Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes

physical education class 11 chapter 2 notes

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 11.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes


The first Olympic Games were held as a part of a religious event in Zeus’ honour, the head of the Greek gods and goddesses. The Olympic Games or Olympics are named after Olympia, an ancient Greek town in Elis, or Mount Olympus, the tallest mountain in Greece. At Olympia, the festival and games first took place in 776 BCE.

Every four years, the games were held, and the interval between two years was referred to as an Olympiad. It was customary to declare peace and put an end to all conflicts and wars during the month that the Olympic Games were held in order to make travel for competitors and spectators easier.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes


The Ancient Olympic Games were declared over by Emperor Theodosius in 1503 and the next Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French aristocrat, was the one who proposed the concept of reviving the Olympic Games. Coubertin had a keen interest in education and was certain that young people’s bodies should also be developed in addition to their minds;

241 athletes from 14 nations competed in 43 events at the first Olympic Games in Athens in 1896, which were held in the Panathenaic Stadium. At the Paris Olympics in 1900, there were approximately 997 competitors from 24 nations. The 1900 Olympic Games were historic because 22 women competed in a few sports for the first time. As the games gained popularity, many nations participated. At the Summer Olympics in Rio in 2016, 11,238 participants representing 207 nations competed in 28 sports.

Olympism Concept

A way of life known as olympism puts athletics at the service of humanity. The interaction of the attributes of the body, will, and intellect forms the foundation of this philosophy. Olympic ideals are demonstrated via deeds that unite culture, education, and athletics.
The Olympic Movement and the celebration of the Games both depend on this idea. Additionally, it is what sets them apart.
This ideal, together with the other “basic principles of Olympism” [included in the Olympic Charter], inspires a set of ideals that are applicable both in the arena of competition and in daily life.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes

Olympics Values (Excellence, Friendship & Respect)

The IOC has identified the following three Olympic values:
Excellence – This value in the Olympic ideal relates to giving one’s all, whether it be on the playing field or in everyday life, without comparing oneself to others and with the primary goal of pursuing one’s own goals with steadfastness.
It’s important to remember that competing isn’t just about winning; it’s also about taking part, achieving individual goals, trying our best every day, and reaping the rewards of having a strong body, will, and mind.

Friendship – The Olympic Movement places men and women at the centre of its efforts to strengthen relationships and promote intercultural understanding. This value broadly refers to creating a peaceful and better world through sports through cooperation, camaraderie, joy, and optimism.
The Olympic Games encourage people to put aside differences in politics, economics, gender, race, or religion and form friendships regardless of them.
The athletes demonstrate this ideal by developing enduring relationships with both their teammates and rivals.

Respect – This virtue embodies the moral code that all athletes participating in Olympic programmes should aspire to according to the Olympic ideal. Respect for oneself, one’s body, one another, for the law, and for the environment are all included. Thus, it alludes to the integrity that each athlete must exhibit while competing, as well as refraining from doping. When the Olympic Games are taking place, these principles are effectively communicated.
The Olympic Movement, however, still spreads through the continued efforts of the Olympic family members between iterations of the Games.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes

Olympics Symbols

Five rings that are interlaced and have equal amounts of each of the five colours that make up the Olympic logo. From left to right, the rings’ colours are blue, yellow, black, green, and red; the blue, black, and red rings are positioned on top, while the yellow and green rings are positioned at the bottom. The five rings represent the union of the five continents—North and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe—and serve as a reminder of the solidarity of athletes competing at the Olympic Games from all seven continents.

Olympic rings
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Olympics Motto

“Citius – Altius – Fortius,” which translates to “Faster – Higher – Stronger,” is the motto of the Olympic Games. It conveys what the Olympic Movement hopes to achieve. Pierre de Coubertin made the suggestion when the International Olympic Committee was established in 1894.
It belonged to Coubertin’s acquaintance, the athletically inclined Dominican priest Henri Didon. In 1924, during the Olympic Games in Paris, France, the Olympic motto was first revealed.

