Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

green skills class 9 questions and answers

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers has been designed by the teachers and examiners team. The team have collected all Important Subjective Questions and Answers from Unit 5 Green Skills, this all Subjective Questions and Answers are taken topic wise. The CBSE Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers is a useful resource for students studying in class 9. The page offers notes and other study materials that can help students prepare for exams, including the CBSE and other competitive exams. It is a good idea for students to regularly visit the page and stay up to date with the latest information and resources.

Here we are going to discuss the Top 17 Subjective Questions and Answers from the subject. This Green Skills Subjective Questions and Answers is specially designed for students preparing for class 9 exams.

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 1: Society and Environment

1. What are the different natural resources available?

Answer – Natural resources can be solid, liquid or gas. These resources can be organic, inorganic, metallic or non-metallic.

a. Land Resources – Agricultural, infrastructure development and residential land comes in land resources.

b. Forest Resources – Forest is important to human beings, Some of the resources of forest are timber resources, honey, horns, waxes and insecticides.

c. Water resources – Water covers about 75% of earth surface and is necessary for life. Water resources like – Rivers, oceans, lakes, and underground water.

d. Mineral Resources – Mineral reserves are reducing every year through mining activities. We have to reserve natural resources like petroleum, gas, copper, aluminum, water etc. Naturally mineral resources are in three categories: solid, liquid or gas.

e. Food Resources – Plants serve food for many organisms. resources that are used to make food are called food resources. Agriculture is the main source of food resources.

f. Energy Resources – Heat, Power life or producing electricity is an energy resource. There are four fundamental sources of energy.

  • Solar Energy
  • Gravity
  • Nuclear energy
  • Energy in the interior of the Earth

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

2. What are the different natural resources?

Answer – Different types of of natural resources are

a. Inexhaustible Resources – Inexhaustible resources cannot be finished by humans for example sun energy, wind power and water.

b. Exhaustible Resources – Exhaustible resources are those resources which are present in limited quantities. for example copper, coal, gold etc.

c. Renewable Resources – Renewable resources are constantly available and can be replenished. for example water, sunlight, wind etc.

d. Non-renewable Resources – That type of resource which is not replaced easily. examples minerals, fuels

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

3. How do human activities damage the earth and environment?

Answer – Let see some of the human activity damaging the earth and environment-

a. Over Exploitation – Our earth and environment exploitation has been increasing during recent years. Now we are exploiting species, wood, and minerals more than natural production .

This affects directly or indirectly to the earth and environment. example deforestation, Overfishing, removal of trees and wild medicinal plants and over hunting.

b. Mining – The extraction of rich minerals from the ground is known as mining. Mining has an impact on the soil and the ecosystem. Metals, minerals, and diamonds are some of the precious minerals mined from the earth.

c. Deforestation – Damaging the forest or cutting down trees is known as deforestation. Deforestation also affects the environment. For example, cutting down trees for agriculture, construction of houses.

d. Pollution – Pollution derived from the Latin word “polluere” meaning “to soil”. Pollution is the process of making water, land and air dirty and not safe or suitable to use.

Pollution affects plants, animals and humans, pollution increases due to human activity.

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

4. What is climate change?

Answer – Climate change means change in the environmental condition of the earth.

Human activities are the largest contribution of climate change and earth temperature by burning fossil fuels, Increasing livestock farming, Fertilizers containing nitrogen and cutting down trees.

5. How does harmful radiation affect climate change?

Answer – Ozone layer protects earth from harmful radiation from the sun, Ozone layer is made of a gas. Coolants in refrigerators, Air – conditioners and Cleaning chemicals directly affect the Ozone layer.

When ozone layer affects the harmful radiation comes to earth and increases health disorders.

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

6. What are natural disasters?

Answer – Natural disasters depend on climate change, when the climate change earthquakes, floods, storms, landslides etc. affect the earth.

To save the earth and environment we need to educate people about the environment, through the environment and for the environment.

7. How to save the environment?

Answer – There are three things people need to do to save the environment.

a. Reduce – If you manage waste management properly, if you reduce the use of unnecessary products or items, buy items with minimal packaging, avoid buying plastic bags or plastic products etc.

b. Reuse – Always try to reuse waste products in a different way or reprocessing. For example, making pillow covers you can use old shirts or old ladies suits.

c. Recycling – Reusing some components of the waste that may have some economic value. Paper, Metal, glass and plastics are recyclable. You can recycle the plastic, metal, glass, and paper products.

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 2: Conserving Natural Resources

8. What is soil conservation?

Answer – Soil conservation means improving the soil fertility by adopting various methods.

  1. Maintain the soil using natural fertilizers, adding manure and liquid fertilizer make the soil fertility healthy.
  2. Grazing should be allowed only on the specified areas.
  3. Reforestation on the open space which can reduce soil erosion.
  4. Dividing the slope into several flat areas to control the rapid run of water.
9. What is water conservation?

Answer – Water is essential for everyone, we have to conserve water. This will happen only when we adopt the following methods.

Reforestation will help to hold water in the soil and help to formation of groundwater.
Rainwater harvesting should be used for storing rain water and recharging groundwater.
Dams and reservoirs can be used to supply water to the fields.
Sewage and Industrial wastes should be treated properly.

