a. Longvarchar
     b. Char
     c. Varchar
     d. Varchar_ignorecase

c. Binary Types – For storing data in binary formats, binary data types are used. Binary data types in a database can be used to store images, music files, and so on.
Some of the important Binary data types are –
     a. Varbinary
     b. Binary
     c. Longvarbinary

d. Date time – Date and time data types are used to describe date and time values for fields in a database table.
Some of the important Date time data types are –
     a. Date
     b. Time
     c. Timestamp

11. In how many ways tables can be created in Base?

Answer – There are two different ways to creating the table in database –
     a. Using Design View
     b. Using Wizard

12. Define the structure of a table.

Answer – A table is a collection of data components structured in the form of vertical columns and horizontal rows.

13. Differentiate between Tuples and Attributes of a table.

Answer – Tuple is a single data item in a table. A database table can be represented as a series of rows and columns or fields.
An attribute is a collection of data values of a single data type, one for each row in a table.

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 3: Perform Operations on Table

14. What is referential Integrity?

Answer – Referential integrity is used to keep data maintained, accurate and consistent.
Data in Base can be connected between two or more tables using primary key and foreign key constraints.
Referential integrity helps to –
a. If there is no connected record in the main key table, records are added to a related table.
b. Changing values in a primary if there are any dependent records in the linked table
c. If there are any matching linked records in an associated table, records from a primary key table are deleted.

15. What is the advantage of relationships between two tables?

Answer – Advantage of relationships between two tables are –
a. Save time as there is no need to enter the same data in separate tables.
b. Reduce data-entry errors.
c. Summarize data from related tables.

16. What is the file extension for databases created using OpenOffice.Org Base?

Answer – Extension for OpenOffice base is .odb.

17. List any three file formats that can be managed using OpenOffice.Org Base?

Answer – The three file formats are –
a. .odt – This file format use for create digital document file
b. .odd – This file format use for create spreadsheet
c. .odp – This file format use for creating presentation file

18. How many types of relationships can be created in Base? Explain each of the them.

Answer – There are three types of relationships –
a. One to One – Both tables in this relationship must have primary key columns.
b. One to Many or Many to One – One of the tables in this relationship must have a primary key column.
c. Many to Many – The primary key column is not present in any of the tables in this relationship.

19. What do you mean by Sorting? In how many ways it can be done?

Answer – Sorting means arranging the data in ascending or descending order.
The two way to arranging the data is –
a. Ascending
b. Descending

20. Explain Referential Integrity with the help of an example.

Answer – Referential integrity is used to keep data maintained, accurate and consistent.

Data in Base can be connected between two or more tables using primary key and foreign key constraints.
For example – Suppose there is two table “Student_details” and “fee_details”,

in the student_detils table fields are –
Grno, Student_name, Address, phone_number ( here Grno is primary key)

In the Fee_details table fields are –
Grno, Fee_date, Amount (here Grno is foregn key)

Here, both have a common field “Grno” this is known as referential Integrity.

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 4: Retrieve data using Query

21. How many types of language are there in the database?

Answer – Three are two types of languages –

DDL (Data definition language) – Data definition language is used to design and modify the structure of a database.
Common DDL commands are
a. Create – This command is used to create database
b. Alter – This command is used to modify the database.
c. Drop – This command is used to delete database tables.

DML (Data manipulation language) – Data manipulation language provides commands for manipulating data in databases.
Common DML commands are
a. Select – This command is used to display information from the database.
b. Insert – This command is used to insert new records in the database.
c. Delete – This command is used to delete records from the database.
d. Update – This command is used to modify records in the database.

22. Name DML commands.

Answer – Data manipulation language (DML) access and manipulate data in existing tables.
Name of DML commands –
a. Select
b. Insert
c. Update
d. Delete

23. What is the purpose of using queries?

Answer – Queries are commands that describe the data structure as well as manipulate the data in the database. The purpose of a query is to do calculations, integrate data from many tables, and add, alter, or delete data from a database.

24. Which clause of Select statement helps to display specific data?

Answer – Where clause is used to display specific data from the database.

25. Differentiate between Where clause and Orderby clause of SQL statements.

Answer – Where clause is used to display specific data from the database and Orderby used to display data in ascending order or descending order.

26. State the purpose of Update Command with the help of an example.

Answer – The update statement is used to modify records in the table. Example of update command is – Update Student_details set Location = ‘Pune’ where Rollno = 10;

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

27. Consider the following table “Teachers”











































Write SQL commands:
a. To display all the information from the table whose address is ‘Mumbai’.

Answer – Select * from students where address = “Mumbai”;

b. To list the details of all the students whose percentage is between 90 to 100.

