Database Management System Class 10 MCQ – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).
The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.
Database Management System Class 10 MCQ
Chapter 8: Introduction to Database Management System
1. Databases are being used to _.
a. Store
b. Manipulate
c. Manage
d. All of the above
2. In Database which type of data we can store.
a. Text
b. Image
c. Audio and Video
d. All of the above
3. Data is a collection of _.
a. Raw facts
b. Table
c. Database
d. None of the above
4. The facts may be related to __.
a. Any person
b. Place
c. Activity or things
d. All of the above
5. Data can be processed in the proper way to generate meaningful __.
a. Data
b. Information
c. Database
d. None of the above
6. Which of the following is known as an organized form of data.
a. Data
b. Information
c. Database
d. None of the above
7. A _ is a collection of logically related data items stored in an organized manner.
a. Data
b. Database
c. Information
d. None of the above
8. Which of the following software is used to retrieve, update and create data in a database.
a. Database Management System (DBMS)
b. Data Manager (DM)
c. Database Manager (DM)
d. None of the above
9. Which of the following is a common example of DBMS.
a. MS Access
b. OpenOffice or LibreOffice Base
c. Oracle or MySQL
d. All of the above
10. The data in the database is stored in an __.
a. Organized manner
b. Tabular method
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
11. A __ helps to analyze the data based on certain criteria.
a. Database
b. Digital Document
c. Impress
d. None of the above
12. What do you mean by Data Redundancy?
a. Same data will not repeated in several tables
b. It can create same data multiple times
c. Data can be shared to multiple users
d. None of the above
13. What do you mean by Data consistency?
a. Accuracy of the data
b. Reliability of the data
c. Uniformity of the data
d. All of the above
14. Database helps to maintain the same data across all the tables, this is known as _.
a. Data Redundancy
b. Data Sharing
c. Data Consistency
d. None of the above
15. Data redundancy and inconsistency can be minimized in a database which helps to increase.
a. Validity
b. Security
c. Accuracy
d. None of the above
16. The data is translated in such a manner in a database that unauthorized users are not able to read is known as _.
a. Validity
b. Encryption
c. Consistency
d. None of the above
17. The structure of the database is known as _.
a. Data
b. Data Base
c. Data Model
d. None of the above
18. Which of the following data models is used in the database.
a. Network data model
b. Hierarchical data model
c. Relational data model
d. All of the above
19. In which data model the data is organized into a tree-like structure.
a. Network data model
b. Hierarchical data model
c. Relational data model
d. All of the above
20. In which of the following data models are used to link multiple records to the master file.
a. Network data model
b. Hierarchical data model
c. Relational data model
d. All of the above
21. In which data model is based on the principle of setting relationships between two or more tables of the same database.
a. Network data model
b. Hierarchical data model
c. Relational data model
d. All of the above
22. Which of the following is the most commonly used database model in DBMS.
a. Network data model
b. Hierarchical data model
c. Relational data model
d. All of the above
23. The relational database model was proposed in __.
a. 1970
b. 1980
c. 1990
d. 2000
24. The relational database model is proposed by __.
a. M. K. Rose
b. E. F. Codd
c. Linus Torvalds
d. John von Neumann
25. In relational data models the data are stored in different tables made up of __.
a. Rows
b. Columns
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
26. In which data model the relations are set between tables based on common fields.
a. Network data model
b. Hierarchical data model
c. Relational data model
d. All of the above
27. Which of the following is a real world object which stores the information in a database.
a. Attribute
b. Entity
c. Field
d. All of the above
28. The details associated with the entity are called __.
a. Attribute
b. Entity
c. Field
d. All of the above
29. A __ is a collection of logically related records.
a. Attribute
b. Entity
c. Field
d. Table
30. A _ is the smallest entity in the database.
a. Attribute
b. Field
c. Record
d. Database
31. A collection of fields in the table make a _.
a. Attribute
b. Field
c. Record
d. Database
32. A collection of records makes a _.
a. Attribute
b. Field
c. Record
d. Table
33. A collection of tables make a __.
a. Attribute
b. Field
c. Record
d. Database
34. _ hold the data values of one type of data.
