Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 NCERT Solutions – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Chapter 4 – Analyze Data using Scenarios and Goal Seek

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. Which of the following features is not used for data analysis in spreadsheets?
    (a) Consolidating data
    (b) Goal Seek
    (c) Subtotal
    (d) Page layout
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(d) Page layout
Explanation: Consolidating data, Goal Seek and Subtotal is basically used for analyzing the data in spreadsheet but page layout is used to give page style, for example header & footer, margins, borders etc.

  1. Which of the following office tools is known for data analysis?
    (a) Writer
    (b) Calc
    (c) Impress
    (d) Draw
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(b) Calc
Explanation: LibreOffice Calc, Open Office Calc or Microsoft Excel are the most common software used to analyze the data.

  1. Which of the following operations cannot be performed using LibreOffice Calc?
    (a) Store and manipulate data
    (b) Create graphical representation of data
    (c) Analysis of data
    (d) Mail merge
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(d) Mail merge
Explanation: Mail merge is a part of LibreOffice Writer it is not a part of LibreOffice Calc.

  1. What is the extension of a spreadsheet file in Calc?
    (a) .odb
    (b) .odt
    (c) .odg
    (d) .ods
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(d) .ods
Explanation: The extension of LibreOffice Calc & OpenOffice Calc is .ods.

  1. The default function while using Consolidate is __.
    (a) Average
    (b) Sum
    (c) Max
    (d) Count
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(b) Sum
Explanation: In the data consolidation dialog box, by default the sum function is selected and other functions you can select using the dropdown menu.

  1. Group by is used in _ tool to apply summary functions on columns.
    (a) Consolidate function
    (b) Group and Outline
    (c) What-if scenario
    (d) Subtotal tool
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(d) Subtotal tool
Explanation: In subtotal the group option is used to find the sum of the all data based on criteria.

  1. Which tool is used to predict the output while changing the input?
    (a) Consolidate function
    (b) What-if scenario
    (c) Goal seek
    (d) Find and Replace
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(c) Goal seek
Explanation: Goal Seek is a tool in LibreOffice Calc which allows you to predict the output by changing the input.

  1. Which of the following is an example for absolute cell referencing?
    (a) C5
    (b) $C$5
    (c) $C
    (d) #C
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(b) $C$5
Explanation: Cell reference means the address of the cell, absolute cell reference denotes the dollar sign ($) before the address of the row and column, if the cell address is A1 then absolute cell referencing will be $A$1.

  1. _ analysis tool works in reverse order, finding input based on the output.
    (a) Consolidate function
    (b) Goal seek
    (c) What-if analysis
    (d) Scenario
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(b) Goal seek
Explanation: Goal seek is a part of What-if analysis tool, which helps to predict the output based on the different input and works in reverse order.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

  1. A Consolidated function is used to combine information from two or more sheets into one.
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Explanation: Data consolidation allows you to combine data from multiple worksheets into one place, it helps to summarize data.

  1. The Consolidated function cannot be used to view and compare data.
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Explanation: Data consolidation is used to summarize the data, this data you can use to compare with other data also.

  1. Link to source data is checked and updates the target sheet if any changes made in the source data.
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Explanation: The consolidation table of the data will update automatically if the original data is changed.

  1. Using subtotal in Calc needs to use filter data for sorting.
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Explanation: Calc doesn’t need to use filter data for sorting, subtotal can give the result based on group subtotal by category and sort the data automatically.

  1. The Subtotal tool can use only one type of summary function for all columns.
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Explanation: Subtotal can display more than one summary function for example sum, average, count, max, product etc.

  1. Only one scenario can be created for one sheet.
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Explanation: You can create multiple scenarios in one place only, default scenario name will be “scenario 1”.

  1. What-if analysis tool uses one array of cells.
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Explanation: Multiple operations which is a part of What-if tool, which is used to create two arrays of cells in LibreOffice Calc, one contains the input value and second contains the formula.

  1. Goal seek analysis tool is used while calculating the output depending on the input.
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Explanation: Goal seek analysis tools help to find the output based on the input for the specific goal.

  1. The output of What-if tool is displayed in the same cell
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Explanation: It depends on the what-if tools, some of what-if tools do not directly display the output in the same cell.

C. Fill in the blanks

  1. Consolidate function is used to combine information from multiple sheets to ___________ the information.
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Explanation: Data consolidation combines information from multiple sheets to summarize the data.

  1. Data can be viewed and compared in a single sheet for identifying trends and relationships using __ function.
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Explanation: Data consolidation helps to combine, compare and view data in a single sheet.

  1. ____ under the Data menu can be used to combine information from multiple sheets into one sheet to compare data.
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Data consolidation
Explanation: Data consolidation helps to combine data from the multiple sheets to one sheet.

  1. The _____ tool in Calc creates the group automatically and applies functions on the grouped data.
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Explanation: Subtotal creates the group automatically and applies the function like sum, average, max, product etc.

  1. ___ scenario is used to explore and compare various alternatives depending on changing conditions.
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Explanation: What-if scenario is a set of values that can be used within the calculation and compare the various alternatives depending on changing conditions.

  1. __ is a planning tool for what-if questions.
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What-if tool
Explanation: What-if tools help to find the “What-if” questions in LibreOffice Calc.

  1. What-if analysis tool uses _ array of cells, one array contains input values and the second uses the __.
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Two, Formula and display output
Explanation: Multiple operations which is a part of What-if tool, which is used to create two arrays of cells in LibreOffice Calc, one contains the input value and second contains the formula.

  1. _ helps in finding out the input for the specific output.
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Goal seek
Explanation: Goal seek helps to predict the output, goal seek takes the input from the cells and then generates the result based on the formula on the values.

