Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 8 Question Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSESkillEduction) collaborated to create the Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 8 Question Answers. All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Physical Education (048) class 11.

Physical Education Class 11 Chapter 8 Question Answers

1. The science that deals with the structural aspect of the human body is known as ______
a. Physiology
b. Anatomy 
c. Botany
d. Kinesiology 

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b. Anatomy 

2. The scientific study about the human or non-human body movements it is known as ______
a. Physiology
b. Anatomy
c. Biology
d. Kinesiology t

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d. Kinesiology

3. Define Kinesiology.
Answer – Kinesiology is the term for “the study of movement.” The phrase is also used by practitioners of complementary medicine to refer to a type of therapy that uses muscle monitoring to examine what might be generating “imbalances” in the body and makes an effort to correct these imbalances.

4. List the importance of Kinesiology in sports.
Answer – Kinesiology, sometimes known as “human kinetics,” is the scientific study of human movement, performance, and function. Kinesiology is the study and practice of human movement and function using the principles of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, psychology, and neuroscience.

5. List the main objectives of kinesiology.
Answer – List of the main objectives of kinesiology –

  • Relaxation
  • Correcting the alignment and posture of the body
  • Increasing joints mobility
  • Increasing muscle strength
  • Increasing muscular endurance
  • Coordination, control, balance
  • Exercise training
  • Respiratory re-education
  • Sensory re-education

6. What is Biomechanics in Sports.
Answer – The study of human biomechanics is concerned with the forces acting on the musculoskeletal system and the reactions of the bodily tissues to these forces. Biomechanics can be regarded in the perspective of either internal or exterior biomechanics using the forces involved in the generation of movement and posture.

7. What are the different principles of Biomechanics.
Answer – The principle of Biomechanics are –
1. Mathematical modelling
2. Computer simulations
3. Measurements to enhance sport performance
4. Reduce Injury

8. What are the difference between Axis and Planes.
Answer – An object rotates around an axis, which is a straight line. Movement at the joint occurs in a plane centered on an axis. Three axes of rotation are present. The sagittal axis, which runs horizontally from posterior to anterior, is created by the meeting point of the transverse and sagittal planes.

9. What are the different types of Axes movement.
Answer – The axes movement are –
1. Frontal axis
2. Sagittal axis
3. Vertical axis

Physical Education Class 11 Syllabus | Notes | Questions and Answers

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