Database Management System class 10 NCERT Solutions

Database Management System class 10 NCERT Solutions – The CBSE has changed the previous textbook and the syllabus of Std. X. The new notes are made based on the new syllabus and based on the New NCERT textbook. These notes are made in collaboration with many expert teachers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402).

The revised syllabus includes LibreOffice in Class 10 instead of OpenOffice.

Database Management System class 10 NCERT Solutions

Chapter 8: Introduction to Database Management System

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following can be considered as an example of a database?
(a) Dictionary
(b) Telephone directory
(c) Marks Register
(d) Newspaper

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Marks Register
Explanation: You know that a database is a collection of tables and tables store the records in tabular format. So, the marks register is the most suitable example because the mark register contains information in tabular format.

2. Which of the following is NOT a DBMS?
(a) MS Access
(b) Open Office Base
(c) MS Excel
(d) MySQL

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MS Excel
Explanation: MS Access, Open Office Base and MySQL all are examples of databases.

3. DBMS stands for __________.
(a) Data and Books Management System
(b) Database Management System
(c) Duplicate Books Management System
(d) Data Management Multi System

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Database Management System

4. Which of the following data models sets a relation between the two or more tables?
(a) Relational Data Model
(b) Network Data Model
(c) Hierarchical Data Model
(d) Connection Data Model

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Relational Data Model
Explanation: The Relational data model is based on the principle of setting relationships between two or more tables of the same database.

5. The details associated with an entity are called __.
(a) Table
(b) Attributes
(c) Records
(d) Primary key

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Explanation: Entities represent real world objects and attributes are the details that describe those entities.

6. A __ is represented as rows in a table.
(a) field
(b) attribute
(c) record
(d) candidate key

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Explanation: A collection of fields makes a record which represents rows in a table.

7. In which of the following forms can a data value be represented?
(a) Numeric
(b) Character
(c) Alphanumeric
(d) All of the above

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All of the above
Explanation: In the database you can store numeric values, character, Alphanumeric, Image and Audio & Video.

8. Which of the following uniquely identifies a row in a table?
(a) Primary key
(b) Alternate key
(c) Foreign key
(d) Candidate key

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Primary key
Explanation: If you define the primary key in the column then that particular column will be uniquely identified, and duplication will be not allowed.

9. A ___________is a feature of a database using which we can enter data in a table in an easy and user-friendly manner.
(a) query
(b) report
(c) form
(d) field

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Explanation: The form is a user friendly method, where we can insert the data in a table using text box, check box, radio button etc.

10. A _ is a question asked from a database.
(a) query
(b) report
(c) form
(d) field

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Explanation: A query is used to retrieve the desired information from the database. In simple terms, it is a question asked from the database.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

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Explanation: The data in the database is stored in an organized manner which helps to retrieve the data fast and accurately.

2. Data is the collection of raw facts.

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3. A table can be created without a primary key.

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Explanation: Primary key is used in a table when we want to insert unique data, meaning once you will apply a primary key in any one of the columns then the duplication will be not allowed.

4. Two tables can be related in a network data model.

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Explanation: The relation between the tables come under relational database model.

5. MS Access is an example of a database.

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Explanation: MS Access, OpenOffice Base, LibreOffice Base, Oracle, MySQL all are examples of databases.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. The raw facts constitute _.

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Explanation: Data is Raw Facts and Figure which is also known as unprocessed data which means that this data does not have any meaning.

2. An _ is a real-world object about which information is to be stored in a database

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Explanation: Entity is a piece of data or real world object that is stored in the database, for example place, person or thing.

3. The output of a query may be displayed in the form of __.

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Explanation: When we extract some information form the table using query, this information may be displayed in the form of Report.

4. The data values for all the fields related to a person or object is called a _.

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Explanation: Record or Truple or Row all are the same, complete row of the table is known as Record.

5. All the field values that are eligible to be the primary key are the _ keys for that table

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Explanation: For example if in a table there are multiple columns are eligible to be the primary key, from this multiple column one you have defined as primary key then remain will be candidate key.

D. Answer the following questions

1. Define the terms


  • (a) Database – Database is a collection of tables which can store data items in an organized manner, database can store any type of data including number, characters, images, audio or video files.
  • (b) Data redundancy – Databases have facilities to minimize the same data being stored in multiple tables within a database it is known as data redundancy.
  • (c) Report – Report is a feature of RDBMS where information can be displayed in the database using a query and these reports are the formal and in proper layout.

