CBSE Top 81+ Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ. All the important MCQs are taken from the NCERT Textbook Web Application 803.

Important Web Application Class 12 MCQ ( Subject Code 803 )

Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12

1. JavaScript is an ______________ computer programming language.
a. Compiler
b. Interpreter
c. Assembler
d. None of the above

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b. Interpreter

2. JavaScript is originally implemented to ___________.
a. Control the browser
b. Interact with the user
c. Communicate asynchronously
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

3. JavaScript was developed in 1995 by___________.
a. Brendan Eich
b. Chalse Babage
c. Sam Eich
d. None of the above

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a. Brendan Eich

4. JavaScript was released in ____________ browser.
a. Firefox
b. Netscape
c. Chrome
d. None of the above

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b. Netscape

5. Initially JavaScript is known as __________.
a. Java
b. LiveScrip
c. C++Script
d. None of the above

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b. LiveScrip

6. Microsoft introduced JavaScript support in its own web browser __________.
a. Firefox
b. Internet Explorer
c. Chrome
d. Safari

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b. Internet Explorer

7. JavaScript is a ____________.
a. Cross – platform
b. Object – oriented
c. Lightweight language
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ

8. What different objects can be supported by JavaScript _________.
a. Array
b. Date
c. Math
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

9. DOM Stands for __________.
a. Document Object Model
b. Document Object Module
c. Document Other Model
d. None of the above

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a. Document Object Model

10. ECMA stands for ____________.
a. European Computer Manufacturers Association
b. Endues Computer Manufacturers Association
c. East Computer Manufacturers Association
d. None of the above

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a. European Computer Manufacturers Association

11. The users can use JavaScript to add __________.
a. Video Elements
b. Audio Elements
c. Multimedia Elements
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

12. JavaScript dictionaries can get and set the properties of an object using _______.
a. . (dot Operator)
b. [ ] (Operator)
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

13. JavaScript can be used on __________.
a. Client Side
b. Server Side
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

14. JavaScript is a ____________.
a. Functional Programming Language
b. Support for Objects
c. Run – time Environment
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

15. JavaScript is officially managed by __________.
a. Chrome Foundation
b. Mozilla Foundation
c. Microsoft Edge
d. None of the above

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b. Mozilla Foundation

Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ

16. JavaScript support ________.
a. Predefined Object
b. User Defined Object
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

17. What are the basic rules for writing JavaScript code ____________.
a. JavaScript code is case sensitive
b. White Space between words and tabs are ignored
c. Line breaks are ignored except within a students
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

18. The <Script> tag alerts a browser, what is a method for writing script in browser?
b. <SCRIPT language=”JavaScript”></SCRIP>
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

19. The comments can be written using __________.
a. // Two forward slashes
b. /// Three forward slashes
c. //// Four forward slashes
d. None of the above

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a. // Two forward slashes

20. JavaScript has a runtime environment console object that can be used to print output ____________.
a. document.write(“Hello world!”);
b. console.log(“Hello world!”);
c. alert(“Hello world!”);
d. None of the above

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b. console.log(“Hello world!”);

21. JavaScript is a simple __________ language invented specifically for use in web browsers to make websites more dynamic.
a. Programming
b. Scripting
c. Assembly
d. None of the above

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b. Scripting

22. JavaScript is supported by ___________ browser.
a. Netscape
b. Internet Explorer
c. Opera
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

23. Where JavaScript code will be written___________.
a. Same as HTML editor
b. In the database
c. Any software you want
d. None of the above

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a. Same as HTML editor

24. What is the file extension of JavaScript ________.
a. .html
b. .JavaScript
c. .js
d. All of the above

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c. .js

Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ

25. The text inside double quotes is called a ________.
a. Number
b. String
c. Double
d. None of the above

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b. String

26. JavaScript code ends with the help of ________.
a. Semicolon
b. Colon
c. Dash
d. None of the above

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a. Semicolon

27. In the JavaScript “object methods” or “properties” we write the object name using ______.
a. $ dolar
b. . dot
c. – dash
d. # hash

