Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Green Skills Class 12 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Employability Skills as per the board pattern.
Green Skills Class 12 Notes

Green Jobs are a concept that was developed to help society and the economy become more sustainable. As was previously mentioned, utilising natural resources wisely for both the present and future generations is the main goal of a sustainable society.
The Green Jobs Initiative was jointly introduced in 2008 by the International Employers Organization (IEO), the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
The first in-depth study on the development of a “green economy” and its effects on the workplace in the twenty-first century is titled Green Jobs: Towards Decent Work in a Sustainable, Low-Carbon World.
According to the research, “green occupations” include jobs in agriculture, industry, services, and administration that help maintain or improve the environment. Green employment help businesses and economic sectors eventually reduce their environmental impact to levels that are sustainable.
Green Skills Class 12 Notes
What are the Key Drivers of Green Employment?
Green innovation keeps businesses on the cutting edge while also generating new jobs and preserving existing ones.
Massive amounts of energy, metals, minerals, wood, and agricultural raw materials are mobilised by modern economies. Although certain modifications have been made in recent years to lessen the environmental impact of the global economy, these improvements are still insufficient and might perhaps be overcome by continuous economic expansion.
There is an urgent need to make economies far more sustainable and, as a result, to reevaluate the dominant production and consumption paradigm, especially in light of the looming environmental catastrophe and the threat of climate change. Dematerialization, remanufacturing, “zero waste” closed-loop systems, durability, and substituting efficient services (such “performance contracting”) for the purchase of goods have all been the subject of lengthy discussion and some limited testing, but have not yet been fully realised.
Green Skills Class 12 Notes
Green Jobs
Urban Growers – In large cities, they oversee terrace top gardens where fruits and vegetables are grown. They cultivate fruits and vegetables using environmentally responsible methods. Consumer demand has changed in the present.
Clean Car Engineers – Recent government initiatives to reduce vehicular traffic around Diwali through the “Odd-Even” Scheme speak volumes about the necessity for Clean Car Engineers. These people investigate strategies for preventing car emissions of harmful gases and maintaining clean air for breathing. It is the responsibility of clean car engineers to create sustainable modes of transportation.
Biofuel Jobs – The alternative fuel (Biofuel) sought after to power cars and other machinery without causing pollution. Since gasoline and diesel produce a lot of pollutants, clean fuel is required.
Building Roads with Plastic wastes – Engineers have developed strategies to address two issues simultaneously. Roads can be built using the quantities of scrap plastic that are produced worldwide. This will not only improve the roads on which cars may travel, but it will also address the issue of garbage production.
Solar Cell Technician – Solar energy usage is very popular right now. Solar cell technicians’ expertise and services are required in this situation. It can be difficult to choose a material for the panels that is both inexpensive and sturdy.
Green Skills Class 12 Notes
Solar Panel Engineers & Installer – Engineers and installers for solar power plants are crucial to the efficient design and installation of solar panels that generate electricity.
Wind Energy Workers – To produce power, wind energy is also sought after after solar energy. Therefore, the wind energy specialists would be required to develop the plan.
Wave Energy Producers – Utilizing the energy of ocean waves could be another approach to produce electricity without depleting resources. Since water bodies make up 70% of our globe, this could be helpful in developing a sustainable society.
Water Quality Technicians – The level of water pollution is frightening. Water Quality Technicians are now required to help monitor and treat the water as a result of this.
Rain Water Harvesting Engineers – Building rainwater pits is necessary due to the growing issue of water scarcity. These are experts in designing and building rainwater harvesting systems (RWHS) that collect and reuse rainwater in buildings. The RWHS can also be used to raise the level of ground water.
Green Skills Class 12 Notes
Waste Water Treatment Workers – People who are involved in designing and building a system in green buildings to retreat waste water from the same building and reuse it.
Recyclers – Global trash production has increased the requirement for waste separation. It is the recycler’s responsibility to separate and gather recyclable products. Many recyclers today are upcycling the waste materials. The demand for recyclers will rise over time.
E-Waste Recyclers – As technology develops, businesses and industries around the world are threatened by having to dispose of the e-waste they produce. Many organizations are now getting in touch with specialized recyclers that gather and recycle all of the electronic debris.
Sewage Treatment Plants – The process to treat the waste in its impure form at a sewage treatment plant involves human engineering. People involved in the process will also have Green collar jobs.
Eco-Tourism – Eco-tourism is a field that focuses on environmentally sustainable travel, personal development, and socially responsible travel. This includes going to delicate, pristine, and unaltered natural areas.
Green Builders – Green Builders ensure that environment friendly things are used to build houses and buildings.
Green Design Professionals – The experts in green design collaborate with green builders. They lay the foundation for the proposed final design of the structure. Buildings are given artistic appeal by green design experts to make them appear cutting-edge and intriguing.
Energy Auditors – Energy auditors examine the structures, monitor the use of heat, cooling, electricity, and gas, and identify any energy leaks.
Energy Consultants – They help organizations analyze their energy consumptions with aim to reduce the same.
Environmental Engineers – By combining engineering, biology, and chemistry, environmental engineers offer answers to environmental issues. Environmental engineering includes developing techniques to generate public electricity using renewable resources, such as solar street lights, and offering solutions to improve soil quality for greater productivity.
Natural Scientists – It is crucial to track and evaluate how our actions affect the environment as we move toward employing sustainable methods to build a sustainable society. This objective is helped by natural scientists.
Green Skills Class 12 Notes
Working with a Non – Governmental Organisation (NGO) – Working together to build a sustainable and improved society is possible when working with an NGO dedicated to environmental causes.
Environmental Education Teacher – A teacher who accepts the responsibility of educating young minds and fostering acceptance among them to help conserve the environment.
Employability Skills Class 12 Notes
Unit 1 : Communication Skills – IV
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – IV
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – IV
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – IV
Unit 5 : Green Skills – IV
Employability Skills Class 12 MCQ
Unit 1 : Communication Skills – IV
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – IV
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – IV
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – IV
Unit 5 : Green Skills – IV
Employability Skills Class 12 Questions and Answers
Unit 1 : Communication Skills – IV
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – IV
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – IV
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – IV
Unit 5 : Green Skills – IV
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