D. Answer the following questions

1. Define the terms

(a) Consolidate function

Answer: The consolidate function is used to combine data from various sheets into one place for summary purposes. It helps to compare and analyze the data from the several data sources in one place to identify the relationships and trends of the data.

(b) What-if analysis

Answer: What-if tool is a planning tool for what-if questions. What-if tool uses a drop-down list to display the output based on the input. What-if tool is the process where we can understand how the values are changing in the cell and how it will affect the outcome of the formula in the cell.

(c) Goal seek

Answer: Goal seek is a method of finding the correct input only when the output is known. Goal seek helps to predict the output, we try to make changes of the input values for the desired output.

2. Give one point of difference between

(a) Subtotal and What-if

Answer: What-If scenarios involve for constructing hypothetical situations for analysis, whereas subtotals are used to summarize information within a dataset.


The Subtotal tool in Calc automatically groups the data and applies standard functions to it, such as sum and average. What-if tool is a planning tool for hypothetical scenarios that use a drop-down list to display the output based on the input.

(b) What-if scenario and What-if tool

Answer: A collection of possibilities known as a “what-if scenario” can be applied to the spreadsheet’s calculations. The multiple scenarios can be made on a single sheet. What-if tools are used to plan scenarios for hypothetical questions. This employs a drop-down list to display the output based on the input.

3. Give any two advantages of data analysis tools.

Answer: A data analysis helps in the analysis of data according to specific criteria. Using a Consolidating data, Subtotal, Goal Seek or what-if tool makes it simple to determine the greatest or minimum value, average, or sum in the spreadsheet.

Advantages of data analysis tools is –

  • Identify opportunities to reduce costs
  • Data analysis can predict future outcomes
  • Analysis of the large dataset based on the real time information.

4. Name any two tools for data analysis.

Answer: There are many different types of tools available in LibreOffice calc to analyze the data, for example, Consolidating data, Subtotal, Goal Seek, What-if Scenarios and Multiple Operation.

  • Consolidation data – Consolidating is a function which helps to combine data from the multiple sheets into one place to summarize the data.
  • Subtotal – Subtotal creates a group of data and applies common functions like average, sum on the grouped data for data analysis.
  • Goal Seek – Goal Seel helps to find the input for the specific output.
  • What-if Scenarios – What-if scenarios is a set of values which can be used inside the calculation to create several scenarios.
  • Multiple Operation – Multiple Operation tools can create a formula array to display the result. This tool uses two arrays of cells: one array contains the input values and second contains the formula.

5. What are the criteria for consolidating sheets?

Answer: “Consolidate by” provides two options. Labels for rows and columns. If you wish to match the labels to consolidate it, check either the row label, the column label, or both.

6. Which tool is used to create an outline for the selected data?

Answer: Group and Outline in LibreOffice calc helps to create an outline of the selected data and helps to group rows and columns together with only a single click, one can collapse (-) to hide or expand (+) the selected data.

Chapter 5 – Using Macros in Spreadsheet

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. Macro Recordings can be enabled from the __ option in the menu bar.
    (a) Sheet
    (b) Data
    (c) Tools
    (d) Window
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(c) Tools
Explanation: Macro recordings you can enable from the tools menu in LibreOffice Calc.

  1. Which of the following is an invalid Macro Name?
    (a) 1formatword
    (b) format word
    (c) format*word
    (d) Format_word.
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(d) Format_word
Explanation: Rules for naming a macro, module or a library is the macro should begin with letter, name should not contain space, name should not contain special character except underscore (_)

  1. Which of the following Libraries contains modules with pre recorded macros and should not be changed?
    (a) My Macros
    (b) LibreOfficeMacros
    (c) Untitled1
    (d) Test
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(b) LibreOfficeMacros
Explanation: LibreOfficeMacros libraries contain modules with pre-recorded macros and should not be changed.

  1. Identify which of the following is a programming Language?
    (a) Calc
    (b) BASIC
    (c) Writer
    (d) Macro.
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Explanation: BASIC is a programming language, BASIC stands for Beginners All purpose symbolic instruction code.

  1. The Module can be executed from the IDE by pressing _____.
    (a) F3
    (b) F4
    (c) F5
    (d) F6
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(c) F5
Explanation: F5 function key is used to run the module from the IDE.

  1. Which of the following is the default name of the Macro ___.
    (a) Default
    (b) Main
    (c) Macro1
    (d) Main_Macro
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(b) Main
Explanation: Main is the default name of a macro in LibreOffice Calc.

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. __ library is automatically loaded when the document is opened.
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Explanation: Only the Standard Library is automatically loaded when the document is opened, no other library is loaded automatically.

  1. IDE stands for ___________________.
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Integrated Development Environment
Explanation: The IDE is a text editor in LibreOffice Calc and allows you to edit, create, debug and run macros.

  1. Macro as a function is capable of accepting and returning a _.
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Arguments/ Values, result/value
Explanation: Macro function can accept parameters and return the values.

  1. Macro ____ allows us to add, delete a module.
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Explanation: Using Macro organizer you can add, delete a module.

  1. The code of macro begins with _ followed by the name of the macro and ends with _.
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Sub, End Sub
Explanation: Macro begins with sub and ends with End Sub.

  1. By default a macro is saved in the _ .
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Standard Library
Emplanation: All the macro is saved inside the Standard Library.

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

  1. Macro is a group of instructions executing a single instruction.
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Explanation: Macro is a group of instructions which can be used many times as per the requirement.

  1. Once created, Macro can be used any number of times.
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Explanation: Macro is a group of instructions which can be used many times as per the requirement.

  1. By default, the Macro recording feature is turned on.
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Explanation: Macro recording feature is by default OFF you have to enable whenever you want to record macro.

  1. It is not possible to stop recording a Macro.
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Explanation: You can start or stop the macro button any time.

  1. Every Macro should be given a unique name.
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Explanation: Every Macro should have a unique name.