10. What is energy conservation?

Answer – Conservation of energy means saving the energy and using it efficiently. We use a lot of non-renewable energy resources for our needs. we have to save them –

  1. Use LED bulbs instead of using Tube light or normal bulbs.
  2. Switch of fans, TV, lights and other electrical appliances when it is not used.
  3. Using a pressure cooker to make food will save energy.
  4. Keep the bulb and tubes clean.

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 3: Sustainable Development and Green Economy

11. What is sustainable development and what are the goals?

Answer – Sustainable development is the development which doesn’t compromise the capacity of the future generation to satisfy their needs.

In 1987 the first time sustainable development appeared in the Brundtland report. This was a warning to all countries regarding environmental consequences, globalization and economic growth.

Sustainable Development goals are also known as Global goals. There are 17 goals in sustainable development which were introduced in 2015.

There are total 17 Sustainable Development Goals are: :

  1. Zero Hunger
  2. No Poverty
  3. Good Health and Well-Being
  4. Quality Education
  5. Climate action
  6. Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
  7. Gender Equality
  8. Clean Water and Sanitation
  9. Affordable and clean energy
  10. Sustainable cities and communities
  11. Decent work and economic growth
  12. Reduce Inequalities
  13. Responsible consumption and production
  14. Life on land
  15. Life below water
  16. Partnerships for the goals
  17. Peace, Justice and strong institutions

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

12. What is Green growth?

Answer – Green growth is an approach for achieving economic growth that is socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.

The Indian Government included Green growth in its vision, where ‘poverty eradication’ and green growth is the focus point of the green economy.

13. What is a green economy?

Answer – In 1989 The Government of the United Kingdom introduced the ‘Green Economy’. As per the UNEP definition the green economy one that results in reducing environmental risks, ecological scarcities, improved human well-being, ecological scarcities, and social equity.

14. What are the components of a Green Economy?

Answer – The Green Economy includes the following components.

  • Renewable Energy
  • Green Building
  • Waste Management
  • Water Management
  • Land Management
  • Well – Managed transportation

Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

15. What do you mean by Green Skills?

Answer – The skills required for promoting the Green Economy are known as green skills (Green Skills Class 9). for example sewer water treatment, renewable energy, climate resilient cities, green construction, or solid waste management etc.

16. What are Green Jobs?

Answer – Many companies create jobs to decrease environmental issues due to factories or waste management.

This company required a person to preserve or restore the environment in the natural way that is Green Jobs.

17. What are the Green Projects?

Answer – To Save the environment, many organizations are taking initiatives. They are implementing Waste management, Energy conservation, Biofuel use, Green sanitation, Green Building etc.

Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answer

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

entrepreneurial skills class 9 questions and answers

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers has been designed by the teachers and examiners team. The team have collected all Important Subjective Questions and Answers from Entrepreneurial Skills, this all Subjective Questions and Answers are taken topic wise. The CBSE Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers is a useful resource for students studying in class 9. The page offers notes and other study materials that can help students prepare for exams, including the CBSE and other competitive exams. It is a good idea for students to regularly visit the page and stay up to date with the latest information and resources.

Here we are going to discuss the Top 11 Subjective Questions and Answers from the subject. This Entrepreneurial Skills Subjective Questions and Answers is specially designed for students preparing for class 9 exams.

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 1: Entrepreneurship

1. What is Entrepreneurship?

Answer – An entrepreneur is a person who creates a new business, takes risks, brings new ideas to start a business and is self employed.

2. What are the different ideas entrepreneurs add?

Answer – New ideas with which an entrepreneur adds varieties of product, new services, cost reduction ideas, or new marketing techniques.

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 2: Role of Entrepreneur

3. What are the roles and benefits of entrepreneurs?

Answer – The role and benefits of entrepreneurship

a. Economic Development – As entrepreneurs provide quality products and services for the customer, entrepreneurs grow their business, invest the money in the business and expect good returns.

b. Social Development – In the beginning the business is usually very small, to become successful in the business entrepreneur have to expand their business, to expand the business entrepreneur have to work hard and they have to create more jobs. when the jobs are created by the entrepreneur then more people will earn money and have a good life.

c. Improved Standard of Living – When entrepreneurs sell quality products to the customer, quality products help people live a more comfortable life.

d. Optimal Use of Resources – Around us a lot of renewable and no-renewable resources are available. entrepreneurs have to find the most optimal ways of using the resources to reduce costs and increase their profits.

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 3: Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur

4. What are the qualities of successful entrepreneurs?

Answer – An entrepreneur needs to have the following qualities –

a. Patience – Success may not be achieved in one-day , it can take time. It is important for an entrepreneur to be patient.

b. Positivity – Always be positive when you are finding difficulty in the business. An entrepreneur has to think positively even when he/she takes a big rist.

c. Hard working – An entrepreneur has to work hard till it becomes successful in the business.

d. Confidence – An entrepreneur has to make decisions and be very confident about their business. An entrepreneur needs to communicate with the customers confidently.

e. Open to Trial and Error – Entrepreneurs have to implement new ideas, implement trial and error and new experiments without fear of failure to tell the business becomes successful.

f. Creativity and Innovation – An entrepreneur should be able to see and identify the problem from different perspectives and come up with creative solutions.