Answer – Select * from students where percentage >= 90 and percentage <= 100;

c. To display the name of all the students whose gender is Female.

Answer – Select Subject from students where Gender = ‘F’;

d. To display the list of names of all the students in alphabetical order.

Answer – Select * from students order by Student_name;

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

29. Write the SQL commands to answer the queries based on Fabric table





















a. Write a query for insert the following record
(“F005”, “Kurta”, “Woollen”,5)

Answer – insert into Fabric values (‘F005’, ‘Kurta’, ‘Woolen’,5);

b. Write a query to display only those fabric whose disc is more than 10

Answer – select * from Fabric where Disc>10;

c. To display those record whose type is ‘Woolen’

Answer – select * from Fabric where type = ‘Woolen’;

d. To modify the fabric shirt by increasing discount by 10

Answer – update fabric set Disc = Disc + 10 where Fname = ‘Shirt’;

e. To delete the record of fabric F003 from table

Answer – delete from Fabric where FabricID =‘F003’;

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

30. Consider the following Vendor table and write the queries






Mother Dairy












Kwality Walls



a. Write a Query to display all records

Answer – Select * from Vendor;

b. Write a Query to add a new row with the following details
(„V005‟, „Vadilal‟, „2010-03-20‟, „Pune‟)

Answer – Insert into Vendor values (“V005‟, “Vadilal‟, “2010-03-20‟, “Pune‟);

c. Write a query to modify the location of V003 from Kolkata to Gujrat

Answer – Update Vendor Set location= “Gujrat‟ Where location= “Kolkata‟;

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

31. Consider the following table “ITEM”:














Face cream








Soap box



a. Display the total amount of each item. The amount must be calculated as the price multiplied by quantity for each item.

Answer – Select price * quantity from item;

b. Display the details of items whose price is less than 50.

Answer – Select * from item where price < 50;

32. Identify the columns and data types of a table: Airlines. Mention at least four columns with data type.

Answer –
Columns                Data type

Flight No               Text
No.of Passengers  Integer
Airlines                  Text
Arrival_Time          Date/Time
Departure_Time    Date/Time
Fares                      Float

33. Identify the columns and data types of a table: Students. Mention at least four columns with data type.

Answer –
Columns              Data type

RollNo                 Integer
Student_name     Varchar(20)
Father_name       Varchar(20)
Mother_name     Varchar(20)
Address               Varchar(50)
DOB                    Date

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 5: Create forms and reports using wizard

34. Why there is a need to create Forms?

Answer – A form allows the user to enter information into a database in a systematic manner. It is a user-defined interface that allows users to see, enter, and edit data directly in database.

35. What is the purpose of creating Reports?

Answer – Reports help to present the data in proper manner which is stored in the database, It also displays the data in summary format.

36. What are the prerequisites to create a Form and Reports?

Answer –
Forms –
a. Forms help or manage to store data in a systematic format.
b. The prerequisites to create a form would be –
c. Add all the necessary fields in the form
d. Make the connection between form and the table
Reports –
a. Reports display the data in a summarized manner.
b. The prerequisites to create a report would be –
c. Data
d. Data source

Database Management System Class 10 Questions and Answers

37. Differentiate between Forms and Reports.

Answer –
a. Forms are used to store the data in the semantic way
b. Edit, delete & modify can be easily managed
c. Auto calculation can be done easily
a. Report display the data in the presenting format
b. Report can display all the record from the table
c. Edit, delete & modification cannot be done through report
d. You can take printout with the help of report

38. Can a form display data from queries?

Answer – Yes form can display the data from queries, with the help of query you can filter the data and you can display in the form.

39. In how many ways Forms and Reports can be created in a database?

Answer – There are two ways to create a form and report in the database.
a. Using Wizard
b. Using Design View

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

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Best Database Management System Class 10 MCQ

database management system class 10 mcq

Database Management System Class 10 MCQ – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Database Management System Class 10 MCQ

Chapter 8: Introduction to Database Management System

1. Databases are being used to _.
a. Store
b. Manipulate
c. Manage
d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. All of the above

    2. In Database which type of data we can store.
    a. Text
    b. Image
    c. Audio and Video
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. All of the above

    3. Data is a collection of _.
    a. Raw facts
    b. Table
    c. Database
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Raw facts

    4. The facts may be related to __.
    a. Any person
    b. Place
    c. Activity or things
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. All of the above

    5. Data can be processed in the proper way to generate meaningful __.
    a. Data
    b. Information
    c. Database
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Information

    6. Which of the following is known as an organized form of data.
    a. Data
    b. Information
    c. Database
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Information

    7. A _ is a collection of logically related data items stored in an organized manner.
    a. Data
    b. Database
    c. Information
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Database