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b. . dot

28. How to save and run a JavaScript program?
a. Use any text editor like notepad
b. Save the file extension using .html or .htm
c. Open the file in Web browser
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

29. What are the different operators present in JavaScript?
a. Arithmetic & Comparison Operator
b. Logical & Relational Operator
c. Assignment & Conditional Operator
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

30. Give the example of arithmetic operators ________.
a. +, -, *, /
b. %
c. ++, —
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

31. Give the example of comparison operators ________.
a. ==, !=
b. >, <
c. >=, <=
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

32. Give the example of logical operators __________.
a. &&
b. ||
c. !
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

33. Give the example of Bitwise Operators _______.
a. &, |
b. ^, ~
c. <<, >>, >>>
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

34. Give the example of assignment operator _________.
a. =
b. +=, -=, *=, /=
c. %=
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

35. Give the example of a conditional operator______.
a. ?:
b. ?;
c. ?-
d. All of the above

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a. ?:

36. A ________ is a classification of the type of data that a variable or object can hold.
a. Operator
b. Data type
c. Data Value
d. All of the above

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. Data type

37. Numbers in JavaScript are double – precision ________ format.
a. 32 – bit
b. 64 – bit
c. 128 – bit
d. None of the above

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b. 64 – bit

38. JavaScript has a built – in object called _________ to handle more advanced mathematical functions and constants.
a. String function
b. Number function
c. Math function
d. None of the above

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c. Math function

Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ

39. We can convert a string to an integer using the built – in _________ function.
a. pasreNumber();
b. parseInt();
c. NumString();
d. All of the above

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b. parseInt();

40. In the parseInt special value called NaN is returned if the value is __________.
a. Numeric
b. Non Numeric
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Non Numeric

41. We can test NaN using the built-in function ________.
a. isNan();
b. isNanNan();
c. empty();
d. isempty();

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a. isNan();

42. __________ is known as sequences of characters.
a. Number
b. String
c. Characters
d. None of the above

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b. String

43. _________ function is used to find the length of a string.
a. “Hello”.length
b. “Hello”.len
c. “Hello”.count
d. “Hello”.counter

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a. “Hello”.length

44. ________ function is used to replace the word from the string.
a. “Hello, world”.exchange(“hello”, “goodbye”)
b. “Hello, world”.replace(“hello”, “goodbye”)
c. “Hello, world”.change(“hello”, “goodbye”)
d. None of the above

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b. “Hello, world”.replace(“hello”, “goodbye”)

45. __________ function is used to convert string to lowercase to uppercase.
a. “hello”.UpperCase()
b. “hello”.toUpperCase()
c. “hello”.changeCase()
d. None of the above

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b. “hello”.toUpperCase()

46. __________ object is used to define non – value.
a. Null
b. None
c. No Value
d. None of the above

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a. Null

47. What will be the output of boolean(234) in the JavaScript.
a. True
b. False
c. NaN
d. None of the above

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a. True

48. New variables in JavaScript are declared using ____ keyword.
a. Variable
b. Variant
c. Var
d. None of the above

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c. Var

49. What are the different looping statements in JavaScript?
a. For Loop
b. While Loop
c. Do-While Loop
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ

50. Give the example of control structures in JavaScript.
a. If structure
b. Else if structure
c. Nested if structure
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

51. What will be the output of the following
var age = 19;
var allowed= ( age > 18 )? “Yes” : “No”;
a. Yes
b. No
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Yes

52. Comparisons take place between the two using the _______ operator.
a. =
b. ==
c. ===
d. None of the above

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b. ==

53. How you can create an empty object in JavaScript.
a. Var obj = new Object();
b. Var obj = {};
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

54. ______ is a special type of object, which can store multiple data in a single variable.
a. Array
b. String
c. Var
d. None of the above

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a. Array

55. How you can declare Array in JavaScript.
a. Var a = new Array();
b. Var a = [“dog”, “cat”, “hen”];
c. Var a = [3];
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