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 4: Distinguishing Characteristics of entrepreneurs and wage employment

5. Characteristics of Entrepreneurs?

Answer – Adaptable and flexible to achieve the goals of enhancing quality and customer satisfaction

  1. Believe in hard work
  2. Ability to take up risks
  3. Money Management
  4. Knowledge of the product and services and their need or demand in the market
  5. Effective planning and execution
  6. Financial literacy

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

6. What is wage employment?

Answer – Wage management is based on work grades and performance parameters. Wage management’s goal is to take reward and give high performance standards in the business.

The wage management does not take too much risk but entrepreneurs have to take risks.

7. Benefits of entrepreneurship?

Answer – The various benefits of entrepreneurship are –

  1. Work for yourself, and not for others
  2. More risk, more profit
  3. Do what you are interested in
  4. Make profits for yourself

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 5: Type of Business Activities

8. What are the different types of business activities in entrepreneurship?

Answer – There are three types of business activities in entrepreneurship

a. Product business – If entrepreneurs sell any physical product to the customer which can be seen and touched is called a product business. example grocery item, sport item or electronic item.

b. Service business – If an entrepreneur provides some services to the customers it is called service business. example – caching institute, electronic services shops, call centers etc.

c. Hybrid business – Combination of product and service business is called hybrid business. example – Mobile shop, they provide sell and service both.

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 6: Product, Service and Hybrid Businesses

9. Difference between product business and service business?

Answer –

a. Product Business -If entrepreneurs sell any physical product to the customer which can be seen and touched is called a product business. example grocery item, sport item or electronic item.

b. Service Business – If an entrepreneur provides some services to the customers it is called service business. example – caching institute, electronic services shops, call centers etc.

10. Types of product – based business?

Answer – There are two types of product – based businesses

a. Manufacturing Businesses – There are a lot of different types of factories which manufacture different types of products.

b. Trade Business – That type of business which buys and sells products to customers. In the trade business transport the product from the factory to warehouses and then to the shops. example – retail shops, distributors and wholesalers.

Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 7: Entrepreneurship Development Process

11. What is the entrepreneurship development process?

Answer – To enhance the knowledge and skills through several training programs whether it is formal or informal, the entrepreneur development process helps to achieve the goals.

There are different types of steps for starting a business

  1. Idea
  2. Getting money and material
  3. Understanding customer needs
  4. Improving Product/ service

Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answer

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

basic ict skills class 9 questions and answers

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers is very important in our daily life, This Questions and Answers has been designed by the teachers and examiners team. The CBSE Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers is a useful resource for students studying in class 9. The page offers notes and other study materials that can help students prepare for exams, including the CBSE and other competitive exams. It is a good idea for students to regularly visit the page and stay up to date with the latest information and resources.

The team have collected all Important Subjective Questions and Answers from Unit 3 (Basic ICT Sills), this all Subjective Questions and Answers are taken topic wise.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 1: Introduction to ICT

1. Objectives of Information and communication technology? Advantages and disadvantages of ICT.

Answer – Full form of ICT is Information and communication technology. The goal of ICT is to bridge the gap between parents, educators, and students by encouraging sustainable, cooperative, and transparent communication methods.

Advantages of ICT

  • Enhanced the modes of communication
  • Independent learning platforms Cost – efficient
  • Enhanced data and information security
  • Paperless – Eliminate the usage of paper
  • Better teaching and learning methods
  • Web – based LMS tools

Disadvantages of ICT

  • Traditional book and handwritten methods are at risk.
  • Managing courses online is difficult
  • Teachers require experience to handle ICT
  • Risk of cyber attacks and hacks
  • Misuse of technology

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 2: ICT Tools: Smartphones and Tablets – I

2. What are the default apps installed on smartphones?

Answer – Some of the default apps installed on smartphones are

  • Camera
  • Phone
  • Calendar
  • Mail
  • Maps
  • Clock
  • Message
  • Web Browser
  • Music
  • Google Play store
  • Apple Store

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

3. Differentiate between smartphone vs. tablet.

Answer – Smartphone – Smartphones are just like a phone with some additional features, Smartphones are compact and easy to use. Operating systems are the main software. Some of the smartphones use Apple iOS, some are using Android OS or some are using Microsoft OS. editing the videos or photos is difficult on the smartphone.

Tablet – It is a portable personal computer with a touchscreen interface which makes it more user friendly than the notebook computer. Android OS, Apple iOS or Windows OS are the most common operating systems used in the tablet. As compared to smartphones, tablet screens are bigger in size.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 3: ICT Tools: Smartphones and Tablets – II

4. What are the features of mobile devices?

Answer – Some of the features present in mobile devices are

a. Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a wireless technology which connects with other Bluetooth devices within 30 feet, you can send photos, songs or video with the help of the Bluetooth.

b. Chargeable Battery: This is a portable power bank which can be recharged. if once the battery is charged you can use this device anywhere.

c. Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity, basically it is a wireless network technology that connects your device to the internet or you can connect to the local area network also.

d. Touch Screen: Touch Screen is an interface where you can manage your device. Whatever information you want to type in the device you can type using the touch screen.

e. Cellular network connectivity: Cellular network connectivity provides the network through which you can make calls.

f. Global Positioning System: It is a navigation system which helps you to find the direction of place using a map.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

5. What is the purpose of gestures in mobile devices?

Answer – Gestures help users to interact with the touchscreen. for example if you want to open an app instead of clicking you just touch the app the application will be open.