Olympics Flag

olympic flag
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Baron Coubertin designed the Olympic flag, which was displayed in 1914. It has a borderless, white background. The five interlocking rings that represent the Olympic logo are positioned in the centre. The Olympic flag features a white backdrop with five interlaced rings in the centre that are different shades of blue, yellow, black, green, and red, according to Pierre de Coubertin. The six colours used in this design are those seen on all current country flags of the world (1931), and they symbolise the five continents of the world that are unified through olympism. In Antwerp, Belgium, the flag was raised for the first time in 1920.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes

Olympics Oath

The athlete then takes the following oath:
“We promise to take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules and in the spirit of fair play, inclusion and equality. Together we stand in solidarity and commit ourselves to sport without doping, without cheating, without any form of discrimination. We do this for the honour of our teams, in respect for the Fundamental Principles of Olympism, and to make the world a better place through sport.”

Olympics Anthem

The Olympic Hymn, commonly referred to as the Olympic Anthem, was composed by Spiro Samara and is played as soon as the Olympic flag is raised during the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic anthem
“Immortal spirit of antiquity,
Father of the true, beautiful and good, Descend, appear, shed over us thy light
Upon this ground and under this sky
Which has first witnessed thy unperishable fame
Give life and animation to those noble games! Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to
the victors In the race and in the strife!
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
In thy light, plains, mountains andseas
Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore thee, Oh immortal spirit of antiquity!”

International Olympic Committee (IOC)

On June 23, 1894, Pierre de Coubertin established the International Olympic Committee (IOC), electing Demetrios Vikelas as its first leader. It is a non-profit organisation with its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. The IOC’s goal is to carry out the mission, role, and duties allocated to it by the Olympic Charter. The IOC’s official languages are English and French. The Olympic Games, which were first held in Athens, Greece in 1896 and Chamonix, France in 1924, respectively, are organised by the Committee. The Winter and Summer Olympic Games were held in the same year before 1992, but the IOC modified the Olympic Games’ calendar following that year.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes

Mission and role of International Olympic Commmittee

1. To encourage and support the promotion of ethics and good governance in sport as well as education of youth through sport and to dedicate its efforts to ensuring that, in sport, the spirit of fair play prevails and violence is banned.
2. To encourage and support the organisation, development and coordination of sport and sports competitions.
3. To ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games.
4. To cooperate with the competent public or private organisations and authorities in the endeavour to place sport at the service of humanity and thereby to promote peace.
5. To take action to strengthen the unity of the Olympic movement, to protect its independence, to maintain and promote its political neutrality and to preserve the autonomy of sport.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes

Organization and Setup of International Olympic Committee

The powers of the International Olympic Committee are exercised through the following three organs:
a. The Session – The Session is the general meeting of the members of the IOC. It is the IOC’s supreme organ. Its decisions are final. An ordinary Session is held once a year.
Powers of the session are –
> to adopt or amend the Olympic Charter;
> to elect the President, the Vice-Presidents and all other members of the IOC Executive Board;
> to elect the host city of the Olympic Games;
> to elect the city in which an ordinary Session is held.
> to approve the annual report and financial statements of the IOC;

b. The IOC Executive Board – The Executive board was established in 1921 to oversee IOC business. The President, four Vice-Presidents, and ten other members of the Board are chosen by the IOC members in a secret ballot vote during the session.
As per Olympic charter it performs following duties –
> it monitors the observance of the Olympic Charter;
> it approves all internal governance regulations relating to its organisation;
> it submits a report to the Session on any proposed change of Rule or Byelaw;
> it submits to the Session the names of the persons whom it recommends for election to the IOC;
> it establishes and supervises the procedure for accepting and selecting candidatures to organise the Olympic Games;
> it establishes the agenda for the Sessions;

c. The President – The IOC members elect the President during the session by secret ballot for a term of four years, which may be extended for an additional four years. The President is in charge of planning and organising all Executive meetings as the IOC’s representative.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes

National Olympic Committees (NOC)

One of the three entities that make up the Olympic Movement, together with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Sports Federations, is the National Olympic Committee.

