Maintain Health Safety and Security at Workplace Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Maintain Health Safety and Security at Workplace Class 10 NCERT Solutions – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Maintain Health Safety and Security at Workplace Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Chapter 13: Health, Safety and Security at Workplace

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Workplace safety is essential in organization __.
(a) to avoid the accident and injury
(b) to increase the productivity
(b) to improve the work environment
(d) All of the above

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All of the above
Explanation: Maintaining workplace safety is essential for the organization as it contributes to more revenue and lower operating costs. Every illness, injury, or conflict at work has a cost to the company along with the injured workers and their families expenses.

2. Which of the following is not mandatory to keep the good health of an employee?
(a) Cleanliness
(b) Food court
(c) Clean and fresh air
(d) Clean washroom

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Food court
Explanation: Food court is not mandatory to keep the good health of an employee in the organization.

3. The security department is not responsible for __.
(a) personal safety
(b) computer system and equipment safety
(c) electrical safety
(d) personal belongings

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personal belongings
Explanation: The Security department is not responsible for personal belongings.

4. The proper security procedures will increase __.
(a) liabilities
(b) insurance
(c) business revenue
(d) operational charges of the company

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business revenue
Explanation: If any organization follows the proper security procedure then the productivity of the business will increase which will increase the revenue.

5. Which kind of hazards can occur in the IT industry?
(a) Biological
(b) Chemical
(c) Physical
(d) Ergonomic

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Explanation: Employees at IT companies work long hours and are subject to a variety of ergonomic hazards, including back, neck, arm, shoulder, and foot pain from poor posture or from spending a lot of time in uncomfortable chairs and settings.

6. Which of the following can cause hazards while using computers?
(a) Poor sitting postures or excessive duration of sitting in one position
(b) Lifting heavy object
(c) Mishandling of tools and equipment
(d) Improper handling of office equipment

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Poor sitting postures or excessive duration of sitting in one position

7. Which of the following statements is likely to result in an injury to the operator?
(a) Selecting the right tool for the job
(b) Wearing safety goggles or glasses
(c) Using a tool with loose handles
(d) Keeping cutting tools sharp

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Using a tool with loose handles
Explanation: When a tool has loose handles, it can slip or lose control while being used, which increases the risk of injury to the user.

8. What are the potential causes of hazards at the workplace?
(a) Poor ventilation
(b) Poor lighting
(c) Poor housekeeping
(d) All of the above

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All of the above
Explanation: Potential hazards are risks regarding an employee’s health or safety that may occur if appropriate action is not taken from the organization. Potential hazards may include poor lighting, poor housekeeping, poor ventilation, inappropriate height etc.

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Health of an employee is the state of the physical, _____ and _____ well being.

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Mental, social
Explanation: Health of an employee is the state of the physical, mental and social well being.

2. The workplaces must be cleaned in the _________________before the people start working.

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Explanation: The work areas need to be cleaned in the morning because an organized and cleaned office makes employees feel happier to work there.

3. A proper _____ provides clean and cool air at the workplace.

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Air conditioning

4. A fresh food cafeteria helps to maintain the ______________of the employee.

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5. The work environment of the organization must be _____ and free from _____ and _____.

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Safe, hazards, risk

6. The proper security procedures will increase the _ and will reduce the ____ of the company.

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Business revenue, operational charges

7. Injuries and illness of the employees is prevented through national policy on ________.

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Occupational Health and Safety
Explanation: Occupational Health and Safety is a government organization which protects the employee health and safety in the workplace, the objective of OSH is to stop accidents and human injury caused by work related activities.

8. Physical hazards occur due to ___.

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Physical work environment
Explanation: Physical hazards can cause physical harm or injury to the workers due to those types of possible risks that include falls, slips, trips, noise, vibration, radiation, electricity, heat or cold and fire etc.

9. Electrical hazards mostly caused due to coming in direct contact with _____, or indirect contact through a _____.

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Live wire, conductor
Explanation: Electrical hazards is a dangerous condition when the injury happens due to electric shock and burns, direct contact with live wire, Overloading circuits or indirect contact through a conductor.