Some of the gestures in mobile phone are

a. Tap and hold: Tap and hold is similar to right-clicking on a computer.

b. Swipe: Swipe the finger to right, left, up or down on the screen, automatically the page will move to the next page.

c. Tap: Touch the screen with your finger, once, to click.

d. Double tap: Tap the screen twice time quickly the screen will zoom, it is used to making the word appear bigger.

e. Drag: To tap, hold and move your finger across the screen.

f. Pinch: To bring your thumb and finger together on the screen automatically the screen will be zoomed in. it is used to making the word appear smaller.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 4: Parts of a Computer and Peripherals

6. What is the basic function of a Computer?

Answer – A computer is an electronic device which can accept data from the user, process the data and generate meaningful results. Computer have a three main units –

  1. Input Unit,
  2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) and
  3. Output Unit.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

7. What are the different parts of the CPU?

Answer – A computer is made up of multiple parts that work together to perform the processing and effective functioning of the computer.

The CPU performs all the basic arithmetic and logical operations of the computer.

There are three main components of a CPU (Central Processing Unit)

  1. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
  2. Control Unit (CU)
  3. Memory Unit (MU)

a. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) – Arithmetic and logical unit performs all arithmetic and logical operations. for example subtraction, addition, division and multiplication.

b. Control Unit (CU) – Control Unit instructs the computer system to perform a particular task. It takes instructions from memory and executes them.

c. Memory Unit (MU) – Memory Unit used to store data or instructions. there are two type of memory unit

                        i. Primary Memory – Primary memory is also known as main memory. This memory is directly accessed by the microprocessor. Primary memory have two type RAM and ROM

                                    i) RAM – RAM stands for Random access memory it is short term memory, RAM is also known as Volatile memory and it stores data temporarily.

                                    ii) ROM – ROM stands for Read only memory it is long term memory, ROM stores the data permanently.

                        ii. Secondary Memory – The device which is used to store data permanently with the help of external devices is known as Secondary memory. Example – Hard Disk, Flash drive, External drive etc.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

8. What is Motherboard?

Answer – A motherboard provides connectivity between the hardware components of a computer. It is also the backbone of the computer and shares the information between them. It is a main circuit board inside a computer that connects input, processing and output devices.

9. How is the data measured in the computer?

Answer – In the memory devices data is stored in the form of bits and bytes. Bit is the smallest unit which represents 0 or 1. combination of eight bits make a one byte. which store the numerical, letters or symbols value in the memory.

  • 8 Bits = 01 Byte
  • 1024 Bytes = 01 Kilobyte (KB)
  • 1024 Kilobyte (KB) = 01 Megabyte (MB)
  • 1024 Megabyte (MB) = 01 Gigabyte (GB)
  • 1024 Gigabyte (GB) = 01 Terabyte (TB)

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

10. Where are the different ports in the computer system?

Answer – A port is a physical docking point using which an external device can be connected to the computer. We can connect our keyboard, mouse, printer and scanner through the port

There are several types of ports that you can use to connect a computer to external devices.

a. Universal serial bus or the USB port – USB port is used to transfer data, It also works as an interface for peripheral devices. It connects, such as a mouse or a keyboard or a printer to a computer using the cable.

b. Display port – Separate video connector is used for transmitting only video signals. Display port connect the monitor to the display unit. Different types of video connector are available, like High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) and Video Graphics Array depending on the requirement.

c. Audio ports – Audio ports are used to connect speakers or other audio devices with the computer. like headphones, speakers or microphone. headphones and speaker port is known as line out port and microphone port is known as line in port.

d. Ethernet – Ethernet port is used for connecting computers to the network, with the ethernet port we can transfer data from one computer to another or we can transfer high speed internet.

e. Power port – Power port is used for connecting the computer system to the power supply.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 5: Basic Computer Operations

11. Difference between Hardware and Software?

Answer – A computer system consists of two main parts – the hardware and the software.

a. Hardware – The physical parts of the computer are hardware, hardware devices can be touch and feel. for example Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, CPU, etc.

b. Software – Software is made by programs; it is a set of instructions used to execute specific tasks. for example Microsoft Office, Operating System, Photo editing software.

12. In computer systems, what is the function of the BIOS?

Answer – BIOS stands for Basic Input/ Output System, Computer automatically runs a basic program called BIOS as soon as it is switched on or the power button is pushed on.

