Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 11.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers

1. The purpose of Yoga is to attain
a. Perfect health
b. peace of mind
c. stress relief
d. enlightenment or self-realization. 

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d. enlightenment or self-realization

2. There are eight stages of training for a yogi to go through in order to reach “moksha” (release). What is the final stage called?
a. Samadhi
b. Yama
c. Pranayama
d. Kaivalya 

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d. Kaivalya

3. Yama and Niyama area part of
a. physical growth
b. charity
c. meditation 
d. morality and ethics

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c. meditation

4. Out of the following which one is NOT Ashtang Yoga?
a. Yama
b. Niyama
c. Dhauti 
d. Pratyahar

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c. Dhauti

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers

5. To stabilize and focus the mind on one object, image, sound or idea is called
a. Dharana
b. Dhyana 
c. Samadhi
d. Pratyahara

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b. Dhyana

6. Which of the following Asana can be practiced immediately after food?
a. Siddhasana
b. Simhasana
c. Swastikasana
d. Vajrasana 

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d. Vajrasana

7. Withdrawal of senses from the sensory objects is
a. Dharana
b. Dhyana
c. Pratyahara 
d. Samadhi

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c. Pratyahara

8. Which of the following Asana is good for thyroid gland?
a. Dhanurasana
b. Paschimottanasana
c. Chakrasana
d. Sarvangasana 

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d. Sarvangasana

9. ____________ is a very good Kriya to get rid of nasal allergy?
a. Vastradhauti
b. Dandadhauti
c. Neti 
d. Kapalbhati

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c. Neti

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers

10. Suryanamaskaris a well-devised combination of ………………. and breathing.
a. Pranayama
b. Dhyana
c. Bandha
d. Asana 

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d. Asana

11. Which of these is a Kriya?
a. Kapalbhati 
b. Bhastrika
c. Ujjayi
d. Nadishodhana

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a. Kapalbhati

12. List four Pranayam techniques.
Answer – The four Pranayam techniques are –
a. Nadhi Sodhana aka Anuloma Viloma
b. Kapalabha
c. Ujjayi Pranayama
d. Sitali Pranayama

13. Yoga-nidrais performedini.
a. Shavaasana t
b. Simhasana
c. Swastikasana
d. Vajrasana

14. Yoga-nidraisa/an
a. Asana t
b. Pranayama
c. Dhayan
d. Samadhi

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers

15. Define yoga.
Answer – Yoga is primarily a spiritual practice that focuses on achieving harmony between the body and mind. It is based on a very delicate science. It is a science and an art of living healthily. The Sanskrit word “Yoga” is derived from the root “Yuj,” which means “to join,” “to yoke,” or “to unify.”

16. Who is known as Father of Yoga?
Answer – Sage Maharshi Patanjali is known as father of Yoga.

17. How can yoga contribute in enhancing personal power?
Answer – Yoga is essential for the growth of positive emotions. It promotes emotional balance. It aids in emotional regulation. Yoga techniques including yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, and meditation assist in managing emotions.

18. What is the role of yoga in reducing stress?
Answer – Numerous research have indicated that yoga might aid in lowering tension and anxiety. Your mood and general sense of wellbeing may be improved by yoga. Yoga may also assist you in controlling depression and anxiety symptoms brought on by trying circumstances.

19. List the importance of yoga.
Answer – A person’s mental health might be enhanced by practicing yoga because it incorporates breathing and meditation. Regular yoga practice improves bodily awareness, reduces chronic stress patterns, relaxes the mind, focusses attention, and sharpens concentration in addition to other benefits.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers

20. What is the modern concept of yoga?
Answer – Modern yoga encompasses a wide range of yoga techniques with varied goals, including tantric and devotional practices, physical postures derived from Hatha yoga, and strategies for Hindu nation-building. Its various forms also incorporate yoga philosophy originating from the Vedas.

21. How does yoga help in self-actualization?
Answer – Yoga practitioners embody. We discover how to move intentionally and acknowledge our limitations. We also discover how to accept the feelings and thoughts we have inside. Yoga therefore offers us a chance to see our true selves, or self-actualization.

22. How does yoga help in attitude formation?
Answer – It promotes emotional balance. It aids in emotional regulation. Yoga techniques including yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, and meditation assist in managing emotions. For instance, the nonviolence principle will shield us from unpleasant sensations and encourage the growth of loving and compassionate feelings.