By sending athletes and officials, they are responsible for ensuring that their respective nations are represented in the Olympic Games. They are also responsible for advancing the core ideals and concepts of Olympianism in their nations, particularly in the areas of sport and education.

They could also suggest potential hosts for upcoming Olympic Games.

206 NOCs exist at the moment.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 2 Notes

National Sports Federations (IFs)

The International Sports Federations (IFs) are responsible for the integrity of their sport on the international level.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has granted recognition to the International Sports Federations as the non-governmental organisations that oversee one or more international sports. They are associated with the national federations that control those sports. International Sports Federations seeking IOC registration must make sure that their laws, practises, and activities are in compliance with the Olympic Charter while maintaining their independence and autonomy in the administration of respective sports.

Physical Education Class 11 Syllabus | Notes | Questions and Answers

Physical Education Class 11 Notes 

Physical Education Class 11 Questions and Answers 

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers

physical education class 11 chapter 1 question answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 11.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers

1. How many verticals are there in the Khelo India Programme?
a. Ten
b. Eleven
c. Twelve 
d. Thirteen

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c. Twelve

2. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt. of India launched the Khelo India Programme in
a. 2013-2014
b. 2014-2015
c. 2016-2017
d. 2017-2018 

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d. 2017-2018

3. The maximum duration of ‘Long Term Athlete Development Programme’ is
a. 4 Years
b. 6 Years
c. 8 Years
d. 12 Years 

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d. 12 Years

4. The scheme of ‘Sports for Peace & Development’ is exclusively for the state/UT
a. Jammu & Kashmir 
b. Delhi and NCR
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Punjab

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a. Jammu & Kashmir

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers

5. After competing D.P.Ed. you can teach Classes
a. I to VIII 
b. I to V
c. VI to VIII
d. I to X

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a. I to VIII

6. Which course of Physical Education is not recognised by NCTE?
a. D.P.Ed.
b. B.P.Ed.
c. M.P.Ed.
d. B.P.E.S 

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d. B.P.E.S

7. Which one is NOT a research-oriented course in Physical Education?
a. M.P.Ed.
b. M.Phil. 
c. Ph.D. in Physical Education
d. P.D.F. in Physical Education

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b. M.Phil.

8. Amongst the following, which one is the key process in Physical Education?
a. Evaluating performance
b. Checking competency
c. Making efforts
d. Developing skills 

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d. Developing skills

9. Amongst the following which one is NOT the aim of social development in Physical Education?
a. Obeying of rules and regulations
b. Showing sportsmanship
c. Cooperation with peers
d. Playing for self 

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d. Playing for self

10. What is the Khelo India Programme?
Answer – A national initiative/scheme for the growth of sports in India is called Khelo India Programme. In Delhi, it was introduced in 2018 by Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, who was the country’s sports minister at the time. To enhance India’s sports culture, this programme has been introduced.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers

11. What is the philosophy of the Khelo India Programme?
Answer – The Khelo India programme was launched with the goal of reviving India’s grassroots sports culture, creating a solid foundation for all national sports, and boosting India to the status of a major athletic power.

12. What is the vision and mission of Khelo India Programme?
Answer –
a. Mission – The Khelo India Program’s main objective is to give every Indian citizen a chance to participate in sports and use their athletic abilities, regardless of their age or gender disparities. This will ultimately promote the holistic development of every child and young person. Community growth, social integration, and gender equality will result from this. It will promote a healthy lifestyle, honor the nation, and open up business prospects.

b. Vision – The Khelo India Program was established with the goal of advancing sports culture in India, particularly at the grassroots level, and achieving sporting excellence in the nation.