The BIOS first does a self-test. If the self-test shows that the computer is fine, the BIOS will load the Operating System.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

13. What are the different types of keys in Keyboard?

Answer –

a. Function keys – F1 to F12 are function keys in the keyboard, function keys are used for specific purposes.

b. Control keys – SHIFT, CONTROL (CTRL),ALT, SPACEBAR, TAB AND CAPS LOCK are known as a control key, these keys are used as per the demand.

c. Enter key – ENTER or RETURN keys are known as Enter key, depending on the brand of computer that you are using.

d. Punctuation keys – It includes keys for punctuation marks, such as colon (:), semicolon (;), question mark (?), single quotation marks (‘ ’), and double quotation marks (“ ”).

e. Navigation keys – END, HOME, PAGE DOWN, PAGE UP and Arrow keys are known as navigation keys, these keys are used to move up, down, left or right in the document.

f. Command keys – BACKSPACE, INSERT (INS) and DELETE(DEL) are known as command keys. INSERT key allows you to overwrite characters to the right side. The DELETE command key and BACKSPACE key are used to remove typed text, character, or any other objects from the right and left side of the cursor.

g. Windows key – Windows key is used to open the Start menu.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 6: Performing Basic File Operations

14. What are files and folders in a computer system?

Answer –

a. File – File is a collection of information different types of files store different types of information. Every file has a file name and extension that identifies the type of file.

b. Folder – Folder is a collection of files or a group of files.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 7: Communication and Networking – Basic of Internet

15. What is Bandwidth?

Answer – Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred or received every second. and it is measured by bps (Bite per second).

For example, In the water pipe the amount of water transmitted in a certain time is known as bandwidth. The maximum amount of water that can flow through the pipe is maximum bandwidth. Similarly, the amount of data that can be sent or received in the network depends on the bandwidth.

Bits per second is the unit of measurement for bandwidth (bps) in computer networks and in analog devices it is measured as a cycle per second.

Data transfer speed measured by the bits per second.

  • 1 Kbps (kilo bits per second) = 1,000 bits per second
  • 1 Mbps (megabits per second) = 1,000 kilobits per second
  • 1 Gbps (gigabits per second) = 1,000 megabits per second

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 8: Communication and Networking – Internet Browsing

16. What is the World Wide Web?

Answer – WWW stands for World Wide Web, it is also known as a Web. Web is a collection of websites and a website is a collection of web pages. All websites and webpages are stored in the web server. The Web is a vast network interlinked with each other.

It is made up of

  • A web page
  • A web browser
  • A system to transfer information between the web browser and the web pages

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 9: Communication and Networking Introduction to Email

17. What is email?

Answer – An electronic communication invented in the 1970s to do communication faster, Email is fast and easy to use and it can be sent to multiple people at the same time, Email containing videos, documents, spreadsheets etc. can be sent along with the email as attachments.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 10: Communication and Networking – creating an email account

18. Differentiate type of email provider?

Answer – If you want to create an email account, you can follow any one of the provider

  • Gmail (run by Google)
  • Yahoo mail (run by Yahoo)
  • Outlook mail (run by Microsoft)

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 11: Communication and Networking – Writing an email

19. Differentiate between CC & BCC?

Answer –

a. CC – When you want the email list to be visible to all recipients, and you want to include all the recipients.

b. BCC – When you want to include additional recipients but don’t want the recipient to know who else is receiving the email.

Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

20. What are the different types of folders in email?

Answer – There are different folders that could help you manage and organize your emails.

a. Inbox – By default email is received in the inbox.

b. Send – Send folder store emails that you have sent to other peoples.

c. Drafts – When you are writing an email and you have not sent the email to any other user, that time email will be stored in draft by default.

d. Trash – Trash holds deleted email from the inbox. To delete an email, you select an email and then click on the Delete button for it to be moved from inbox to trash folder

Session 12: Communication and Networking – Receiving and Replying to email.

21. In email, what is the difference between respond and forward?

Answer –

a. Reply – Replying to an email means that you are answering the mail you have got.

b. Forward – Forwarding an email is sending the mail to someone else the way you have got.

Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answer

Self Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

self management skills class 9 questions and answers

Self Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers is very important in our daily life, Self – Management Skills Questions and Answers has been designed by the teachers and examiners team. The CBSE Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers is a useful resource for students studying in class 9. The page offers notes and other study materials that can help students prepare for exams, including the CBSE and other competitive exams. It is a good idea for students to regularly visit the page and stay up to date with the latest information and resources.

The team have collected all Important Subjective Questions and Answers from Unit 2 Self – Management Sills, this all Subjective Questions and Answers are taken topic wise.

Self Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 1: Introduction to Self – Management

1. What do you mean by self – management skills?

Answer – Your ability to regulate and control your actions, feelings, and thoughts is referred to as self-management skills. It also helps to improve personal and academic goals.

Self-management can also helps in the following areas:-

  • Reaching your goals
  • Developing good habits
  • Overcoming challenges and difficulties
  • Overcoming bad habits

Self Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

2. What are the different practices of self management skills?

Answer – Self – management skills are –

a. Self – awareness – Ability to control your values, likes, strengths, dislikes and weaknesses, etc.

b. Self – control – Holding the ability to control your behavior, discipline, and so on.

c. Self – confidence – Believe in yourself and don’t be scared to take risks.

d. Problem solving – Understanding a problem and finding the solution.

e. Self motivation – Try to complete your tasks without any external help.

d. Personal hygiene – Be healthy, clean and smart

e. Positive thinking – Expressing certainty or affirmation even in tough situations

f. Teamwork – Work in team to complete the goals

g. Time management – According to your plan, achieve the task on time.

h. Goal setting – Plan and accomplish the goals within a timeframe.