  1. A macro once created can be edited later.
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Explanation: Once the macro is created you can edit and modify later.

D. Answer the following questions

1. What is a Macro? List any two real life situations where they can be used.

Answer: A macro is a single command that carries out several commands. These instructions can be a series of keystrokes or commands that are useful as many times as necessary in the future.

Two real life example of Macro is –

  • Automatically data entry in spreadsheets.
  • Creating templates
  • Replace a repetitive series of keyboard actions.

2. List the actions that are not recorded by a macro.

Answer: The following actions are not recorded from the macro –

  • Opening of windows
  • Actions performed in a different window
  • Window switching
  • Action that is not related to the spreadsheet.

3. How is LibreOffice Macros Library different from my Macros?

Answer: The library office provides the LibreOffice Macros library, which consists of modules with pre-recorded macros that shouldn’t be modified, whereas Our Macros is made up of macros that we create or add to LibreOffice.

4. Differentiate between predefined function in Calc and Macros as a function

Answer: Macros give customized functionality to create your own function but predefined functions perform some specified calculation. We are not allowed to modify the predefined function but Macros can be modified.

5. List the rules that should be kept in mind while naming a macro.

Answer: Rules for naming a Macros, Module or a Library are –

  • Begin with a letter
  • Not contain spaces
  • Not contain special character except underscore ( _ )

6. Give any one advantage of macros.

Answer: The advantages of macros are –

  • A macro can be used again and again
  • A macro can be used as function
  • A macro does not check any type error

Chapter 6 – Linking Spreadsheet Data

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. Insert Sheet dialog can be invoked from ___.
    (a) sheet
    (b) insert
    (c) tools
    (d) Windows
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(a) sheet
Explanation: You can insert a new sheet using Sheet > Insert Sheet from the menu bar.

  1. __ refers to cell G5 of sheet named My Sheet.
    (a) $My Sheet.’G5’
    (b) $My Sheet_’G5’
    (c) $ ‘MySheet’.G5
    (d) $ ‘MySheet’_G5
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(c) $ ‘MySheet’.G5
Explanation: If you give an address from another cell then the address will always start from $ sign, followed by the name of the sheet in single quotes (‘ ‘), followed by a dot (.) and then cell address. Single quotes (‘ ‘) are used when there is a space between sheet names.

  1. The path of a file has __ forward slashes.
    (a) four
    (b) three
    (c) two
    (d) one
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(b) three
Explanation: To refer to a cell in a different spreadsheet we write in single quotes the path of the file followed by #$ then the name of the sheet followed by a . (dot) and then the cell address. For example: ‘file:///C:/Users/ADMIN/Documents/X-A.ods’

  1. Which of the following features is used to jump to a different spreadsheet from the current spreadsheet in LibreOffice Calc?
    (a) Macro
    (b) Hyperlink
    (c) connect
    (d) Copy
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(b) Hyperlink
Explanation: Hyperlink is a feature in LibreOffice Calc, which helps to jump to a different spreadsheet from the current sheet.

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. A relative hyperlink stores the location with respect to the _ location.
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Explanation A relative hyperlink stores the location with respect to the current location.

  1. While inserting tables from a webpage _ selects the entire HTML document.
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Explanation: Spreadsheet allows us to insert tables from HTML documents into calc.

  1. The extension of LibreOffice base is __.
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Explanation: Extension of LibreOffice base is .odb

  1. __ are used to enclose sheet names as there might be a space within sheet names.
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Single quotes (‘ ‘)
Explanation: Single quotes (‘ ’) are used as there is a space between the sheet name.

  1. The From file option of _ Dialog box allows inserting a sheet from another file.
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Insert Sheet
Explanation: You can insert a new sheet using Sheet > Insert Sheet from the menu bar.

C. State whether the following statements are True or False notes

  1. A sheet can only be added before the current sheet.
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  1. If the ‘sales’ sheet has a reference to the ‘cost’ sheet then any changes made to the ‘cost’ sheet will be reflected in the sales sheet as well.
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  1. It is not possible to link a sheet as a reference in another sheet.
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  1. We can insert data from a table created on a web page into a spreadsheet.
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  1. A hyperlink once created on a sheet cannot be deleted.
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D. Answer the following questions

1. Name the two ways to link the sheets in a LibreOffice Calc.

Answer: In LibreOffice Calc there is two different ways to link other sheets –

  • Creating reference to other documents using keyboard and mouse
  • By linking external data.

2. Differentiate between Relative and Absolute Hyperlink.

Answer: A hyperlink can be either absolute or relative.

  • Absolute Hyperlink: An absolute hyperlink stores the complete location where the file is stored. In absolute hyperlink if a file is deleted then the absolute hyperlink will not work. For example: C:\Users\ADMIN\Downloads\try.ods is an absolute link as it defines the complete path of the file.
  • Relative hyperlink: A relative hyperlink stores the location with respect to the current location. For example: Admin\Downloads\try.ods is a relative hyperlink as it is dependent on the current location. In the relative hyperlink if the file is moved then also the relative hyperlink will work because it does not store the complete path.

3. Write steps to extract a table from a web page in a spreadsheet.

Answer: The spreadsheet allows you to insert tables from HTML documents or web pages into calc. You can use the External data dialog box for inserting tables from a HTML document or from the web pages .