13. What is the plan of the government under the vertical of ‘Promotion of Sports Among Persons with Disabilities’?
Answer – States/UTs and SAI (Sports Authority of India) will receive financial support for building specialized sports infrastructure for people with special needs. The money allocated under this heading will also be used to classify athletes, purchase necessary gear, organize training sessions, and get teams ready for Paralympic events.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers

14. What is the need of sports competition in school? Discuss in detail.
Answer – To boost self-esteem, mental capacity, and confidence in students, school sports are required. Schools should emphasize sports because they help children learn a variety of qualities, including teamwork, leadership, and patience.

a. Students who compete in sporting events have possibilities at the school level that are good for their overall development.

b. Sports competitions provide opportunities to the students to amplify their skills in different sports.

c. Participation in sports competitions is enjoyable. At the same time, it develops coordination with others, leadership skills and obedience of rules, values which ultimately pave the way for the individual becoming a productive citizen of the country.

d. To release tension, overcome depression and aggression, participation in sports competitions is essential. It also provides a chance to students where they can have a feeling of achievement which is conducive for their mental and emotional health.

e. Organization of sports competitions at school gives opportunities to the students to get an exposure to competitions.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers

15. Will the increase in professional sports leagues bring any transformation in Indian sporting culture? Justify your answer.
Answer – An ideal country is one that values liberty, equality, and fraternity. These three ideas help to create a powerful, cooperative, compassionate, and united country.

16. Do you think ‘Sports for Peace and Development’ will work for restoration of peace in Jammu and Kashmir? Support your answer with evidence.
Answer – The Government of India offers a specific package under this vertical to J&K for improving sports facilities in the State.
Soft support in the form of coaches, tools, supplies, consumables, technical support, competitions, etc. will be offered to guarantee the best possible exploitation of the infrastructure. To encourage youth participation, efforts will be made to organize village-level events in the athletic disciplines that are popular in the State of J&K. Similar measures will also be done in other regions that are troubled by extremism and terrorism.

17. What is the full form of NCTE?
Answer – NCTE Stands for National Council for Teacher Education.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers

18. Apart from a professional degree in Physical Education, what other key skills are required for opting for a career other than teaching?
Answer – Apart from teaching some of the other career option are –
a. Sport Coordinator
b. Professional Coach
c. Sports Administrator
d. Provider of Recreational Services
e. Event Manager of a Sports Club
f. Health and Fitness Club Manager
g. Sports Coating & Equipment Designer

19. What are the minimum eligibility criteria for getting admission in B.P.Ed. course?
Answer – Students who have passed their 10+2 exams with at least a 50% grade point average are eligible for B P Ed.

20. If one is not a sportsperson, is he/she eligible for getting admission in M.P.Ed.? Why/ Why not?
Answer – A bachelor’s degree in physical education or a related branch of education is required of applicants. A combined score of 50% is required to be taken into consideration for admission. Both a written exam and a round of physical testing are required of candidates.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers

21. How many different kinds of courses and career options in Physical Education are available in India?
Answer – There are variety of courses and career options are available in India
a. Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed.)
b. Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed)
c. Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.)
d. Post Graduate Diploma in Adventure Sports Administration
e. Post Graduate Diploma in Disability Sports
f. Post Graduate Diploma in Fitness Management
g. Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Coaching
h. Bachelor of Arts (Programme) Sports & Performance
i. Bachelor of Physical Education & Sports
j. Bachelor of Physical Education (Four Year Course after 12th)
k. Bachelor of Science Exercise Physiology
l. Bachelor of Science in Physical Education

22. After completion of any professional course in Physical Education, how many career options will you have?
Answer – There are more than 17 career options available after a physical education professional course.

23. Can a Physical Education graduate justify the job of sports administrator? Explain with suitable examples.
Answer – Courses in physical education also cover administration and supervision. This makes it possible for the person to operate as a sports administrator if he/she has completed Physical Education Graduate.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answers

24. What is the aim of Physical Education?
Answer – The aim of Physical Education must be to make every child physically, mentally and emotionally fit and also to develop in him such personal and social qualities as will help him to live happily with others and build him up as a good citizen.

25. Suggest one activity which helps to develop interest in Physical Education.
Answer – You may organize a sack race, obstacle course, or fun run for the students. For older kids who enjoy sports but are apprehensive about joining a varsity team, recreational sports teams might be formed.

