Information Technology Class 12

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Information Technology Class 12: The Central Board of Secondary Education introduced an IT course under the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF). The IT course includes four topics. Unit 1: Database Concepts, Unit 2: Operating Web-Based Applications, Unit 3: Java and Fundamentals of Java Programming and Unit 4: Work Integrated Learning IT.

Information Technology Class 12

Information technology class 12 notes

Unit – 1: Database Concepts
Unit – 2: Operating Web
Unit – 3: Fundamentals of Java Programming
Unit – 4: Work Integrated Learning IT – DMA

Information technology class 12 mcq

Unit – 1: Database Concepts
Unit – 2: Operating Web
Unit – 3: Fundamentals of Java Programming
Unit – 4: Work Integrated Learning IT – DMA

Information technology class 12 questions and answers

Unit – 1: Database Concepts
Unit – 2: Operating Web
Unit – 3: Fundamentals of Java Programming
Unit – 4: Work Integrated Learning IT – DMA

Information technology class 12 Sample Paper

Comming Soon…

Information technology class 12 Board Paper

Comming Soon…

In the traditional method, records are stored in the files, but when computers are introduced, the record is stored in a database, which helps the user to manage data properly. Information plays an important role in today’s competitive environment. The database simplifies the task of managing the data and extracting useful information. In this chapter we are going to learn the concept of a database and how Java is used as a front-end application. In class 12 there are four units: Unit 1: Database Concepts, Unit 2: Operating Web-Based Applications, Unit 3: Java and Fundamentals of Java Programming, and Unit 4: Work Integrated Learning IT.

In Unit 1, students are going to learn how the RDBMS helps with storing the data, how to create SQL commands and what the different types of commands are. You will also understand the basic concept of RDBMS, how to create and open a database, how to populate tables, how to modify the content and structure of a table, how ordering and grouping are helpful in a database, and how to operate with multiple tables.

In Unit 2, students are going to learn about operating web-based applications, online reservation systems, e-governance, online shopping and bill payments, online tutorials and tests, project management – web-based application development, project essentials and tips, Case Study – Online Game, Case Study – Online Quiz, Case Study – Online Bill Calculator.

In Unit 3 students will know the fundamentals of Java programming, what object-orientated programming is, what the different elements of Java are, different operators, and control flow. Students will also learn about arrays, how the array is helpful for storing linear data, exception handling, assertions, threads, wrapper classes, string manipulation, etc.

In Unit 4 include work-integrated learning IT. In Unit 4 students will learn identification of potential work areas, various applications related to work areas, entities involved, functionality, installation of NetBeans IDE and how to use it.

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For more information, refer to the official CBSE textbooks available at


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