The steps for extract a table from web page are –

  • Step 1: Click on Sheet > Link to External Data
  • Step 2: The External Data dialog box will be displayed
  • Step 3: Type the URL of the source document or select the drop down list
  • Step 4: Select the Language for import

4. Write steps to register a data source that is in *.odb format.

Answer: LibreOffice Calc allows linking spreadsheet documents with database and with other data sources. Steps for register a data source are –

  • Step 1: Click Tools > Options > LibreOffice Base > Database
  • Step 2: Click New button to open Create Database Link
  • Step 3: Select location of the database using Browse option
  • Step 4: Type the name to use as the registered name for the database
  • Step 5: Click Ok

5. State advantages of extracting data from a web page into a spreadsheet.

Answer: The advantage of extracting data from a web page into spreadsheet are –

  • Data will be accurate: Extracting data from the webpage will help you to reduce the risk of errors and the data will be accurate.
  • Data will be consistent: Extracting data from the webpage will be consistent.
  • It will save time: If you are adding one by one data in the Spreadsheet then it will take a lot of time. Instead you can extract the data from the web page to save time.

Chapter 7 – Share and Review a Spreadsheet

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. Sharing allows to edit the spreadsheet by
    (a) single user
    (b) different users simultaneously
    (c) one by one users
    (d) one after other users
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(b) different users simultaneously

  1. Sharing spreadsheet feature allows to save the changes in
    (a) multiple sheets
    (b) user’s sheet
    (c) in a same sheet
    (d) in different sheet
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(a) multiple sheets

  1. The Recording Changes feature of LibreOffice Calc provides different ways to record the changes made by __ in the spreadsheet.
    (a) one user
    (b) other user
    (c) the user
    (d) one or other users
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(d) one or other users

  1. In Calc, the comments are added
    (a) automatically
    (b) by author
    (c) by reviewer
    (d) all of above
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(d) all of above

  1. The changes by team members in the spreadsheet can be accepted or rejected by
    (a) the team members
    (b) any of the user
    (c) owner
    (d) other users
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(c) owner

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

  1. Spreadsheet cannot be shared to work with more than one user?
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Explanation: Spreadsheet can be shared to multiple people only some of the features will be hidden in spreadsheet, but edit, delete and modification is allowed from the multiple users.

  1. Some of the features become unavailable when the spreadsheet is in shared mode.
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Explanation: If the spreadsheet is in shared mode then some of the features are not available to use like undo, redo, repeat, paste, links to external files, ImageMap and object.

  1. You can record changes in the spreadsheet when the spreadsheet is opened in shared mode.
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Explanation: Record changes can be managed by the owner of the spreadsheet only.

  1. File menu is used to Record changes for the spreadsheet.
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Explanation: The feature of Track Changes > Record under Edit menu.

  1. You can add a note or suggestion in the spreadsheet using Insert Comment.
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Explanation: In LibreOffice Calc, the note or suggestion you can insert using Insert > comment or you can use shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + C.

  1. Formatting comments can be used to change the font color of the comment.
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Explanation: You can change the font color of the comment using Format menu or using format toolbar in LibreOffice Calc you can also modify the font family, size, language and other attributes.

C. Fill in the blanks notes

  1. The title bar of the document shows ______ along with the filename for the shared mode of the spreadsheet.
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Explanation: Once the spreadsheet is saved, the name of the spreadsheet in the title bar will display (shared) along with the name of the spreadsheet.

  1. The shared mode spreadsheet allows __ users to access and edit the spreadsheet at the same time.
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Explanation: Sharing a spreadsheet is just like teamwork to work in collaboration with other users.

  1. Recording changes automatically __ the shared mode of a spreadsheet.
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Turn Off
Explanation: Record changes automatically Turn Off the shared mode of a spreadsheet.

  1. Click on the Edit menu, Track Changes and then select __ to record the changes in the spreadsheet.
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Explanation: You can open the record change option using Edit > Track Change > Record.

  1. The border color of the changed cell will be __.
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Explanation: In record change the changed cell border color will be default red.

  1. __ is used to add notes or suggestions to a cell in a spreadsheet.
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Explanation: You can add notes or suggestions to a cell using the comment feature.

  1. The comment box can be formatted just like formatting the __ (cell contents).
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Cell contents

D. Answer the following questions

1. Define the terms

  • (a) Sharing Spreadsheet: Sharing a spreadsheet helps to collaborate the sheet with other users, It allows multiple users to open and edit the same file at the same time.
  • (b) Record changes: The record changes feature allows you to know a history of changes made in the document from the other users.

2. Write the commands to perform

  • (a) Sharing Spreadsheet: Tools > Share Spreadsheet
  • (b) Record changes: Edit > Track Changes > Record

3. Which menu is used to perform the functions

  • (a) Track Changes: Edit menu
  • (b) Saving Spreadsheet: Edit menu

4. What do you understand by reviewing the changes in the spreadsheet?

Answer: Before sending the final spreadsheet, the reviewer can examine all of the changes made by the team members using accept or reject options before creating the final spreadsheet.

5. Differentiate between Merging and Comparing Spreadsheet.

Answer: When a spreadsheet is returned with revision by the several reviewers. Instead of reviewing each change individually it may be quicker to examine them using compare documents.

If you have two separate versions of the same spreadsheet file and you want to combine these two sheets at once then you can use Merging features in LibreOffice Calc.

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRANING [Dinesh Prasad Saklani] (Director). (2022). Domestic Data Entry Operator (First Edition) [English]. Anup Kumar Rajput. https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_material/Curriculum25/publication/secondary/402_IT_X.pdf

Disclaimer : The Notes, MCQs, and Questions and Answers are made by expert teachers from different schools, but if you feel that there are any mistakes in the Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 NCERT Solutions, please feel free to leave a comment below or please send mail to anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

The book and the study material are available on the CBSE official website and on the NCERT website also, the teachers have tried to make a summary and try to make it easy to understand which will help the students to improve their CBSE results.

Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Chapter 1: Introduction to Styles

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. Which of the following features in LibreOffice Writer is/are used to create the given document?
    (a) Page borders
    (b) Envelope
    (c) Picture from File
    (d) Indexes and Tables
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Answer: (b) Envelope
Explanation: In the above question figure is not added in the question paper please refer to textbook (Page No 20).

