Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Office Automation Tools Class 11 Notes. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (802) class 11.
Office Automation Tools Class 11 Notes
Digital Documentation OpenOffice Writer
The generation of text-based documents requires the use of word processing software. The user can edit, format, and print documents using its features. Tables and images can both be included in a word document. It could be a book, a letter, an artwork, a website, etc.
Start OpenOffice Writer
To start using the OpenOffice Writer software, any one of the following steps needs to be performed –
Start >> Programs >> OpenOffice
OpenOffice Components
It consists of different components like Tabs, Ruler bar, Status bar, Scroll bar and Work Area. The Writer layout and its general features are described as follows:
a. Tabs – (File, Edit, View, Insert, etc.) contain drop down menu which have commands provided by the tab.
b. RulerBar – There are two rulers – Horizontal and Vertical. The Ruler Bar allows us to adjust the indentation and margins.
c. Status Bar – It displays information about the current open document. It displays the current page number, total pages in the document, zoom slider etc.
d. Scroll Bar – There are two scroll bars – horizontal and vertical. They help to scroll the content or the body of document.
e. Work area – It is the working area where the text of the document is typed.
Writer Tabs
The File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Modify, and Window tabs are available in the OpenOffice Writer. A help tab is also included. A drop-down menu with several commands and settings shows when one of the tabs is clicked. Decide which command you want to run.
The key tasks that can be performed using the tabs are as follows
a. File – To apply commands to current document, to open or close document
b. Edit – For editing the current document, for example, cut, paste
c. View – For controlling display of document on the screen
d. Insert – For inserting new elements in document, like, comments, special characters, graphics, and objects
e. Format – For formatting the layout and content of document
f. Tools – For spelling check, gallery of object art to add to document, to configure menus
g. Table – To insert, edit, delete a table in a text document
h. Windows – For manipulating and displaying document windows
File Tab
The OpenOffice Writer is used to create a text document. The document is stored as a file in the computer with the extension .odt. For example, a document stored as a file Anita.odt. File tab contain, New, Open, Close, Save etc.
a. New – It is used to create a new file, Steps for creating new file is –
File >> New
b. Save As – When we want to save file first time or we want to save file in different file name, then you can use Save As
File >> Save As
c. Page Preview – Print preview helps to see how the printed page will look like after prining. Steps to use print preview are –
File >> Page Preview
d. Printer Setting – You can make settings for the printer using printer setting.
File >> Printer Setting
e. Print – Print the document to the connected printer. You can select the size of the paper, print multiple apges on a single sheet etc.
File >> Print
Edit Tab
The Edit tab consists of commands required to perform editing on the current document. It contains several commands.
a. Move Text – Remove the text to be moved by selecting the text and then applying File -> Edit -> Cut. Then take the cursor to the place in document where you want to move the text. Then do File -> Edit -> Paste.
b. Copy Text – Select the text to be copied and then apply the commands File -> Edit -> Copy. Then take the cursor to the place in document where you want the copied text. Then do File -> Edit ->Paste.
c. Find and Replace – This is used to find words and then replace it with the new one . This option is useful to find word at multiple places in the document and replace all of them with the new one.
View Tab
The View tab consists of commands required for viewing the current document on the screen.
a. Toolbars – Select View >> Toolbars. A drop down menu appears. Select the toolbars that you want to be displayed on the screen. A displayed toolbar shows the icons for the commands.
Insert tab
The Insert tab consist of commands required for inserting different elements in a document.
a. Insert Header – Insert >> Header >> Default, A header box opens in the upper part of the document. Enter the content you want to write in a header.
b. Insert Footer – Insert >> Footer >> Default, A footer box opens in the lower part of the document. Enter the content you want ot write in the header.
c. Insert Fields – Insert >> Fields, A pop-up menu appears and select the eleemnt to be inserted. The selected element will insert at the location of the cursor.
d. Insert Hyperlink – Insert >> Hyperlink, A dialog box opens. On the left side of the dialog box, select where you want to link – a webpage, docuemnt, mail or to a new document.
e. Insert Table of Content – Insert >> Indexes & Tables, Select Table of content. Click Ok. A table of content will be inserted in your document.
f. Insert Table – Insert >> Table, A dialog box appears. Enter the table name, numbers of rows and columns. Click Ok. A table will be inserted in the document.
g. Insert Formula – Insert >> Object >> Formula, A pop up menu of element appears then select the eleemnt and write the formula.