2. Give one point of difference between


  • (a) Data and Information – The difference between data and information is that data is raw fact and it is unprocessed, while information we can receive after processing the data.
  • (b) Form and Query – A form is used to insert data in the table using a user-friendly method but query is used when we want to extract information from the table and this information will be displayed in the form of a report.
  • (c) Network and hierarchical data model – A network data model is used to link multiple records to the same master file. It is just like an inverted tree structure where a master will be present on the bottom of the tree and the branches connected to the master file. But in Hierarchical data model organized into a treelike structure. This data is stored in the form of records.

3. Give any four advantages of a DBMS.

Answer: The four advantage of a DBMS are –

  • Organized Storage – In database data can be stored in an organized manner, so, the retrieval of the data will be faster.
  • Data Analysis – A database helps to analyze the data based on certain criteria.
  • Data Sharing – Databases have features to share data to other applications. Databases also have features for sharing data to multiple users.
  • Increase Efficiency – Database tables are properly organized which helps the user to retrieve, save and search data efficiently.

4. Consider the table given below and answer the questions that follow

(a) Name the fields in the given table.
Answer: The fields name of the table is Book_Id, Book Name, Author Name, Price, Publisher

(b) Which field should be made the primary key?
Answer: Book_Id should be made the primary key because Book_Id uniquely identifies each record.

(c) Is there any alternate key in the table?
Answer: The alternate key could uniquely identify records, but it is not chosen as primary key, So, Book Name can be considered as alternate key if it uniquely identifies each book.

(d) How is the primary key different from foreign key? Explain with examples.
Answer: A primary key is a field in a table which uniquely identifies each record in the table. It means that duplication and null will not be allowed in the table. For example, Book_Id can be considered as a primary key.

Foreign key is a key of another table that refers to the primary key from the first table. Foreign keys are helpful to create a relation between two tables. Example if in the first table Book_Id field is defined as a primary key then in another table Book_Id should be foreign key, now you can create the relation between one to many.

Chapter 9: Starting with LibreOffice Base

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of text data type?
(a) Memo
(b) Varchar
(c) Float
(d) Char

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Explanation: Memo, Varchar and Char all belong to text data type and Float belongs to number data type.

2. A currency data type can only store monetary data that is in dollars.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Neither a nor b
(d) Both a and b

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Explanation: Currency data type can store currency of any country and it can store any monetary value.

3. Which of the following data can a date data type store?
(a) Date
(b) Time
(c) Both date and time
(d) Neither date nor time

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Explanation: Date data type is used to store date, Time data type is used to store time and if you want to store both date and time then you can use timestamp data type.

4. Which of the following is true about LibreOffice Base?
(a) It is a spreadsheet software
(b) It is free and open source software
(c) It can store only character data
(d) It is a licensed software.

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It is free and open source software
Explanation: LibreOffice Base and OpenOffice Base both are open source software and it is free for use.

5. Which of the following methods can be used to create a table in Base?
(a) Using a table wizard
(b) Design View
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b

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Both a and b
Explanation: In LibreOffice base you can create tables using both methods but design view is a more flexible method to create tables in the database.

6. The related objects of a database can be seen in __ pane of the Base Database window.
(a) Database
(b) Task
(c) Title Bar
(d) Menu Bar

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Explanation: Database pane pane is located on the left side of the window, which contains tables, queries, forms and reports.

7. Which is the shortcut key to open an existing database?
(a) Ctrl + D
(b) Ctrl + O
(c) Ctrl + E
(d) Ctrl + F

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Ctrl + O

8. The Design view of the Table Creation window in LibreOffice Base is divided into __ sections or panes.
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

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Explanation: In the design view the table creation window is divided into two panes, if first pane Field Name, Field Type and description is given and in another pan Field properties is located.

9. While entering records in a table, we can move to the next field by pressing the _ key.
(a) Tab
(b) Ctrl
(c) Enter
(d) Shift

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Explanation: While entering records in a table you can move to the next field using tab key.