a. Attribute
b. Field
c. Record
d. Database
35. The raw data represented in the form of alphanumeric, character or numeric data is known as _.
a. Attribute
b. Field
c. Record
d. Data value
36. A __ is the set of data values for all the fields related to a person or object.
a. Attribute
b. Field
c. Record
d. Database
37. A __ holds the data values of all the fields for a single person or object in a table.
a. Attribute
b. Field
c. Record
d. Database
38. A _ key is a field that uniquely identifies a row in a table.
a. Primary key
b. Candidate key
c. Foreign key
d. None of the above
39. In a table if more than one field identifies a record, it is known as _.
a. Primary key
b. Composite key
c. Foreign key
d. None of the above
40. __ key helps to build a relation between two or more tables in a database.
a. Primary key
b. Composite key
c. Foreign key
d. None of the above
41. If the field values that are eligible to be the primary key are known as _.
a. Primary key
b. Candidate key
c. Foreign key
d. None of the above
42. In the database table if candidate keys are not chosen as the primary key are called __.
a. Alternate key
b. Candidate key
c. Foreign key
d. None of the above
43. The __ key helps to build a relation between two tables.
a. Alternate key
b. Candidate key
c. Foreign key
d. None of the above
44. All the field values that are eligible to be the primary key are the _.
a. Alternate key
b. Candidate key
c. Foreign key
d. None of the above
45. Which of the following is suitable for candidate keys?
a. Candidate key field can be left blank
b. Candidate key field don’t have duplicate values
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
46. If in the database table there are two field roll numbers and admission number both are uniquely identified fields, if roll number is made as primary key then admission number will be __.
a. Alternate key
b. Candidate key
c. Foreign key
d. None of the above
47. A structure or feature that is used to store, represent, or retrieve data is called __.
a. Database
b. Object
c. Report
d. None of the above
48. What are the different objects present in RDBMS?
a. Table
b. Queries
c. Form & Report
d. All of the above
49. __ is a feature of a database, which contains data from users and stored in a database table using a user-friendly manner.
a. Form
b. Queries
c. Report
d. None of the above
50. The form consists of _.
a. Text boxes & Labels
b. Radio button & list box
c. Check box
d. All of the above
51. The data entered through the forms is stored in _.
a. Queries
b. Forms
c. Table
d. None of the above
52. The necessary data is extracted from the database using _.
a. Queries
b. Forms
c. Table
d. None of the above
53. The output of a query can be displayed in the form of _.
a. Queries
b. Forms
c. Report
d. None of the above
Chapter 9: Starting with LibreOffice Base
54. _ helps to specify while creating the tables and check only valid data will be entered in the table.
a. Data Type
b. Data Storage
c. Validation
d. None of the above
55. __ refers to the type of data that will be stored in the particular field.
a. Data Type
b. Data Storage
c. Validation
d. None of the above
56. The memory size of the field varies according to its __.
a. Data Type
b. Data Storage
c. Validation
d. None of the above
57. The text data types are a combination of __.
a. Letters
b. Numbers
c. Special Characters
d. All of the above
58. No arithmetic calculations can be performed on _ data type.
a. Number Data type
b. Text Data type
c. Decimal Data type
d. None of the above
59. __ data type stores maximum length of the characters, data having more than 255 characters.
a. Memo (Longvarchar)
b. Text(fix) (Char)
c. Text (Varchar)
d. None of the above
60. _ data type stores exactly the length specified, this data type uses a fixed number of characters.
a. Memo (Longvarchar)
b. Text(fix) (Char)
c. Text (Varchar)
d. None of the above
61. __ data type allocated depends on the number of characters entered by the user.
a. Memo (Longvarchar)
b. Text(fix) (Char)
c. Text (Varchar)
d. None of the above
62. __ data type consists of number, integer, decimal, real or double type which can perform arithmetic calculation.