26. How does participation in sports lead to better emotional development?
Answer – It has been demonstrated that physical activity activates feel-good brain chemicals. Thus, consistent participation in sport enhances kids’ emotional health in general. According to research, youngsters who participate in sports tend to have higher self-esteem.

27. What are the objectives of Physical Education?
Answer – The objective of Physical Education are –
a. Developed Healthy and Active Lifestyle
b. Develop interest in the discipline
c. Achieve Optimum Physical Fitness and Health
d. Development of Organ System
e. Emotional Development

28. How does Physical Education contribute to an individual’s development?
Answer – Physical Education helps to understand the need of Sport and Fitness in life which helps to become more physically fit, energetic, and mentally sharp, and it lowers their risk of developing health issues. They can live in a healthy, competitive atmosphere. It cultivates in them a sense of cooperation, self-control, sportsmanship, leadership, and socialization.

Physical Education Class 11 Syllabus | Notes | Questions and Answers

Physical Education Class 11 Notes 

Physical Education Class 11 Questions and Answers 

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Notes

physical education class 11 chapter 1 notes

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 11.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 1 Notes

Concept, Aims & Objectives of Physical Education

Concept of Physical Education 

Physical Education is a combination of two separate words, physical and education. The first word is physical which means related to body or bodily characteristics, that include physical strength, physical endurance, physical fitness, physical appearance and physical health. And, the second word is education which means preparation for life or systematic instruction and training.

AIM and Objective of Physical Education 

AIM of Physical Education –

“The aim of Physical Education must be to make every child physically, mentally and emotionally fit and also to develop in him such personal and social qualities as will help him to live happily with others and build him up as a good citizen.”

Objectives of Physical Education –

a. Developed Healthy and Active Life Style – The benefits of physical education and how it supports an active and healthy lifestyle.

b. Develop interest in the discipline – The goal of physical education should be to develop a high level of individual interest and involvement in the subject by encouraging initiative, passion, and dedication.

c. Achieve Optimum Physical Fitness and Health – Physical education programmes should attempt to improve a person’s physical fitness and force them to exert themselves to their fullest potential.

d. Awareness of Movement – Through physical education, students can become proficient in basic movement techniques that enable the growth of more specialised skills like dancing.

e. Development of Organ Systems – The development of all organ systems, including the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, neurological, and muscular systems, is the goal of the physical education programme.

f. Neuro-muscular Co-ordination – The physical education curriculum should be designed in a way that promotes a healthier interaction between the neurological and muscular systems. This promotes coordination and balance between various bodily parts.

g. Emotional Development – On the sports field or in the life, peaple face a variety of situations where they must learn to control their emotions, including happiness, jealously, fear, loneliness, etc. They are emotionally balanced because of the Physical Education.

h. Social Development – Physical education encourages social growth because it gives students lots of chances to interact with others and live in groups, which enable students to adapt to various circumstances and form relationships.

i. Enjoyment and Satisfaction – A Physical Education Programme provides enjoyment and satisfaction through physical activity.

j. Development of Evaluative Skills – Participants can demonstrate knowledge and awareness of a variety of physical activities and evaluate their own and others’ performances with the aid of a well-designed physical education programme.

k. Optimum Sports Performance – Physical Education brings an individual to optimum sports performance level.

Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gears and sports equipment, technological advancements –

Physical education has become more significant as a result of changing trends because it now emphasises the healthy development of the body and mind.

Watching a game at home is an entirely different experience because of all the extra field lines, instant replay, and technological advancements. Technology has altered not only how we watch sports on TV, but also how we participate in them.

In the last ten years, we’ve witnessed advancements in garment fabric, wearable technology, and ergonomic equipment, to name a few. The integration of smart gadgets and training-specific gear by customers is one of the major trends this year. Here’s a sample of what you may currently get in sporting goods stores –

Wearable Tech Integration

Wearable technology and smart watches are becoming more and more popular. By 2022, the wearable technology market is anticipated to generate $9 billion in sales. Sports equipment manufacturers are quickly catching on as more individuals than ever are donning smart items.