23. List the components of Ashtang Yoga.
Answer – Ashtanga is known as “Ashta + anga” in Sanskrit. Ashtanga yoga is based on Patanjali’s Yoga Philosophy and is known as the “Eight Limb Path” since “Ashta” means eight and “Anga” means limbs. The Patanjali Yoga Sutras are the foundation for the asanas, pranayamas, dharana that we have already studied, as well as the yam and niyam.
The components or Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga
a. Yama
b. Niyama
c. Asana
d. Pranayama
e. Pratyahara
f. Dharana
g. Dhyan
i. Samadhi

24. What is Yama?
Answer – Yamas is the Sanskrit word for restraint. Five social restrictions and moral guidelines known as the yamas are outlined in religious writings of Hinduism and Jainism. Yamas are the first limb of yoga in the Ashtanga yoga system, often known as the eight-limbed path, according to the Yoga Sutras treatise written by the Indian sage Patanjali.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers

25. What is Niyama?
Answer – Niyama means “rules, norms, or observances” in Sanskrit. The niyamas can be found in Buddhist and Hindu writings, but Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, which outline the eight limbs of yoga, is where they are most recognized.

26. What are the purpose of Ashtang Yoga?
Answer – Purification of the body and mind is the ultimate goal of Ashtanga practice. You will consume a lot of tapas as a result of your swift and forceful movements, and anything extra—both physical and mental—will have to make room. With this technique, you are compelled to concentrate and advance.

27. How does yoga contribute to an individual’s personality development?
Answer – Yoga is essential for the growth of positive emotions. It promotes emotional balance. It aids in emotional regulation. Yoga techniques including yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, and meditation assist in managing emotions.

28. How do yogic asanas help in developing neuro-muscular coordination?
Answer – A simple asana to enhance awareness, focus, and neuromuscular coordination while engaging in any activity Additionally, this pose strengthens your leg muscles, enhances your balance, and cultivates a steady mind. It also increases joint flexibility.

29. What is significance of Pranayam?
Answer – In order to improve the connection between your body and mind, pranayama is used. According to research, pranayama can encourage mindfulness and calm. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to assist a variety of bodily functions, such as blood pressure, brain function, and lung function.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers

30. What is the effect of Kriyas on our body?
Answer – These kriyas tone the intestines and abdominal viscera while cleaning the eyes, respiratory system, and food pipe. They also hone the mind, wash the intestines, and increase resistance to infections. The kriyas not only purify the system as a whole but also have a massaging effect where they are applied.

31. How does meditation help in relaxing the mind?
Answer – Deep relaxation and mental calmness are two effects of meditation. You concentrate during meditation and get rid of the constant stream of disorganized ideas that could be stressing you out. The approach may lead to improved mental and emotional health.

32. What is the role of yoga to produce an effective citizen for the country?
Answer – Yoga encourages hygiene (Shaucha), which can contribute to a successful and healthy India. It is self-evident that a healthy mind and body go hand in hand. Yoga’s various practices assist in accomplishing this. Yoga thus has a hopeful future in a developed and healthy India.

33. What is yoga-nidra?
Answer – Yoga Nidra refers to yogic or psychedelic slumber. It is a mental state brought on by guided meditation that lies in between awake and asleep. Yoga Nidra is thought to have a history that predates that of yoga itself because it is described in the Upanishads. Lord Krishna and Yoga Nidra are related in the Mahabharata.

34. Explain the benefits of yoga-nidrain detail.
Answer – Additionally, it can be used to control immunological response, blood pressure, cortisol levels, and promote sound sleep. According to a recent study, while both yoga nidra and meditation were efficient at lowering stress and anxiety, yoga nidra appeared to be more effective at doing so.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answers

35. What is the procedure to do perfect yoga-nindra?
Answer – Yoga nidra, commonly referred to as yogic sleep, is a potent method for managing your body’s relaxation reaction. Yoga nidra can be just as rejuvenating as sleep while you’re still awake. Offering your body and mind an additional window of profound relaxation has great advantages!

36. What is meditation?
Answer – You may improve both your physical and emotional health by practicing meditation, which can help you feel quiet, peaceful, and in balance. By turning your attention back to something peaceful, you can also utilize it to unwind and deal with stress. Your ability to maintain inner calm and focus can be improved through meditation.

37. Define yogic kriyas.
Answer – Yogic Kriyas are cleansing methods that purify the body’s internal organs. Because there are six of them, they are also known as shatkriyas or shatkarma. They are frequently referred to as Neti, Dhauti, Basti, Trataka, Nauli, and Kapalbhati. The primary Kriyas are listed below: Injala Neti (Nasal Cleansing).

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Physical Education Class 11 Questions and Answers 

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