56. _________ function extracts the characters from a string, between two specified indices.
a. substring()
b. concat()
c. join()
d. pop()

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a. substring()

57. _________ function joins two or more strings in JavaScript.
a. substring()
b. concat()
c. join()
d. pop()

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b. concat()

58. _________ function joins all elements of an array into a string.
a. substring()
b. concat()
c. join()
d. pop()

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c. join()

59. _________ function removes and returns the last item.
a. substring()
b. concat()
c. join()
d. pop()

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d. pop()

Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ

60. _________ function adds one or more items to the end.
a. push()
b. reverse()
c. shift()
d. slice()

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a. push()

61. ________ function reverses the order of an element in JavaScript.
a. push()
b. reverse()
c. shift()
d. slice()

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b. reverse()

62. ________ function removes the first element of an array and returns that element.
a. push()
b. reverse()
c. shift()
d. slice()

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c. shift()

63. _______ function returns a sub – array.
a. push()
b. reverse()
c. shift()
d. slice()

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d. slice()

64. _______ function converts numbers in ascending or descending order.
a. sort()
b. splice()
c. unshift()
d. None of the above

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a. sort()

65. ________ function modifies an array by deleting a section and replacing it with more items.
a. sort()
b. splice()
c. unshift()
d. None of the above

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b. splice()

66. ________ function prep ends items to the start of the array.
a. sort()
b. splice()
c. unshift()
d. None of the above

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c. unshift()

Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ

67. How can you declare a function in JavaScript?
a. function add(){ }
b. add() { }
c. add function{ }
d. None of the above

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a. function add(){ }

68. The variable declared inside the function is known as ________.
a. Local Variable
b. Global Variable
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. Local Variable

69. The variable declared outside the function is known as _________.
a. Local Variable
b. Global Variable
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Global Variable

70. Function have access to an additional variable inside their body called _________.
a. Value
b. Arguments
c. Parentheses
d. None of the above

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b. Arguments

71. JavaScript allows reusability, meaning JavaScript can run the same function multiple times it is known as _________.
a. Know function
b. Calling function
c. Declaring function
d. None of the above

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b. Calling function

72. The function declared inside the other function is known as _________.
a. Inner Function
b. Outer Function
c. No Function
d. None of the above

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a. Inner Function

73. How many types of function are given in JavaScript.
a. Predefined
b. Userdefined
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

74. The function declared by the user is known as _________.
a. User defined function
b. Predefined function
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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a. User defined function

75. document.write (); is an example of __________.
a. Userdefined function
b. Predefined function
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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b. Predefined function

76. What are the different built-In Objects available in JavaScript?
a. String
b. Math
c. Array
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

77. ________ function used to find the position of the first occurrence of a text in the string.
a. index()
b. indexOf()
c. indexOn()
d. None of the above

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b. indexOf()

78. _______ function used to search the text from the string.
a. match()
b. compair()
c. search()
d. None of the above

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a. match()

79. __________ method returns a number to the nearest integer.
a. round()
b. pow()
c. random()
d. sqrt()

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a. round()

80. _________ method returns a random number in the JavaScript.
a. round()
b. pow()
c. random()
d. sqrt()

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c. random()

81. ________ method returns the number with the highest value.
a. max()
b. min()
c. round()
d. pow()

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a. max()

82. ________ method returns the number with the lowest value.
a. max()
b. min()
c. round()
d. pow()

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b. min()

83. ________ object is used to store multiple values in a single variable.
a. Array
b. Function
c. Math
d. All of the above

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a. Array

Employability Skills Class 12 Questions and Answers

Employability Skills Class 12 Notes

Employability Skills Class 12 MCQ

Employability Skills Class 12 Questions and Answers

Web Application Class 12

Reference Textbook

The above Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ, and our team has tried to collect all the correct MCQs from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us

1 thought on “CBSE Top 81+ Web Scripting JavaScript Class 12 MCQ”

  1. hi sir/mam,
    the notes was really very helpful for us… we were searching for reference material for a long time… finally we got the best one…
    Thank you so much


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