10. Which of the following is true about the primary key of a table?
(a) Every table must have a primary key
(b) The data values in the primary key field cannot be duplicated.
(c) A primary key field cannot be left blank
(d) All of the above

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All of the above
Example: In this question there is some confusion. It is not compulsory to use the primary key in every table but if you have used the primary key in the table then duplication will not be allowed and the field cannot be left blank.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. The text data can contain special characters.

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Explanation: In a text data type you can store any values like character, numbers, decimal and special character also but in text data type you will not be able to store image, sound and video files.

2. Memo data type can be used to store descriptive data.

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Explanation: Yes memo data type is used to store descriptive data.

3. A Boolean data type can have two or more than two values.

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Explanation: Boolean data types have only two values: Yes/No, True/False or On/Off.

4. We cannot store audio data in LibreOffice Base.

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Explanation: Binary data type allows you to store audio, video and image in the database.

5. The properties of a field change according to the data type selected.

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6. Field description may or may not be entered while designing a table.

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Explanation: Field description is basically use to describe the information of the field it not compulsory for adding field
description option in the design view.

7. is pressed to move to the last record.

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8. appears when the record is being edited.

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9. A table once created in a database cannot be edited.

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Explanation: You can modify the table multiple times after creating the table in the database.

10. Sort dialog box can only help to sort data in ascending order.

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Explanation: Sort dialog box can be used for sorting ascending and descending order.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. A _ refers to the type of data that will be stored in that particular field.

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Data type

2. The _ data is a combination of letters, numbers or special characters.

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Explanation: Text data type is used to store the characters, numbers and special characters in the table.

3. __ data type can be used to store Aadhaar numbers.

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Explanation: The text data type will be most suitable for storing aadhaar numbers in the table.

4. The __ data type used to store digitized images.

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Explanation: The binary data type is used to store image, audio and video files.

5. The shortcut key to save a table is ___.

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Ctrl + S

6. __ on the Base Interface Window displays information about the type of view of the object in the database.

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Tasks Pane

7. A __ icon appears before the field name indicating that it is a primary key.

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8. The data can be entered in a table only in __ view.

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Explanation: After creation of the table in the database, you can open a datasheet to enter data in the table.

9. The black pointing arrow just before the field name in a table is called __.

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Record pointer

10. The process of arranging the records in particular order in any field is called ___.

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D. Answer the given questions

1. Differentiate between:


(a) Memo and Varchar data type – Memo, Varchar and Char belong to text data type, memo can store descriptive data more than 255 characters. Varchar stores up to the specified length, the number of length depends on the number of characters entered by the user.

(b) Number and Decimal data type – Number and decimal both come under Numeric Data type, number data type can contain numbers and decimal data type is used to store decimal values.

(c) Design View and Datasheet view of a table – In LibreOffice base, design view is used to create, modify or delete the structure of the table and the datasheet view displays the actual data within a table in the form of row and column.

2. Name the menu items present on the Base User Interface.
Answer: In LibreOffice base menu bar display below the title bar. It consists of seven different types of menu items – File, Edit, View, Insert, Tools, Window and Help. All menu items contain commands which help to perform various tasks on the database.

3. Label the components – Title Bar, Database Pane, Tasks Pane, Status Bar of the LibreOffice Base User Interface.
Answer: The components of the LibreOffice Base User Interface are –

  • Title Bar – Located on the top of the LibreOffice Base window, it displays the name of the database file and application name.
  • Database Pane – Database pane displays the left side of the interface, it shows Table, Queries, Forms and Reports. It also allows you to navigate between the components of the database.
  • Tasks Pane – Tasks pane found in the center of the window displays the options related to tasks or you can use selected database objects (like Table, Query, Form and Report).
  • Status Bar – Located at the bottom of the window, It provides information about the current status of the database.

4. How can we define a primary key in a table?
Answer: To define a primary key in LibreOffice Base the steps are –

  • Step 1: Open the design view
  • Step 2: Select the column
  • Step 3: Click on check the “Primary key” checkbox in the properties panel

5. Write steps to sort the table in descending order of primary key.
Answer: In table data can be arranged in ascending or descending order, the steps for sorting the data in table are –

  • Step 1: Open datasheet view
  • Step 2: From the toolbar click Sort Descending icon
  • Step 3: Click on Sort

6. What is the use of a navigation box with respect to tables in a database?
Answer: The navigation box present at the bottom of the datasheet window is used to navigate various records in the table. There are various components of Navigation Box are as follows –

  • Record Selector Box – It shows the current active record number.
  • Navigation Buttons – These are used to scroll vertically in the table.