10. Hazards while using computers occurs due to _____ or excessive duration of sitting in _____.

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Poor sitting postures, one position
Explanation: bad posture when sitting or spending too much time in one position. These risks could cause pain and stress to the employee.

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. The employer and employees are responsible for workplace safety.

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Explanation: Both are responsible for workplace safety, a safe environment improves the productivity of the organization and employees have to take responsibility for their own health and safety rather than relying on the organization.

2. Any injury at work should be reported to the supervisor immediately.

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Explanation: Yes, injury at the workplace should be reported to the supervisor immediately, this will help the supervisor to take appropriate action, such as arranging for any necessary medical care or treatment.

3. No matter how big or small the injury; the injured person should receive medical attention.

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4. While working with machines and equipment, employees must follow the safety guidelines set by the company.

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Explanation: The employer must create appropriate safety guidelines and ensure that all employees carefully adhere to these guidelines.

5. Bright light sources behind the display screen can create contrast problems.

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6. Exposure to bright lights and toxic fumes and vapor could damage the mouth and ears.

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7. The use of personal protective clothing and equipment can control the hazards at the workplace.

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8. Do not throw rubbish daily.

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9. Proper handling of office equipment can result in injuries.

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10. Stress at the workplace can cause hazards in today’s organization.

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D. Short answer questions

1. Briefly explain the concept of health, safety and security at the workplace.

Answer: A health, safety and security policy is a written statement by an employer stating the company’s commitment for the protection of the health, safety and security of employees and to the public. It is an endorsed commitment by management to its employees regarding their health, safety and security.

2. State the most important reasons for health, safety and security programs in workplace

Answer: The most important reasons for health, safety and security programs in the workplace because.

  • It shows the company commitment for their employee regarding health and safety
  • It improve the productivity of the company with safety
  • It proves that a company is not only making profits but it is taking care of all its stakeholders.
  • It defines the role of every employee in the workplace regarding health, safety and security.
  • It helps to follow the Indian Occupational Health and Safety rules of the government.
  • It also helps to prevent employee injuries and illnesses.

3. List out the various workplace safety hazards.

Answer: The various workplace safety hazards are –

  • Physical Hazards
  • Chemical Hazards
  • Biological Hazards
  • Electrical Hazards
  • Mechanical Hazards
  • Fire Hazards
  • Ergonomic Hazards

4. List out the potential sources of hazards in an organization.

Answer: The potential sources of hazards in an organization are –

  • Electrical Equipment – Electrical wire, Overloaded circuits or faulty electrical devices.
  • Machinery and Equipment – Poor maintenance based machine or faulty machine
  • Work Environment – Excessive noise, Poor lighting or extreme temperatures
  • Ergonomic Issues – Lifting heavy objects incorrectly or Poor workstation design.
  • Work Processes – Improper handling of tools, absence of safety protocols or dangerous operations.

5. List some of the IT workplace hazards.

Answer: Some of the IT workplace hazards are –

  • Fire Hazards – Insufficient cooling of computer hardware, Overheating equipment or Faulty devices.
  • Electrical Hazards – Overloaded power outlet, improper use of electronic devices or Faulty wiring
  • Ergonomic Hazards – Incorrect sitting posture, Strain from typing or using mouse, Poor workstation setup.
  • Trip and Fall Hazards – Cables and wire lift loose on the floor.

6. What are the examples of potential hazards?

Answer: The examples of potential hazards are Poor housekeeping, hard furniture, inadequate lighting, inadequate ventilation, and incorrectly heighted chairs and tables.

7. Describe information technology workplace hazards.

Answer: Some of the Information Technology workplace hazards are –

  • Fire Hazards – Insufficient cooling of computer hardware, Overheating equipment or Faulty devices.
  • Electrical Hazards – Overloaded power outlet, improper use of electronic devices or Faulty wiring
  • Ergonomic Hazards – Incorrect sitting posture, Strain from typing or using mouse, Poor workstation setup.
  • Trip and Fall Hazards – Cables and wire lift loose on the floor.