More treadmills and stationary cycles are now Bluetooth device compatible. Users may import information, such the average heart rate, and interpret workout statistics, like the number of calories burnt or the peak heart rate range, more precisely thanks to this connection. This type of exercise gear offers a more thorough, personalised reading for a better fitness experience.

Reactive Fabrics

Fitness manufacturers need to raise it up a level in order to compete with athleisure and more specialist fitness clothing. Although compression is nothing new, this year’s sporting wear is turning reactive. Thermoplastic and moisture-wicking textiles are used in reactive apparel. When a person’s body temperature varies, these fabrics change. For instance, textiles that drain away moisture detect when your body starts to get warm and damp. It responds and forces the perspiration outward to evaporate rather than absorbing it.

Training Equipment

For use outside of competition, more amateur athletes are making investments in training-specific items. Athletes can train more effectively and target specific areas of their game with the use of training equipment.

Soccer players can practise headers without fear of harm by using lighter soccer balls, for instance. They can utilise a conventional ball on the pitch if they have mastered the technique. Other goods, such as an at-home batting cage net, make it simpler for everyone to practise in the backyard without shattering any windows, including tee-ball beginners and professional softball players. Athletes can focus on their skills and perform better on the field with the aid of specialised equipment.

Career Options in Physical Education

Physical Education is a fast-growing discipline in India. To educate individuals in the field of Physical Education numerous courses are offered by different educational institutions.

The National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) has recognised the courses which prepare teachers of Physical Education for school system in India.

Physical Education for School

a. Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed.) – This course prepares Physical Education Teachers for the elementary stage of school education i.e. for Classes I to VIII.

b. Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) – This course is designed for preparing teachers of Physical Education for teaching theory papers in Classes VI to X and conducting Physical Education and Sports Activities for Classes XI-XII.

c. Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.) – It is meant for preparing Physical Education Teachers for Senior Secondary classes (i.e. XI-XII) as well as Assistant Professors/ Directors/ Sports Officers in Colleges/Universities and Teacher Educators in Colleges of Physical Education and University Departments of

Post Graduate Diploma Level Courses

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Adventure Sports Administration
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Disability Sports
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Fitness Management
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Coaching
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Journalism
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Management
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Nutrition
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Education

Bachelor Level Course

  • Bachelor of Arts (Programme) Sports & Performance
  • Bachelor of Physical Education & Sports
  • Bachelor of Physical Education (Four Year Course after 12th)
  • Bachelor of Science Exercise Physiology
  • Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
  • Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Health Education and Sports Sciences

Master Level Courses

  • M.B.A. in Sports Management
  • M.Tech. in Sports Technology
  • Master of Arts in Physical Education
  • Master of Arts in Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Master of Arts in Yoga
  • Master of Journalism and Mass Communication (Specialization – Sports Journalism)
  • Master of Physical Education and Sports
  • Master of Science in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition
  • Master of Science in Physical Education
  • Master of Science in Sports Biomechanics and Kinesiology
  • Master of Science in Sports Coaching
  • Master of Science in Sports Psychology and Sociology
  • Master of Science in Yoga

