Training in Sports Class 12 Notes

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Training in Sports Class 12 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 12.

Training in Sports Class 12 Notes

Concept of Talent Identification

Finding young athletes with the potential to become exceptional athletes is known as talent identification. Giving clubs and federations with limited resources the chance to make the best decisions to become a successful elite performer. The majority of them already use talent assessments and a talent development strategy.

Training in Sports Class 12 Notes

Talent Development in Sports

Scientific interest in talent development has grown over the past few decades in sports and other performance-related fields.

Identification of one’s natural abilities can assist one’s sports performance. It contributes to the development of a wider pool of gifted athletes and raises training competition among them. It improves the possibility of establishing a relationship with sport scientists who might potentially assist with athlete training and ongoing evaluation. Because they don’t realise what unique qualities they possess and aren’t directed toward sports in which they can succeed, many young people miss opportunities to excel or develop into good athletes.

Training in Sports Class 12 Notes

Introduction to Sports Training Cycle

A training cycle is a schedule created for a specific amount of time. Within this time range, the cycle organises distinct training components. Over a six-week period, for instance, you might run farther or lift more weight.

Micro Cycle – One week in a training programme is referred to as a microcycle. The microcycle incorporates the rhythm and tempo of a training plan, despite the fact that workouts change day to day.

Meso Cycle – A mesocycle is a training phase that can last anywhere from two to six weeks (or microcycles), depending on the sport.

Macro Cycle – A macrocycle is a yearly strategy that aims to peak for the year’s primary competition. The macrocycle has three stages: competitive, transition, and preparedness. Around 2/3 to 3/4 of the macrocycle should be devoted to the preparatory phase.

Training in Sports Class 12 Notes

Types & Method to Develop Strength

Strength is the ability of the entire body or any one of its components to apply force. Static and dynamic strength are the two types of strength. Strength can be increased using the techniques listed below.

Isometric Exercise – The term “isometric” is made from of the words “iso” and “metric length.” Meaning that the labour we accomplish when performing these workouts cannot be seen. These workouts may be done anywhere and take little time or equipment. In the event of an injury, these workouts are helpful for preserving strength.

Isotonic Exercises – “Iso” stands for “same,” and “tonic” denotes tension. When doing these actions, it is easy to see what we are doing. Muscle lengthening and shortening are visible and are referred to as eccentric and concentric contractions, respectively. Examples include throwing a ball, jumping, running, and lifting weights. These exercises are frequently found in games and sports. These exercises can be performed both with and without equipment. These improve muscle size and length and are useful for sports conditioning.

Iso-Kinetic Exercises – Kinetic motion and “iso”- “Same” J J. Perrine first developed these exercises in 1968. These exercises, which include isotonic and isometric movements, are performed on a machine with particular design. These exercises increase muscle strength. With the exception of water sports, skating, climbing, running, and so on, these kind of movements are typically not used in games or sports.

Training in Sports Class 12 Notes

Method to Develop Flexibility

The capacity to move muscles and joints through their complete range of motion is referred to as flexibility (ROM). Flexibility improves performance, posture, facilitates effective movement, guards against improper body alignment, maintains balanced muscle length, and lowers the chance of injury.

  • Get warm.
  • Take a break.
  • Try yoga.
Types of Flexibility

There are generally four ways to improve and maintain flexibility: static stretching, ballistic stretching, contract-relax stretching (also known as PNF, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation), and passive stretching.

Coordinative Ability

Having coordination is being able to execute challenging spatiotemporal movement structures with speed and purpose. Coordination skills are viewed in this context as an outwardly perceptible representation of the control and regulatory processes of the central nervous system’s motor activity.

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Physical Education Class 12 Notes 

Physical Education Class 12 Questions and Answers

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