8. What are the workplace safety rules?

Answer: Some of the workplace safety rules are –

  • Store all cleaning chemicals in different containers in separate cupboards.
  • Throw garbage daily
  • Insure proper lighting in workplace
  • Do not wear loose cloth or jewelry when working with machine
  • Do not distract the people who are working near fire or near some machinery.
  • Shut down all equipment before leaving the workplace
  • Do not play with electrical equipment
  • Repair broken plugs, switches or electrical equipment.

9. List out different safety guidelines?

Answer: Different safety guidelines are –

  • Keep work areas clean and organized to prevent slips, trips and falls
  • Wear safety gear like gloves, helmets or goggles when you working with equipment
  • Know the location of fire extinguishers
  • Turn off equipment before maintaining the equipment

10. Describe the type of emergency with an example.

Answer: There are different types of emergency in the organization –

  • Medical Emergency – Severe injury, sudden illness or Heart attack
  • Fire Emergency – A fire outbreak in an office because of electrical fault.
  • Natural Disaster – Flood, Earthquake or hurricane

Chapter 14: Workplace Quality Measures

A. Multiple choice questions

1. To provide a healthy and safe working environment, every organization must have _______.
(a) Cleanliness
(b) Filtered water
(c) Clean wash-room
(d) All of the above

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All of the above
Explanation: Every organization has to provide clean wash rooms, filtered water, cleanliness in the workplace, maintain a good air quality etc.

2. Air pollution is mostly caused by production of the __ in the surrounding air.
(a) dust
(b) mixture of solid particles
(c) gasses
(d) All of above

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All of above
Explanation: Air pollution is mostly caused by production of the dust, mixture of solid particles and gasses in the surrounding air.

3. Repetitive use of muscle may feel pain in your _.
(a) neck
(b) shoulder
(c) wrist or fingers
(d) All of the above

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Explanation: Repetitive use of muscle may feel pain in your neck, shoulder, wrist or fingers. One of the most common conditions related to repetitive use of muscles when using the computer is carpal tunnel syndrome.

4. The security department organization is not responsible for ______.
(a) other safety
(b) computer system safety
(c) electrical safety
(d) transport safety

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electrical safety
Explanation: Every organization needs its own security division. This department should be responsible for various security such as electrical safety, computer system safety, personal safety, transportation safety, and other equipment safety.

5. For an organization, the proper security procedures will reduce ____.
(a) liabilities
(b) insurance
(c) business revenue
(d) operational charges of the company

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Explanation: Proper security procedure will reduce insurance, liabilities and other compensation for organizations.

6. Do not wear __ when working with machines.
(a) jewelry
(b) safety glasses
(c) masks
(d) gloves

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Explanation: Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry when you are working with machines, masks you can use depending on which type of machine is there.

7. Sore lower back is caused due to _____.
(a) reaching forward frequently
(b) no lumbar support
(c) no upper back support from chair
(d) reaching forward for long periods

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no lumbar support
Explanation: Put a small pillow or lumbar support for the chair or use the backrest of the chair.

8. What should you do about the problem of dry eyes?
(a) Forget to blink
(b) Rest eyes periodically and do simple eye exercises
(c) Do exercise
(d) Blink the eyes

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Forget to blink
Explanation: Rest eyes periodically and do simple eye exercises.

9. If light is coming directly behind or in front of you then you may suffer from _____.
(a) eye strain
(b) sore eyes
(c) dry eyes
(d) eye strain and sore eyes

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dry eyes

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Air and water pollution can be analyzed by using – physical, and ___ analysis.

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Chemical, Biological
Explanation: Air and water pollution can be analyzed by using three common forms of analysis: physical, chemical and biological.

2. The PH value of the water can be measured through _ analysis.

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Explanation: PH value of the water can be measured through chemical analysis.

3. The _ indicators are used to monitor the health of the ecosystem.

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4. Ergonomics is the science concerned with _ and arranging things.

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5. Working with wrists extended too much repetition can cause _.