    8. Which of the following software is used to retrieve, update and create data in a database.
    a. Database Management System (DBMS)
    b. Data Manager (DM)
    c. Database Manager (DM)
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Database Management System (DBMS)

    9. Which of the following is a common example of DBMS.
    a. MS Access
    b. OpenOffice or LibreOffice Base
    c. Oracle or MySQL
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. All of the above

    10. The data in the database is stored in an __.
    a. Organized manner
    b. Tabular method
    c. Both a) and b)
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Both a) and b)

    11. A __ helps to analyze the data based on certain criteria.
    a. Database
    b. Digital Document
    c. Impress
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Database

    12. What do you mean by Data Redundancy?
    a. Same data will not repeated in several tables
    b. It can create same data multiple times
    c. Data can be shared to multiple users
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Same data will not repeated in several tables

    13. What do you mean by Data consistency?
    a. Accuracy of the data
    b. Reliability of the data
    c. Uniformity of the data
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. All of the above

    14. Database helps to maintain the same data across all the tables, this is known as _.
    a. Data Redundancy
    b. Data Sharing
    c. Data Consistency
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Data Consistency

    15. Data redundancy and inconsistency can be minimized in a database which helps to increase.
    a. Validity
    b. Security
    c. Accuracy
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Accuracy

    16. The data is translated in such a manner in a database that unauthorized users are not able to read is known as _.
    a. Validity
    b. Encryption
    c. Consistency
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Encryption

    17. The structure of the database is known as _.
    a. Data
    b. Data Base
    c. Data Model
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Data Model

    18. Which of the following data models is used in the database.
    a. Network data model
    b. Hierarchical data model
    c. Relational data model
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. All of the above

    19. In which data model the data is organized into a tree-like structure.
    a. Network data model
    b. Hierarchical data model
    c. Relational data model
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Hierarchical data model

    20. In which of the following data models are used to link multiple records to the master file.
    a. Network data model
    b. Hierarchical data model
    c. Relational data model
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Network data model

    21. In which data model is based on the principle of setting relationships between two or more tables of the same database.
    a. Network data model
    b. Hierarchical data model
    c. Relational data model
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Relational data model

    22. Which of the following is the most commonly used database model in DBMS.
    a. Network data model
    b. Hierarchical data model
    c. Relational data model
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Relational data model

    23. The relational database model was proposed in __.
    a. 1970
    b. 1980
    c. 1990
    d. 2000

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. 1970

    24. The relational database model is proposed by __.
    a. M. K. Rose
    b. E. F. Codd
    c. Linus Torvalds
    d. John von Neumann

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. E. F. Codd

    25. In relational data models the data are stored in different tables made up of __.
    a. Rows
    b. Columns
    c. Both a) and b)
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Both a) and b)

    26. In which data model the relations are set between tables based on common fields.
    a. Network data model
    b. Hierarchical data model
    c. Relational data model
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Relational data model

    27. Which of the following is a real world object which stores the information in a database.
    a. Attribute
    b. Entity
    c. Field
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Entity

    28. The details associated with the entity are called __.
    a. Attribute
    b. Entity
    c. Field
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Attribute

    29. A __ is a collection of logically related records.
    a. Attribute
    b. Entity
    c. Field
    d. Table

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. Table

    30. A _ is the smallest entity in the database.
    a. Attribute
    b. Field
    c. Record
    d. Database

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Field

    31. A collection of fields in the table make a _.
    a. Attribute
    b. Field
    c. Record
    d. Database

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Record

    32. A collection of records makes a _.
    a. Attribute
    b. Field
    c. Record
    d. Table

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. Table

    33. A collection of tables make a __.
    a. Attribute
    b. Field
    c. Record
    d. Database

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. Database

    34. _ hold the data values of one type of data.
    a. Attribute
    b. Field
    c. Record
    d. Database

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Field

    35. The raw data represented in the form of alphanumeric, character or numeric data is known as _.
    a. Attribute
    b. Field
    c. Record
    d. Data value

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. Data value

    36. A __ is the set of data values for all the fields related to a person or object.
    a. Attribute
    b. Field
    c. Record
    d. Database

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Record

    37. A __ holds the data values of all the fields for a single person or object in a table.
    a. Attribute
    b. Field
    c. Record
    d. Database

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Record

    38. A _ key is a field that uniquely identifies a row in a table.
    a. Primary key
    b. Candidate key
    c. Foreign key
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Primary key

    39. In a table if more than one field identifies a record, it is known as _.
    a. Primary key
    b. Composite key
    c. Foreign key
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Composite key

    40. __ key helps to build a relation between two or more tables in a database.
    a. Primary key
    b. Composite key
    c. Foreign key
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Foreign key

