Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 7 Question Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 7 Question Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 11.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 7 Question Answers

1. Muscles are connected to bones by
a. ligaments
b. cartilage
c. tendons 
d. None of the above

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c. tendons

2. A flexor
a. decreases the angle at a joint 
b. extends a limb
c. moves a limb towards the midline
d. None of the above

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a. decreases the angle at a joint

3. Shoulder and Hip Joints are an example of
a. ball and socket joint 
b. hinge joint
c. saddle joint
d. None of the above

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a. ball and socket joint

4. Histology refers to the study of the
a. cells of the body
b. history of anatomy
c. tissues of the body
d. Both a) and c) 

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d. Both a) and c)

5. The membrane on the surface of a lung is called the
a. pleura 
b. pericardium
c. mucosa
d. None of the above

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a. pleura

6. The short bones are generally
a. flat
b. cube-shaped 
c. curved
d. thin

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b. cube-shaped

7. One of the functions of the skeletal system includes hematopoiesis which refers to
a. provision of support to the body
b. formation of blood cells 
c. production of minerals
d. protection of delicate organs

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b. formation of blood cells

8. A child has bones.
a. 206
b. 213 
c. 225
d. 270

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b. 213

9. Bones serves as a store house for
a. potassium
b. calcium and phosphorus 
c. calcium
d. nitrogen

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b. calcium and phosphorus

10. According to the functional classification of joint which focuses on the amount of the movement of the joint, synarthroses are also known as:
a. immovable joints
b. slightly movable joints
c. freely movable joints 
d. combination of immovable and slightly movable joints

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c. freely movable joints

11. The sutures of the skull are the best examples of:
a. cartilaginous joints
b. synovial joints
c. fibrous joints 
d. freely movable joints

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c. fibrous joints

12. The synovial joints in which angular movement is allowed in just one plane is called
a. hinge joint 
b. saddle joint
c. plane joint
d. pivot joint

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a. hinge joint

13. How many types of muscle tissue are there?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3 
d. 4

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c. 3

14. Locomotion and facial expression are one of the important responsibilities of
a. Cardiac muscles
b. Skeletal muscle 
c. Smooth muscle
d. cardiac and skeletal muscles

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b. Skeletal muscle

15. The ability of a muscle to shorten forcefully is known as
a. extensibility
b. contractility 
c. elasticity
d. excitability

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b. contractility

16. The study of the larger structures of the body such as heart, lungs and bones is known as
a. Systemic Anatomy
b. Regional Anatomy
c. Surface Anatomy
d. Microscopic Anatomy 

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d. Microscopic Anatomy

17. The athlete who has a greater dominance of slow twitch muscle fibre is
a. a sprinter
b. a middle distance runner
c. a long distance runner 
d. a long jumper

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c. a long distance runner

18. Differentiate between Anatomy and Physiology.
Answer – Physiology is the study of how those structures work, whereas anatomy deals with the interior and exterior structures of the body and their physical interactions. In this chapter, anatomy and physiology are defined along with their significance to biomedical engineering.

19. What is the difference between Gross Anatomy and Microscopic Anatomy?
Answer – Microscopic anatomy is concerned with the study of structural elements that are small enough to be seen only with a light microscope, whereas “gross anatomy” often refers to the study of those bodily parts big enough to be seen without the use of magnifying instruments. The foundation of all anatomical study is dissection.

20. Define Anatomy and Physiology. Elucidate the importance of Anatomy and Physiology in the field of sports.
Answer – Physiology is the study of how those structures work, whereas anatomy deals with the interior and exterior structures of the body and their physical interactions. In the world of sports, having a strong and healthy body is a need. A sport person may develop a fit and healthy body by studying anatomy and physiology to better understand the structure and function of various human body components.

21. Name the longest and the shortest bones in the body.
Answer – The femur is the longest bone in the human body, while the stapes, which is located in the middle ear, is the shortest bone.

22. List at least two functions of the skeletal system.
Answer – Your body’s skeletal system serves as a support system for it. It offers protection for organs, enables mobility, creates blood cells, gives the body its structure, and stores minerals.

23. Name the four main classification of bones.
Answer – There are four different types of bone in the human body:
a. Long bone
b. Short bone
c. Flat bone
d. Irregular bone

24. What are the two basic classifications of a joint?
Answer – Fibrous joints are called synarthroses. Cartilaginous joints are called amphiarthroses.

25. What is the major difference between a fibrous joint and a cartilaginous joint?
Answer – In a fibrous joint, bones that were in close touch with one another are held together by fibrous connective tissue. Hyaline or fibrocartilage holds the articulation together in a cartilaginous joint. Neither kind allows for a lot of mobility.

26. Name two ball and socket joints of the body.
Answer – Name of two ball and socket joints are shoulder joint and your hip joint. The only ball-and-socket joints in the human body are those in the shoulder and hip because of the large range of motion required at the ends of the body’s limbs and the enormous amount of muscle required to move and maintain such flexible joints.

27. What is a muscle? List the major types of muscles.
Answer – Muscle is a soft tissue found in both animals and humans. This muscles are made up of many elastic fibres. Your body contains more than 600 muscles. The functions of various muscle groups vary. Some muscles enable you to move quickly—like running or jumping—or deftly—like threading a needle.
Major Types of muscles are –
a. Skeletal muscle
b. Smooth muscle
c. Cardiac muscle

28. Enlist the four major functional characteristics of the skeletal muscles.
Answer – Skeletal muscle has four major functional characteristics: contractility, excitability, extensibility, and elasticity.

29. Write down the properties of cardiac muscle
Answer – Cardiac muscle properties: same sliding filament mechanism. Cardiovascular muscle fibres are short, fatty, branching, and linked, in contrast to skeletal muscle. Additionally, cardiac muscle fibres have just one or two nuclei, more mitochondria, fewer T-tubules, and significantly less sarcoplasmic reticulum than other muscle fibre types.

30. How are smooth muscles different from cardiac muscles?
Answer – The slowest to contract and release are smooth muscles. Under a microscope, the massive, multinucleated cells that make up skeletal muscles seem striped or striated. Although they are smaller, branching, and uninucleate, cardiac muscles are likewise striated.

31. Where are smooth muscles found?
Answer – The body has smooth muscle, which performs a number of different tasks. It aids in digestion and nutrition absorption in the stomach and intestines. It is present throughout the urinary system, where it aids in electrolyte balance and detoxification of the body.

32. How do cardiac muscles differ from skeletal muscles?
Answer – Cardiac muscle contracts rhythmically and is not controlled by the conscious mind, unlike skeletal muscle. The sinoatrial node of the heart, which acts as the heart’s pacemaker, controls the rhythmic contraction of cardiac muscle.

Physical Education Class 11 Syllabus | Notes | Questions and Answers

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Physical Education Class 11 Questions and Answers 

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