  1. Styles menu (from sidebar) in Writer provides options to work on __.
    (a) Paragraph Styles
    (b) Frame Styles
    (c) Page Styles
    (d) All of the above
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Answer: (d) All of the above
Explanation: Style menu provides six different types of style: page style, paragraph style, character style, frame style, list style and table style.

  1. What is the style template in LibreOffice Writer?
    (a) Pre-determined form and mode of document file
    (b) One kind of model style
    (c) One type of document
    (d) Cluster of documents in Writer
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Answer: (b) One kind of model style
Explanation: Style Template is a pre designed model of document which is used to create a new document.

  1. Which of the following gives the status of your document like page numbers, number of pages?
    (a) Status bar
    (b) Standard toolbar
    (c) Formatting
    (d) Title bar
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Show Answer ⟶ Answer: (a) Status bar
Explanation: In LibreOffice status bar is used to give the status of Page number, number of page, total words, total characters and default style information.

  1. Which of the following can be used to access a style menu?
    (a) F11 function key
    (b) Sidebar Menu
    (c) Formatting toolbar
    (d) All of these
Show Answer ⟶
Show Answer ⟶ Answer: (d) All of these
Explanation: You can use F11 function key, Sidebar Menu and Formatting toolbar to open style in LibreOffice Writer.

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. A __ is a collection of different formats
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Answer: style
Explanation: A style is a collection of all formatting information which you want to save and then apply on the document.

  1. Styles are especially handy in __.
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Answer: LibreOffice
Explanation: Style and Formatting windows is given in LibreOffice which is handy to use, Style gives a lot of different methods to handle the format of the document like six different types of style, Fill format, Create new style, update style and load style.

  1. Proper use of styles improves __ in a document.
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Answer: Consistency
Explanation: Style ensures consistency in formatting and reduces time and effort in formatting a document.

  1. The first five buttons at the top of the Styles window select the category of __.
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Answer: Styles
Explanation: Style gives a lot of different methods to handle the format of the document like six different types of style.

  1. Using a predefined __ creates Bookmark in the document.
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Answer: Heading style
Explanation: Predefined Heading Style, allow you to use them as a BookMark for browsing the document.

  1. On opening a new file _ Style is used for formatting the document.
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Answer: Default
Explanation: When you open the new document by default the default style is used.

  1. In page layout documents, you can arrange __ like text boxes and graphics.
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Answer: Objects
Explanation: In page layout you can arrange the text boxes, graphics and objects.

  1. Character styles are often integrated in __ Style.
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Answer: Paragraph Style
Explanation: Character style is a collection of character related format and paragraph style including both character and paragraph.

  1. __ allows to apply style at different places in the document.
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Answer: Fill format
Explanation: Fill Format is used to apply a style in different places quickly without having to go back to the styles and formatting.

  1. Predefined Style __ be updated by Drag and Drop method.
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Answer: Cannot
Explanation: We can create new styles using drag and drop but updating new style is not possible with drag and drop.

C. Short answer questions

1. What do you understand by styles in LibreOffice writer document?

Answer: Styles are predefined sets of formatting options in LibreOffice Writer that can be applied to text, paragraphs, lists, and other elements in a document. They make it possible to format the entire document effectively and consistently.

2. Write advantages of using Style over manual formatting, for designing a document.

Answer: The advantage of using style over manual formatting are –

  • Styles enable us to format documents consistently. 
  • We may easily change the current format by using styles. 
  • Major formatting adjustments are made easy with styles.

3. What are the different categories of style in the LibreOffice writer document?

Answer: There are six different types of style categories you can use in LibreOffice Writer. 

  • Page Style – Basic page layout like page size, its margin, placement of header and footer, footnote, borders and background.
  • Paragraph Style – Paragraph formatting includes tab stops, text alignment, line spacing and borders.
  • Character Style – Character styles allow changing the text color, text size, highlighting text and emphasizing it. 
  • Frame Style – Frame Styles allows to format a frame by specifying its size, position, border and how the text is placed around the picture.
  • List Style – List style can be used to style lists by putting numbering or bullets of a different kind or specify numeric format.
  • Table Style – Table Style category allows to format a table by adding borders, using different text or border color(s), aligning text inside the table, having different patterns or text color.

4. Write down the steps to update a style.

Answer: To update style in LibreOffice Writer the steps are –

  • Step 1: Select formatted paragraph
  • Step 2: Go to Style menu and click on update button
  • Step 3: Using the Style Action button click on Updated Selected Style.

5. What do you understand by custom styles in LibreOffice writer?

Answer: Custom styles are used when the existing styles do not match the requirement, then you can create a Custom Style. There are two different ways to create custom style a) From the selection b) By using drag and drop 

6. In a document Introduction paragraph is to be designed extensively by setting its font (face, size, weight, color), space above it and giving number to heading Given below are the steps used to do so.

  • (i) Select the Introduction (paragraph)
  • (ii) Open Font list from Toolbar
  • (iii) Select the font
  • (iv) Open Font size from Toolbar
  • (v) Select the desired font size
  • (vi) Select Font weight (Bold) from the toolbar
  • (vii) Open Font color from Toolbar
  • (viii) Select desired color
  • (ix) Using Format menu option, select Spacing > Paragraph > Indent and Spacing
  • (x) Edit space above paragraph
  • (xi) Add number by Selecting Numbered list from Toolbar.

Answer: The below steps are given for the detailed process of formatting an introduction paragraph in a document. 