Some of the Career Options in Physical Education are – 

  1. Physical Education Teacher – After competing D.P.Ed., B.P.Ed. or M.P.Ed., one can be appointed as PET in a school or college.
  2. Sports Coordinator – For one to successfully function as a sports coordinator, physical education courses teach skills including arranging team activities, coaching and teaching responsibilities, and coordinating and supervising all parts of assigned leisure sports programmes.
  3. Professional Coach – After a Diploma in Sports Coaching, one can be appointed as a professional coach of a team or for individuals/athletes requiring a personal coach/trainer.
  4. Outdoor and Adventure Sports Educators – A person with a degree in any Physical Education course and interest in outdoor and adventure sports can educate others in the field.
  5. Sports Administrator – Supervision and Administrative skills are also taught in Physical Education courses. This enables the individual to work as a sports administrator.
  6. Event Manager of a Sports Club – An individual who has graduated with MBA in Sports Management can offer his/her services as an event manager at any sports club.
  7. Health and Fitness Club Manager – One can be appointed as health and fitness club manager after having a professional degree in Physical Education as well as an interest in the field.
  8. Sports Clothing & Equipment Designer – If one has zeal and interest in fashion designing then she/he can work as a sports clothing and equipment designer.
  9. Dietician and Nutritionist – After graduating with any Physical Education degree, an individual can choose the profession of a dietician and nutritionist also.
  10. Sports Goods Marketing – Sales and Marketing of sports goods is a fast-growing industry and one can choose this line after graduating in Physical Education.
  11. Yoga Trainer – Yoga has become popular both nationally and internationally, so one who is trained in yoga can provide her/his services to instruct groups/individuals through various levels and types of yoga.
  12. Fitness Trainer – One can work as a fitness trainer after completing any course in Physical Education.
  13. Physical Therapist – One can also work as a physical therapist after doing any physical education Programme.
  14. Sports Journalist – Some institutes offer a sports journalism course, so those who have graduated in this course can work as sports journalists.

Khelo India 

The Khelo India programme was launched with the goal of reviving India’s grassroots sports culture, creating a solid foundation for all national sports, and elevating India to the status of a major athletic power.

Government of India, announced “KheloIndia – National Programme for Development of Sports” in the fiscal year 2017–2018 to encourage young talent and provide them with top-notch infrastructure and training facilities.

Vision of Khelo India

The Khelo India Program was established with the goal of advancing sports culture in India, particularly at the grassroots level, and achieving sporting excellence in the nation.

Mission of Khelo India

The Khelo India Program’s main objective is to give every Indian citizen a chance to participate in sports and use their athletic abilities, regardless of their age or gender disparities. This will ultimately promote the holistic development of every child and young person. Community growth, social integration, and gender equality will result from this. It will promote a healthy lifestyle, honour the nation, and open up business prospects.

Khelo India Programme has outlined twelve verticals namely
  1. Play Field Development – One-time funding of up to 50 Lakhs will be provided to States/UTs for developing, managing, equipping and maintaining playing field and sports infrastructure development and open spaces for public use by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India.
  2. Community Coaching Development – A cascading methodology will be used to develop coaching infrastructure nationwide and provide community coaches.
  3. State Level Khelo India Centers – To make use of all sports resources, including unemployed coaches with training, other support workers, equipment, playing grounds, etc.
  4. Annual Sports Competitions – The Central Government will organize National level competitions, i.e., Khelo India National School Games and Khelo India National University Games.
  5. Talent Search and Development – Under this scheme players from 16 priority sports are selected at various levels of participation. 
  6. Utilization and Creation/Upgradation of Sports Infrastructure – Majority of the schools, colleges and even Universities in the country lack proper playgrounds as well as sporting infrastructure.
  7. Support to National/Regional/State Sports Academies – Throughout the nation, sports academies both public and private are identified for need-based support. Financial aid is also provided to the identified academies for their operation and maintenance. 
  8. Physical fitness of school children – Under Khelo India the component of physical fitness of school going children is given due emphasis. National Level Physical Fitness parameters will be developed for each region. An assessment kit which is easy to administer will be provided to each school to evaluate physical fitness of all students.
  9. Sports for Women – All the components of the Khelo India Scheme are gender neutral and afford equal opportunities to women for participating in sporting activities and development of sports.
  10. Promotion of sports amongst people with disabilities – Financial assistance will be provided to States/UTs and SAI for creation of specialist sports infrastructure for persons with special needs.
  11. Sports for peace and development – Under this vertical the Government of India provides a special package to J&K for enhancing sports facilities in the State. 
  12. Promotion of rural and indigenous/tribal games – Under this Programme governments trives to focus on each and every aspect that will contribute to making sports more popular among the youth of the

Physical Education Class 11 Syllabus | Notes | Questions and Answers

Physical Education Class 11 Notes 

Physical Education Class 11 Questions and Answers 

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