Format Tab
The Format tab consist of commands required for formatting the document.
a. Format Character – Format >> Character, A dialog box contain font type, typefae, and size, you can also give font effects and backgound.
b. Format Paragraph – Format >> Paragraph, With the help of Format paragraph you can change the indentation and spacing, border, alignment, etc.
c. Format Bullets and Numbering – Format >> Bullets and Numbering, You can select bullets of different kinds or numbering. In the document the bullets are inserted at the location at which the cursor is present.
d. Format Page – Format >> page, This allows to format the whole page – borders, color, alignment, number of columns etc.
e. Change case – Format >> Change case, there are 6 different types of change case available in digital documentation.
Table Tab
The Table tab consists of commands that operate on a table.
a. Convert Table to Text or Text to Table – Table >> Convert, If text is to be converted to table, the text to table option appears, select it to convert text to table, if a table is already present, then table to text option appears.
Tools Tab
The Tools tab consists of commands that can be used on the document for better results.
a. Check spelling and grammar – Tools >> Spelling and Grammar, The grammar and spelling you can check with the help of Spelling and Grammar option.
b. Find Number of Words – Tools >> Word Count, if the text is already selected, then word count displays the number of words and characters in the selected text.
Window Tab
The Window tab consists of commands that work on a window. The commands in this tab allow the user to open a new window or close an existing window. Also, the name of all currently open windows is also displayed.
Help Tab
The Help tab consists of commands that provide help to the user of the OpenOffice Writer software. On clicking on the help tab appears. You can browse the Help for the command you want.
Spreadsheet OpenOffice Calc
Spreadsheets are used in various fields such as banking, finance, accounting, and education.
Following are some of the popular uses of spreadsheets –
1. Managing financial data such as bank account information, budgets, transactions, billing, and receipts.
2. Handling inventory, reviews, employee information, surveys, etc., using data entry forms.
3. Tracking student performance by calculating grades and other relevant information such as attendance, highest score, and lowest score.
4. Creating lists of items which may not be numeric such as student list, grocery list.
5. Managing company information such as profit and sales by creating graphs from the data.
Main Features of OpenOffice Calc
Starting Calc
To start OpenOffice Calc, there are various ways in which you can start it –
a. As a Windows application, you can click Start -> Programs ->OpenOffice
b. If the OpenOffice icon as shown in Figure 4.2 is on the desktop, double click the icon.
Calc Main Window
Title Bar – The title bar at the top displays the information about the spreadsheet such as name of the current spreadsheet (ExampleSheet), extension of the spreadsheet (.ods), and name of the software (OpenOffice Calc).
Menu Bar – Just below the title bar is the menu bar. It contains various menu options.
- File – It contains commands to create a new file.
- Edit: It contains commands to edit a file such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Special, Select All, Find & Replace, Delete Contents, Delete Cells, Headers & Footers.
- View – It contains commands to modify the view of the Calc such as Toolbars, Full Screen, Zoom.
- Insert – It contains commands for inserting Cells, Rows, Columns, Sheet, Sheet From File, Function, Function List, Picture, Chart etc.
- Format – It contains commands to alter the layout of the spreadsheet such as formatting Cells, altering Rows, Columns, Sheet.
- Tools – It contains options to o spellcheck (Spelling), insert macros (Macros) etc.
- Data – It contains commands to manipulate data such as Sort, Filter, Validity.
- Window – It contains commands to modify the window such as New Window, Close Window.
- Help – It contains the options getting help related to OpenOffice Calc such as OpenOffice Help.
Standard Bar – It lies below the Menu bar. It contains icons which perform similar operations as contained in the Menu bar options such as New, Open, Save, Print, Page Preview, Cut, Copy, Paste, Sort, Chart, Find & Replace, Spelling.
Find Bar – It contains a text box which can be used to enter text which is meant to be searched in the spreadsheet.
Formatting Bar – In the Formatting toolbar, the leftmost icon is for the Style & Formatting and the following two boxes are the Font Name and Font Size lists.
Formula Bar – On the left side of the Formula bar is the Name box which contains a letter and name combination such as C4, whenever you select a cell on the spreadsheet. This combination is called Cell Reference.
Sheet Tabs – A single spreadsheet Calc file can contain multiple sheets. You can traverse individual sheets by using the Sheet tabs. The current active sheet has a white tab.
Status Bar – Status bar at the bottom provides information about the spreadsheet and convenient ways to quickly change some of its features.
Sidebar – Located on the right side of the edit views of Calc, sidebar contains frequently used tools grouped in decks such as Properties, Styles and Formatting, Gallery, Navigator. Clicking on any of the vertical tabs opens the deck for that tab.
Active Cell – When you select a cell, you will notice a heavy black border around the selected cell as shown in Figure 4.3. The heavy black border indicates that selected cell is the active cell.
Row Headers – Row headers are in the form of numbers -1,2,3…. which are present at the left of each row.
Column Headers – Column headers are in the form of alphabets – A,B,C,…shown at the top of each column.