    41. If the field values that are eligible to be the primary key are known as _.
    a. Primary key
    b. Candidate key
    c. Foreign key
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Candidate key

    42. In the database table if candidate keys are not chosen as the primary key are called __.
    a. Alternate key
    b. Candidate key
    c. Foreign key
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Alternate key

    43. The __ key helps to build a relation between two tables.
    a. Alternate key
    b. Candidate key
    c. Foreign key
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Foreign key

    44. All the field values that are eligible to be the primary key are the _.
    a. Alternate key
    b. Candidate key
    c. Foreign key
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Candidate key

    45. Which of the following is suitable for candidate keys?
    a. Candidate key field can be left blank
    b. Candidate key field don’t have duplicate values
    c. Both a) and b)
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Both a) and b)

    46. If in the database table there are two field roll numbers and admission number both are uniquely identified fields, if roll number is made as primary key then admission number will be __.
    a. Alternate key
    b. Candidate key
    c. Foreign key
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Alternate key

    47. A structure or feature that is used to store, represent, or retrieve data is called __.
    a. Database
    b. Object
    c. Report
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    b. Object

    48. What are the different objects present in RDBMS?
    a. Table
    b. Queries
    c. Form & Report
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. All of the above

    49. __ is a feature of a database, which contains data from users and stored in a database table using a user-friendly manner.
    a. Form
    b. Queries
    c. Report
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Form

    50. The form consists of _.
    a. Text boxes & Labels
    b. Radio button & list box
    c. Check box
    d. All of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    d. All of the above

    51. The data entered through the forms is stored in _.
    a. Queries
    b. Forms
    c. Table
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶

    52. The necessary data is extracted from the database using _.
    a. Queries
    b. Forms
    c. Table
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    a. Queries

    53. The output of a query can be displayed in the form of _.
    a. Queries
    b. Forms
    c. Report
    d. None of the above

    Show Answer ⟶
    c. Report

    Chapter 9: Starting with LibreOffice Base

    54. _ helps to specify while creating the tables and check only valid data will be entered in the table.
    a. Data Type
    b. Data Storage
    c. Validation
    d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      a. Data Type

      55. __ refers to the type of data that will be stored in the particular field.
      a. Data Type
      b. Data Storage
      c. Validation
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      a. Data Type

      56. The memory size of the field varies according to its __.
      a. Data Type
      b. Data Storage
      c. Validation
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      a. Data Type

      57. The text data types are a combination of __.
      a. Letters
      b. Numbers
      c. Special Characters
      d. All of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      d. All of the above

      58. No arithmetic calculations can be performed on _ data type.
      a. Number Data type
      b. Text Data type
      c. Decimal Data type
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      b. Text data type

      59. __ data type stores maximum length of the characters, data having more than 255 characters.
      a. Memo (Longvarchar)
      b. Text(fix) (Char)
      c. Text (Varchar)
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      a. Memo (Longvarchar)

      60. _ data type stores exactly the length specified, this data type uses a fixed number of characters.
      a. Memo (Longvarchar)
      b. Text(fix) (Char)
      c. Text (Varchar)
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      b. Text(fix) (char)

      61. __ data type allocated depends on the number of characters entered by the user.
      a. Memo (Longvarchar)
      b. Text(fix) (Char)
      c. Text (Varchar)
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      c. Text (Varchar)

      62. __ data type consists of number, integer, decimal, real or double type which can perform arithmetic calculation.
      a. Text Data type
      b. Number Data type
      c. Date Data type
      d. Binary Data type

      Show Answer ⟶
      b. Number Data type

      63. _ data type is used to store decimal values in the database using a table.
      a. Tiny Integer
      b. BigInt
      c. Number
      d. Float

      Show Answer ⟶
      d. Float

      64. Which data type is used to store monetary values and can store currencies of various countries.
      a. Boolean Data type
      b. Currency Data type
      c. Date Data type
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      b. Currency Data type

      65. Which data type is used to store date and time both in the database.
      a. Date
      b. Time
      c. Timestamp
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      c. Timestamp

      66. Which data type is used to store date data in the database table.
      a. Date
      b. Time
      c. Timestamp
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      a. Date

      67. Which data type is used to store time in the database table.
      a. Date
      b. Time
      c. Timestamp
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      b. Time

      68. In which data type you can store True/False, Yes/No, or On/Off in the database table.
      a. Binary Data type
      b. Text Data type
      c. Boolean Data type
      d. Number Data type

      Show Answer ⟶
      c. Boolean Data type

      69. Which data type is used to store digital image, sound, video or file in the database table.
      a. Binary Data type
      b. Text Data type
      c. Boolean Data type
      d. Number Data type