a. Text Data type
b. Number Data type
c. Date Data type
d. Binary Data type
63. _ data type is used to store decimal values in the database using a table.
a. Tiny Integer
b. BigInt
c. Number
d. Float
64. Which data type is used to store monetary values and can store currencies of various countries.
a. Boolean Data type
b. Currency Data type
c. Date Data type
d. None of the above
65. Which data type is used to store date and time both in the database.
a. Date
b. Time
c. Timestamp
d. None of the above
66. Which data type is used to store date data in the database table.
a. Date
b. Time
c. Timestamp
d. None of the above
67. Which data type is used to store time in the database table.
a. Date
b. Time
c. Timestamp
d. None of the above
68. In which data type you can store True/False, Yes/No, or On/Off in the database table.
a. Binary Data type
b. Text Data type
c. Boolean Data type
d. Number Data type
69. Which data type is used to store digital image, sound, video or file in the database table.
a. Binary Data type
b. Text Data type
c. Boolean Data type
d. Number Data type
70. What is the name of a method where you can create a new database using step by step procedure.
a. New Database
b. Database Wizard
c. Database Method
d. None of the above
71. In LibreOffice Base if you select the option “No, do not register the database” then what will happen.
a. Database will be not store the data
b. Database will not open
c. Database will not share publicly
d. None of the above
72. What method is used to create tables in LibreOffice Base?
a. Using Table Wizard
b. Using Design View
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
73. Which method is used to create a table in a flexible method.
a. Using Table Wizard
b. Using Design View
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
74. In LibreOffice Base, If you want to describe the purpose of the field, it will not be a part of the database table but it helps the user to understand the purpose of the field.
a. Field Name
b. Field Type
c. Description
d. None of the above
75. Which of the following shortcut keys is used to save the table in the database.
a. Alt + S
b. Ctrl + S
c. Shift + S
d. None of the above
76. The data can be arranged in the table using _.
a. Shorting
b. Arrangement
c. Ascending
d. Descending
77. The data type in LibreOffice base can be categorized into __.
a. Text
b. Numeric
c. Currency and Date
d. All of the above
Chapter 10: Working with Multiple Tables
78. To edit a table in LibreOffice Base, Which of the following interfaces is used.
a. Database Edit Interface
b. Database User Interface
c. Database Manage Interface
d. None of the above
79. __ are used to set up between the tables which helps to control data redundancy and inconsistency.
a. Relationship
b. Common Field
c. Database Interface
d. None of the above
80. The most important prerequisite for setting a relationship is that there must be a _.
a. Different field
b. Common field
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
81. The table contains a unique record that is used as a main source of information known as _.
a. Transaction table
b. Master table
c. Sub table
d. None of the above
82. What do you mean by transaction table in database.
a. Table which make a relation with master table
b. It is a support of master table
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
83. Primarily how many types of relationships can be set up between two tables.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
84. In the database if the master table and transaction table both have a unique record then it will create __ type of relationship.
a. One-to-One
b. One-to-many
c. Many-to-many
d. None of the above
85. _ specific record of the master table has more than one corresponding record in the related transaction table.
a. One-to-One
b. One-to-many
c. Many-to-many
d. None of the above
86. In _ multiple records in the master table that correspond to multiple records in the transaction table.
a. One-to-One
b. One-to-many
c. Many-to-many
d. None of the above
87. What are the benefits of relating tables in a database?
a. It helps to prevent data redundancy
b. It helps to prevent missing data using referential integrity
c. Restricts the user to enter invalid data using relationships
d. All of the above
88. Any update in the master table is automatically reflected in the transaction tables using________.
a. Relationships
b. Common Field
c. Database Interface
d. None of the above
89. What is the purpose of referential integrity in databases?
a. Accuracy
b. Consistency
c. Completeness
d. All of the above
90. According to the principle of __ no unmatched foreign key values should exist in the database.
a. Database
b. Referential integrity
c. Database Interface
d. None of the above
91. Referential integrity allows only that corresponding record to be entered in the transaction table which already exists in _.