3. Write a short note on the factors influencing self – management.

Answer – Factors influencing the self – management are patients, cognitive, mental, and behavioral ability to identify disease – related symptoms, seek treatment, and to identify physical, psychological and social changes.

Self Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 2: Strength and weakness analysis

4. Self – management skills strengths and weaknesses?

Answer – Self – management skills strengths and weaknesses –

Strengths –

  • Think that you are always good at
  • Think about what you do well
  • Think about what others appreciate about you

Weaknesses –

  • Identify the areas where you struggle and what you find difficult to do
  • Accept the feedback you receive from others
  • Be positive with feedback and try to improve yourself.

Self Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

5. Difference between interests and abilities?

Answer – Interests are the things that we enjoy doing ability acquired or natural capacity that enable an individual to perform a particular task with considerable proficiency.

Interest may include –

  • Activities you like most to do at school or at home that make you happy.
  • Even if no one asks you to do the activity but you want to do it.
  • Activities that you like to learn or do in the future.

Session 3: Self – confidence

6. Qualities of self – confidence?

Answer – Qualities of self – confident people –

a. Self – belief – Always believe in yourself and respect the failures, make you successful in life.

b. Hard Work – Work hard to achieve the goal, don’t be afraid of failures.

c. Positive Attitude – Positive attitude means focusing on the goal and trying to achieve.

Self Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

7. How to build self – confidence?

Answer – There are three steps to build self – confidence are as follows –

a. Step 1: Appreciate achievements & accept failures.

b. Step 2: Make a goal and try to achieve.

c. Step 3: Always look on the positive side and be happy.

Self Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

8. What are the factors that decrease self – confidence?

Answer – Some of the factors which decrease self – confidence

  • When we think we are unable to complete a task.
  • When you feel bad from the past mistakes, and unmotivated.
  • After failure in the first attempt, do not try again to achieve the goal.
  • When we are surrounded by people who have negative thoughts.

Session 4: Positive Thinking

9. What is the importance of positive thinking?

Answer – An person’ attitude can be ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. Positive thinking helps to be successful in life because positive people are always improving themselves. but negative people are always worrying and looking for the bad in things, they never try to overcome the challenges.

Positive thinking produces positive outcomes for you, such as

  • Overcoming challenges
  • Always be energetic
  • Helping others will help you to overcome the challenge of the work.
  • Be happy and make others happy.

Self Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 5: Personal Hygiene

10. What is the importance of personal hygiene?

Answer – Personal hygiene is very important in our daily life because it helps us

  • Create a good image of ourselves
  • Stay healthy
  • Avoid feeling ashamed in public due to our bad breath, body odour, etc.

Session 6: Grooming

11. What is the importance of Grooming?

Answer – The act of putting on clothes is known as dressing. Grooming is the act of making oneself appear neat, orderly, and smart.

Benefits of Dressing and grooming in daily life

  • Look smart
  • Make a good impression of ourselves
  • Feel confident about ourselves

Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answer

Self Management Skills Class 9 FAQs

Q1. What is self management skills for Class 9?

Ability to control your actions and regulate your self is known as self management skills, It also help to achieve your personal and academic goal.

Q2. Why is self management important for us Class 9?

Self-management can also helps in the following areas:-

  1. Achieving your goals
  2. Adapting good habits
  3. Overcoming from the difficulties
  4. Overcoming from the bad habits

Q3. What is grooming class 9?

Wearing is clothes is known as dressing. Grooming helps to make your self neat, clean and smart.

Q4. What is the purpose of self management explain?

Purpose of Self-management skills are – Self Awareness, Self Control, Self Confidence, Problem Solving and Self motivated.

Top 24+ Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

communication skills class 9 questions and answers

Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers has been designed by the teachers and examiners team. The CBSE Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers is a useful resource for students studying in class 9. The page offers notes and other study materials that can help students prepare for exams, including the CBSE and other competitive exams. It is a good idea for students to regularly visit the page and stay up to date with the latest information and resources.

The team have collected all Important Subjective Questions and Answers from Unit 1 Communication Skills, this all Subjective Questions and Answers are taken topic wise.

Here we are going to discuss the Top 24 Questions and Answers from the subject. This Communication Skills Subjective Questions and Answers is specially designed for students preparing for class 9 exams.

Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 1: Introduction to Communication

Q1. What is Communication?

Answer – The act of giving, receiving, and sharing information is known as communication. Signs and signals provide information. Communication can take the form of speaking, writing, or any other medium.

The word ‘Communication’ comes from the Latin word communicare, which means ‘to share’.

Q2. What is the importance of communication?

Answer – Communication helps to improve physical, social and good relationships between family and friends.

There are three importance of communication in day to day life –

a. Inform – We give facts or information to someone in daisy life.

b. Influence – Sometimes we are required to influence or change someone in an indirect but usually important way.

c. Express feelings – if you are expressing your views or feelings to others is a healthy way to express them.

Q3. What are the elements of communication?

Answer – Communication means giving and receiving, which is a two-way exchange of information.

Giving information is an example of speaking and writing, whereas receiving information is an example of reading and listening.

Q4. What are the seven elements that influence the communication skills?

Answer – There are seven different factors which affecting Perspectives in communication –

  • Language
  • Environment
  • Visual Perception
  • Culture
  • Prejudice
  • Feelings
  • Past Experience
Q5. What is effective communication?