  • (i) Using click and drag to highlight the introduction paragraph
  • (ii) In the toolbar, Click on the dropdown menu to display the current font.
  • (iii) In the toolbar, Click on the dropdown menu to select the font type
  • (iv) In the toolbar, Select the font size from the dropdown menu.
  • (v) In the toolbar, Click on the dropdown menu to select appropriate font size for the introduction paragraph
  • (vi) The “B” icon in the toolbar is used to make the Font weight Bold.
  • (vii) In the toolbar, Click on the font color icon to change the color of the text
  • (viii) In the toolbar, You can use color palette for the desired color
  • (ix) Click on Format menu then navigate to “Indent and Spacing” and find “Spacing” or “Paragraph” 
  • (x) You can adjust the space before the paragraph 
  • (xi) To select a number list you can click on Format > Bullets and Numbering.

7. Give two examples, where instead of Style, using manual formatting will be beneficial.

Answer: The two examples where manual formatting will be beneficial – 

  • Editing a poster or flier
  • Editing documents in some specific areas

8. Give one situation, in which you will prefer to use Fill Format for styling your document.

Answer: Fill Format method is very useful when the same style we want to apply in many places in the document. 

9. Write steps to load style(s) from a template.

Answer: Follow the following steps to load styles from a template –

  • Step 1: In the style menu click on Load Style.
  • Step 2: Select the document which you want to Load on the document
  • Step 3: Click OK to copy the style

Chapter 2: Working with Image

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. The text or image which appears faintly in the background of a page is called _____.
    (a) Watermark
    (b) Trade mark
    (c) Copyright
    (d) Embossing
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (a) Watermark
Explanation: Watermark is a graphic or word which displays in the background.

  1. JPG or JPEG in image format stands for _____.
    (a) Joint Photographic Experts Group
    (b) Joint Picture Experts Group
    (c) Joint Photographic Experts Graph
    (d) Joint Photographic Experts General
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (a) Joint Photographic Experts Group
Explanation: Joint Photographic Experts Group is the name of the group who created the JPEG standard.

  1. In the Drawing Object Properties toolbar, Grouping options provided are _____.
    (a) Exit Group
    (b) Ungroup
    (c) Enter Group
    (d) All of these
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (d) All of these
Explanation: Grouping allows you to combine multiple objects in a single object, grouping is helpful when you want to manage multiple objects at same time.

  1. Which of the following is not the correct file extension for an image file?
    (a) GIF
    (b) JPEG
    (c) Odt
    (d) PNG
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (c) Odt
Explanation: GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format, JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Expert Group, PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics; all three belong to the image file.

  1. Image toolbar does not provide a tool for _____.
    (a) filtering
    (b) cropping
    (c) copying
    (d) flipping
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (c) Copying
Explanation: Image toolbar in LibreOffice contains: Image Filter, Image Mode, Crop, Flip Horizontal or Vertical, Rotate, Transparency and color.

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. _ tool cuts off the non-desirable part of the image.
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Answer: Crop
Explanation: Cropping is used to cut unwanted areas of the image.

  1. To change both brightness and contrast of the image ____ tool can be used.
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Answer: Gamma Correction
Explanation: If you want to change both brightness and contrast of the image you have to use Gamma Correction but Gamma Correction is not given in NCERT textbook.

  1. To simulate the effect of time on a picture _ tool is used.
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Answer: Aging
Explanation: Aging simulates the effect of time on pictures.

  1. _ place image at the bottom of all objects.
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Answer: Send Back
Explanation: Arrangement method is used to arrange images at the bottom of objects, there are six different types of arrangement: Bring to Front, Forward One, Back One, Send to Back, To Foreground and To Background.

  1. An image can be deleted by __ it and pressing DELETE key.
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Answer: Selecting
Explanation: Whenever you have to perform any action on the file of image you have to select first.

  1. In drawing tools, basic shapes list provide __ shapes.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: 25
Explanation: There are 25 different types of shapes available in the drawing tools.

  1. Anchor acts as _ point for a drawing.
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Answer: Reference
Explanation: Anchor acts as a reference point for the image or drawing.

  1. There are ____ options for aligning an image horizontally.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: Three
Explanation: Alignment is used to align vertical or horizontal placement of the image, there are a total six different types of Alignment – 3 horizontal and 3 vertical.

  1. The _ handles of the image are used for rotating it.
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Answer: Corner
Explanation: For resizing, rotating and maintaining the shape, use corner handles.

  1. Changing properties of an object _ creation, retain them throughout the session
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: Before its

C. Short answer type questions

1. What is a digital image? How can you create one?

Answer: A picture is a digital image, which is represented by a finite number of pixels, or digital values, that can be either 0 or 1. These are kept in several kinds of graphics files like GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, etc.

2. Write steps to insert an image from the gallery using Drag and Drop method.

Answer: You can use the Drag & Drop feature to insert images into the document. Usually, you can simply drag the image from its source and drop it where you want it to be on the page.

3. How is resizing of image different from cropping it?

Answer: Cropping removes unwanted areas from an image, while resizing modifies the images entire dimensions. Resizing effects on the file size and image quality. 

4. What are the tools available in drawing toolbar? Describe any five tools.

Answer: Drawing toolbar is a feature of LibreOffice Writer, this drawing toolbar is basically helpful when we want to draw shapes and graphics in a document. Some of the basic drawing toolbar tools are Cure, polygen, Rectangle, Circle, Flowchart, Textbox, basic shapes etc.

5. How is linking of an image different from embedding? Give a situation in which you would prefer to link an image.

Answer: In LibreOffice Writer embedding is used to embed the image and save the copy of the image in the document. Linking means when you link to the image file instead of saving a copy. The link is better than embedding because linking saves space in case multiple copies of the same image are required.

6. Write steps to change properties for drawing objects.

Answer: Drawing object properties can be modified either at the time of creation or after its creation. The steps to change properties for drawing objects are –

  • Step 1: Select the object 
  • Step 2: Click on Drawing Object Properties Toolbar and click on modified
  • Step 3: Change the value of parameter
  • Step 4: Repeat step 2 and 3 to change all desired properties.