a. Master table
b. Transaction table
c. Relationships table
d. None of the above
92. LibreOffice base gives us how many options to maintain referential integrity in the database.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
93. Which of the following referential integrity used in LibreOffice Base.
a. No action
b. Update cascade
b. Set NULL or Set Default
c. All of the above
94. Which referential integrity states that users should not be allowed to update or delete records in the master table if the related record is present in the transaction table.
a. No action
b. Update cascade
b. Set NULL or Set Default
c. All of the above
95. Which referential integrity states that the user is allowed to update or delete the referenced field along with the related record in the transaction table will also be updated or deleted.
a. No action
b. Update cascade
b. Set NULL or Set Default
c. All of the above
Chapter 11: Queries in Base
96. To search or retrieve the desired record from the database we have to give specifications in the form of _.
a. Form
b. Table
c. Query
d. Report
97. LibreOffice Base allows us to create a query and you can save it as __ in a database.
a. a Micro
b. an Object
c. a Module
d. None of the above
98. You can run query multiple times whenever it is required (True/False)
Show Answer ⟶99. In LibreOffice Base you can create a query using __.
a. Using a Wizard
b. In Design View
c. In SQL views
d. All of the above
100. In LibreOffice Base, which mathematical function you can use in a query.
a. count and sum
b. maximum and minimum
c. average
d. All of the above
101. SQL stands for __.
a. Simple Query Language
b. Simple Question Language
c. Structured Query Language
d. None of the above
102. Shortcut for opening the context menu in LibreOffice Base.
a. Ctrl + F10
b. Shift + F10
c. Shift + F9
d. Ctrl + F9
103. Shortcut for run query in LibreOffice Base.
a. F5
b. F3
c. F2
d. F8
104. Which is the most flexible way to create a query in LibreOffice Base.
a. Design View
b. Wizard
c. SQL View
d. None of the above
105. In LibreOffice base query design window is divided in __ parts.
a. Two
b. Four
c. Three
d. One
106. In LibreOffice Base which view is used to insert SQL query manually.
a. SQL View
b. Design View
c. Wizard View
d. Datasheet View
107. In LibreOffice Base which of the following conditions you can apply in the Query Wizard to perform the result.
a. is equal to/ is not equal to
b. like/ not like/ is not null
c. is smaller than/ is greater than
d. All of the above
108. Which of the following functions is used to find the average of the numbers in LibreOffice Base design view.
a. average
b. avg
c. total avg
d. None of the above
109. Which of the following functions is used to find the sum of numbers in LibreOffice Base.
a. Total
b. Sum
c. Addition
d. None of the above
110. Which of the following functions is used to count total no of records in the table.
a. Total
b. Count
c. Sum
d. None of the above
111. In LibreOffice Base by default Query Name is _.
a. Query 1
b. Query
c. MyQuery
d. None of the above
112. After saving the query in LibreOffice Base the query will be seen in the _.
a. Module area
b. Object area
c. Query area
d. All of the above
113. The result of the query will be displayed in a _ windows.
a. Same
b. Separate
c. In New database
d. None of the above
114. You can apply multiple conditions to design a query in LibreOffice Base. (True/ False)
Show Answer ⟶115. Which of the following relational operators is used to define not equal in LibreOffice Base.
a. >=
b. Not=
c. <>
d. !=
116. What is the purpose of the Group function in LibreOffice Base?
a. Group rows which have the different name
b. Helps to groups for each of the data values in the column of category name.
c. Calculate summaries like sum, average and count for each group within the data set.