      Show Answer ⟶
      Binary Data type

      70. What is the name of a method where you can create a new database using step by step procedure.
      a. New Database
      b. Database Wizard
      c. Database Method
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      b. Database Wizard

      71. In LibreOffice Base if you select the option “No, do not register the database” then what will happen.
      a. Database will be not store the data
      b. Database will not open
      c. Database will not share publicly
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      c. Database will not share publicly

      72. What method is used to create tables in LibreOffice Base?
      a. Using Table Wizard
      b. Using Design View
      c. Both a) and b)
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      c. Both a) and b)

      73. Which method is used to create a table in a flexible method.
      a. Using Table Wizard
      b. Using Design View
      c. Both a) and b)
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      b. Using Design View

      74. In LibreOffice Base, If you want to describe the purpose of the field, it will not be a part of the database table but it helps the user to understand the purpose of the field.
      a. Field Name
      b. Field Type
      c. Description
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      c. Description

      75. Which of the following shortcut keys is used to save the table in the database.
      a. Alt + S
      b. Ctrl + S
      c. Shift + S
      d. None of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      b. Ctrl + S

      76. The data can be arranged in the table using _.
      a. Shorting
      b. Arrangement
      c. Ascending
      d. Descending

      Show Answer ⟶

      77. The data type in LibreOffice base can be categorized into __.
      a. Text
      b. Numeric
      c. Currency and Date
      d. All of the above

      Show Answer ⟶
      d. All of the above

      Chapter 10: Working with Multiple Tables

      78. To edit a table in LibreOffice Base, Which of the following interfaces is used.
      a. Database Edit Interface
      b. Database User Interface
      c. Database Manage Interface
      d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        b. Database User Interface

        79. __ are used to set up between the tables which helps to control data redundancy and inconsistency.
        a. Relationship
        b. Common Field
        c. Database Interface
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        a. Relationship

        80. The most important prerequisite for setting a relationship is that there must be a _.
        a. Different field
        b. Common field
        c. Both a) and b)
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        b. Common field

        81. The table contains a unique record that is used as a main source of information known as _.
        a. Transaction table
        b. Master table
        c. Sub table
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        b. Master table

        82. What do you mean by transaction table in database.
        a. Table which make a relation with master table
        b. It is a support of master table
        c. Both a) and b)
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        c. Both a) and b)

        83. Primarily how many types of relationships can be set up between two tables.
        a. 2
        b. 3
        c. 4
        d. 5

        Show Answer ⟶
        b. 3

        84. In the database if the master table and transaction table both have a unique record then it will create __ type of relationship.
        a. One-to-One
        b. One-to-many
        c. Many-to-many
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        a. One-to-One

        85. _ specific record of the master table has more than one corresponding record in the related transaction table.
        a. One-to-One
        b. One-to-many
        c. Many-to-many
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        b. One-to-many

        86. In _ multiple records in the master table that correspond to multiple records in the transaction table.
        a. One-to-One
        b. One-to-many
        c. Many-to-many
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        c. Many-to-many

        87. What are the benefits of relating tables in a database?
        a. It helps to prevent data redundancy
        b. It helps to prevent missing data using referential integrity
        c. Restricts the user to enter invalid data using relationships
        d. All of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        d. All of the above

        88. Any update in the master table is automatically reflected in the transaction tables using________.
        a. Relationships
        b. Common Field
        c. Database Interface
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        a. Relationships

        89. What is the purpose of referential integrity in databases?
        a. Accuracy
        b. Consistency
        c. Completeness
        d. All of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        d. All of the above

        90. According to the principle of __ no unmatched foreign key values should exist in the database.
        a. Database
        b. Referential integrity
        c. Database Interface
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        b. Referential integrity

        91. Referential integrity allows only that corresponding record to be entered in the transaction table which already exists in _.
        a. Master table
        b. Transaction table
        c. Relationships table
        d. None of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        a. Master table

        92. LibreOffice base gives us how many options to maintain referential integrity in the database.
        a. 3
        b. 4
        c. 5
        d. 6

        Show Answer ⟶
        b. 4

        93. Which of the following referential integrity used in LibreOffice Base.
        a. No action
        b. Update cascade
        b. Set NULL or Set Default
        c. All of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        c. All of the above

        94. Which referential integrity states that users should not be allowed to update or delete records in the master table if the related record is present in the transaction table.
        a. No action
        b. Update cascade
        b. Set NULL or Set Default
        c. All of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        a. No action

        95. Which referential integrity states that the user is allowed to update or delete the referenced field along with the related record in the transaction table will also be updated or deleted.
        a. No action
        b. Update cascade
        b. Set NULL or Set Default
        c. All of the above