Chapter 10: Working with Multiple Tables

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following actions can be performed once the tables are created in a database?
(a) Add a field in a table
(b) Rename a table
(c) Delete a table
(d) All of the above

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All of the above

2. Which of the following is checked by a DBMS?
(a) Redundancy
(b) Inconsistency
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

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Both (a) and (b)
Explanation: Referential integrity ensures that the database should prevent redundancy, avoid inconsistency and remain accurate.

3. Which of the following is required to set a relationship between the two tables?
(a) Both the tables must be in different databases
(b) Both the tables must have a common field
(c) Both the tables must have the same name
(d) Both tables must be stored in the documents folder only.

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Both the tables must have common field
Explanation: To make a relationship between two tables there must be a common field in the table.

4. If a record is added in a master table, which of the following is NOT true for transaction table
(a) The record in the master table is called the master record
(b) The corresponding record in the transaction table can only be entered once.
(c) The record in the transaction table is called the transaction record.
(d) It is possible to add a record in the master table

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The corresponding record in the transaction table can only be entered once.
Explanation: Each record in the transaction table can correspond to a master record, Hence, a record in the transaction table can only be entered once, it means that the relationship between these two tables is one-to-one relation.

5. Which type of relationship exists between a student and the subjects studied by him/her?
(a) One-to-one
(b) One-to-many
(c) Many-to-many
(d) All of the above

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Explanation: In the above question the relationship between a student and the subject will be One-to-many, because student name should be only once and subject will be multiple, then student will be primary key and subject will be foreign key.

6. Consider the following tables. Which type of relationship can be established between the two tables?
(a) One-to-one
(b) One-to-many
(c) Many-to-many
(d) None of the above

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Explanation: Above question is not clear but as per the question, In first table item_code will be primary key and in second table you can see one field is given category_code it mean that there is multiple category of the item, So, the second table of Item_code will be foreign key and it will create one-to-many relation.

7. Which of the following menus contains the Relationship option?
(a) Edit
(b) File
(c) Tools
(d) View

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Explanation: You can open the relationship option from Tools > Relationship.

8. The list of tables to be added is displayed in the __ dialog box in the Relationship Screen.
(a) Add Tables
(b) Add Databases
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(a) Neither (a) nor (b)

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Add Tables
Explanation: When you click on the “relationship dialog box” from the toolbar menu, you find the Add Tables dialog box which is used to insert tables in the relationship design screen.

9. In the relationship design screen, the relationship between the two tables is done using __ operation.
(a) Click
(b) Double Click
(c) Drag and Drop
(d) Right click

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Drag and Drop
Explanation: To make a relationship between two tables, you have to use the drag and drop option to combine the table.

10. Which of the following is NOT an option that can be used to maintain referential integrity in a database?
(a) No Action
(b) Set NULL
(c) Set Default
(d) Set Value

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Set Value
Explanation: There are four options used to maintain referential integrity, (1) No action, (2) Update cascade, (3) Set Null and (4) Set default. Set Value is not a part of referential integrity.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Redundancy is preferred in a database.

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Explanation: When the same information stored in multiple places is known as redundancy.

2. In a table, a record for a particular entity should not be repeated.

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3. A single field should always have only one data value.

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4. If a table is edited, the records already entered in it are deleted.

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5. The record in the master table should be entered before the corresponding record is entered in the transaction table.

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6. In a one-to-many relationship, one specific record of the master table has more than one corresponding record in the related transaction table.

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7. The Relationship option is present in the Widows menu.

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8. In a database, the referential integrity is maintained by the user.

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Explanation: Referential Integrity is a rule of database, users have a permission to add or remove rules but users are not allowed to maintain the referential integrity.

9. A relationship is always set between the tables based on a common field.

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Explanation: There should be one common field to make the relationship between two tables.

10. If the master record is deleted, the transaction records will always be deleted.

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Explanation: This depends on the referential integrity rules defined by the user, if “No action” defined in LibreOffice Base for creating the relationship between two tables then referential integrity rules state that user should not be allowed to update or delete any record in the master table if any related record present in transaction table.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. A table to be edited is displayed in _ view.