d. Both b) and c)
Chapter 12: Forms and Reports
117. The LibreOffice Base provides the _ feature for data entry purposes.
a. Table
b. Form
c. Report
d. None of the above
118. Which features are used by the database to retrieve data in a user friendly, understandable and formatted manner.
a. Table
b. Form
c. Report
d. None of the above
119. The Table, Query, Forms and Reports are considered as __ of the database.
a. Object
b. Function
c. Method
d. None of the above
120. The database objects are present in the __ of the LibreOffice Base User Interface.
a. Database Pane
b. Windows Pane
c. Data Pane
d. None of the above
121. Form is also defined as __.
a. Back End Application
b. Front End Application
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
122. Which types of field control is used to design a Form in a database.
a. Text Box, Label, heading and names
b. Radio Button, graphics like logos
c. Combo Box, Check Box
d. All of the above
123. In LibreOffice Base form can be created using which of the following ways.
a. Using a wizard
b. Using the design view
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
124. In LibreOffice Base the simplest way to create a form is using _.
a. Using wizard
b. Using design view
c. Using Query
d. None of the above
125. In LibreOffice Base the field control consists of _ parts.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
126. In LibreOffice Base the field control consists of __.
a. Label
b. Field Value
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
127. How many layouts are given in LibreOffice Base using the wizard option.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
128. In LibreOffice Base by default the name of the form is the same as the name of the _.
a. Form
b. Table
c. Database
d. None of the above
129. _ toolbar contains various controls that can be added to the form.
a. Records toolbar
b. Form Control Toolbar
c. Format Toolbar
d. None of the above
130. The Form Control toolbar is present on the __ of the Form design window.
a. Left
b. Right
c. Middle
d. Bottom
131. The _ toolbar contains the navigation control buttons and we can traverse and view the records in the file.
a. Records toolbar
b. Form Control Toolbar
c. Format Toolbar
d. None of the above
132. The form modification can be done once it is created, In LibreOffice Base modification can be changed to the __.
a. Background color
b. Font size
c. Font color of the text or positioning of various controls
d. All of the above
133. To change the background color of the form, right click on the form and select _.
a. Page Style
b. Background Style
c. Database Style
d. None of the above
134. The Page Style dialog box will appear when you will click on __.
a. Color tab
b. Area tab
c. Design tab
d. None of the above
135. Label text can be changed using which of the following options in LibreOffice Base.
a. Property
b. Design View
c. Font design
d. All of the above
136. A __ is a small piece of text that appears when the mouse cursor is over a specific control.
a. Tool-design
b. Tool-tip
c. Tool-Font
d. All of the above
137. To add titles, headings or subheading in the Form using __.
a. Textbox
b. Combobox
c. Labels
d. Radio Button
138. The records that have been extracted using a query are displayed in a simple row and column format known as __.
a. Query
b. Form
c. Report
d. None of the above
139. A layout is used to display the report in the form of _.
a. Landscape
b. Portrait
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
140. A default layout selected by the LibreOffice Base is __.
a. Landscape
b. Portrait
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
141. By default the type of report is __ in LibreOffice Base.
a. Dynamic
b. Static
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
142. What do you mean by Dynamic report in LibreOffice Base.
a. Automatic updation is allowed in the report
b. Automatic updation is not allowed in the report
c. Manually you have to add component in the report
d. None of the above
143. If you don’t want automatic updation of the report in LibreOffice Base, you can select the _ option.
a. Dynamic
b. Static
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
144. To make the report more presentable by inserting __.
a. Titles
b. Author name
c. Date of generation of report
d. All of the above
145. To insert data and time in Report, you can use __.
a. Insert > Date and Time
b. Edit > Date and Time
c. View > Date and Time
d. None of the above
146. We can create a report based on a _.
a. Table
b. Query
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Some Extra Previous Textbook MCQ
147. A_________________ database management system is referred to as a relational model.
c. DB
d. None of the above
148. Data can be organized into __.
a. Flat File
b. Relational
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
149. Data stored in a single table is known as __.
a. Flat File
b. Relational
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
150. Data is stored in multiple tables, which are connected together via a common field.
a. Flat File
b. Relational
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
151. DBMS Stands for __.
a. Database Management System
b. Database Manage System
c. Data Manage System
d. None of the above
152. __ are dedicated computers which store database and related DBMS software.
