IT 402 Practical File class 10 – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new practical files are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).
The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.
Download IT (402) Practical File
Practical File of Class 10 IT (402) Weightage is 10 Marks, Students have to write all answers from the practical file, answers should be handwritten.

Digital Documentation using LibreOffice Writer
1. How you will open the Styles and Formatting window in a document using LibreOffice writer and how you will apply the style in the document. Explain any three different types of styles and paste the screenshot of the style and formatting window.
Answer: LibreOffice Writer provides different types of tools to apply predefined style or formatting in a document. This style or formatting helps to maintain uniformity in font size, font face, spacing, heading or overall layout in the documents. There are six different types of Styles in LibreOffice Writer: (a) Paragraph Styles, (b) Character Styles, (c) Page Styles, (d) Frame Styles, (e) List Styles and (f) Table Styles.
There are several ways to open Style and Formatting window in LibreOffice –
- Click on Format > Styles > Manage Style
- To open style and formatting window press F11
- Using Sidebar Menu
- Using Style Drop Down list box from toolbar

Download Style Formatting Image
Page Styles – Page style is used to define basic page layout like page size, border, background or footnote etc. You can apply many page styles in a document. If the page style is not declared then the user can define the default page style.
Paragraph Style – Paragraph style helps to organize the content in paragraphs. Paragraphs formatting includes border, tab stops, text alignment and line spacing etc. It also includes character style attributes.
Character style – This style is used to change the appearance of the characters. This style includes text color, highlighting text, text size and emphasizing it.
2. What do you mean by the Fill Format tool in LibreOffice Writer and how you will apply the same style to multiple sections quickly.
Answer: Fill format is a quick method to apply the same style in different locations in the document. In Manual formatting every time we have to select the text and we have to apply the style which takes a lot of time. Instead of manual method we can use the Fill Format method to apply the style quickly.
Apply the same style to multiple sections quickly using following steps –
- Step 1: Open LibreOffice Writer
- Step 2: Open Style window
- Step 3: Select the paragraph where the style will be copy
- Step 4: Click on Fill Format button
- Step 5: Take the mouse pointer to the desired location and apply the style.
- Step 6: Repeat step 5 until all the changes have been made

3. What is a Table of Contents (ToC) and why is it important in a document? Imagine you are preparing a project report that has several sections and subsections. You have been asked to add a ToC to make it more organized and easier to navigate. Write steps to create Table of Content in LibreOffice Writer.
Answer: Table of content is used to create a list of topics and subtopics that have been covered in the book along with page number, this table of content you can define with different types of heading. This table of contents can be inserted automatically in the document. Hyperlink can navigate directly to the selected topic in the document.
Steps to create a Table of Content in LibreOffice Writer are –
To create a Table of content in the document first you have to use paragraph styles for headings such as main sections will be Heading 1, subsections will be Heading 2 vice versa.
- Step 1: Click on Insert > Table of Contents and Index
- Step 2: Select Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography
- Step 3: Click on Entries options in ToC
- Step 4: Customize Structure and Formatting
- Step 5: Click on OK

4. What do you mean by track change and why track change options are used in documents? How you will use accept or reject the changes option in LibreOffice Writer.
Answer: Track Changes is used when multiple people are working on a single document and helps to keep a track of the editing being done by other users. Track change ensures transparency about the person who made the changes, It makes it easy for authors to see the suggestions without losing the original text and the accept and reject change option can be used for canceling or accepting any changes in the document.
We can use following steps to accept or reject the changes in the documents –