        Show Answer ⟶
        b. Update cascade

        Chapter 11: Queries in Base

        96. To search or retrieve the desired record from the database we have to give specifications in the form of _.
        a. Form
        b. Table
        c. Query
        d. Report

          Show Answer ⟶
          c. Query

          97. LibreOffice Base allows us to create a query and you can save it as __ in a database.
          a. a Micro
          b. an Object
          c. a Module
          d. None of the above

          Show Answer ⟶
          b. Object

          98. You can run query multiple times whenever it is required (True/False)

          Show Answer ⟶

          99. In LibreOffice Base you can create a query using __.
          a. Using a Wizard
          b. In Design View
          c. In SQL views
          d. All of the above

          Show Answer ⟶
          d. All of the above

          100. In LibreOffice Base, which mathematical function you can use in a query.
          a. count and sum
          b. maximum and minimum
          c. average
          d. All of the above

          Show Answer ⟶
          d. All of the above

          101. SQL stands for __.
          a. Simple Query Language
          b. Simple Question Language
          c. Structured Query Language
          d. None of the above

          Show Answer ⟶
          c. Structured Query Language

          102. Shortcut for opening the context menu in LibreOffice Base.
          a. Ctrl + F10
          b. Shift + F10
          c. Shift + F9
          d. Ctrl + F9

          Show Answer ⟶
          b. Shift + F10

          103. Shortcut for run query in LibreOffice Base.
          a. F5
          b. F3
          c. F2
          d. F8

          Show Answer ⟶
          a. F5

          104. Which is the most flexible way to create a query in LibreOffice Base.
          a. Design View
          b. Wizard
          c. SQL View
          d. None of the above

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          a. Design View

          105. In LibreOffice base query design window is divided in __ parts.
          a. Two
          b. Four
          c. Three
          d. One

          Show Answer ⟶
          a. Two

          106. In LibreOffice Base which view is used to insert SQL query manually.
          a. SQL View
          b. Design View
          c. Wizard View
          d. Datasheet View

          Show Answer ⟶
          a. SQL View

          107. In LibreOffice Base which of the following conditions you can apply in the Query Wizard to perform the result.
          a. is equal to/ is not equal to
          b. like/ not like/ is not null
          c. is smaller than/ is greater than
          d. All of the above

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          d. All of the above

          108. Which of the following functions is used to find the average of the numbers in LibreOffice Base design view.
          a. average
          b. avg
          c. total avg
          d. None of the above

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          a. average

          109. Which of the following functions is used to find the sum of numbers in LibreOffice Base.
          a. Total
          b. Sum
          c. Addition
          d. None of the above

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          b. Sum

          110. Which of the following functions is used to count total no of records in the table.
          a. Total
          b. Count
          c. Sum
          d. None of the above

          Show Answer ⟶
          b. Count

          111. In LibreOffice Base by default Query Name is _.
          a. Query 1
          b. Query
          c. MyQuery
          d. None of the above

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          a. Query 2

          112. After saving the query in LibreOffice Base the query will be seen in the _.
          a. Module area
          b. Object area
          c. Query area
          d. All of the above

          Show Answer ⟶
          b. Object area

          113. The result of the query will be displayed in a _ windows.
          a. Same
          b. Separate
          c. In New database
          d. None of the above

          Show Answer ⟶
          b. Separate Windows

          114. You can apply multiple conditions to design a query in LibreOffice Base. (True/ False)

          Show Answer ⟶

          115. Which of the following relational operators is used to define not equal in LibreOffice Base.
          a. >=
          b. Not=
          c. <>
          d. !=

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          d. !=

          116. What is the purpose of the Group function in LibreOffice Base?
          a. Group rows which have the different name
          b. Helps to groups for each of the data values in the column of category name.
          c. Calculate summaries like sum, average and count for each group within the data set.
          d. Both b) and c)

          Show Answer ⟶
          d. Both b) and c)

          Chapter 12: Forms and Reports

          117. The LibreOffice Base provides the _ feature for data entry purposes.
          a. Table
          b. Form
          c. Report
          d. None of the above

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            b. Form

            118. Which features are used by the database to retrieve data in a user friendly, understandable and formatted manner.
            a. Table
            b. Form
            c. Report
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            c. Report

            119. The Table, Query, Forms and Reports are considered as __ of the database.
            a. Object
            b. Function
            c. Method
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            a. Object

            120. The database objects are present in the __ of the LibreOffice Base User Interface.
            a. Database Pane
            b. Windows Pane
            c. Data Pane
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            a. Database Pane

            121. Form is also defined as __.
            a. Back End Application
            b. Front End Application
            c. Both a) and b)
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            b. Front End Application