7. What are the benefits and drawbacks of grouping drawing objects?

Answer: When an object is drawn with many shapes, it can be combined to work as a single entity using grouping.

8. Describe any two tools from Drawing Object Properties toolbar.

Answer: The Drawing Object properties toolbar contains different types of tools to manipulate shapes and graphics. The two tools are Ellips and textbox.

9. Write steps to insert an image in a basic drawing shape.

Answer: Steps for inserting image in a basic drawing shape are –

  • Step 1: In document place the cursor where you want to insert image
  • Step 2: Select and click on Insert > Image from menu bar.
  • Step 3: Select the picture from Insert Image dialog box
  • Step 4: Click on Open button to insert an image in document

10. Write factors controlling positioning of an image in a document.

Answer: Different factors control the positioning of an image in a document are Arrangement and Alignment.

Chapter 3: Advanced Features of Writer

A. Multiple choice questions

  1. Which of the following is NOT true about Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box?
    (a) It has four tabs
    (b) On the Type tab, by default, the checkbox for Protected against Manual Changes option will be selected.
    (c) The Styles tab contains options to change the background color.
    (d) None of the above
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (a) It has four tabs
Explanation: Protection against manual changes option is used to protect the ToC from any accidental changes and the style tab has an option to change background color.

  1. Which of the following tabs is by default active when the Table of Contents, Entries or Bibliography dialog box is opened?
    (a) Entries
    (b) Background
    (c) Styles
    (d) Type
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (d) Type
Explanation: In Table of Contents there are five different types of tab: Type, Entries, Style, Columns and Background, by default after opening the ToC the first tab, Type tab is active.

  1. Which of the following tabs contains options to set styles for various entries in the ToC?
    (a) Entries
    (b) Background
    (c) Styles
    (d) Type
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (c) Styles
Explanation: The style tab is given in ToC, this tab contains 10 different types of heading style and paragraph style.

  1. Which of the following can be added in the background of Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer?
    (a) Color
    (b) Graphic
    (c) Both a and b
    (d) Neither a nor b
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (c) Both a and b
Explanation: In the background of ToC you can contain colors and graphics both.

  1. Which of the following is NOT true about templates?
    (a) The styles and formatting features can be reused.
    (b) LibreOffice provides online templates
    (c) We cannot create our own templates.
    (d) None of the above.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (c) We cannot create our own templates.
Explanation: We can create, modify and import the templates.

  1. Which of the following is the shortcut key to open the Templates dialog box?
    (a) Ctrl+Alt+N
    (b) Shift+Ctrl+N
    (c) Ctrl+Alt+T
    (d) Shift+Alt+T
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (b) Shift+Ctrl+N
Explanation: Shift+Ctrl+N is used to open templates in LibreOffice and OpenOffice both.

  1. Which of the following buttons, in the Templates dialog box, will be clicked to save a template displayed in the list of templates?
    (a) Export
    (b) Import
    (c) Move
    (d) None of the above
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (b) Import
Explanation: Import is used to add templates from outside or from other documents.

  1. Which of the following is the shortcut key to select the entire document?
    (a) Ctrl+S
    (b) Ctrl+A
    (c) Ctrl+D
    (d) Ctrl+B
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (b) Ctrl+A
Explanation: Ctrl+A is used to select the entire document content.

  1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of options to open the Templates dialog box?
    (a) File > Manage Templates > Templates
    (b) File > Templates > Manage Templates
    (c) Insert > Templates >Manage Templates
    (d) Insert > Manage Templates > Templates
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (b) File > Templates > Manage Templates
Explanation: You can open a template using File > Templates > Manage Templates.

  1. Which of the following is true about the Track Changes feature of Writer?
    (a) You cannot record a change made in the document.
    (b) A comment of a particular author only can be deleted
    (c) Any change made to the document is permanent.
    (d) None of the above
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (d) None of the above

  1. Which of the following menus contains the Track Changes option?
    (a) File
    (b) Edit
    (c) View
    (d) Insert
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (b) Edit

  1. Which of the following is the shortcut key to start recording the changes being made in the document?
    (a) Ctrl+Shift+C.
    (b) Alt+Shift+C
    (c) Ctrl+Alt+C
    (d) Shift+C+F2
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: (a) Ctrl+Shift+C.
Explanation: Ctrl+Shift+C is a shortcut key to start recording the changes being made in the document.

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. To navigate to the topic from the ToC, press _ key while clicking the mouse button on that topic.
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Answer: Ctrl
Explanation: To navigate the topic from the ToC you can use the Ctrl key.

  1. To remove the applied paragraph styling in the ToC, select the outline level in the Levels list box, and then click the _ button.
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Answer: Default
Explanation: Style tab in ToC you will find one option Default Paragraph Style, this default paragraph style you can use to remove the paragraph style.

  1. If the checkbox for___________________ option is selected, the ToC is protected from any accidental change.
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Answer: Protected Against Manual Changes
Explanation: Protected against manual changes option is used to protect the ToC from any accidental changes

  1. To update the ToC manually, right click and select _ option from the pop up menu.
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Answer: Update Index
Explanation: Writer does not allow to update ToC automatically only manual updates are allowed.

  1. The _ tab contains options to set the number of columns that we want to have in our ToC.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: Columns
Explanation: The Columns tab in ToC is used to create multiple columns, by default one column is selected.

  1. A ____________ is a preset layout that helps us to create professional and formal documents easily.
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Answer: Template
Explanation: Templates are used to create professional and formal documents.

  1. The default template in Writer is ________.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: Blank Document Template
Explanation: When you open a template in LibreOffice you will find the Blank Document Template is selected by default.

  1. To find the template that is being used in the current document, select _ option from the File menu.
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Answer: Properties
Explanation: If you want to know what is the name of the template in the current document then you can open properties dialog box from File > Properties.