Answer – There are 7 C’s effective communication which are applicable for both written as well as oral communication. These are as follows –

a. Clear – Always say clearly, what you want to say.

b. Concise – Always use simple language and say only what is required.

c. Concrete – Always use proper words and phrases in the sentences.

d. Correct – Always use correct spelling and grammar in the sentences.

e. Coherent – Your word should be related to the main topic and your word should make sense.

f. Complete – Your message should be complete and have all the needed information.

g. Courteous – Be honest, respectful and friendly with others.

Q6. How many types of Communication methods?

Answer – There are main three types of communication methods –

a. Verbal communication

b. Non-verbal communication

c. Visual communication

Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 2: Verbal Communication

Q7. What is verbal communication? Advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication.

Answer – Communication is a two-way method for exchanging information, thoughts, ideas, and feelings. In verbal communication we can share ideas or thoughts in the form of sound and word, it is also known as face – to – face communication.

Advantages of Verbal communication

a. Time Saving – We can express our thoughts easily and quickly and it is an easier form of communication.

b. Quick Feedback – We can get a quick response from the listener.

Disadvantages of verbal communication

a. Cultural Difference – The cultural difference is the main disadvantage of verbal communication

b. Language barriers – Difficult to share thoughts or ideas in different languages.

Q8. What is public speaking?

Answer – Speaking face – to – face to a live audience or in front of a large group is known as public speaking, you can use the 3Ps method to get over your fears, and become a confident speaker.

The 3Ps method is –

a. Prepare

b. Practice

c. Perform

Q9. Write down the different types of verbal communication. Give an example for each type.

Answer – Verbal communication can be divided into two categories.

a. Oral or Spoken communication – Oral Communication involves Face-to-face communication, Teaching in classroom or talking on the phone is an example of oral or spoken communication.

b. Written Communication – Written Communication involves written or typed words. Banners, Articles, Notes, Writing letters, email, and Short Messaging Services are examples of written communication.

Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 3: Non-Verbal Communication

Q10. What is non-verbal communication?

Answer – Without using word if you are sending some information to others is known as non- verbal communication, Some of the non – verbal communication is –

  • Eye contact
  • Gestures
  • Expressions
  • Posture
  • Space
  • Para Language
  • Touch
Q11. What role does non-verbal communication play?

Answer – In our daily life it is observed that most of the communication is done using body movements and voice control.

Importance of non-verbal communication

a. In the non-verbal communication you can make your message stronger as compared to written communication.

b. Helps overcome cultural barriers.

c. With the right gestures while speaking makes our message more effective

d. Using the right gestures and postures helps us to be professional at work.

e. The message is delivered and communicated more effectively than verbal communication.

f. In the time of public speech you can understand the audience’s reaction easily and adjust our behavior or communication accordingly.

Q12. Type of non-verbal communication?

Answer – We communicate non-verbally in many ways –

a. Facial expressions – The movement and changes of the face are the facial expressions. Many times facial expressions show the feelings of a person. For example, expressing your thoughts using a smile, when we are happy, or when we are sad.

b. Posture – Postures means body of the positions, postures shows how confident you are and your emotional feelings. For example, straight body posture means confidence.

c. Gestures or Body language – Gestures means with the help of hands or head if you are sharing any idea or meaning. for example pointing, waving and using our hands when speaking.

d. Touch – Some time we communicate using touch we also share messages to others, for example hand shaking and patting on the back.

e. Space – When the two people are communicating and you will find some space between these two people depending on closeness or intimacy between them.

f. Eye contact – Maintaining eye contact is very important when you are talking about interest, whereas, looking at any other side can make the other person feel ignored.

g. Paralanguage – Tone of our voice, speed and volume that makes a difference in the meaning is a paralanguage.

Q13. What is visual communication?

Answer – In daily life we are using visual communication. Sometimes we are getting messages from images or pictures. The main advantage of visual communication is that you do not need to know any particular language.

Example of visual communication

a. Sign for ladies and gents toilet

b. Traffic symbol

c. Sign for flammable substance

Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 4: Writing Skills: Parts of Speech

Q14. What are Written Skills?

Answer – If you are sending any message or instruction through writing is known as written communication. Written communication is important because it communicates the message with clarity and ease.

How to improve writing skills

a. Improve your Vocabulary

b. Capitalization Rules

c. Punctuation

d. Basic parts of speech

Q15. What are the basic parts of speech in the English Language?

Answer – There are eight basic parts of speech in the English language. These are none, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

a. Noun – Nouns is the name of a person, place, animal or thing. This is also called ‘naming words.

b. Pronoun – A pronoun is used in place of a noun.

c. Adjectives – Adjectives are words that describe other words.

d. Verbs – Verbs are words that show action.

e. Adverbs – Adverbs are words that add meaning to verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

f. Preposition – A preposition is a word palace before a noun or pronoun.

g. Conjunction – A conjunction is a word that connects two words, phrases, or clauses.

h. Interjection – A word used to communicate emotion is called an interjection.

Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 5: Writing Skills: Sentences

Q16. What are the various parts of the Sentence?

Answer -A subject and a verb make up a sentence. There is an object in some of the sentences. The subject is generally a noun, which is a term that refers to a person or thing who performs a specific activity.