            122. Which types of field control is used to design a Form in a database.
            a. Text Box, Label, heading and names
            b. Radio Button, graphics like logos
            c. Combo Box, Check Box
            d. All of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            d. All of the above

            123. In LibreOffice Base form can be created using which of the following ways.
            a. Using a wizard
            b. Using the design view
            c. Both a) and b)
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            c. Both a) and b)

            124. In LibreOffice Base the simplest way to create a form is using _.
            a. Using wizard
            b. Using design view
            c. Using Query
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            a. Using wizard

            125. In LibreOffice Base the field control consists of _ parts.
            a. 2
            b. 3
            c. 4
            d. 5

            Show Answer ⟶
            a. 2

            126. In LibreOffice Base the field control consists of __.
            a. Label
            b. Field Value
            c. Both a) and b)
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            c. Both a) and b)

            127. How many layouts are given in LibreOffice Base using the wizard option.
            a. 3
            b. 4
            c. 5
            d. 6

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            b. 4

            128. In LibreOffice Base by default the name of the form is the same as the name of the _.
            a. Form
            b. Table
            c. Database
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            b. Table

            129. _ toolbar contains various controls that can be added to the form.
            a. Records toolbar
            b. Form Control Toolbar
            c. Format Toolbar
            d. None of the above

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            b. Form Control Toolbar

            130. The Form Control toolbar is present on the __ of the Form design window.
            a. Left
            b. Right
            c. Middle
            d. Bottom

            Show Answer ⟶
            a. Left

            131. The _ toolbar contains the navigation control buttons and we can traverse and view the records in the file.
            a. Records toolbar
            b. Form Control Toolbar
            c. Format Toolbar
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            a. Record toolbar

            132. The form modification can be done once it is created, In LibreOffice Base modification can be changed to the __.
            a. Background color
            b. Font size
            c. Font color of the text or positioning of various controls
            d. All of the above

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            d. All of the above

            133. To change the background color of the form, right click on the form and select _.
            a. Page Style
            b. Background Style
            c. Database Style
            d. None of the above

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            a. Page Style

            134. The Page Style dialog box will appear when you will click on __.
            a. Color tab
            b. Area tab
            c. Design tab
            d. None of the above

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            b. Area tab

            135. Label text can be changed using which of the following options in LibreOffice Base.
            a. Property
            b. Design View
            c. Font design
            d. All of the above

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            a. Property

            136. A __ is a small piece of text that appears when the mouse cursor is over a specific control.
            a. Tool-design
            b. Tool-tip
            c. Tool-Font
            d. All of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            b. Tool-tip

            137. To add titles, headings or subheading in the Form using __.
            a. Textbox
            b. Combobox
            c. Labels
            d. Radio Button

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            c. Labels

            138. The records that have been extracted using a query are displayed in a simple row and column format known as __.
            a. Query
            b. Form
            c. Report
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            c. Report

            139. A layout is used to display the report in the form of _.
            a. Landscape
            b. Portrait
            c. Both a) and b)
            d. None of the above

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            c. Both a) and b)

            140. A default layout selected by the LibreOffice Base is __.
            a. Landscape
            b. Portrait
            c. Both a) and b)
            d. None of the above

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            a. Landscape

            141. By default the type of report is __ in LibreOffice Base.
            a. Dynamic
            b. Static
            c. Both a) and b)
            d. None of the above

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            a. Dynamic

            142. What do you mean by Dynamic report in LibreOffice Base.
            a. Automatic updation is allowed in the report
            b. Automatic updation is not allowed in the report
            c. Manually you have to add component in the report
            d. None of the above

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            a. Automatic updation is allowed in the report

            143. If you don’t want automatic updation of the report in LibreOffice Base, you can select the _ option.
            a. Dynamic
            b. Static
            c. Both a) and b)
            d. None of the above

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            c. Both a) and b)

            144. To make the report more presentable by inserting __.
            a. Titles
            b. Author name
            c. Date of generation of report
            d. All of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            d. All of the above

            145. To insert data and time in Report, you can use __.
            a. Insert > Date and Time
            b. Edit > Date and Time
            c. View > Date and Time
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            a. Insert > Date and time

            146. We can create a report based on a _.
            a. Table
            b. Query
            c. Both a) and b)
            d. None of the above

            Show Answer ⟶
            c. Both a) and b)

            Some Extra Previous Textbook MCQ

            147. A_________________ database management system is referred to as a relational model.
            a. RDBMS
            b. DBMS
            c. DB
            d. None of the above

              Show Answer ⟶
              a. RDBMS

              148. Data can be organized into __.
              a. Flat File
              b. Relational
              c. Both a) and b)
              d. None of the above