  1. The ________ button is clicked in the Templates dialog box to view online templates.
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Answer: Browse Online Templates
Explanation: Browse Online Templates dialog box option is used to view online templates.

  1. The ______ feature of Writer offers us an alternative method to keep a record of all the changes made in the original document.
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Answer: Track Changes
Explanation: the Track Changes feature of Writer offers an alternative method to keep a record of all the changes made in the original document

  1. The shortcut key to start recording the changes is _.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: Ctrl+Shift+C

  1. After the Track Changes feature is ON, the added characters are shown as __ text.
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Answer: Coloured
Explanation: Any character added to the document will be displayed in a different color and any deletion done will be seen in strike-through style.

C. State whether the given statements are True or False

  1. The topics in Table of Contents are hyperlinked.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: True
Explanation: You can use hyperlink in Table of Contents using LS (Hyperlink Start) and LE (Hyperlink End) button to create hyperlinks.

  1. The Table of Contents in LibreOffice Writer can be updated automatically.
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Answer: False
Explanation: No, The table of contents will not update automatically, you have to perform manually updation.

  1. TABLE of Contents can be inserted even if the section headings are not styled.
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Answer: False
Explanation: No, In LibreOffice there are 10 different types of heading you can use to create a Table of Content.

  1. Once a ToC is created, it cannot be edited.
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Answer: False
Explanation: You can Edit Table of Content after creating the ToC.

  1. We cannot add a graphic as a background of ToC.
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Answer: False
Explanation: You are allowed to add background color of background image in ToC.

  1. A single template can be used for multiple documents.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes you are allowed to use a single template for multiple documents.

  1. A template cannot contain graphics.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: False
Explanation: In template you can insert graphics, image and color as per your requirement.

  1. All documents in Writer are based upon templates.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: True

  1. The online templates cannot be added to the list of templates in the templates dialog box.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: False

  1. A template once created can be edited again and again.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: True
Exmplan: Once you create a template then you can edit multiple times.

  1. The changes recorded have to be accepted by the original author.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: False
Explanation: The changes record can be accepted by any one the user who is using the document.

  1. We can delete the comments added in a document by the user.
Show Answer ⟶
Answer: True

D. Answer the following questions

1. What is the need of table of contents?

Answer: Table of Contents is a feature which enables the automatic insertion of a table of contents (Index) to a document. The headers and subheadings of the document automatically become the source for the entries or contents of this table.

2. What will happen if the ‘Protected Against Manual Changes’ option is not selected in the Type tab of Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box?

Answer: The Protected against Manual Changes checkbox is checked by default. This protects the TOC against accidental modifications. The contents of the ToC can be edited directly on the document page, just like any other text on the document, if this box is left unchecked.

3. Name the five tabs present in the Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog box.

Answer: The five tabs present in the Table of Contents are –

  1. Index/Table – In this tab you can add Title, Type, protected against manual changes and evaluate up to level.
  2. Entries – In this tab you can add structure and Formatting for example, E#, E, T, #, LS, LE etc. 
  3. Styles – In this tab you can change the labels of heading, and you can add paragraph style.
  4. Columns – In this tab you can add multiple columns, and you can set column width and spacing.
  5. Background – In this tab you can set background color.

4. What do you mean by customization of ToC?

Answer: After the ToC is inserted, we can modify it depending on our requirements. To perform this, right-click on the ToC anywhere, then choose the Edit Index option from the popup menu.

5. How headings and sub-headings of a document differentiated in ToC?

Answer: LibreOffice Writer supports 10 levels of heading from H1 to H10 in LibreOffice Writer. You can also use sub headings in LibreOffice Writer to show the table of content in hierarchical form where H1 will show the top of the heading and H2 will show the sub heading of Heading 1. 

6. Define a template.

Answer: A template is a pre-designed arrangement that makes it simple to create formal and/or professional documents. Anything that can be found in a conventional document, including text, images, and a collection of styles, can also be found in templates. With LibreOffice, every document is built using templates.

7. Give any one advantage of using a template for your document.

Answer: Using templates makes creating documents easier. Using templates can reduce workloads, reduce stress, and boost productivity at the same time.

8. What is the difference between importing and exporting a template?

Answer: Once the template is constructed, it can be exported using the export template feature for later use or you can also download the template from the internet. You can also import the template into LibreOffice Writer and make it visible in the list of templates in the Templates dialog box.

10. When is exporting of templates useful? Give any one reason.

Answer: When you wish to use the same template in several documents or to share it with others, exporting templates might be useful.

11. What is the difference between Accept Track Change and Accept All Tracked Changes buttons?

Answer: the original author may approve changes made to the document by selecting the Accept All Track Changes button, which will approve all changes made. Accept Track Change will be accepted only once at a time. 

12. How do we prepare a document for review?

Answer: When a document is shared with one or more users for review or editing, the Track Changes capability is used. Therefore, it is important to ensure that any changes are documented before sharing the document.

This will guarantee that the original author of the document will have the choice to approve or disapprove the modifications made after the review is complete. Therefore, the original author should start documenting the modifications being made and prepare the document for review before sending it out for review.

Employability skills Class 10 Notes

Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 10 Notes

Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRANING [Dinesh Prasad Saklani] (Director). (2022). Domestic Data Entry Operator (First Edition) [English]. Anup Kumar Rajput. https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_material/Curriculum25/publication/secondary/402_IT_X.pdf

Disclaimer : The Notes, MCQs, and Questions and Answers are made by expert teachers from different schools, but if you feel that there are any mistakes in the Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions, please feel free to leave a comment below or please send mail to anuraganand2017@gmail.com.

The book and the study material are available on the CBSE official website and on the NCERT website also, the teachers have tried to make a summary and try to make it easy to understand which will help the students to improve their CBSE results.

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