a. Database Server
b. Decided Server
c. Web Server
d. None of the above
153. When the same data stored in multiple table is known as __.
a. Data Redundancy
b. Data Integrity
c. Data Consistency
d. None of the above
154. _ prevents creating multiple copies in the database.
a. Data Redundancy
b. Data Integrity
c. Data Consistency
d. None of the above
155. __ means that the data is accurate and consistent in the database.
a. Data Redundancy
b. Data Integrity
c. Data Consistency
d. None of the above
156. _ prevent multiple mismatching copies of the same data in the database and only valid data will be added in the database.
a. Data Redundancy
b. Backup and Recovery
c. Data Consistency
d. None of the above
158. The relationship between two tables where one table has one record and another table has many records is known as _.
a. One-to-Many
b. Many-to-Many
c. Many-to-One
d. None of the above
159. SQL stands for _.
a. Single Query Language
b. Structured Query Language
c. Semantic Query Language
d. None of the above
160. __ are the basic building blocks of a database.
a. Table
b. Query
c. Database
d. None of the above
161. _ data type can store 0 or 1 in the database.
a. Boolean
b. TinyInt
c. Smalint
d. BigInt
162. In a table, a __ represents a single data item.
a. Row
b. Truple
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
163. __ is used to maintain accuracy and consistency of data in a relationship.
a. Referential data
b. Referential Integrity
c. Referential Value
d. None of the above
164. What are the different types of relationships in LibreOffice Base, which are used to make connection between two tables___________.
a. One to One
b. One to Many or Many to One
c. Many to Many
d. All of the above
165. A Which of the following command used to define structure in the database.
a. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
b. Data Definition Language (DDL)
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
166. A __ is a language that enables users to access and manipulate data in a database.
a. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
b. Data Definition Language (DDL)
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
167. A __ is a subset of DML that just deals with information retrieval.
a. Query Language
b. Structure Language
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
168. To retrieve all the columns in a table the syntax is _.
a. Select % from “Table name”;
b. Select ** from “Table name” ;
c. Select $ from “Table name” ;
d. Select * from “Table name” ;
169. The syntax of the update statement is _.
a. Update set where ;
b. Update set where ;
c. Modify set where ;
d. Modify set < value> where ;
170. By default, data is arranged in _ order using ORDER BY clause.
a. Ascending
b. Descending
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
171. Which of the following use a systematic way for storing data in database.
a. Query
b. Form
c. Table
d. None of the above
172. __ will help you to display summarized data from the database.
a. Report
b. Form
c. Table
d. None of the above
Employability skills Class 10 Notes
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Employability skills Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 1- Communication Skills Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 2- Self-Management Skills Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 3- Basic ICT Skills Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 4- Entrepreneurial Skills Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 5- Green Skills Class 10 MCQ
Employability skills Class 10 Questions and Answers
- Unit 1- Communication Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers
- Unit 2- Self-Management Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers
- Unit 3- Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers
- Unit 4- Entrepreneurial Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers
- Unit 5- Green Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers
Information Technology Class 10 Notes
- Unit 1- Digital Documentation Class 10 Notes
- Unit 2- Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 Notes
- Unit 3- RDBMS Class 10 Notes
- Unit 4- Web Applications And Security Class 10 Notes
Information Technology Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 1- Digital Documentation Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 2- Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 3- RDBMS Class 10 MCQ
- Unit 4- Web Applications And Security Class 10 MCQ
Information Technology Class 10 Questions and Answers
- Unit 1- Digital Documentation Class 10 Questions and Answers
- Unit 2- Electronic Spreadsheet Class 10 Questions and Answers
- Unit 3- RDBMS Class 10 Questions and Answers
- Unit 4- Web Applications And Security Class 10 Questions and Answers
Reference Textbook
Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022
The above Database Management System Class 10 MCQ was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.
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Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Database Management System Class 10 MCQ, and our team has tried to collect all the correct MCQs from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us