Working with Data
Data – There are various types of data that can be entered in a cell:
- Labels – These are alphabetic or alphanumeric entries without numeric value. They can be a combination of letters, numbers, space, special characters etc. Labels are left justified by default.
- Numbers or Values – These are numeric data which may be integers or can contain decimals or fractions. Values are right-justified by default.
- Formulas – Used to perform calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, average. Formulas must begin with an = sign.
Moving Data within a Spreadsheet – For moving data from one cell to another we have the cut-copy-paste functions.
Using AutoFill – Using this function in Calc, data is generated automatically depending on a specified series. The act of entering numbers into a table’s serial number (S.No) column is a very typical example. This column, which is quite commonly used, typically carries a series of numbers. Use Calc’s AutoFill command to fill in the serial numbers (let’s say 1 to 100) automatically.
Formatting Data
Formatting a document means adding elements of style and presentation to documents to improve the readability and make them more attractive.
Numbers as Text – Calc evaluates each cell and determines whether the entry is a Value or Label. Cells containing a combination of values and text is automatically treated as a label.
Font – Font refers to the design for a set of characters. It is the combination of typeface and other qualities, such as size, pitch, and spacing. The font can be changed from the Formatting bar.
Font Name – Various font types are there in Calc such as Arial, Arimo, and Century Schoolbook L.
Gridlines and Borders – The gray gridlines (vertical and horizontal lines) that you can see in a Calc spreadsheet help you while you’re working in a spreadsheet. Gridlines appear automatically showing you how the data is organized into rows and columns.
Flow of Text – In order to control the flow of text within cells, Calc provides various ways –
- Merging / Splitting Cells – In order to merge cells, select the cells and click on the Merge Cells icon in the Standard Bar. To split the merged cells, select the cell and click on the Merge Cells icon.
- Wrap Text – It means to break the text into multiple lines i.e. adjusting the row height to fit the text within the cell but keeping the column width of the cell same. Steps to wrap text:
- Right-click on the cell.
- Select the option – Format Cells.
- A dialog box opens up. Open the Alignment Tab and check the option – Wrap text automatically
Shrink to Fit – This option shrinks the text to fit in the size of the existing cell. In this case neither the row height nor the column width is changed. The text size is decreased according to the cell. Steps to shrink the text size to fit the cell:
- Right-click on the cell.
- Select the option – Format Cells.
- A dialog box opens up. Open the Alignment Tab and check the option – Shrink to fit cell size
Numeric Data Formatting –
Some of the commonly used number formats are discussed below –
- Currency – In the currency format, you can prefix or suffix currency symbols to the numeric data.
- Percent – It displays the number as a percentage. Two decimal places are added to the number and the percent symbol (%) is suffixed at the end.
- Standard – It sets the number in the cell to the default format by removing any other numeric formatting applied.
- Decimals – Decimal places can be inserted or removed by using the Add Decimal place or Delete Decimal place icon respectively.
- Date – By default, the date format in Calc is dd/mm/yy. But in case you want to change the format, you can find various date formats in the Format Cells dialog box.
Commonly used mathematical functions in Calc –
- SUM(n1;n2…) – To calculate the sum of arguments n1, n2…
- PRODUCT (n1; n2…) – To calculate the product of arguments n1, n2…
- SQRT (n) – To calculate the square root of a number n.
- POWER (n; p) – To calculate power p of a number n.
- LOG (n; b) – To calculate log a number n to base b.
- ROUND (n; d) – To round a number n to digits d.
- SIN (n), COS (n), TAN (n) – To calculate sine, cosine and tangent of n.
- RAND BETWEEN (f; l) – Returns a random number between f and l.
- QUOTIENT (a; b) – To calculate integer quotient of division a/b.
- ABS (n) – To calculate the absolute value of a number n.
Absolute and Relative Addressing
Relative Addressing
The method of addressing instructions and data sections by specifying their location in reference to the location counter or to some other symbolic location is known as relative addressing. This kind of addressing is never done in bits, words, or instructions; it is always done in bytes.
Absolute Addressing
When you wish to fix the location of a cell, you utilise absolute references. A dollar sign is placed before each of these cell references. You are fixing the value of a specific cell reference by doing this. For instance, the formula will become = B1+B2 if you enter = A1+A2 into A3 and duplicate it to another location: B3.
Mixed Addressing
Various references An absolute reference and a relative reference combine to provide a mixed reference in Excel. This indicates that a portion of the reference, either the row or the column, is fixed, while the remaining portion is relative.
Sorting and Filtering Data
Sorting – The Sort Ascending and Sort Descending commands on the Standard toolbar, as well as the Data menu, which opens a dialogue box with extra options, make it simple to arrange data in Calc.
