Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Web Application (803) class 11.

Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

1. A ____________ is a collection of web pages which contains the information about the particular organization or institution or any product.
a. Website
b. Webpage
c. Home page
d. None of the above

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a. Website

2. The most common programming languages used to develop websites are _________.
b. JavaScript
c. Cascading Style Sheet
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

3. What are the different types of websites?
a. Hyper & Cascading website
b. Static & Dynamic website
c. Single & Multiple website
d. All of the above

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b. Static & Dynamic website

4. HTML Stands for __________.
a. Human Terminology Language
b. Hyper Text Markup Language
c. Hyper Terminology Language
d. None of the above

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b. Hyper Text Markup Language

Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

5. _________ is the default windows text editor.
a. Notepad
b. Notepad++
c. Sublime Text
d. None of the above

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a. Notepad

6. What do you mean by HTML?
a. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
b. An HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags
c. The markup tags tell the web browser how to display the page
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

7. An HTML file must have an ________ extension.
a. .htm
b. .html
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

8. The first tag of an HTML document is __________.
a. <html>
b. <head>
c. <title>
d. <body>

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9. The last tag of an HTML document is __________.
a. </html>
b. </head>
c. </title>
d. </body>

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Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

10. The text between the <b> and </b> tags will be displayed as a _________.
a. Italic
b. Bold
c. Underline
d. None of the above

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b. Bold

11. What are the different types of heading tags in HTML ___________.
a. <h0> to <h10>
b. <h1> to <h7>
c. <h1> to <h6>
d. None of the above

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12. Largest heading tag in HTML are __________.
a. <h6>
b. <h5>
c. <h2>
d. <h1>

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13. Smallest heading tag in HTML are _________.
a. <h6>
b. <h5>
c. <h2>
d. <h1>

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14. Paragraphs are defined with the ________ tag.
a. <pp>
b. <p>
c. <para>
d. None of the above

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Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

15. The ________ tag is used when you want to start a new line in an HTML program.
a. <break>
b. <brk>
c. <br>
d. None of the above

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16. The ________ element is used for horizontal rules that act as dividers between sections.
a. <hrn>
b. <hr>
c. <p>
d. None of the above

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17. _________ tags are used to insert comments in the HTML document.
a. ^– –^
b. /* — */
c. <!– –>
d. None of the above

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Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

18. Comments can be placed ____________.
a. Anywhere in the document
b. Only in the top of document
c. Only between of the document
d. None of the above

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a. Anywhere in the document

19. _________ tag is used to define a variable.
a. <variable>
b. <var>
c. <v>
d. None of the above

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Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

20. Which tag is used to define teletype text.
a. <pre>
b. <dfn>
c. <tt>
d. None of the above

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21. Which tag is used to define superscript in an HTML document.
a. <sup>
b. <sub>
c. <del>
d. <ins>

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Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

22. Which tag is used to define subscripts in HTML documents.
a. <sup>
b. <sub>
c. <del>
d. <ins>

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23. Which tag is used to define computer code in HTML.
a. <ccode>
b. <dfn>
c. <code>
d. None of the above

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24. _________ tag is used to define big text in HTML documents.
a. <b>
b. <big>
c. <biggest>
d. None of the above

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Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

25. _________ tag is used to define small text in HTML documents.
a. <s>
b. <smallest>
c. <small>
d. None of the above

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26. Some characters have a special meaning in HTML, like __________.
a. <
b. >
c. &
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

28. If you want to write “&” in an HTML document what entity name should be used __________.
a. &it;
c. &amp;
d. &quot;

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29. The ________ attribute specifies a background-color for an HTML page.
a. background
b. bgcolor
c. backgroundcolor
d. None of the above

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b. bgcolor

Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

30. Which one is the correct syntax for declaring color in an HTML background.
a. <body bgcolor=“#000000”>
b. <body bgcolor=“rgb(0,0,0)”>
c. <body bgcolor=“black”>
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

31. The _________ attribute can also specify a background-image for an HTML page.
a. background
b. bgimage
c. backgroundimage
d. None of the above

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a. background

32. Which one is the correct syntax for declaring background in the HTML body.
a. <body background=”clouds.gif”>
b. <body image=”clouds.gif”>
c. <body bgimage=”clouds.gif”>
d. <body backgroundimage=”clouds.gif”>

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33. W3C stands for _________.
a. World Wide Web Consortium
b. World Web Consortium
c. World Wide Consortium
d. None of the above

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a. World Wide Web Consortium

34. Web Pages in a website can be linked with each other with the help of ________tags.
a. Linking tag
b. Anchor tag
c. Img tag
d. None of the above

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b. Anchor tag

Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

35. How many types of linking in HTML _________.
a. Outer link and Inner link
b. Grouped link and Ungrouped link
c. Internal link and External link
d. None of the above

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c. Internal link and External link

36. A web page is linked within the same web page. It is done by using _________.
a. Internal Link
b. External Link
c. Outer Link
d. Inner Link