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Explanation: Design view is used when you want to change the structure of the table in the database.

2. The most important prerequisite for setting a relationship between the two tables is that there must be a _________between them.

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Common Field
Explanation: The most important prerequisite for setting a relationship between the two tables is that there must be a common field or matching field between them.

3. In ________________relationship, one specific record of a master table has one and only one corresponding record in the transaction table.

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Explanation: If the master table has one and only one corresponding record in the transaction table, it means that both have a primary key in the table and the relationship between these two will be one-to-one.

4. ___________is one of the most common types of relationship between the tables in a database.

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Exmplation: One-to-many is the most common type of relationship between two tables in a database.

5. A record being entered in a _ table must always exist in a table.

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Transaction, master

6. The principle of _______________helps prevent missing data by keeping deleted data from getting out of sync.

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Referential Integrity

7. Creating __ between tables restricts the user from entering invalid data in the referenced fields.

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8. Data integrity is maintained by __.

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9. A relationship between customers and products is an example of ______ relationship.

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Explanation: The best relationship will be many-to-many relationships between customers and products, each customer can purchase multiple products and each product can be purchased by multiple customers.

10. The ______ window is used to set relationships between the tables.

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Relation Design window
Explanation: When you click on Tool > Relationship then “relation design window” will be open and you can create the relationship between two tables.

D. Answer the following questions

1. Give any two advantages of relating a table in a database.
Answer: The two advantages of relating a table in database are –

  • Data Integrity: Data Integrity ensures that data remains consistent across the database and ensures that records in the master table will correspond to the correct transaction table.
  • Reduced Data Redundancy: Using relationships, the data duplication will be not allowed across tables.

2. How is redundancy or inconsistency controlled in a database? Explain with an example.

Answer: The redundancy or inconsistency controlled in a database using a process called relationship, relationship is a method where we can store data in an organized manner. In this method a large table is divided into two or more small tables which helps to control redundancy and inconsistency in the database.

3. Define referential integrity. Who maintains referential integrity in a database?

Answer: Referential integrity is a concept in relational databases that ensures the consistency and accuracy of relationships between tables. According to the rule of referential integrity is there will be no unmatched foreign key values should exist in the database. The database manager maintains referential integrity in a database.

4. Differentiate between one to one relationship and one to many relationship. Give suitable examples to explain your answer.

Answer: In one-to-one relationship each record in the master table will be linked to exactly one record in another table. For example, one aadhar number in the master table will be linked to only one person in another table.

One-to-many relationship is the most common relationship between the tables, in this relationship each record in the master table will be linked to multiple records in another table. For example, one record in the customer table will be linked to orders table which is another table in a database.

5. Explain many to many relationships with an example.

Answer: In many-to-many relationship, each record in one table can be linked to multiple records in another table, this type of relationship allows records from both tables. For example, if there are two tables, one is student information and second is course details. A student can enroll many courses and each course can have many students, here, the relationship between two table will be many-to-many relationship.

Chapter 11: Queries in Base

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following refers to asking questions from the database?
(a) Report
(b) Table
(c) Query
(d) Database

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Explanation: Query is used to retrieve and display the data from the table, query is just like asking questions from the table in the form of command.

2. Which of the following are the ways to design a query?
(a) Wizard
(b) Design View
(c) SQL
(d) All of the above

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All of the above
Explanation: All of the above methods are used to create a query but the design view is a more flexible way to create a query in the database.

3. Which is a flexible way to create a query?
(a) Wizard
(b) Design View
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

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Design View
Explanation: Design View is the most flexible way for creating query in database.

4. Into how many parts is the query design window divided?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

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Explanation: Query design window is divided into two parts, first is the design area which contains the table and second is grid portion which contains columns where used can set the field and condition.

5. Which of the following is NOT true about queries?
(a) It can be created using multiple tables
(b) Multiple queries can be created in a database
(c) A query can run multiple times
(d) A query once created cannot be edited

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A query once created cannot be edited
Explanation: A query once created can be edited and modified by the user multiple times.

6. Which of the following is the shortcut key to run the query?
(a) F3
(b) F4
(c) F5
(d) F6

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Explanation: F5 function key is used to run the query in the database or you can use the “Run Query” command from the toolbar or from the edit menu.

