Training and Doping in Sports Class 11 Questions and Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Training and Doping in Sports Class 11 Questions and Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 11.

Training and Doping in Sports Class 11 Questions and Answers

1. In order to develop the best performance of an athlete in competition, sports training has become
a. scientific and systematic 
b. disorganized and irrational
c. complex and painstaking
d. easy and approximate

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a. scientific and systematic

2. Exercise is a short-term activity which results in
a. normalizing the heart rate
b. decreasing blood pressure 
c. increase in blood flow
d. decrease in heart rate

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b. decreasing blood pressure

3. Meso cycle is a training of
a. one week
b. 4 to 10 days
c. 3 to 6 weeks 
d. 3 months

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c. 3 to 6 weeks

4. Transitional Phase is a
a. rest and recovery period 
b. training period
c. competition period
d. fitness period

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a. rest and recovery period

5. General preparation focuses on
a. personality
b. functional capacity
c. cardio vascular efficiency 
d. over all fitness component

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c. cardio vascular efficiency

6. The main benefit of systematic and scientific sports training is an increase in
a. performance 
b. injuries
c. physical labour
d. supervision

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a. performance

7. What do you understand by the term sports training?
Answer – Sports training is a unique method of preparing athletes based on scientific principles with the goal of enhancing and sustaining higher performance capability in a variety of sports. It is a specific kind of exercise intended to increase physical fitness and sporting prowess.

8. What is the need for sports training?
Answer – Training enables the body to develop strength and endurance over time, enhance skill levels, and increase motivation, ambition, and self-assurance. Athletes can learn more about their sport through training, and they can also learn the value of maintaining a healthy body and mind.

9. Differentiate between Training and Exercise.
Answer – Exercise is something we do to preserve our general health in the present; it is not intended to “train” you for a more challenging fitness goal or feat in the future. Exercise having a more defined end in mind is known as training.

10. In what ways does sports training become an essential part of a trainee’s life in sports?
Answer – Training enables the body to develop strength and endurance over time, enhance skill levels, and increase motivation, ambition, and self-assurance. Athletes can learn more about their sport through training, and they can also learn the value of maintaining a healthy body and mind.

11. Why is systematic sports training required for anathlete?
Answer – Every athletic activity requires a specific level of physical fitness, hence one of the main goals of sports training is to enhance various aspects of physical fitness and skill-related fitness, such as strength, speed, coordination, endurance, and flexibility.

12. What do you understand by Principle of Meso Cyclicity?
Answer – With in the macrocycle, there are blocks that are four to six weeks long called mesocycles. A normal four-week block involves gradually overloading your body during the first three weeks and recovering over the final week.

13. List the phases of Principle of periodization.
Answer – There are typically three phases used in a periodization training cycle: long term (macrocycle), medium term (mesocycle), and short term (microcycles)

14. What do you mean by progression of load?
Answer – This progression involves an increase or change in the external stresses, which results in greater internal loads (muscle forces or torques) and progressive adaptations over time.

Physical Education Class 11 Syllabus | Notes | Questions and Answers

Physical Education Class 11 Notes 

Physical Education Class 11 Questions and Answers 

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