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Arching wrists

6. The repetition of a seemingly _ task over a period of time can cause an injury.

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7. If a cord or wire will cross a pathway safely it should be marked with _.

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Hazard tape

8. Loose cords and wires can cause _.

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Electrical hazards

9. Glare and __ on the screen should be prevented.

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Explanation: Computer bright light, glare and flickering images can cause eye strain and visual fatigue.

10. The keyboard should have a matt surface to avoid __ glare.

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C. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. The work environment of the organization must be free from hazards and risk.

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2. Practice a no vehicle day every week to avoid air pollution.

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3. Applying ergonomics can improve performance and productivity.

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Explanation: Ergonomics is the science concerned with designing and arranging things so that people can use them easily and safely which improves performance and productivity.

4. Wear rings, watches and necklaces while working on the computer.

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Explanation: Remove rings, watches and necklaces while working on the computer. These ornaments are often made of conductive metals which can damage Computer components by striking them with static electricity.

5. Never touch or try repairing any electrical equipment or circuits with wet hands.

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6. Unplug all power sources and cables from the computer while working on the computer.

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7. Occupational overuse syndrome, also known as repetitive strain injury.

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Explanation: Occupational overuse syndrome is a discomfort or persistent pain in muscles, tendons and other soft tissues, with or without physical manifestations.

8. The work chair must be stable and allow the user to move easily.

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9. Artificial lighting from computer screens can cause sleeping problems.

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Explanation: Artificial lighting from computer screens can trick your brain and suppress its release of melatonin substance that assists your sleeping patterns.

10. The keyboard and mouse should not be kept at the same level.

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Explanation: The keyboard and mouse should be kept at the same level which will help to reduce the risk of wrist related conditions.

D. Short answer type questions

1. What causes the water pollution?

Answer: The majority of human activity affects the water around us, when dangerous materials like chemicals or waste products pollute water bodies like lakes, rivers, groundwater, or seas, it is known as water pollution. These substances make the water unsafe for human consumption by degrading its quality. Water pollution can also be caused by wastewater or sewage.

2. What is occupational overuse syndrome?

Answer: Occupational overuse syndrome is also known as repetitive strain injury, it is discomfort or persistent pain in muscles, tendons or other soft tissues without physical manifestations. The causes of occupational overuse syndrome are poor posture, too much force during tasks, heavy lifting objects, not taking breaks during prolonged work etc.

3. What are musculoskeletal problems?

Answer: Musculoskeletal problems affect different areas of the body such as back, arms shoulders, neck, chest and feet. Musculoskeletal can give swelling, pain, discomfort etc. Musculoskeletal problems occur due to wrong posture or uncomfortable chairs etc.

4. What cautions to be taken while working on the computer?

Answer: The cautions to be taken while working on the computer are –

  • The position of computer monitor should be at your eye level
  • Keep your monitor at least 20 to 30 inches away from you.
  • Use a backrest whenever you are sitting on the chair.
  • While typing keep your hands lower than elbows.
  • Use keyboard palm rest
  • Take small breaks while working on the computer.

5. Why is there no right way to use a laptop?

Answer: There is no right way to use a laptop because if your laptop screen is at the right height then you have to lift your arms and shoulders too high to use it. Which will cause a problem. To overcome this problem you have to use a desktop computer which is set up ergonomically correct.

6. What causes eye strain and how to avoid it?

Answer: Computer bright light, flickering images or glare can cause eye strain and visual fatigue. To avoid eye strain do the following things.

  • If light is coming directly behind or in front of you.
  • Adjust the brightness of computer screen
  • Blink your eyes in an interval
  • Keep the screen clean
  • Ensure that the screen colors are easy to look and characters are sharp and eligible on the screen.
  • Give eyes periodic breaks from the screen

7. What type of display screen is suitable to work on a computer?

Answer: LED monitor of legible size is suitable for display screen.

8. What type of keyboard is suitable to work on a computer?

Answer: To maintain a comfortable working position and prevent hand or arm fatigue, the keyboard should tilt and separate from the screen.

