Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ. The team has gathered all of the important MCQs from Employability Skills Textbook. All of the MCQs have been organized topic wise.

Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ

Session 1: Strength and Weakness Analysis

1. Identifying strengths
a. Take time off to think about what you do well
b. Think of anything that you are always good at
c. Think about what others appreciate about you
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

2. Identifying weaknesses
a. Point out the areas where you struggle and what you find difficult to do
b. Look at the feedback you receive from others
c. Be open to feedback and accept your weaknesses
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

3. If you are aware of your own values, likes, dislikes, strengths, and shortcomings as an individual. It denotes the fact that you are ____________.
a. Self-Confident
b. Self-Control
c. Self Motivated
d. Self-Aware

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d. Self-Aware

4. A person’s _____________ is an acquired or natural ability that allows them to execute a specific job or task with a high level of proficiency.
a. Weaknesses
b. Strength
c. Interest
d. Abilities

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d. Abilities

5. Which one is not a good example of strength?
a. I am good at understanding other peoples
b. Dealing with strangers, I am confident.
c. I don’t know, how to play chess.
d . I help my parents in household chores.

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c. I don’t know, how to play chess.

6. ________, often known as ‘areas for improvement’, refers to the things we don’t do well or aren’t very good at.
a. Weaknesses
b. Strength
c. Interest
d. Abilities

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a. Weaknesses

Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ

Session 2: Grooming

7. The process of making yourself look neat, tidy and smart is know as ___________.
a. Grooming
b. Exercise
c. Watching T.V
d. Playing Video Games

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a. Grooming

8. Personal Grooming is a term used to describe the act of _____________.
a. Maintaining personal hygiene for pleasing personality
b. Brushing teeth
c. Trimming nails
d. None of these

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a. Maintaining personal hygiene for pleasing personality

9. Dressing and grooming are vital since they assist us in our daily activities.
a. Look smart
b. Feel confident about ourselves
c. Make a good impression of ourselves
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

10. It is very important to dressing and grooming properly, because they help us to look_____________.
a. Smart
b. Untidy
c. shabby
d. All of the above

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a. Smart

Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ

Session 3: Personal Hygiene

11. _________ is beneficial to our health and well-being.
a. Cleanliness
b. Regular School
c. Work at home
d. None of these

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a. Cleanliness

12. Personal Hygiene is essential because it helps us in our daily lives.
a. Stay healthy
b. Create a good image of ourselves
c. Avoid feeling ashamed in public due to our bad breadth, body odors
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

13. Do you think individuals who live in hill stations can go several days without bathing?
a. No, bathing should be done on a regular basis regardless of the weather.
b. Yes, for persons who live in frigid climates, without taking a bath for several days is okay.
c. Yes, as long as they clean themselves down with a damp cloth.
d. None of the above

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a. No, bathing should be done on a regular basis regardless of the weather.

14. Radha uses a lot of hair oil in order to grow her hair. She does not wash her hair for days at a time, and it often stinks.. What would you advice her to do?
a. She can keep thee oil in her hair since it promotes hair growth.
b. She can wear it at night and wash her hair before leaving the house every day.
c. She shouldn’t use any of the oil
d. To lessen the odor, she might apply the oil and a little water to her hair before leaving the house.

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b. She can wear it at night and wash her hair before leaving the house every day.

Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ

Session 4: Team Work

15. A ___________ is a group of people working together towards achieving a common goal.
a. Team
b. Batch
c. Group
d. None of the above

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a. Team

16. What are the benefits of teamwork?
a. Everyone has a role to play in a team
b. It helps you to have a support system
c. The work gets done faster
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

17. How to behave in a Team?
a. Be respectful towards your team members
b. Cheer for your teammate’s success
c. Work hard and encourage others to do the same
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ

Session 5: Networking Skills

18. Networking skills involve very important skills _____________.
a. Listening sincerely
b. Asking thoughtful questions
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

19. ______________ shows that you respect and value what the other person is saying.
a. Listening
b. Attention
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

20. What are the benefits of Networking Skills?
a. Share expertise and skills
b. Seek and provide support in difficult time
c. Inform and be informed about new opportunities
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

21. How to Build Networking Skills?
a. Stay touch with others
b. Share useful information to others
c. Show interest in getting to know them
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ

Session 6: Self Motivation

22. _________ helps to achieve our goals, feel happy and improve our quality of life.
a. Self – control
b. Self – motivation
c. Self – awareness
d. None of the above

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b. Self – motivation

23. What are the different types of motivation?
a. Internal Motivation (Love)
b. External Motivation (Reward)
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

24. What are the qualities of self-motivated people?
a. Know what they want from life
b. Are focused
c. Know what is important
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

25. What makes you complete work or studies without others cheering you?
a. Self-confidence
b. Communication
c. Self-motivation
d. Self-esteem

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c. Self-motivation

26. Ravi works hard to get the best student award at the end of year. What type of motivation is this?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Both internal and external
d. Not any specific type of motivation

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c. Both internal and external

Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ

Session 7: Goal Setting

27. _________ is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning on how to achieve them.
a. Goal setting
b. Internal setting
c. External setting
d. None of the above

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a. Goal setting

28. What are the smart methods to set goals in self – management skills?
a. Specific & Measurable
b. Achievable & Realistic
c. Time bound
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Session 8: Time Management

29. _________________ is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of your day well and do all that you want to do.
a. Self Management
b. Time Management
c. Goal Setting Management
d. None of the above

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b. Time Management

30. Time management helps you to ___________.
a. Complete tasks on time
b. Submit Homework and Assignments in time
c. Not waste time during the day
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

31. What are the steps for effective time management?
a. Avoid delay or postponing any planned activity
b. Organize your room and school desk
c. Use waiting time productively
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

32. Which of the following can help you manage time better?
a. Talking to friends
b. Making a to-do-list
c. Making sure we don’t miss our play time
d. Watching favorite movie

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b. Making a to-do-list

33. How tracking your time helps you?
a. We can stay focused.
b. We can show everyone how hard we are working.
c. We can understand where we are spending our time and manage our time better if needed.
d. None of the above

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c. We can understand where we are spending our time and manage our time better if needed.

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Unit 1 : Communication Skills – III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills – III
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills – III
Unit 5 : Green Skills – III

Reference Textbook

The above Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

CBSE study material of employbality class XI. (n.d.). Retrieved April 5, 2022, from

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Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Self Management Skills Class 11 MCQ, and our team has tried to collect all the correct MCQs from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us

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