- Step 1: Click on Accept Track Change/ Reject Track Change button
- Step 2: To navigate between the changes, Click on Previous Track Changes and Next Track Changes.
- Step 3: Select Accept All Tracked Changes / Reject All Tracked Changes button respectively.
5. Write the steps for inserting image in the LibreOffice Writer and write the difference between resize image and text wrapping option in the document.
Answer: LibreOffice Writer allows to insert image, charts, diagrams and shapes using various tools. In LibreOffice writer can insert images using various ways such as using drag and drop, using dialog box or using cut and copy option.
Inserting Image using image option are –
Step 1: Click on Insert > Image from menu bar
Step 2: Select the image file
Step 3: Click on Open button to insert image
- Resize Image – Resizing Image allows to change the dimensions of the image (height and width), resizing image can maintain aspect ration.
- Text Wrapping – It allows the text to flows around the image and manage the positioning of the image to the text.
Electronic Spreadsheets using LibreOffice Calc
6. You have the following data of students’ and their marks for Pre Mid Term, Mid Term and Post Mid Term stored in three different worksheets in the same workbook. How you will use it to consolidate data features in LibreOffice calc to summarize the data in a single worksheet that will show the average marks of each student.
Answer: Consolidate data feature allows to combine data from different sheets and summarize into one place.
Steps to use consolidate data feature in LibreOffice calc are –
- Step 1: Open a Workbook
- Step 2: Create a new sheet where the data has to combine
- Step 3: Click on Data > Consolidate option
- Step 4: Select the function from drop down menu
- Step 5: Add Source data ranges
- Step 6: Click on check button “Copy results to”
- Step 7: Click on “Copy result to” and specify the address where you want to copy the result
- Step 8: Click on “Ok” button
7. You have the following sales report, you need to calculate the total quantity sold for each category using the subtotal feature in LibreOffice Calc. Write steps to apply subtotals in LibreOffice Calc.
Answer: Subtotals is used to find the subtotals of three arrays arranged in labeled columns in LibreOffice Calc and sorts the data automatically.
Steps for using subtotal are –
- Step 1: Click on Data > Subtotals
- Step 2: Select Column a column where you want to apply subtotal
- Step 3: Select any functions like sum, count, min, max or average etc.
- Step 4: Click Ok
8. What do you mean by Macro? Write the steps to record Macro in LibreOffice calc.
Answer: Macro is used to performe the same task multiple times using formulas. Macros helps to use to do the same task multiple times.
Follow the following steps to record a macro –
- Step 1: Click on Tools > Macros > Record Macro
- Step 2: Start doing actions which you want to record
- Step 3: After completion of your actions, Click on Save Macro
- Step 4: Change the name of Macro
- Stet 5: Click on Save button
9. You want to create a yearly budget and you want to see how different monthly savings can affect your total savings at the end of the year. Explain the steps how you will create What-if Scenarios in LibreOffice Calc.
Answer: What if scenarios is used to compare different alternatives depending on the changing conditions.
Steps for creating Scenarios in LibreOffice Calc are –
- Step 1: Select the cells where you want to apply scenarios
- Step 2: Click Tools > Scenarios
- Step 3: Enter name of Scenarios
- Step 4: Click Ok Button
Unit 3: Database Management System
10. Consider the following table: Students
Admission_No | Class | Student_Name | Address |
S1234 | X | Student A | Bandra, Mumbai |
S1235 | XI | Student B | Dharavi, Mumbai |
S1236 | X | Student C | Girgaon, Mumbai |
S1237 | XI | Student D | Worli, Mumbai |
S1238 | X | Student E | Bandra, Mumbai |
(a) You want to design a student database in your school, based on the above table, identify the fields, which of the above fields you will use to store information of each record.
(b) The database administrator needs to ensure that each student has a unique identifier. Which of the above fields in the table would be used to make a primary key and why.
(c) After reviewing the student database you realize that there should be another field apart from the primary key which will uniquely identify a record. Identify the above field and justify why it could be used as an alternate key.
(d) If you want to integrate the student table with another table which will store the students fee details. Justify how you will use the primary key from the students table and a foreign key in the Fees collection table to create a relationship between the two tables. Explain with examples.
Answer: (a) Above field which is used to store the student’s information is – Admission_no, Class, Student_namd, Address
(b) The “Admission_no” from the table can be used for primary key, primary key ensure that the duplication will be not allowed in the table, and the column will be not blank.
(c) Alternate key is a field that can be uniquely identify the record beside the primary key, the student’s name field could use as a primary key only if there is guarantee that the student’s name should be not repeated.
(d) If we want to integrate the students table with another table for storing fee details then relationship can be used as primary key from the student table and foreign key from another table, the relationship between two table will be one-to-many.
11. Identify the difference between fields, records and tables in the database using the student database.
Answer: The difference between fields, records and tables in the database are –
- Field – A field is the smallest entity in the database for example name, phone number or address, field is a fundamental building blocks of the database.
- Record – Record is a collection of fields, this collection of records makes a table.
- Tables – Table is a collection of records or logically related records, table are organized in the form of row and column.
12. What are the different types of keys in the database and explain their roles and importance.
Answer: The different types of keys in a database are –
- Primary Key – Primary key is field or set of fields which is uniquely identify in the table. A primary key must be unique and cannot contain null values.
- Composite Primary Key – A composite primary key consists of two or more field uniquely identify each record in the table.
- Foreign Key – Foreign key is used to link one table to another table using referencing It is used to make relationship between two tables.
13. Explain how you will create relationships between two tables. What is the difference between one-to-many, many-to-many and one-to-one relationships?
Answer: To create a relationship between two table then the parent table will will contain “Primary key” and the child table will contain “Foreign key”.
14. What do you mean by Query in LibreOffice Base.
Answer: Query helps to retrieve and display data from one or more table using set of instruction.