Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9 Questions and Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9 Questions and Answers. All the important Questions and Answers and taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology ( 402 ).

Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9

1. What do you understand by the term IT and ITeS?

Answer –
a. IT – The term “information technology” refers to the process of creating, managing, storing, and transferring data. IT covers all forms of technology that deal with data.
b. ITeS – ITes Stands for Information Technology enabled Service, ITeS helps the business to improve the quality of service. ITeS, also known as web-enabled services or remote services, refers to all operations that use information technology to improve an organization’s productivity.

2. What are BPO services?

Answer – Business Process Outsourcing refers to the use of an outside service provider to carry out business activities. BPO service plays an important role in improving business performance.

The following are some examples of BPO services:

  • Financial and Accounting Services
  • E-Publishing and Web Promotion
  • Taxation and Insurance Services
  • Multimedia and Design Services
  • Legal Services and Content Writing
  • Document Management Services

Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9

3. What is the IT BPM Industry?

Answer – India’s growth has been driven by the IT BPM (Business Process Management) industry. The rise of the IT BPM business has provided India with a wide range of economic and social benefits, including job creation, increased income levels, and the promotion of exports, in addition to contributing to the country’s GDP and exports.

4. What are the pros and cons of using ICT?

Answer – The following are some of the advantages and benefits of adopting ICT:

  • Using ICT tools, users can do quick communication with others.
  • Digital content is accessible at any time and from any location.
  • New employment opportunities are being created.
  • Teachers can easily clarify difficult concepts using ICT tools.

The following are some of the disadvantages and drawbacks of using ICT:

  • Hackers can access the information
  • The information on the internet is not always accurate.
  • Viruses have the potential to harm your computer system.

Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9

5. What precautions are required to ensure that ICT use is safe?

Answer – The following precautions must be taken in order to use ICT safely:

  • Install antivirus software and keep it up to date.
  • Encryption tools can be used to protect important files.
  • If your computer is shared with others, clear the browser history.
  • For both system login and email id, choose a strong password.
  • Any unfamiliar link should not be clicked.

6. What are the four main sub-sectors in the IT-BPM industry?
Answer – The four main sub – sectors of IT-BPM industry are –
a. IT Services – These services include offering technical skills to businesses for the creation and management of business process information.
b. Business Process Management (BPM) – is the process of understanding and analysing a business model, as well as implementing and monitoring adjustments in order to optimise them.
c. Software Products – This involves offering users with software products that they can buy or licence to use.
d. Engineering research & development – Engineers who supervise the creation of a product or service, as well as those who optimize the production from the service or product, are involved in engineering research and development.

Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9

7. Give examples of use of IT in everyday life.

Answer – The internet, Visiting to a grocery store, mobile phone systems, Online Banking, GPS Map, broadcast radio and television systems are all examples of IT systems,

8. How is IT used in libraries?

Answer – The book is issued and returned using computer software. A barcode makes it easy for the library to keep track of books and determine whether or not a certain book is available. Now many of the Schools are using the e-library.

9. What are the various processes of education where IT is used?

Answer – The following are some of the educational methods that make use of ICT
a. ICT in the Classroom – There are numbers of ways in which the ICT is used in classroom, such as
e-learning classrooms;

  • gathering educational information on the Internet.
  • smart-board presentations;
  • creation of images and video;
  • videos on experiments;
  • educational games;
  • desktop publishing of magazines, letters and documents;

b. Education – anywhere anytime – Any Indian student can access the NCERT book online, and there are numerous websites and mobile apps that provide educational information on a variety of topics. You can also use the Internet to contact an instructor or a trainer.
c. Teaching aids and media – ICT is mostly utilised as a teaching aid in schools to

  • employ graphics, animations, and audio-visuals to convey difficult-to-understand concepts.
  • Use presentations to make the lessons more entertaining.
  • Use the computer to plan classes.
  • gather relevant information on the topics

d. Learning Management System (LMS) – Many countries utilise a Learning Management System (LMS) to manage their educational systems.

  • Lessons can be learned at any time and from any location.
  • use forums to post questions, receive responses, and make comments.
  • use video to participate in co-curricular activities.
  • keep track on their children’s improvement (parents).

Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9

10. Which software are used in digital communication?

Answer – In digital communication you can use WhatsApp, Social Media Sites, Online Chatting Software, E – conference, Email Services etc.

11. For what purpose is IT used in business?

Answer – In business, computers are utilised for payroll calculations, budgeting, sales analysis, financial forecasts, and stock management and maintenance.

12. Which are the prominent areas where IT is used in science and engineering?

Answer – Computers are used by scientists and engineers to do complex scientific calculations, as well as to draw, develop, simulate, and test designs using Computer Aided Design (CAD) or Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software. Computers are used to store large amounts of information and execute complex calculations.

13. List the various uses of IT in a banking system.

Answer – The computer is an integral aspect of today’s banking system. Every aspect of a bank’s operations is now available online. Computers keep track of the data and transactions of customers. The Internet is used to conduct recurring deposits (e-RD), fixed deposits (e-FD), money transfers from one account to another (NEFT, RTGS), and online transactions.

14. Which are the different areas of healthcare where IT is used? And how?

Answer – In the health industry, ICT is used in a variety of ways.
The Hospital Management System is used to keep track of and manage patient records as well as other hospital-related tasks.

a. Computerised Axial Tomography Machine (CAT) – Three-dimensional (3D) photographs of various body sections can be created with this CAT machine.
b. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine) – Strong magnetic fields and radio waves are used in MRI equipment to provide a computerised image of the body’s internal organs.
c. Electrocardiogram (ECG) Machine – The heartbeat is monitored using an ECG equipment.
d. Cardiac Screening Machine – This equipment shows the heart’s physiology as well as the motions within the heart.
e. EEG (Electro – encephalography) Machine – This machine is used to record the activities of the brain. The small electrical probes attached to the head receive the electrical impulses of the brain and display them on a computer screen.

Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9

15. List any 5 websites of the Indian government which provide IT enabled services to the people.

Answer – The following are five Indian government websites that serve citizens with IT-enabled services:


16. What is the ICT role in government?

Answer – It is in the interest of the central government for businesses and individuals to be able to transact with the government safely and easily online methods.

In its daily operations, the government employs large-scale computer programmes and actively promotes e-governance principles.

The Government of India’s Digital India and e-governance initiatives are the best examples of this. E-governance is the use of ICT applications by government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as international government agencies to communicate and provide various services to the public.

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Employability skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 9 Notes

Information Technology Class 9 MCQ

Information Technology Class 9 Questions and Answers

Reference Textbook

The above Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9 Questions and Answers was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Introduction to IT and ITeS Industry Class 9 Questions and Answers, and our team has tried to collect all the correct Question and Answer from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us

2 thoughts on “Introduction to IT ITeS Industry Class 9 Questions and Answers”

  1. Mam ya fir sir class 11 ka jo it/ites books hai onke question ans nikal ka diji a na please

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