Physical Education Class 12: The CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Revision Notes and comprehensive study material created by experienced teachers using the latest edition of NCERT textbooks and Syllabus. The aim is to help students achieve better grades in the board exams.
Physical Education Class 12
Physical Education Class 12 Notes
Physical Education Class 12 NCERT Solution
Physical education helps to promote the holistic development of the students. Physical education plays an important role in shaping the physical health of the students. Regular exercise helps to improve the physical lifestyle and mental health of the students. Physical education helps to improve the overall performance and confidence of the students. Time to time CBSE updates their curriculum. In this article we are trying to provide physical education class 12 notes along with MCQs and questions and answers.
Physical education includes Unit 1: Management of Sporting Events, Unit 2: Children & Women in Sports, Unit 3: Yoga as a Preventive Measure for Lifestyle Disease, Unit 4: Physical Education and Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs – Divyang), Unit 5: Sports & Nutrition, Unit 6: Test & Measurement in Sports, Unit 7: Physiology & Injuries in Sports, Unit 8: Biomechanics and Sports, Unit 9: Psychology and Sports, and Unit 10: Training in Sports.
In Unit 1 students will be able to understand the need of the sports committees and their responsibilities for conducting events and tournaments. Students will also learn different types of tournaments, procedures for drawing fixtures for knockout tournaments and leagues, different types of community sports and their importance, etc. In Unit 2 students will learn the common guidelines of WHO for different age groups, students awareness of the common postural deformities, awareness of women’s sports participation in India, understanding menarche and menstrual dysfunction among women athletes, understanding the female athlete triad, etc.
In Unit 3, students will understand the main lifestyle diseases – obesity, hypertension, diabetes, back pain and asthma. Students will also learn about different asanas in detail, etc. In Unit 4 students will understand the concept of disability and disorder, types of disabilities & disorders and their causes in nature, advantages of physical activity for CWSN, and be aware of different strategies for making physical activity accessible for children with special needs, etc. In Unit 5 students will learn about the balanced diet, clear concepts of nutrition micro- and macro-nutrients, components of diet, awareness of weight loss and diets, food intolerance and food myths, etc.
In Unit 6 students will be able to understand the concept of SAI KHELO INDIA and about the general motor fitness test. Students will determine physical fitness index through the Harvard step test, calculate basal metabolic rate (BMR), fitness level of senior citizens, etc. In Unit 7 students will understand the physiological factors determining physical fitness, the effect of exercise on the muscular system, the effect of exercise on the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory system. Students will also learn about causes due to ageing, understand sports injuries, and learn the aims and objectives of first aid and the management of injuries, etc.
In Unit 8, students will understand Newton’s laws of motion and their application in sports, different applications in sports, the concept of equilibrium and its application in sports, friction in sports, the concept of projectiles in sports, understand personality and its classifications, understand motivation and its techniques, exercise adherence and strategies for enhancing adherence to exercise, aggression in sports and types, etc.
In Unit 9 students will understand personality and its classification, understand motivation and its techniques, learn about exercise for enhancing adherence to exercise, awareness of aggression in sports and types, the concept of psychological attributes in sports, etc. In Unit 10 students will understand the concept of talent identification and methods in sports, different cycles in sports training, different types of methods of strength, endurance and speed, understand the training and importance, etc.
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For more information, refer to the official CBSE textbooks available at