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a. Internal Link

37. To create an email link, you can use the _______ tag in an HTML document.
a. helpdesk
b. mailto
c. email
d. None of the above

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b. mailto

38. Which of the following is an empty tag.
a. <img>
b. <br>
c. <hr>
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

39. Which tag is used to insert an image in an HTML document.
a. <scr image=””>
b. <image scr=””>
c. <img scr=””>
d. All of the above

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Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

40. In HTML tables are defined with the help of _______ tag.
a. <img>
b. <Newtable>
c. <table>
d. None of the above

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41. To display a table with borders, you will use the ________ attribute.
a. Cell
b. Border
c. Box
d. Square

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b. Border

42. To insert an audio file in an HTML document, which tag is responsible.
a. <audio>
b. <mp3>
c. <song>
d. None of the above

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43. To insert a Video file in an HTML document, which tag is responsible.
a. <MP4>
b. <movie>
c. <video>
d. None of the above

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44. Which of the following attributes used in a <audio> tag.
a. Src
b. Controls
c. Autoplay & loop
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

45. Which of the following attributes used in a <video> tag.
a. Height & Width
b. Controls & Autoplay
c. Src
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

46. _________ tag allows multiple HTML documents to be displayed as independent Windows within one browser window.
a. <iframe>
b. <frame>
c. <insert>
d. None of the above

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47. CSS Stands for ____________.
a. Common Style Sheet
b. Cascading Style Sheet
c. Creative Style Sheet
d. None of the above

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b. Cascading Style Sheet

48. Which of the following options you will consider as advantages of CSS.
a. CSS Save time
b. Page load faster
c. Multiple Device compatibility
d. All of the above

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d. All of the above

49. ___________ style sheet defines rules in a separate .css file and then include that file in your HTML document using HTML <link> tag.
a. Internal Style Sheet
b. External Style Sheet
c. Inline Style Sheet
d. None of the above

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b. External Style Sheet

Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

50. ___________ style sheet defines rules in the header section of the HTML document using <style> tag.
a. Internal Style Sheet
b. External Style Sheet
c. Inline Style Sheet
d. None of the above

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a. Internal Style Sheet

51. __________ style sheet defines rules directly along with the HTML elements using style attributes.
a. Internal Style Sheet
b. External Style Sheet
c. Inline Style Sheet
d. None of the above

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c. Inline Style Sheet

52. If you need to use your style sheet to various pages then which style sheet you will recommend.
a. Internal Style Sheet
b. External Style Sheet
c. Inline Style Sheet
d. None of the above

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b. External Style Sheet

53. What is the extension of the CSS file?
a. .CSSP
b. .C
c. CSS
d. None of the above

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c. CSS

54. Which of the following is the correct method for declaring a style sheet in the HTML document.
a. <style> </style>
b. <style type=”text/css”> </style>
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

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c. Both a) and b)

Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

55. Style rules are made of three different parts, Select the appropriate option.
a. Selector, Property, Value
b. Style, Property, Value
c. Style, Proper, Value
d. None of the above

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a. Selector, Property, Value

56. Suppose you want to apply a style rule to a particular element only when it lies inside a particular element, Which style you will consider.
a. Descendant Selectors
b. Class Selectors
c. ID Selectors
d. Child Selector

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a. Descendant Selectors

57. If you want to apply a style in the “INPUT TEXT”, Which style you will consider.
a. Descendant Selectors
b. Attribute Selectors
c. ID Selectors
d. Child Selector

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b. Attribute Selectors

57. If you want to apply the same style in multiple elements, which one of the style rules is best for doing the same.
a. Grouping Selectors
b. Class Selectors
c. ID Selectors
d. Child Selector

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a. Grouping Selectors

58. The Class selectors can be defined as _______.
a. .NameofSelector
b. #NameofSelector
c. $NameofSelector
d. None of the above

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a. .NameofSelector

59. The ID selectors can be defined as _________.
a. .NameofSelector
b. #NameofSelector
c. $NameofSelector
d. None of the above

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b. #NameofSelector

Web Designing with HTML and CSS MCQ Questions

60. Which one is the correct way for adding comments in CSS?
a. /* …. */
b. / …. /
c. /& … &/
d. None of the above

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61. In RGB Values color code can be defined between _________.
a. 0 to 300
b. 0 to 255
c. 0 to 64
d. 0 to 128

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b. 0 to 255

62. Which one is the correct syntax for declaring background images in HTML using CSS.
a. background:url();
b. background-image();
c. background-image:url();
d. None of the above

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c. background-image:url();

63. Which one is the correct syntax to declare font family in HTML using CSS.
a. font:fontname;
b. font-family:fontname;
c. set-font:fontname;
d. None of the above

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b. font-family:fontname;

64. Which one is the correct method for declaring font style in HTML using CSS.
a. font-style:italic;
b. set-font:italic;
c. font:italic;
d. None of the above

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a. font-style:italic;

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Employability Skills Class 11 Questions and Answers

Web Application Class 11 Notes

Web Application Class 11 MCQ

Web Application Class 11 Questions and Answers

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