7. Which of the following functions can be performed on numerical data while designing a query?
(a) Sum
(b) Minimum
(c) Maximum
(d) All of the above

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All of the above
Explanation: There are a lot of different functions used in a query for example average, sum, maximum, minimum, sum, every, any, group etc.

8. In a Query Design wizard, which of the following buttons is clicked to move a field from ‘Available fields’ list box to ‘Fields in the query‘ list box?
(a) >

(b) < 9

(c) ∨

(d) ∧

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9. Which of the following relational operators can be applied to set the criterion while designing a query in LibreOffice Base?
(a) >
(b) =
(c) !=
(d) All of the above

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All of the above
Explanation: In LibreOffice Base, the relational operators can be used to set criteria =, <>, >, <, >=, and <=. [/expand]

10. Which of the following dialog box is present when the Query Design window is opened for the first time to design a query?
(a) Add Table
(b) Add Query
(c) Add Table or Query
(d) None of the above

Show Answer ⟶ Add Table or Query
Explanation: When you click on the option “Create Query in Design View” the first dialog box will open “Add Table or Query”, which will help you to add table or query in the Query design window.

11. Which of the following steps is not performed if there is no numerical data to be worked upon in a query?
(a) Selection of fields
(b) Giving Aliases
(c) Summarizing
(d) Selection of tables

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B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. You can run a query only once

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Explanation: Query can be executed multiple times in the database using F5 function keys or using Run Query option.

2. A query cannot be created from multiple tables

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Explanation: Query can be created for multiple tables in the database.

3. The shortcut key to run a query is F5.

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Explanation: Yes the shortcut key of run in query in LibreOffice base or in OpenOffice base is F5.

4. LibreOffice Base provides us with two ways to create a query.

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Explanation: LiberOffice Base provides three different ways to create query in database a) Using a Wizard b) Using Design View or c) Using SQL View.

5. A query with numerical data cannot be saved.

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Explanation: Using query any type of data can be saved in the database.

6. By default the query result is not sorted.

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Explanation: By default the query is not sorted you have to apply sorting in table using sort option in Query Design window.

7. A query can be used to display the average value of a numerical field.

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Explanation: Yes you can apply the average function for the numerical field in the database.

8. While designing a query, the criterion can be set on only one field.

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Explanation: The criterion can be created for one or multiple field in database.

9. Alias is an alternative name for a field in a query.

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Explanation: Yes alias is an alternative name of the field in a query.

10. In the query Design window, the visible check box is selected by default.

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Explanation: Yes in the query design window the visible check box is selected by default.

11. A query once created using a wizard can only be edited in the Design view.

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Explanation: In database wizard is used to create query in database but if you want to edit then you have to open the query in design view window only.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. A __ is a sort of question asked from a database.

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2. The result of the query is displayed in __ form with field names in columns

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3. A query can be created in ________ways.

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4. The Query Design window is divided into __ sections.

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5. The shortcut key to run the query is __.

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6. The conditions to filter the records are set in the _ row.

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7. When a table is selected in a Query wizard, the corresponding fields are displayed in the ______ list box.

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Available fields

8. The result of the query can be displayed in _ or ____ order of any particular field of the table.

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Ascending, descending

9. At the most __ search conditions can be given in the query wizard.

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10. The last step of the Query wizard displays the entire __ of the query.

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11. The _ view is a more flexible method to create a query.

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12. To edit any query, right click on the __ icon of the query that has to be edited.

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13. In the _ row of the Query Design grid, we can type the column heading that will be displayed instead of field name when we run the query.

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D. Answer the given questions

1. Define a query? What is the need of creating a query in a database?

Answer: Query is the most important feature of a database which is used to retrieve the data easily and accurately from the database. Query helps to perform various operations such as inserting records, updating records, searching records or deleting records from the database table.

The need of creating a query in database are –

  • Data Retrieval: Queries help to retrieve the data based on the condition.
  • Data Analysis: Queries help to analyze the data from the table.
  • Complex Reports: Queries help to create complex reports or summaries the data in a structured manner.
  • Data Manipulation: Queries used to insert, update or delete the data from the database.
  • Data Filtration: Queries help to filter large data to retrieve only the relevant information.