Chapter 15: Prevent Accidents and Emergencies

A. Multiple choice questions

1. What are the steps necessary for operating a fire extinguisher?
(a) Identify the safety pin of the fire extinguisher which is generally present in its handle
(b) Break the seal and pull the safety pin from the handle
(c) Use the fire extinguisher by squeezing the lever
(d) All of the above

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All of the above

2. Which of the following is an example of ignition sources of open flames?
(a) Gas ovens
(b) Lighters in smoking areas
(c) Welding torches
(d) All of the above

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All of the above

3. In fire classification, all liquid, grease, and gas material comes under _.
(a) Class A material
(b) Class B material
(c) Class C material
(d) Class A material

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Class B material

4. In fire classification, material magnesium, potassium, and sodium comes under __.
(a) Class A material
(b) Class B material
(c) Class C material
(d) Class D material

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Class D material

5. In fire classification, material wood, cloth, and paper comes under _.
(a) Class A material
(b) Class B material
(c) Class C material
(d) Class D material

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Class A material

6. In fire classification, electrical material and equipment comes under __.
(a) Class A material
(b) Class B material
(c) Class C material
(d) Class D material

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Class C material

7. When do we use a fire extinguisher?
(a) In case of flood
(b) In case of electric shock
(c) In case of fire
(d) In case of burn injury

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In case of fire

8. What is the primary fire emergency telephone number?
(a) 011
(b) 101
(c) 108
(d) 111

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9. Which of the following contains everything you need to know about evacuating your facility safely?
(a) Evacuation Diagram
(b) Emergency Action Plan
(c) Employee Directory
(d) Both (a) and (b)

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Both (a) and (b)

10. The best course of action to take during a medical emergency is to __.
(a) Begin first aid immediately
(b) Activate the emergency plan for reporting injuries
(c) Notify the person’s family about the situation
(d) Both (a) and (b)

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Both (a) and (b)

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Emergency is a serious or crisis situation that needs______attention and __.

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    Immediate, action

    2. A _ sign will warn people to walk carefully on freshly mopped floors.

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    Wet floor

    3. __ signs can prevent accidents on a staircase with a sharp bent or warn against a loose floor tile.

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    Watch your steps

    4. The _ should be responsible to handle the evacuation process.

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    Explanation: It is important for employees to know who is the authority or coordinator to make decisions during emergencies.

    5. Workplace fires are commonly caused by improper storage of __ material or _ dust.

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    Flammable, combustible

    6. There should always be an _____ plan for scheduled electrical maintenance or work.

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    Emergency response

    7. If the victim is breathing and has a heartbeat, give ______for injuries and treat for shock.

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    First aid

    8. A fire extinguisher is a _____ containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish a fire.

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    Cylindrical pressure vessel

    C. State whether the following statements are True or False

    1. The organization’s policies and guidelines are the best guide to handle emergencies.

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      2. If someone is injured, act as per your impulse or gut feeling.

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      3. Keep water and food items away from electrical equipment.

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      4. Always switch off the electrical circuits.

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      5. Always wear protective equipment, such as gloves and shoes.

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      6. A fire extinguisher is a protection device used to extinguish fires.

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      7. Flammable materials can be placed around a door exit.

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      8. You can determine possible evacuation routes from floor plan diagrams posted in your facility.

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      D. Short answer questions

      1. What is a workplace emergency?

      Answer: Workplace emergency is an unexpected situation in the workplace that needs immediate attention and action. This emergency can include events like natural disasters, fire emergency, medical emergency or chemical spills. Effective emergency plans and training are essential to manage this type of emergency for the safety of employees and the visitors.

      2. How do you protect yourself, your employees, and your business?

      Answer: To protect yourself, employees and your business during a workplace emergency are –

      • Follow the organization policies and guidelines
      • Only properly trained and certified professionals can take decisions beyond the organization policies and guidelines.
      • Provide medical help to the injured only if you are certified to provide the necessary aid.
      • Follow the instructions of senior staff who are trained to handle particular situations.