              Show Answer ⟶
              c. Both a) and b)

              149. Data stored in a single table is known as __.
              a. Flat File
              b. Relational
              c. Both a) and b)
              d. None of the above

              Show Answer ⟶
              a. Flat File

              150. Data is stored in multiple tables, which are connected together via a common field.
              a. Flat File
              b. Relational
              c. Both a) and b)
              d. None of the above

              Show Answer ⟶
              b. Relational

              151. DBMS Stands for __.
              a. Database Management System
              b. Database Manage System
              c. Data Manage System
              d. None of the above

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              a. Database Management System

              152. __ are dedicated computers which store database and related DBMS software.
              a. Database Server
              b. Decided Server
              c. Web Server
              d. None of the above

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              a. Database Server

              153. When the same data stored in multiple table is known as __.
              a. Data Redundancy
              b. Data Integrity
              c. Data Consistency
              d. None of the above

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              a. Data Redundancy

              154. _ prevents creating multiple copies in the database.
              a. Data Redundancy
              b. Data Integrity
              c. Data Consistency
              d. None of the above

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              a. Data Redundancy

              155. __ means that the data is accurate and consistent in the database.
              a. Data Redundancy
              b. Data Integrity
              c. Data Consistency
              d. None of the above

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              b. Data Integrity

              156. _ prevent multiple mismatching copies of the same data in the database and only valid data will be added in the database.
              a. Data Redundancy
              b. Backup and Recovery
              c. Data Consistency
              d. None of the above

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              c. Data Consistency

              158. The relationship between two tables where one table has one record and another table has many records is known as _.
              a. One-to-Many
              b. Many-to-Many
              c. Many-to-One
              d. None of the above

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              a. One-to-Many

              159. SQL stands for _.
              a. Single Query Language
              b. Structured Query Language
              c. Semantic Query Language
              d. None of the above

              Show Answer ⟶
              b. Structured Query Language

              160. __ are the basic building blocks of a database.
              a. Table
              b. Query
              c. Database
              d. None of the above

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              a. Table

              161. _ data type can store 0 or 1 in the database.
              a. Boolean
              b. TinyInt
              c. Smalint
              d. BigInt

              Show Answer ⟶
              a. Boolean

              162. In a table, a __ represents a single data item.
              a. Row
              b. Truple
              c. Both a) and b)
              d. None of the above

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              c. Both a) and b)

              163. __ is used to maintain accuracy and consistency of data in a relationship.
              a. Referential data
              b. Referential Integrity
              c. Referential Value
              d. None of the above

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              b. Referential Integrity

              164. What are the different types of relationships in LibreOffice Base, which are used to make connection between two tables___________.
              a. One to One
              b. One to Many or Many to One
              c. Many to Many
              d. All of the above

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              d. All of the above

              165. A Which of the following command used to define structure in the database.
              a. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
              b. Data Definition Language (DDL)
              c. Both a) and b)
              d. None of the above

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              b. Data Definition Language (DDL)

              166. A __ is a language that enables users to access and manipulate data in a database.
              a. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
              b. Data Definition Language (DDL)
              c. Both a) and b)
              d. None of the above

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              a. Data Manipulation Language (DML)

              167. A __ is a subset of DML that just deals with information retrieval.
              a. Query Language
              b. Structure Language
              c. Both a) and b)
              d. None of the above

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              a. Query Language

              168. To retrieve all the columns in a table the syntax is _.
              a. Select % from “Table name”;
              b. Select ** from “Table name” ;
              c. Select $ from “Table name” ;
              d. Select * from “Table name” ;

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              d. Select * from “table name”;

              169. The syntax of the update statement is _.
              a. Update set where ;
              b. Update set where ;
              c. Modify set where ;
              d. Modify set < value> where ;

              Show Answer ⟶
              b. Update set where ;

              170. By default, data is arranged in _ order using ORDER BY clause.
              a. Ascending
              b. Descending
              c. Both a) and b)
              d. None of the above

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              a. Ascending

              171. Which of the following use a systematic way for storing data in database.
              a. Query
              b. Form
              c. Table
              d. None of the above

              Show Answer ⟶
              b. Form

              172. __ will help you to display summarized data from the database.
              a. Report
              b. Form
              c. Table
              d. None of the above

              Show Answer ⟶
              a. Report

              Employability skills Class 10 Notes

              Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

              Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

              Information Technology Class 10 Notes

              Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

              Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

              Reference Textbook

              Details of NCERT books –
              Domestic Data Entry Operator
              First Edition
              DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
              November 2022

              The above Database Management System Class 10 MCQ was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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              Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Database Management System Class 10 MCQ, and our team has tried to collect all the correct MCQs from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

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