The verb comes after the subject and indicates that something is being done. An object, which usually comes after the verb, receives the action.

There are three different types of parts of sentences –

  • Subject
  • Verb
  • Object
Q17. How many types of objects are there in the English language?

Answer – Object normally comes after the verb phrase. The presence or absence of an object is determined by the verb’s meaning. There are two types of objects in English language

a. Direct – Direct objects are the results of action, A direct object answers the questions ‘what’ or ‘whom’. Ramesh collected honey all day. hear honey becomes the direct object.

b. Indirect – An indirect object answers the questions ‘to whom’, ‘for whom’, ‘to what’ and ‘for what’. for example, in the sentence “Imran gave a gift to his mother.” The verb is “gave” and in the sentence there are two objects “gift” and “mother”.

Q18. In English grammar, what are the several type of sentences?

Answer – A sentence is a collection of words that expresses an idea. all the sentences have a none or pronoun called the subject. Sentences always start from capital letters and end with a period, question mark or exclamation. The word “sentence” is from the Latin word which means “to feel”.

Type of Sentence

a. Declarative Sentence – Declarative sentences end with a full stop, It is the most common type of sentence. example – I completed my work.

b. Interrogative Sentence – Interrogative sentences end with question marks. This type of sentence asks a question. example – Did you complete your homework?

c. Exclamatory Sentence – Exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation mark. This sentence expresses a strong emotion. example – I come first in class!

d. Imperative Sentence – Imperative sentence can end with an exclamation mark or full stop. This sentence shows an order command, request, or advice. example – Complete your homework.

19. What are the Paragraphs?

Answer – A group of sentences forms a paragraph and paragraphs helps the reader to read the sections, because they break the text into different sections. .

If you’re writing about your school, the first paragraph could consist of sentences describing the name, location, size, and other information. You can use sentences to express what you like about your school in the next paragraph.

Session 6: Pronunciation Basics

Q20. Definition of pronunciation?

Answer – Many words in English are not pronounced the way they are spelt, so if you don’t say them right, others won’t understand what we’re saying. Pronunciation is defined as the act or style of pronouncing a word.

Q21. Types of sounds?

Answer – Particular auditory impression is known as sound. All English words are made of three basic types of sounds.

a. Vowel Sound – There are five vowels in the English language but there are 12 vowel sounds. Most vowels are pronounced in different ways. For example, we pronounce the letter ‘i’ in the word ‘bit’ by using vowel sounds.

b. Diphthongs Sound (combination sound of two vowels) – If we combine two vowels then it makes a diphthongs sound. It starts from one vowel sound and goes to another sound. for example In the word “house” the diphthongs sound is ‘ou’ .

c. Consonants Sound – Consonants sound is neither a vowel nor a diphthong sound. For example, we use consonant sounds to say the letters ‘p’ and ‘t’ in the word Pot.

Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 7: Greetings and Introductions

Q22. What is greeting? Explain type of greeting.

Answer – There are many ways to greet a person. Greeting is simply a way of saying hello to someone else. There are two ways of greeting someone else.

a. Formal greetings – If you do not know the person, and if you are greeting that is known as formal greetings. It is used to greet senior, elderly people or people with whom we have formal relations like teachers or customers.

b. Informal greetings – If you are knowing someone and you are greeting him/her is known as informal greeting. for example friends, family or a known person.

Session 8: Talking about self

No, Important Subjective Questions available.

Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 9: Asking Questions I

Q23. What is asking questions?

Answer – Question we are asking when we want to know some information from the others. Questions should be any type, for example asking for textbook answers, information about a person or a place or about how to do a task.

Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Session 10: Asking Questions II

Q24. What are the different types of questions?

Answer – A question is a type of sentence, group of words, or phrase that either requests information or tests someone’s knowledge.

There are two types of questions

a. Close – ended questions – if the questions answered with “yes” or a “no” are called close ended questions.

b. Open – ended questions – Questions that can be answered with more details are called Open – ended questions.

Employability Skills Class 9 Questions and Answer

Communication Skills Class 9 FAQs

Q1. What is a communication Question Answer Class 9?

The act of giving, receiving, and sharing information is known as communication. Signs and signals provide information. Communication can take the form of speaking, writing, or any other medium.

Q2. What is the importance of communication skills class 9th? 

Communication helps to improve physical, social and good relationships between family and friends. There are three importance of communication in day to day life – Inform, Influence, and Express feelings.

Q3. How many types of communication are there in class 9?

There are three type of communication in class 9, verbal, non-verbal, written and visual.

Employability Skills References Textbook

The above Communication Skills Class 9 was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE official website as a reference.

NCERT, N. C. E. R. T. (n.d.). CBSE Study Material Of EMPLOYABILITY CLASS IX. Retrieved January 15, 2022, from

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Employability skills textbook Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers helps to improve the ‘soft’ skills, nowadays employers want candidates to demonstrate to show that they can work well in the organization.

These skills help to become a successful entrepreneur or if you plan to work freelance on projects with clients.

Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook employability skills communication skills class 9 questions and answers pdf, and our team has tried to collect all the correct questions and answers from the textbook (Communication Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers and MCQs). If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us

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