Steps to sort data in ascending order using the Standard Toolbar –
Step 1: Select the cells you want to sort.
Step 2: Click on the Sort Ascending icon on the Standard Toolbar.
Data will be sorted according to the first column of the selected cells.
Steps to sort data in ascending order using the Sort command –
Step 1: Select the cells you want to sort.
Step 2: Click on the Sort option in the Data menu which opens a dialog box.
Step 3: You can change the select the column based on which you want to sort the data. Also, you can select the Ascending or Descending option.
Step 4: Click on OK.
Filtering Data – Applying a filter means displaying data based on some conditions or filters. Filters can be applied by using the Filter option in the Data menu.
Three types of filters can be applied – AutoFilter, Standard Filter and Advance Filter. Let us study AutoFilter and Standard filter in detail –
AutoFilter – This filter is added on the topmost row of the selected data in the form of a drop down list from which you can select data to be displayed or in other words apply filters.
Step 1: Select the data.
Step 2: Select Data menu and click on Filter->AutoFilter.
Step 3: On the topmost cell of each column you will observe drop-down boxes.
Standard Filter Standard filter is used to provide more options for filtering such as combining multiple filters by using AND and OR operator. AND operator implies that all the filters must be satisfied for displaying the data. OR operator implies that at least one filter should be satisfied for displaying the data.
Creating Charts and Graphs
In Calc, you can create graphs and charts to represent the data graphically. Sometimes, it is very difficult to analyze spreadsheets containing huge amount of data.
Creating Charts
Following are the steps required to insert a chart –
Step 1: Select the data which is to be included in the chart.
Step 2: Go to the Insert menu and select the Chart option.
Step 3: Chart wizard dialog box is displayed
Step 4: Select the chart type (Column chart, Bar chart, Pie chart etc.) and click on the Finish button
Spreadsheet different type of chart
Column Chart – A Column chart is used to compare values across categories by using vertical bars. The Column chart can be inserted by selecting the Column option in the Chart type of the Chart Wizard.
Bar Chart – A Bar chart is the horizontal version of a column chart. It is used if you have large text labels.
Pie Chart – A Pie chart is used to display the contribution of each value (slice) to a total (pie) i.e., it can be used to plot various pieces of a single entity.
Line Chart – A Line chart is used to compare trends and changes in values over time.
Scatter Chart – A Scatter chart is used to display relationships between variables.
Every command and action you take to complete a task is recorded in a macro. Using a macro, you can later replay the mouse movements and keystrokes you made while working. The macro replays those actions in the exact same sequence as you ran them. Therefore, you only need to execute the macro if you wish to repeat the activities numerous times.
Create/Record Macros:
Step 1 : Go to the Tools tab on the Menu bar->Macros->Record Macro
Step 2 : Calc has started recording the Macro. Until you stop the recording, every Calc command and keystroke will be recorded in the macro, in the order in which they are entered.
Step 3 : After we have done all the required tasks, we will stop recording the macro by clicking on the Stop recording option on the dialog box.
Run/Use Macros created:
Step 1 : Go to the Tools tab on the Menu bar->Macros->Run Macros
Step 2 : A dialog box will open as showing all the macros created.
Step 3 : The tasks performed during recording of the macro will be repeated in the same order in which they were performed.
OpenOffice Impression
The development of presentations for a bigger audience requires presentation software. With the use of the presentation software, users may make presentations that include sound, text, movies, photos, and tables.
Slide Show Tab
Slide Show Settings – Slide Show -> Slide Show Settings. A dialog box opens . Select the slide to start from, animation allowed etc.
Custom Animation – Slide Show -> Custom Animation.A dialog box opens on the right side of the screen. Select the element on the slide on which the animation has to be applied. Click . Select the animation to be applied.
Slide Transition – Slide Show -> Slide Transition. A dialog box opens on the right side. Select the transition you want to apply to the slide.
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Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ
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- Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills Class 11 MCQ
- Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills Class 11 MCQ
- Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills Class 11 MCQ
- Unit 5 : Green Skills Class 11 MCQ
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- Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
- Unit 3 : Information and Communication Technology Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers
- Unit 4 : Entrepreneurial Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers
- Unit 5 : Green Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers
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- Unit -2 : Networking And Internet Class 11 Notes
- Unit-3 : Office Automation Tools Class 11 Notes
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Information Technology Class 11 MCQ
- Unit -1 : Computer Organization Class 11 MCQ
- Unit -2 : Networking And Internet Class 11 MCQ
- Unit-3 : Office Automation Tools Class 11 MCQ
- Unit-4: RDBMS Class 11 MCQ
- Unit-5: Fundamentals of Java Class 11 MCQ