MCQ on Algorithm and Flowchart

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the MCQ on Algorithm and Flowchart. All the important MCQs are taken from the NCERT Textbook.

MCQ on Algorithm and Flowchart

1. An algorithm is a _____________ that provides a series of instructions that should be carried out in a particular order to get the desired outcome.
a. Step – by – step process
b. flow chart process
c. Pseudocode process
d. None of the above

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a. Step – by – step process

2. What are the advantages of Algorithms?
a. Easy to understand
b. Algorithm follows a predefined path
c. It is independent of any programing language
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

3. What are the disadvantages of Algorithms?
a. It takes a long time to write an algorithm
b. Harder to demonstrate branches
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

4. How can you write an algorithm?
a. There are no clear guidelines for writing algorithms
b. Algorithm should be written in sequential order
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

MCQ on Algorithm and Flowchart

5. ___________ is basically an algorithm implemented using comments and explanatory text written in simple English.
a. Pseudocode
b. Flowchart
c. Algorithm
d. None of the above

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a. Pseudocode

6. A flowchart is a ___________ representation of an algorithm using various symbols, shapes, and arrows to explain a process or programme.
a. Graphical
b. Visual
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

7. You can create a flowchart using ____________?
a. Pen & Pencil
b. Using Online software
c. Using Offline software
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

8. Why do we use a flowchart?
a. To have a better understanding of how a process works.
b. To evaluate a process in order to improve it.
c. To explain how a process works to others.
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

9. What are the different types of flowchart?
a. System flowchart
b. Document flowchart
c. Program flowchart
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

MCQ on Algorithm and Flowchart

10. _________ symbol used when the flow chart is starting or ending.
a. Connector/ Arrow
b. Terminal Box
c. Input / Output
d. Process

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b. Terminal Box

11. ___________ symbol used to connect relationships between the shapes.
a. Connector
b. Terminal Box
c. Input/ Output
d. Process

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a. Connector

12. ___________ symbol used to take input or output in the process.
a. Connector
b. Terminal Box
c. Input/ Output
d. Process

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c. Input/ Output

MCQ on Algorithm and Flowchart

13. ___________ symbol used to calculate or process any data in the flowchart.
a. Connector
b. Terminal Box
c. Input/ Output
d. Process

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d. Process

14. _________ symbol used when the decision or condition to be checked.
a. Connector
b. Terminal Box
c. Input/ Output
d. Decision

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d. Decision

Reference Textbook

The above MCQ on Algorithm and Flowchart was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

Disclaimer (CBSESkillEducation)- 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook MCQ on Algorithm and Flowchart, and our team has tried to collect all the correct MCQs from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us

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