Psychology and Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Psychology and Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 12.

Psychology and Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

1. Endomorph body type according to Sheldon is
a. a round body 
b. a pear-shaped body
c. a wedge-shaped body
d. a lean and thin body

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a. a round body

2. Which body type can be characterized by a round body and jovial personality?
a. endomorph 
b. ectomorph
c. mesomorph
d. graphomorph

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a. endomorph

3. A person who is bold and outgoing is an
a. Introvert
b. Extrovert 
c. Ambivert
d. Somatotype

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b. Extrovert

4. Motivation that drives individuals to naturally pursue actions that provide fun, joy, pleasure or challenge is called
a. Extrinsic Motivation
b. Amotivation
c. Intrinsic Motivation 
d. Cognitive Motivation

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c. Intrinsic Motivation

Psychology and Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

5. Motivation through reward or praise is known as
a. Intrinsic Motivation
b. Extrinsic Motivation 
c. Pedagogical Motivation
d. Facilitation Motivation

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b. Extrinsic Motivation

6. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Intrinsic Motivation?
a. goals
b. feedback 
c. needs
d. attitudes

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b. feedback

7. Which of the following is effective for prevention of Coronary Heart Disease?
a. Regular Exercise 
b. Sedentary Lifestyle
c. Medicine
d. Dieting

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a. Regular Exercise

8. Which one of the following is NOT a result of regular exercise?
a. Increased bone density
b. Increased cholesterol level. 
c. Strong immune system.
d. Increased longevity.

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b. Increased cholesterol level.

9. Normally people do not adhere to a regular exercising programme due to
a. lack of proper goals 
b. adding a variety of exercises
c. social support enhancement
d. feedback from instructor

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a. lack of proper goals

Psychology and Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

10. Which of the following is a legitimate behavior?
a. Hostile Aggression 
b. Instrumental Aggression
c. Assertiveness
d. Proactive Aggression

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a. Hostile Aggression

11. In instrumental aggression, the main aim is to using aggression.
a. cause harm to the opponent
b. achieve a positive goal 
c. express your feeling of jealousy
d. show your hostility to an opponent

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b. achieve a positive goal

12. Aggression is displayed in sports through ________
a. assertion of views
b. use of abusive words
c. walking away from the opponent
d. strictly following the rules 

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d. strictly following the rules

13. Define Personality?
Answer – personality refers to a person’s distinctive ways of feeling, thinking, and doing. Interactions with other people are the best places to see personality in action because it encompasses moods, attitudes, and ideas.

14. What does OCEAN represent according to Big Five Theory of Personality?
Answer – This evaluates your level of attention in both your personal and professional life. If you have a high conscientiousness score, you are probably organized, thorough, and able to establish and carry out plans. If your score is poor, you probably lack discipline and organization.

Psychology and Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

15. Comment upon Allport’s Theory of Personality.
Answer – Major qualities, according to Allport, are uncommon and dominant and typically appear later in life. They often characterize a person so thoroughly that their names come to represent their character.

16. Differentiate between Introvert and Extrovert personality?
Answer – Extroverts get their energy from socializing in bigger groups and from having lots of friends rather than a select group of close friends, whereas introverts get their energy from being by themselves or from spending time with fewer friends.

17. What are the types of personality traits according to the Big Five Theory?
Answer – Extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism are the five main personality qualities.

18. Define Motivation.
Answer – In sports, motivation is an essential factor in determining behavior. Athletes’ numerous and dynamic reasons for starting, focusing, maintaining, and stopping effort make it a complex construct. Athletes may be motivated by internal, external, or a combination of both elements, depending on the situation and the time of day.

19. Differentiate between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.
Answer – Choosing to work for your own personal rewards is an example of intrinsic motivation. When you work in order to receive a reward or avoid punishment, you are motivated by extrinsic motivation.

Psychology and Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

20. Write a short note on any two techniques of motivation.
Answer – These motivational factors can be divided into the two main groups of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Athletes that are intrinsically motivated play sports for internal motivations like enjoyment, while extrinsically motivated athletes play sports for external motivations like monetary benefits.

21. How can a coach strategize in motivating an athlete to keep performing?
Answer – Coaches can help athletes become more autonomous by promoting self-reflection, performance analysis, and an open assessment of their physical and emotional health. The motivation of an athlete has a major impact on their performance and perceived level of skill.

22. Mention the strategies to enhance exercise adherence.
Answer – By increasing daily activities (such as gardening, walking the dog, and climbing stairs), creating a suitable home exercise programme, and taking into account brief bursts of activity rather than long ones for patients who “couldn’t find the time to exercise,” compliance with exercise can be improved.

23. What are the psychological benefits of exercise? Explain.
Answer – Exercise boosts mental health by lowering anxiety, depression, and depressive symptoms, as well as by raising self-esteem and increasing cognitive abilities. Additionally, it has been discovered that exercise helps with symptoms including social disengagement and low self-esteem.

24. Explain the various reasons to exercise.
Answer – reduce the chance of having a heart attack. Better weight maintenance Lower blood cholesterol levels can be managed. lowering the risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Psychology and Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

25. Briefly list the benefits of exercise.
Answer – Benefits of exercise is –
a. Boosts energy
b. Improve Health conditions
c. Controls weight
d. Improve mood

26. What do you understand by aggression in sports?
Answer – Aggression is a trait that can affect performance both positively and negatively in sports. According to the definition of aggression, it is “any behavior intended to hurt or injure another living being who is driven to avoid such treatment.”

27. Define hostile aggression.
Answer – Violent attitudes or behaviors motivated by rage and a desire to rule over others or a circumstance are referred to as hostile aggression. It manifests itself verbally, nonverbally, and physically with the purpose to do harm.

28. Define instrumental aggression.
Answer – Instrumental aggression occurs when someone purposefully behaves aggressively in order to accomplish a specific goal. Because there is no emotional motivation behind this sort of aggression, only a purpose, it differs from aggressive aggression. In addition, it alludes to cognitive hostility.

29. Differentiate between Hostile aggression, Instrumental aggression and Assertiveness?
Answer – The objective of aggressiveness is what distinguishes it most from instrumental aggression. The aim of hostile aggression is to hurt or harm another person. The aim of instrumental violence is to accomplish something. This is the primary distinction. Let’s look more closely at these two ideas in this essay.

Physical Education Class 12 Notes and Syllabus

Physical Education Class 12 Questions Answers and Syllabus

Physical Education Class 12 Notes 

Physical Education Class 12 Questions and Answers

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