Data Science Class 10 Notes

Data Science Class 10 Notes has been designed by the teachers and examiners team. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Artificial Intelligence (417).

Data science is a study of data which helps to extract information using modern tools and techniques. Data science uses complex machine learning algorithms to extract data from different sources or using different formats. 

Data Science Class 10 Notes

Real world applications of Data Science

1. Search Engines – Nowadays search engines are using data science to know what users want to search on the internet and also search engines want to know that the searching information is useful for users or not, some of the search engines using data science are Google, Yahoo, Bing and DuckDuckGo etc.

2. Transport – Data science is also used in Transport field, now a day driverless cars are introduced which helps to reduce number of accidents with the help of data science techniques. Data science can also identify the speed limit of cars, narrow roads and busy roads and make decisions based on the situation while driving. 

3. Finance – Data science also plays a crucial role in the finance sector. Data science can help banks to identify the fraud and risk of losses. Nowadays, the finance sector wants to identify and analyze the risk of loss automatically, here data science can play a crucial role in identifying the risk factor of losses in the banking sector. Data science can also examine the past behavior of the stock market and make predictions for future outcomes. 

4. E-Commerce – Many of e-Commerce websites use data science to make better user experience with pre recommendations for example Amazon, Flipkart etc. Many times you can see the suggestions and recommendations based on previous buy of the product or most searched by users etc it is because of the AI used in this type of application. 

5. Health Care – Nowadays many health industries use data science for identifying tumors, medical related image analysis, Patient health record maintenance, pharmaceutical development, predictive diagnosis etc. Data science also help the hospital to make more accurate predictions which reduce the rate of treatment failure.  

6. Image Recognition – Data science helps the social media site to identify the image posted by the user, nowadays if you post an image in Facebook then facebook helps the user to identify who is in the picture.

Data Science Lifecycle

The data science lifecycle depend on five different stages, every stage have there own task –

a. Data Acquisition – The Acquisition is a first phase where data can be collected from different sources for example database, web scraping, text file or real time data. Once the data is collected from different sources then this data is stored in appropriate format which is used for further processing. This all data is known as raw data or unstructured data. 

b. Data preparation – When the unstructured or raw data is collected from different sources then data science analyzes the data using machine learning algorithms and transforms it into structured data. Machine learning algorithms also remove the duplicate data, improve the performance using normalization and delete missing or inconsistent data from raw data. 

c. Data Visualization – Data science prepares the data, based on the patterns. This preparation can be done using statistical analysis or using data visualization. Data visualization methods use different tools to analyze the data such as charts and graphs to make data more understandable. 

d. Data prediction or Data Analyse  – Data science uses machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and make predictions based on the data. The main goal of data science is to extract important information from the data which can be used in future. Data science can also classified and identify the data and uncovered data patterns. 

e. Data Storytelling and communication – This is a last stage of data science which is used to create some readable forms of data, clear data or proper visuals data, which can be useful for users to understand the data, this data can be in the form of graphs, charts or reports. 

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