Physical Education Class 12 Chapter 3 Question Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Physical Education Class 12 Chapter 3 Question Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 12.

Physical Education Class 12 Chapter 3 Question Answers

1. Which gland is associated with Diabetes
a. Endocrine glands
b. Pituitary
c. Pancreas 
d. Hypothalmus

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c. Pancreas

2. Polyurea is associated with
a. excessive sweat
b. less urination
c. excessive saliva
d. excessive urination 

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d. excessive urination

3. Bhujangasana is also known as
a. Dog posture
b. Child posture
c. Cobra posture 
d. Reverse Boat posture

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c. Cobra posture

4. Which asana can be suggested as preparatory asana for Pawanmuktasana
a. Tadasana
b. Bhujangasana 
c. Matsyendrasana
d. Naukasana

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b. Bhujangasana

5. At what point is Blood pressure considered high
a. 80 over 120
b. 130 over 80
c. 140 over 90
d. 210 over 120 

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d. 210 over 120

6. Which asana suggested for low back pain is contraindicated for sciatica?
a. Vakrasana
b. Savasana 
c. Ardhchakrasana
d. Salabhasana

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b. Savasana

7. What causes an Asthma Attack?
a. Allergy 
b. Smoke
c. Exercise
d. All of the above

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a. Allergy

8. Poor exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in an individual is the result of
a. exercise induced Asthma
b. allergy induced Asthma
c. Pulmonary Hypertension
d. Respiratory Failure 

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d. Respiratory Failure

9. Which asana is base asana for curing Asthma?
a. Sukhasana 
b. Chakrasana
c. Matsyasana
d. Parvatasana

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a. Sukhasana

10. Explain the correct breathing pattern while performing Paschimotasana.
Answer – From the Sanskrit words pawan, meaning wind, and mukta, meaning release or relief, derives the name Pawanmuktasana. Lift your head, neck, and chest while taking a deep breath, bringing them up toward your knees. Bring your chin as close to your knees as you can.

Make sure the knees are closer to the face and that the head moves less. By applying pressure on the abdominal muscles in this manner, the wind or gas that has built up around the abdominal organs can be released.

11. Write in detail the benefits of Pawanmuktasana.
Answer – The benefits of Pawanmuktasana is –
a. It improves digestion.
b. This asana helps in releasing the unwanted gas/wind accumulated at various parts around the abdomen thus relieving constipation and flatulence.
c. Joint pains are cured by doing this asana.
d. Blood circulation in legs is improved by this asana, thus providing relief to someone suffering from varicose veins.
e. Strengthening muscles around the neck and shoulders will help in easing initial stages of spondylitis.
f. Removes excess fat around the lower abdomen, hips, chest and arms.
g. Release of gas helps in healing migraine

12. Explain the correct breathing pattern while performing Paschimotasana.
Answer – The benefits of Paschimotasana are –
a. This yoga posture stretches the muscles around the spine, lower back and the calf muscles, thus improving blood circulation.
b. As the body moves forward, pressure is put on the digestive organs and pelvic organs thus healing them from within and toning them. Digestion improves and much blocked gas in and around the lower abdomen gets released.
c. Respiration is improved by doing this asana as pressure is put on the thorax and abdomen.
d. Paschimotasana improves the alignment of the vertebral column.
e. This asana is therapeutic for diabetics, or patients with weak liver and kidney.
f. Paschimotasana benefits women during menstrual disorders.

13. Discuss the technique and benefits of Bhujangasana.
Answer –
Step 1: First, lay on your stomach with your forehead resting on the ground. Keep your toes grouped together and your feet facing up.

Step 2: Lower your shoulders to the ground and place your palms there. Your elbows should be parallel to your torso and tucked in closer to your body.

Step 3: Breathe deeply, softly press your palms into the ground, and raise your upper body off the floor while remaining in this position. While the remainder of your body remains in contact with the ground, lift only your head, chest, and abdomen.

Step 4: Stay in this position with your body for a bit and inhale deeply. Make sure to maintain equal pressure on both sides of the palms of your hands while you support your upper body.

Step 5: After exhaling, bring your head, chest, and abdomen back to the ground.

14. Explain Diabetes and its symptoms
Answer – The three polys—polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia—are referred to as the primary signs and symptoms of diabetes. People who are at a high risk of getting diabetes should be aware of these signs and seek medical help if they do.

Physical Education Class 12 Notes and Syllabus

Physical Education Class 12 Questions Answers and Syllabus

Physical Education Class 12 Notes 

Physical Education Class 12 Questions and Answers

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