Information Technology Class 10 Notes – Digital Documentation Class 10 NCERT Solutions – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).
The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.
These it 402 class 10 notes is concise and comprehensive designed to save you valuable time. They cover all the important aspects of the Class 10 IT NCERT textbook. The Information Technology curriculum has been updated and is now divided into two parts: Part A focuses on Employability skills, and Part B covers Subject Specific skills.

Information Technology Class 10 Notes
Subject Specific skills Notes ( 40 Marks )
- Unit 1- Digital Documentation
- Unit 2- Electronic Spreadsheet
- Unit 3- RDBMS
- Unit 4: Maintain Healthy Safe and Secure Working Environment Class 10 Notes (New Chapter)
- Unit 4- Web Applications And Security(Old Chapter)
Employability skills Notes ( 10 Marks )
- Unit 1- Communication Skills
- Unit 2- Self-Management Skills
- Unit 3- Basic ICT Skills
- Unit 4- Entrepreneurial Skills
- Unit 5- Green Skills
This year CBSE has changed the syllabus of Information Technology class 10 code 402. This year Information Technology Class 10 will have a new pattern. Previously the textbook was based on OpenOffice but now it is changed to LibreOffice. So, students are requested to go through the notes, MCQs and Question Answers from the website, which will guide you on the basics of the new pattern. Our team is trying to update the notes, MCQs and question and answers based on the new syllabus.
This new syllabus has many of the changes which you have to know to score good marks in CBSE Board examination. Students can download the notes, MCQs, NCERT solution, and Questions and answers from the website. We have provided you with a PDF of all the chapters of class 10 information technology notes 402.
There is a slight change in all the topics for example, digital documentation, electronic spreadsheet, database management system and in Unit 4 many of the outdated information are removed for the textbook and introduced new topic “Maintain Healthy safe and secure working environment class 10 notes. The cbse class 10 information technology notes pdf exam will be conducted based on theory 50 marks and internal assessments 50 marks, the total will be 100 marks exam.
New education policy 2020 have revised all aspects of education structure including vocational courses also. New education policy is trying to update all the vocation subjects and they are trying to focus on overall development of the students with the aspirational goals of 21st century students. The NEP policy aims to integrate vocational education into mainstream education in all schools and in the educational institution. NEP is also focused on quality vocational education in school and in higher education.
The National Education Policy 2020 has given importance to vocational education and trying to develop teachers to boost the employability skills and vocational skills (Subject Specific Skills) based knowledge to the students. NEP is also trying to improve the quality of vocational education in schools by identifying, designing and development of vocational courses.
In class 10 information technology notes is divided into two parts –
- Part A: Employability Skills (10 Marks)
- Part B: Subject Specific Skills (40 Marks)
Part A: Employability Skills
In Employability Skills there are five units, this units are based on basic information of communication, self management, computers, interpersonal and green skills, many of this you already know form the previous class but many of the things are new, student have to go thorough notes, MCQs and Questions and answers this will help you to improve your result in Board Examination. The five different topics are –
- Unit 1: Communication Skills
- Unit 2: Self Management Skills
- Unit 3: Basic ICT Skills
- Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills
- Unit 5: Green Skills
Thank youu sooo muchhh ma’am we will give our best
very helpful 💕
Good help for my studies to pick up well and soon
Good help