      3. What is an emergency action plan?

      Answer: An emergency action plan is a written plan that describes how to handle different kinds of emergency situations at the workplace. This emergency action plan helps the employee to understand how to act when the emergency is there.

      4. What should your emergency action plan include?

      Answer: The emergency action plan includes first aid resources, evacuation routes, role and responsibilities of employees, assembly points, emergency contact information etc.

      5. How do you develop an evacuation policy and procedures?

      Answer: To develop the general evacuation policy and procedures are –

      • Leave the premises immediately and start moving towards the nearest emergency exit.
      • Guid the visitors to the emergency exits.
      • Assist the person with disability to move towards the emergency exit.
      • You may carry your hand held belongings.
      • Do not use elevators to avoid overcrowding
      • Go to the emergency assembly area.

      6. How do you establish evacuation routes and exits?

      Answer: To establish evacuation routes and exits follow the following steps

      • Identify Safe Routes
      • Ensure that routes are accessible to everyone
      • Use visible signs to indicate exit routes and exits
      • Train all the employees for understanding the evacuation procedures.
      • Do a mock drill

      7. What are the various types of fire extinguisher and their extinguishing material?

      Answer: There are basically four different types of fire extinguisher –

      • Class A Material: Materials such as wood, cloth and paper.
      • Class B Material: All liquid, grease and gas related materials
      • Class C Material: Include electrical materials and equipment.
      • Class D Material: Include potassium, magnesium and sodium.

      8. What are the steps for operating a fire extinguisher in case of a fire emergency.

      Answer: The steps for operate fire extinguisher are –

      • Step 1: Identify the safety pin of fire extinguisher
      • Step 2: Break the seal and pull the safety pin
      • Step 3: Use the fire extinguisher
      • Step 4: Sweep it from side to side

      9. Compare the different types of fire extinguisher.

      Answer: The suitable type of fire extinguisher are –

      • Class A Material: Water CO2 extinguisher, Mechanical foam extinguisher and ABC dry powder extinguisher.
      • Class B Material: Dry chemical powder extinguisher, Carbon dioxide extinguisher, Mechanical foam extinguisher and ABC dry powder extinguisher.
      • Class C Material: Dry chemical powder extinguisher, Carbon dioxide extinguisher and ABC dry powder extinguisher.
      • Class D Material: Dry chemical powder extinguisher and ABC dry powder extinguisher.

      10. List the different classes of fire.

      Answer: There is four different types of fire classifications –

      • Class A Material: Materials such as wood, cloth and paper.
      • Class B Material: All liquid, grease and gas related materials
      • Class C Material: Include electrical materials and equipment.
      • Class D Material: Include potassium, magnesium and sodium.

      11. List out electrical rescue techniques.

      Answer: Electrical rescue techniques are –

      • Turn off the power
      • Use non conductive tools or wood
      • Call 108 as soon as possible
      • Visually examine victims, perform CPR if necessary
      • Do not touch the victim
      • Provide first aid

      12. What is the first aid for electrical emergencies?

      Answer: The first aid for electrical emergencies are –

      • A victim may require Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
      • If victim is breathing then give first aid for injuries and treat for stock
      • If physician attending the victim must have detailed information

        Employability skills Class 10 Notes

        Employability skills Class 10 MCQ

        Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

        Information Technology Class 10 Notes

        Information Technology Class 10 MCQ

        Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers

        Details of NCERT books –
        Domestic Data Entry Operator
        First Edition
        DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
        November 2022

        NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRANING [Dinesh Prasad Saklani] (Director). (2022). Domestic Data Entry Operator (First Edition) [English]. Anup Kumar Rajput.

        Disclaimer : The Notes, MCQs, and Questions and Answers are made by expert teachers from different schools, but if you feel that there are any mistakes in the Maintain Health Safety and Security at Workplace Class 10 NCERT Solutions, please feel free to leave a comment below or please send mail to

        The book and the study material are available on the CBSE official website and on the NCERT website also, the teachers have tried to make a summary and try to make it easy to understand which will help the students to improve their CBSE results.

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