Training in Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Training in Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 12.

Training in Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

1. Isokinetic method was developed by .
a. HC Buck
b. Joy Perrny
c. J.J. Perrine 
d. JJ Coubertin

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c. J.J. Perrine

2. In Exercise no movement takes place.
a. Isometric 
b. Isotonic
c. Isokinetic
d. Isonomic

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a. Isometric

3. Under which kind of strength would you put Shotput?
a. Strength Endurance
b. Explosive Strength
c. Maximum strength 
d. Speed Strength

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c. Maximum strength

4. Which is not a type of endurance according to nature of activities
a. Basic Endurance
b. General Endurance
c. Specific Endurance
d. Speed Endurance 

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d. Speed Endurance

Training in Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

5. 400m sprint event comes under
a. Speed Endurance 
b. Short Endurance
c. Medium Endurance
d. Long Endurance

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a. Speed Endurance

6. There will be no variation in pace in activity in
a. Fartlek Method
b. Continuous Method 
c. Interval Method
d. None of Above

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b. Continuous Method

7. Which is not a type of Speed
a. Reaction
b. Sprinting 
c. Acceleration
d. Speed endurance

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b. Sprinting

8. Which is not a type of Flexibility?
a. Active
b. Passive
c. Ballistic
d. Stretch 

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d. Stretch

9. In which method is stretching done in a rhythmic way?
a. Slow stretch
b. Slow stretch and hold
c. Ballistic method 
d. PNF

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c. Ballistic method

Training in Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

10. Ability to coordinate body part movements with one another and in relation to a definite goal oriented body movement is known as:
a. Balance Ability
b. Adaptation Ability
c. Rhythm Ability
d. Coupling Ability 

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d. Coupling Ability

11. Ability to attain high level of fine tuning of movement phases is known as:
a. Differentiation Ability 
b. Orientation Ability
c. Adaptation Ability
d. Coupling Ability

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a. Differentiation Ability

12. Circuit Training Method was designed by:
a. Adamson and Morgan 
b. Morgan and Morgan
c. Adamson and Adamson
d. None of Above

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a. Adamson and Morgan

13. Ability to attain high level of fine tuning of movement phases is known as:
a. Differentiation Ability 
b. Orientation Ability
c. Adaptation Ability
d. Coupling Ability

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a. Differentiation Ability

14. What is Strength?
Answer – Positive character characteristics or abilities are referred to as strengths. Knowledge, characteristics, abilities, and talents are examples of strengths.

Training in Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

15. Explain Isometric exercise with suitable examples.
Answer – Isometric exercises encourage muscles to contract without moving the nearby joints. These workouts can be used to increase muscle endurance.

16. Write a short note on the different types of Strength.
Answer – Muscle strength refers to their capacity to overcome resistance. Dynamic strength and static strength are two categories under which strength can be classified. Because it relates to quick movements, dynamic strength is also known as isotonic strength. We need dynamic strength to perform push-ups and pull-ups.

17. Explain the preventive measures to be kept in mind during strength training.
Answer – For several reasons, strength training is an extremely useful technique for preventing injuries. Muscles, tendons, even ligaments and bones become stronger with strength exercise.

18. What are various methods for developing Strength? Write in detail.
Answer – The various methods for developing Strength are –
a. Climbin Stairs
b. Playing Games
c. Cycling
d. Dancing
e. Weights lifting

19. Define Endurance.
Answer – Exercises that raise your respiration and heart rate are categorised as endurance exercises and include jogging, swimming, biking, and jumping rope. Your heart, lungs, and circulatory system stay healthy with endurance exercise, which also boosts your general fitness.

Training in Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

20. Explain types of endurance according to the duration of the activity.
Answer – There are four different types of endurance: aerobic, anaerobic, speed, and strength.

21. Explain methods to develop endurance in detail.
Answer – There are many different ways to train for sports, including the continuous method, the interval method, the repetition technique, the circuit method, the fartlek method

22. What are acceleration runs?
Answer – It is the capacity to accelerate one’s speed from walking to running and then racing. The frequency of movement, technique, and explosive strength all play a role. This is practised after acquiring the right technique to achieve the highest speed from a standstill position.

23. Define Speed.
Answer – The speed at which an object’s location changes in any direction. The distance travelled in relation to the time it took to travel that distance is how speed is defined. Since speed simply has a direction and no magnitude, it is a scalar quantity.

24. Explain types of Speed and methods to develop speed.
Answer – Sprinters often reach their top speed in 6 seconds after stopping from a standing posture. Acceleration runs are used to develop speed, especially in reaching maximum speed from a standstill position.

Training in Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

25. Define flexibility.
Answer – A flexible person or object is one who or something that can be easily bent, convinced, or transformed.

26. What do you mean by Passive Flexibility?
Answer – In order to reduce the risk of over-extending a cold or tight muscle, passive flexibility is best practiced as a cool-down exercise after a workout session.

27. Explain types of Speed and methods to develop speed.
Answer – Sprinters often reach their top speed in 6 seconds after stopping from a standing posture. Acceleration runs are used to develop speed, especially in reaching maximum speed from a standstill position.

28. What do you mean by the term coordinative abilities?
Answer – The capacity for a broad and stabilized pattern of motor control is known as coordination. The sportsperson can perform a series of motions with improved quality and impact because fo these skills. The central nervous system is primarily responsible for coordination abilities.

29. What is coupling ability?
Answer – It is the capacity to coordinate body movements with respect to a certain objective, or directed movement. Ability to maintain balance between body motions is referred to as balance ability. Balance is crucial in sports, both static and dynamic.

Training in Sports Class 12 Questions and Answers

30. What do you understand by circuit training?
Answer – A circuit workout consists of six or more exercises that are alternated with brief rest intervals and performed for either a predetermined number of reps or a certain duration of time.

31. Write characteristic of circuit training.
Answer – Circuit training, a type of body conditioning that combines high-intensity aerobic exercise with exercises done in a circuit pattern, is comparable to high-intensity interval training. It aims to increase physical endurance and strength.

Physical Education Class 12 Notes and Syllabus

Physical Education Class 12 Questions Answers and Syllabus

Physical Education Class 12 Notes 

Physical Education Class 12 Questions and Answers

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