2. Rearrange the steps given below so as to create a query using a wizard.

  • Give Alias
  • Select the fields
  • Set the criterion
  • Set the sorting order
  • Give table name

Answer: The steps to rearranging the sequence of query using a wizard are –

  • Step 1: Give table name – Start by selecting the table from which data will be retrieved.
  • Step 2: Select the fields – Choose which fields from the table.
  • Step 3: Give Alias – Assign aliases to the fields for more user-friendly labels in the query result.
  • Step 4: Set the sorting order – Define how the results will be sorted ( ascending or descending).
  • Step 5: Set the criterion – Establish any conditions or filters for the data (e.g., “age > 30”).

3. What information is seen in the overview (last step) of the Query wizard?

Answer: The overview of the Query Wizard are –

  • The selected fields
  • Sorting order
  • Any criteria that have been set
  • Aliases used fo fields
  • The SQL code generated based on the inputs in the wizard

4. What is the use of Alias row in the Design grid of the Query Design window?

Answer: The alias row in the design grid allows us to –

  • The alternate name for a given field
  • Alias provide custom labels for the query output

5. Name any four mathematical functions that can be applied to numerical data in a query.

Answer: The four mathematical functions that can be applied to numerical data are average, sum, maximum and minimum.

6. Name the three ways of creating a query in LibreOffice Base?

Answer: The three ways to creating a query in LibreOffice Base are –

  • Using Query Wizard – Step by step guide for creating query in database.
  • Design view – A graphical interface for creating query manually.
  • SQL view – You can write SQL commands directly in the SQL view.

Chapter 12: Forms and Reports

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following toolbars contains the Label tool?
(a) Standard Toolbar
(b) Forms Controls Toolbar
(c) Records toolbar
(d) Formatting toolbar

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Forms Controls Toolbar
Explanation: Form Controls toolbar contain various types of tools like, text box, label, date textbox, combo box etc.

2. The Record toolbar has the buttons to move to the
(a) first record
(b) second record
(c) last record
(d) all records

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All record
Explanation: The record toolbar contains the navigation buttons, this navigation button can be used to move the records and you can also add new records, save records and delete the record from the database.

3. Which of the following is NOT true about forms?
(a) It is the front end for data entry
(b) It can contain only text fields
(c) Graphics can be inserted on the form
(d) It can contain only fixed number of records

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It can contain only text fields
Explanation: Form can contain different types of components like text box, label, radio button, combo box, date text box etc.

4. Which of the following keys is pressed to select only the textbox on the form?
(a) Alt
(b) Shift
(c) Ctrl
(d) Tab

Show Answer ⟶ Ctrl
Explanation: Ctrl key is used to select the components of the form, for example you can select text box, level, combobox etc.

5. Which of the following properties in the Properties: Label Field text box is used to insert a tool-tip on the form?
(a) Tool Text
(b) Help Text
(c) Tool Tip
(d) Help Tip

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Help Text
Explanation: Tool-tip is a small piece of text that is displayed when the mouse pointer is placed on a particular control, this control is called the tool-tip text or help text.

6. Which of the following objects of LibreOffice Base is used to display data retrieved from one or more tables in a presentable manner?
(a) Query
(b) Form
(c) Report
(d) Panel

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Explanation: Report object is basically used to display the record in the form of a report.

7. Which of the following values of Date Format property is selected to view a calendar on the form?
(a) Standard (short)
(b) Standard (long)
(c) Default
(d) Standard (Medium)

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Standard (long)

8. Which of the following commands on the Forms Control toolbar is used to toggle between Design View and Form view?
(a) Design Mode
(b) Toggle Mode
(c) View Mode
(d) Print mode

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Design Mode
Explanation: Design mode is used to switch between design view to form view.

9. Using which of the following objects in a database, can a report be generated?
(a) Tables
(b) Queries
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b

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Both a and b
Explanation: Tables and Queries both are used to generate the report in LibreOffice Base.

10. Which of the following components open along with the Report Wizard?
(a) Report Builder
(b) Add Fields dialog box
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

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Both (a) and (b)

B. State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Report is an object of a database but form is not.

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Explanation: Table, Query, Form and Report all four are the object of the database.

2. We can choose the layout of the form.

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Explanation: There are two layouts used in the form Landscape and Portrait.

