Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 4 Notes

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 4 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 11.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 4 Notes

With the introduction of the Right to Education, which makes education a fundamental right of every child between the ages of 6 and 14, all children, including those who are physically and mentally challenged, or who are suffering from a variety of disabilities and disorders, have the right to attend school in order to develop their abilities through the process of education.

The Perkins School for Students with Visual Disabilities in Boston established the first physical education programme for students with disabilities in 1838 because the school’s director wanted the students to benefit from the potential health advantages of physical activity.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 4 Notes

Concept of Disability and Disorder

Disability – Any form of impairment or persistent loss of physical or mental capacity is referred to as a disability. Any form of physical loss, mental disorder, intellectual disability, or decrease in the use of sense organs might all be contributing factors to the diminution. This could start at birth or develop over the course of a person’s life. The full utilization of a person’s body structures and functions is decreased, which has an impact on their engagement in various aspects of life.

Disorders – are any illnesses that affect a person’s well-being, impair their performance, and reduce their effectiveness. Disorder develops within a person; while they start out tiny, they may become significant and develop into a disability. Diseases come in many different forms, including mental disorders, neurological disorders, hyperactivity disorders, eating disorders, addiction disorders, and attention disorders, among others.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 4 Notes

Types of Disability

Physical disabilities
Any restriction on a person’s physical functioning, mobility, dexterity, or endurance is referred to as a physical impairment. Other physical limitations might restrict other aspects of everyday life, such as breathing problems, eyesight, epilepsy, and sleep issues.

Intellectual disabilities
When a person’s capacity to study at an expected level and function in daily life is restricted, it is said that they have an intellectual impairment. Children with different levels of intellectual impairment.

Cognitive disabilities
A person is said to have a cognitive impairment when they have certain limits in their mental functioning as well as in skills like communication, self-help, and social skills. Due to these restrictions, a youngster will learn and grow more slowly than an average child.

Affective disorders
A group of mental diseases known as affective disorders or mood disorders. Bipolar disorder and depression are the two main varieties of affective illnesses. The severity of a person’s symptoms might vary from minor to severe. An affective disorder can be determined by a psychiatrist or other qualified mental health practitioner.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 4 Notes

Aim of Adapted Physical Education

The main goal of adapted physical education (APE) is to make physical education accessible to everyone based on their needs while also giving everyone the chance to engage in physical education and sports.

Objectives of Physical Education

The main objectives of adapted physical education include

To build a Programme to meet the needs of CWSN – An individual education plan is created once the learner is evaluated according to the physical education standards. For instance, an organised programme with clearly defined timings, a trainer or coach, the start and end of an activity, and a description of the ability using graphic cards is helpful for a successful partnership with a student with autism.

To build in CWSN the capacity to be functionally active for lifetime – Daily living skills are more challenging for children with special needs because of movement restrictions, coordination concerns, lifestyle issues, behavioral issues, and cognitive difficulties. APE trains the brain, muscles, and certain movements for a variety of functional tasks, activities, or sporting prowess. In this way, APE promotes lifelong activity through a consistent programme.

To provide a safe and accessible PE and sports Programme as per the needs of the individual – Safety needs to be the first priority during PE classes because the movements are so reactive and dynamic. Safety concerns may be exacerbated for children with exceptional needs who face a variety of physical and psychological difficulties. In order to make PE safe and accessible, the setting, instruction, and equipment are altered during an APE session.

To ensure active participation or transition towards the integrated or regular PE Programme (Inclusion) – APE guarantees a student’s active and passive participation in a designed curriculum tailored to their specific needs. This programme can be used to maintain motor skills, skill-based activities, competitive sports, integration, and inclusion as well as basic functional fitness.

Helping to develop self-esteem in CWSN – When CWSN can access the activity or sports and engage successfully, APE helps to improve self-esteem and self-image. The ease with which they can complete these tasks and activities and the recognition they gain as a result motivate them to pursue higher objectives.

To promote regularity and discipline – Participating in sports and physical activity can make you feel good, which encourages discipline and regularity. It motivates the student to keep up the sport or activity and live a healthy lifestyle, which aids in overcoming obstacles and achieving greater success.

To promote sportsmanship – According to the Collins definition, sportsmanship is the behaviour and attitudes that demonstrate respect for the game’s rules and the other players. Sports have both a fun and a disciplined element, where you aim to accomplish a goal whether you’re playing alone or with a team.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 4 Notes

Role of various professionals for CWSn

School Counsellor – They collaborate with different members of the school community to foster an environment where kids may learn. They have a responsibility to ensure that a concerted team effort is made to meet the needs of all children and to guarantee that those students have access to both school and community resources.

Physiotherapist – The most well-known of the therapists who deal with CWSN is undoubtedly a physiotherapist. To help these patients regain and maintain the best possible use of their bodies, they use workouts.

Occupational Therapist – A CWSN receives training from an occupational therapist in assisted daily living, self-care, and activities requiring fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. An occupational therapy programme assists kids in taking part in play and socializing with others.

Speech Therapist – Students with special needs who struggle with communication are treated, supported, and cared for by a speech therapist at school.
Speech therapists assist students with unique needs in developing their speech and language skills.

Special Educator – A special educator is essential in bringing together all the parties involved at home and at school. The special educator is in charge of determining the child’s level and monitoring performance or behavior to promote improvement in various special needs education subject areas.

Physical Education Class 11 Syllabus | Notes | Questions and Answers

Physical Education Class 11 Notes 

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