3. We have to add all the fields of the table on the form.

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Explanation: Adding fields is dependent on the requirement, adding all fields is not compulsory.

4. There are two ways in which a form can be created.

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Explanation: There are two ways to create a form in LibreOffice Base, Using a wizard and Using a design view.

5. A report is generated in a separate window.

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Explanation: Yes report will be generated in a separate window in LiberOffice Base.

6. Once a control is added to the form, it cannot be repositioned.

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Explanation: Once the control is added on the form it can be repositioned based on the requirement.

7. The Record toolbar has the button to add a new record.

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Explanation: Record toolbar is also known as navigation toolbar which is used to add a new record, save a record and delete a record and so on.

8. We can create a report only using a table.

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Explanation: Report can be created using table and query in the LibreOffice Base.

9. By default, the records in a report are sorted in descending order.

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Explanation: By default the record in a report will not sort automatically.

10. We can group data based on a particular field in a report.

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Explanation: Yes you can group data based on the field in the database.

11. A report can have data only in row and column format.

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12. We can insert both the date and time of generation of the report.

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Explanation: Yes, you can add both date and time of generating the report in LibreOffice Base.

13. A report once created cannot be edited.

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Explanation: Once the report is created then also you can modify or edit the report.

C. Fill in the blanks

1. A form can be used for _ and __.

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Enter, View data
Explanation: View data is used to display the report in LibreOffice Base.

2. Each field control consists of a ______and __________

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Label, Field Value
Explanation: Each field control consists of labels and Field value in the database.

3. A ____ is a piece of text that specifies the data that should be entered in the field value text box.

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Explanation: Label is used to display the comment or information of the field value.

4. By default the border of the field text value is displayed in _.

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Explanation: The border of the field text value displayed in 3D.

5. A __ is a small piece of text that is displayed when the mouse pointer is placed on a particular control on the form.

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Tool tip
Explanation: A tool-tip is a small piece of text that is displayed when you will click on a particular control, this tool-tip is also called the tool-tip text or help text.

6. The default orientation option for a report is ___.

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Explanation: There are two orientations used in LibreOffice Base, Landscape and Portrait, By default is Landscape.

7. A __ is the manner in which the labels, field values, titles etc. will be displayed in the report.

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8. The option to insert date and time in the report is present in _ menu.

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9. A Report Wizard contains _ steps.

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Explanation: To design the report using wizard, you have to follow six steps in LibreOffice Base.

10. A _ type of report changes automatically as the field values in the base table or query change.

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Explanation: There are two different types of report. First is Dynamic and second is Static, dynamic report changes automatically the field value based on the query but static will not be able to change.

D. Answer the following questions

1. Give one difference between a form and a report.

Answer: Form can be used for collecting input data from the users based on visual representation, but report is used to generate the information of the table basically display in form of column and rows.

2. What is a field control with respect to forms?

Answer: Field control is an element in a form used to interact with the user, form control used to collect the data, edit the data and view the data within the form using user-friendly methods for example text box, label, combo box, list box etc.

3. Which tool on the Forms Record toolbar is used to insert text on the form?

Answer: The forms control toolbar contains various tools to add or edit controls on the form, sometimes we need to enter titles, headings or subheadings in the form you can do with using labels.

4. Name the two ways to create a form in LibreOffice Base.

Answer: There are two ways to create a form in LibreOffice Base.

  • Using a wizard
  • Using the design view

5. What is the difference between a static and a dynamic report?

Answer: In LibreOffice Base by default report is dynamic report, dynamic report means that the field values in the base table or query change, the report will also change automatically. In Static report the automatic updation is not allowed in the report.

6. Write the function of Forms Controls toolbar and Records toolbar.

Answer: The function of Forms Controls toolbar and Records toolbar are –

  • Form Controls toolbar – This toolbar provides elements which you can use in a form, for example text box, label, combo box, list box etc.
  • Record toolbar – This toolbar offers tools for navigation that is also used to navigate from one record to another record or you can use the control like adding new record, saving record and deleting record from the database table.

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Details of NCERT books –
Domestic Data Entry Operator
First Edition
DTP Cell Delhi: NCERT, New Delhi
November 2022

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRANING [Dinesh Prasad Saklani] (Director). (2022). Domestic Data Entry Operator (First Edition) [English]. Anup Kumar Rajput.

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